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Everything posted by DCCFanInKy

  1. Did "office Cheryl" get a makeover or something? She looks "different" (pretty sad that I pick this show apart so thoroughly I'd notice that LOL)
  2. I don't see bow ANY normal person could possibly learn a complete routine per night. Broken down approximately how many TC rehearsals are there? 40? And didn't someone say there's about 50 total routines?
  3. I can't imagine a producer would deliberately sabotage a TCC
  4. Was just posting about that. How embarrassing! I hope they continue to feature KaShara.. With her being from the same state as me I'm really rooting for her! Did they relax the rule that you had to be a FT student or have a FT job? Seems like they might have but I can't remember.
  5. You would think somebody would have caught it when they were changing in the locker room before practice but maybe she hadn't brought anything else to wear so she was stuck with it?
  6. Just noticed this. Looks like Kelli just posted it. Someone remind me pls when is the first home game? https://twitter.com/Kelli_Finglass/status/634197807658848256
  7. I was the one that brought up Mariana/Callie/Wyatt. Just was curious if that would ever be brought up again. I didn't really get the feeling that neither Callie or Mariana were really into Wyatt anymore. Only time will tell. And as much as I like this show and am probably one of the older people watching and participating on this board there are certain things that will turn me off in a heartbeat and time will tell if they happen. Have a good Fall y'all!
  8. Exactly but that would be the curve ball this show would throw. Jesus: Surprised to see him back. Didn't expect that till next season Mariana: When will she and Callie face off over Wyatt? Stef/Lena: Kinda thought they'd use the cancer scare as a cliffhanger.
  9. Interesting preview for tonight, (I spoiler tagged it just incase ppl don't want to be spoiled) but to me
  10. I remember seeing a pot but don't recall who had it. Don't really remember all the solos as they flashed by too fast.
  11. Random observation: Is it me or do the new rookies seem to tweet more than rookies in previous years?
  12. Definitely clear why they cut the vets they did.... ETA...really surprised Jasmine thought she could get by with that solo and apparently she didn't visit Kitty Carter
  13. http://www.cmt.com/videos/dallas-cowboys-cheerleaders-making-the-team-dare-to-dream/1737242/playlist.jhtml#id=1737242
  14. Finals: Written test: A test on general knowledge about the Dallas Cowboys Organization, the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders history, the National Football League, current events, and dance terminology. Perform a ninety second individual talent presentation, (e.g. – singing, dancing, dramatic interpretation). This will be your opportunity to impress the judges with your creativity and talent. All finalists will be responsible for emailing their music at the appropriate time. In addition, please bring a CD backup to the final audition. You may wear whatever costume design you wish to enhance and complement your performance. If your talent is singing, make sure there are no lead vocals on your musical accompaniment track. Please note: hand-held props only; do not incorporate the use of a chair in your choreography. Perform the dance combination and kickline taught previously at Semis in groups of 5 for the judges panel. Judges retire to make selection for DCC Summer Training Camp Candidates. Announce Training Camp Candidates. Training Camp Candidates stay for a brief meeting with Director, Kelli McGonagill Finglass.
  15. Hope this is the right thread for this: Judy recently tweeted that the first show for the new squad is tonight. Some of the rookies are tweeting first show group performance. Would this be the Friends and Family show?
  16. Episode is up http://www.cmt.com/videos/dallas-cowboys-cheerleaders-making-the-team-dare-to-dream/1737242/full-episode.jhtml
  17. Not working for me either as of about 30 seconds ago. Not gonna fool with it. I'll watch it online after work in the AM.
  18. I don't mind being "spoiled". Gonna watch the show anyway :). Even though the squad is publicly announced already there's things about TC that we don't know that will come out in the show so it's all good.
  19. Don't know if this link's gonna work for everyone but here's where you can see the show at a more "decent" time than 11pm. I'm going to try to make it till tonight's show but now I know I can catch it tomorrow afternoon: http://www.cmt.com/shows/schedule/?seriesId=48595
  20. The rookies are tweeting on their new twitters as of a few minutes ago.
  21. Did I see Ashley Paige in there before my computer started flipping out (HATES FB videos for some reason)?
  22. Is it me or did most of the girls not get a very "drastic" makeover?
  23. the DCC website still has all the old cameos. Will the new ones not be up until after the MTT shows air?
  24. KaShara kind of reminds me of country singer Linda Davis
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