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Everything posted by jelliebean

  1. The only reason my Jewish husband celebrates Christmas is because he married a shiksa. The only reason my in-laws come to my house at Christmas is because they can see their grandchildren. My in-laws have never ever decorated their home for Christmas.
  2. Since we did not see or hear what Heather said at the luncheon I can't jump to the conclusion that Heather's comments were "malicious". If someone is openly talking about how awful her husband is and it becomes a topic of conversation among "friends" you go to the source. Shannon started the gossip.These women are only repeating what Shannon has said both privately and publicly.
  3. I think Brianna won the season. Her ability to confront Vicki and be true to her feelings about Brooks was the most mature behavior I saw from any of the women. I keep going back the Beador's dinner party and the digs Shannon vocally made against her husband in a room full of strangers. It was awkward and inappropriate. The cast talked about the strain in this marriage because Shannon made it an issue. It was obvious. I have hosted parties where my hubby and I were not getting along (it happens) and have never acted out like Shannon did. I would never try to humiliate him in front of our guests.
  4. Her husband sent the e-mail and she shot her mouth off about it. I don't care if she told Perez Hilton and they pinky sweared to keep it secret. Shannon blabbed and it bit her in the ass. She has no one to blame but herself. Good grief take responsibility. Shannon is the only one responsible for this. If my husband sent me that kind of e-mail I would be more worried about him and me and I certainly wouldn't tell a reality show cast mate about it.
  5. She emasculated her hubby from the get go. We all saw it. Her confessionals were all about how he doesn't float her boat. She went TMI early on. If she is telling this to a camera crew I would bet my bottom dollar she wasn't discrete about that e-mail.
  6. Eddie sets off my gag reflex and Brooks makes me shiver in a bad way.I don't know which one is more repulsive. Probably Brooks. I don't know if Lizzie has a nasty underside but if this is what she is playing with I pity her. All the husbands on this show are gross.
  7. I think , for the most part, the NYC housewives seem to be more willing to go "au naturale" in the make-up department. I'm not saying they don't over-do on occasion but, on a day to day, one on one basis I don't see overkill. Sonja has flawless skin and she looks beautiful with just mascara and lip gloss. There are times that all I can see on these women are their fake eyelashes. I'm waiting for one to fall off and land in their "champs".
  8. It would have been brought up because Shannon was constantly telling anyone willing to listen how bad her marriage was. Do you honestly think that the only person Shannon told about the divorce e-mail was Tamra? A woman she barely knew and was on a realty show with? It defies logic.
  9. I would have asked that hot mess to leave my house too. Shannon started the smack talk about her husband. She shot her mouth off about her marriage with cast mates and in front of cameras. I have no sympathy this woman. She shared something intimate on camera and then complains that others will find out? UGH!
  10. Heather asked her leave and the longer Shannon told the tale the less truth there was. Am I the only one who saw Shannon add drama where none existed?
  11. Marry Shag or Kill. Given just these three options my kill list is long. I'd rather eat my left foot than shag or marry any of them. YUCK YUCK YUCK. The man pool on this show is dry as a desert gulch.
  12. Simon and Alex are social climbers. They brag about it. They truly believe that teaching their young children how to recite silly poems in several languages is a mark of intelligence and therefore admirable. Nope. I child will mimic words but a brilliant child will know to use the words when it is appropriate.
  13. I believe it too. Shannon Beador had no problem telling the audience how awful Shannon Beador's husband was. It started from the first introduction of Shannon Beador's husband. Poor Shannon Beador. Shannon Beador's husband sent Shannon Beador an e-mail and Shannon Beador told Tamra and a crew of camera people about the e-mail and then poor Shannon Beador got upset that it was a topic on the reality tv show she signed on to do. Shannon Beador never meant that to happen.
  14. I hated Vicki's dress. It looked like someone decided to stitch a nude pantyhose into the low cut neck and her boobs were encased in sheep's intestine. Her idiotic explanation of her stereotyping both the gay community and Asians was jaw dropping.
  15. I've had bangs for as long as I can remember and pictures of me show. I like bangs. I look nice with bangs. I'm not hiding anything.
  16. No more Brooks. The second he came on my TV screen and opened his mouth I was done. He makes my skin crawl. He is the creepy uncle that asks you to sit on his lap and strokes your hair. SHIVER!!!! Brooks talking about affirmations and giving the "evil eye" is insane. Is Vicki so starved for attention that she allows this sycophant to come between her and her daughter?
  17. Can't argue that Aviva was standing on a landing with stairs to the left and right of her. So what? Aviva was screaming about how Carole wasn't there for her. I can argue that both gave as good as they got. Aviva went nasty with the Kennedy reference. Don't do it. JFK Jr was the best man at her wedding. Don't try to denigrate that relationship. If Aviva wants respect she should give it.
  18. Carole did not GRAB Aviva's face. Watch it again. Carole touched her face and Aviva said "don't touch me". As far as Munchausen goes Aviva does rely on her phobias to garner sympathy. Aviva uses what happened to her 40 years ago to dismiss how awful she is. Anyone who calls her out for being a brat is horrible because she lost part of the leg. Aviva thinks she can be as nasty as she wants to be and everyone has to fall in line. Her father is a pig, her first husband is a hot mess and Reid is a schmuck who refers to the other housewives as fat old women gone wild. You just can't take that out of the mix.
  19. Yes! This is what I was referencing. F'ing Dramatic.
  20. Did we ever find out why Aviva was "deeply hurt" by Heather?
  21. Carole talked over Heather and Heather talked over Carole. In the end they both agreed that Aviva was worthy of an eye roll and a minute of sympathy.
  22. You can't take Aviva out of the equation. If you took Aviva out of the situation there would be no situation. Carole's reaction is not a separate entity. It is a direct reaction to a woman who took glee spreading gossip because in her sad twisted mind Carole didn't give her a parade with a marching band. Aviva seems to think that everything she does deserves adulation. She is sick.
  23. I just watched it again. Heather and Carole were quietly talking about the gossip Aviva was spreading and at one point both were rolling their eyes and giggling at how ludicrous what Aviva said was. Ramona came in and lit the fuse. In Aviva's "confessional" she pretty much admits it is gossip and spread it because Carole hurt her feelings. I guess Carole didn't put up a banner saying RAH RAH Aviva! You did it (with the help of a village)!
  24. I think it is Heather's nature to call someone out if they are saying nasty things about a friend. Heather stood up for Sonja during the meeting with Aviva by telling her that some of the things she says about other people are vile. I find this quality admirable. Kristin let Ramona say some unkind things about Johathan without speaking up and she looked like a weak willed weasel. When Heather said Aviva "character assassinates" people she was right. I have yet to see Aviva have a disagreement with a cast mate without throwing in an ad hominem attack. She has the argument skills of a six year old.
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