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Everything posted by caira

  1. Well, racists believe in racism, which means that they believe their race is superior to other races. Racism is also hatred or intolerance of other races. I don't think Abby thinks white people are superior nor that she hates black people. I do think she's insensitive and ignorant. She can't see past the fact that Nia is black and that Jade is Asian, so she pigeonholes them into ethnic roles. She probably is aware of stereotyping but either doesn't know she's doing it or doesn't care. Probably both. There's a thing called a "microaggression" which is really quite interesting. It's defined as "a social exchange in which a member of a dominant culture says or does something, often by accident, that belittles and alienates a member of a marginalized group". Kinda like assuming all Asian people like rice. Not outright "whites are better than Asians" racism but still ends up stereotyping them and alienating them into the "other" category. It's very insensitive and ignorant to make such assumptions and treat them like they're all the same. So Abby I don't think has ever been racist per se towards Nia, but ignorant about the fact that not all black people are like LaQueefa or whatever. Nia can portray more characters than just black people, and you and I know that, but Abby can't fathom such an idea so she continues to push Nia into the "black people" category just as she pushed Jade into the "Asian people" category having her do that far East solo. I don't know how else to explain what I'm trying to say but I do believe there's a difference.
  2. I watched the brisket video after seeing all the comments about it here. I'm not easily offended by swearing but it was jarring to hear him say that stuff while talking to (at?) a piece of meat, especially using the "c" word, if only because it's more common for me to hear "f bombs" than the "c" word. Plus, if I remember correctly he was saying something about how someone's father is a something and mother is a something (I don't remember the exact words). What was up with that? I'm the first to admit I have a filthy mouth, so okay, fine, whatever if someone uses foul language. I think there would be less of a bad reaction from others if he said something more along the lines of, "This is going to be so fucking tasty". Something more...normal sounding, I guess. It may not be just the cuss words themselves that bother people but the creepy way he used those words, if that makes sense. I wasn't offended by the video but I was put off by it. It was bizarre.
  3. Ok, I signed up here just to say how glad I am that Sarah was eliminated. But as much as I hated her, that was a stupid thing to eliminate her for. Not talking about her kids? What does that have to do with her Texas POV? Oh well, at least she's gone. Unfortunately, after watching this episode I don't particularly care about any of the final three. I like seafood but Nicole bored me and is forgettable. The only reason I even remember her name right now is because there's only three people left. I have to really pay attention to what Luca's saying to understand him. He's attractive though and his accent is cute. But Italian food has been done to death. Lenny just annoys me. I can't see myself watching any of these people.
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