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Posts posted by TVbitch

  1. Poor Mike. First stuck on Redemption forever, fights his way back, then can't even play cuz he's totally blocked by an infuriating "Don't talk to me. I'm not playing. I'm not trying to win." Barb!  I was rooting for Tom, too., but want to meet Avi just see what kind of magic dust he gives off. I never really got the great Sala love, especially after tribal. Yikes! 

    Finally, now that was a reunion show! Calling people out on stuff that wasn't even show on TV, bloopers, hard questions, and genuine emotion and laughs from the whole cast. Probst has been softballing it with the players in the reunion shows for many years now.  

    PS. Good lord was Tom good looking at the reunion. As Shay flat out implied, maybe that is why Avi was determined to keep him around!   

    • Love 2
  2. I am not nearly invested this season as previous seasons. One of the things about when they are ALONE is that they kind of become yours. You get to know them more thoroughly and intimately, because it's just them and you. 

    With the teams, they are always talking about their family member (and now interacting with their family member), and I'm not really getting to know them, I'm just observing their relationship. Usually by this point in a season, I will be aware of the contestants basic psychology and emotional patterns and thought processes and be keyed in on their vulnerabilities and strengths and why they may or may not last. Totally missing that intimacy here. 

    • Love 9
  3. Can some kind soul with more intact brain cells refresh me on AJ's long lost child and who is the father of Brenda's child.

    I'm finding it hard to believe Charlotte is so easily and happily integrating with all these new people and not more upset about her father. I would think Valentin's absence would be extremely hard on her as close as they are, and she would suffer at least some depression and confusion.  

    • Love 2
  4. Well, that was, um, a "very special episode" of Nashville. I guess Scarlett and Avery took their power back or something.

    Boo on suddenly jealous paranoid Will. But if it gets him out of that unconvincing relationship, that's cool. 

    WTF with all the ballyhoo over how amazingly attractive Scarlett and Gunner are? I mean, sure they are fine looking people, but you can dial it back a little show.

    And finally, Jonathon Jackson did NOT cry during his very special talk with Juliette. I kept waiting for little Avery tears, but no. I was shocked! 

    • Love 7
  5. Anyone still watching? I'm enjoying the slower pace and getting to see more of the tedium of camp life and them getting bored with other's conversation. You would never see that awesome "we are so bored let's have a crab race" in US Survivor! Production did well to link cute crab drama to the narrative. 

    • Love 1
  6. Are you sitting down... I actually am not going to complain about this episode. I kinda loved it. (Sure, it might have been the wine, but I cried when the girls made up.) I can't even be mad at Juliette cuz she is who she is --and was watching the fabulous Bette Davis in "All About Eve"! And Avery was so good about calling her on her crazy. Even Scarlett was tolerable ...what is happening?!! 

    Having said that, I'm sure I will go back to bitching next week! 

    PS. Bonus points for not having Maddie go all emo about her boyfriend leaving town, and for possibly getting rid of the homeless moppet ...felt like there could be a storyline with the girls doing something to help homeless teens. 

    • Love 2
  7. Jesus God that was cheesy. ... ... but I could watch Anna dance all day long. ... ... but hell no to her and what's his face, he has no chemistry, with anyone. ever.

    • Love 4
  8. You guys have me looking for suspicious camera angles, and in this episode when (don't know his name) heard THE SOUND, it quick cut to a farther off side angle that seemed to be above him, then went back to the front angle which seemed to be his camera set up. Hmmm. 

    Other than that, bummer about (don't know his name either).  

    I think the woman does love the camera and seems to already be narrating her own "I'm a badass in the wilderness" show. 

    I hope this is not the only season of Alone we get this year! 

  9. I wish this show would have a Bloopers Show, cuz I would love to see how many times Dave says "You do not have what it takes to be Ink Ma... fuck, I mean Master Shop!" 

    Not sure I dig the team thing. Maybe if they broke up the team at some point before the finals like they did Master/Apprentice or whatever it was called. It seems like there are a lot of lop-sided teams and I would hate to see a good artist go, or worse, a goat get drug into the finale. 

    • Love 1
  10. Is it locked in? Let's lock it in. Okay well it's locked in, so let's just see what happens! (Like they don't fucking know.)

    This show. Jesus God. And are we really supposed to believe the dancers get to pick who they dance against, and if so, how is that fair? Why is Jenna giving talking heads about the match ups like she is an expert analyst, please make it stop.  

    PS. I have seen J-Lo's patented "arms flail out to the sides while looking astonished" reaction shot enough times now show, you don't need to cut to it every Goddamn dance.   

    • Love 7
  11. Just binged this knowing Sandra won but not remembering much else about the season. It's at the top of most of the "best seasons" lists, so I thought it would be a good one. I have to say, I'm with the others here disappointed with the winner. I kept waiting for Sandra to DO something. She did absolutely nothing for the first half of the game except let whomever was running the villain tribe drag her along. She literally just lounged on the beach and sucked at every single challenge. She watched Rob and Tyson get voted out without putting up any kind of fight, then tried a bit to save Courtney, but failed. After the merge she tried to work something with the Heroes, but lamely, by only going to Rupert, and it was also a fail.  She did find the last immunity idol and played it, but it wasn't even needed, cuz  she was getting drug to the finals by the Villains who figured she would be the goat. ...and I think she should have been! 

    Even that clip they LOVE to show over and over of her saying "I'm against you, Russell" like it was some bold brazen boss move was her being totally stupid at that point in the game and put her in jeopardy. She immediately took it back, and bowed right back down to him. The whole game her big goal was to get Russell out and she failed at that too. 

    Personally, I can't stand Parvati's whole "flirty girl dipping her toe in the sand" personality, but damn, she was robbed. 

    • Love 3
  12. Thanks @cooksdelight for the recap on Logan last page. 

    I am also now thinking maybe his tap out call, which if not filmed was surely taped, was potentially him in a full on panic attack or something and the producers decided not to air it out of decency. He did look pretty shell shocked, so maybe he just lost it. 

    I was surprised the prize is only 500K this season. At first I thought they meant the million would be split between the two, but this epi made it clear it was 500K to split between the two.  

    • Love 1
  13. Did they show Logan at all this episode before the tap? If not, can someone refresh me on what trauma he suffered last episode? His tap was probably 1 part dad delusion and 1 part millennial malaise.  

    I feel for the hikers. It is pretty dangerous and slow going to hike when you cannot see the ground. Not sure what this adds except they are hoping for some tear inducing reunions. 

    • Love 3
  14. I think having a family member with you creates a totally different psychological headspace, eases the burden of decision making, and provides enormous mental support. Sure, it's still tough, and we'll probably get some (for me, unwanted) relationship drama, but I can see that kind of stuff on Amazing Race and some versions of Survivor. I prefer my Alone alone. It was uniquely compelling to see people go deep within themselves and battle their demons and discover what they're made of. Also, they will not be as gut wrenchingly honest with a family member looking on.

    If we do have to have teams, we should at least get to be a fly on the wall for the reunion moment after one of them taps. That would be very revealing.   

    • Love 5
  15. Can these people not interact with children without it involving buying junk food treats, going to the vending machine for candy, raiding the kitchen for snacks, or constantly making brownies or waffles, etc. In this episode alone, Laura, Liz, Rachel, Lulu and Dante were all offering up food treats to soothe some kind of uncomfortable situation. Don't they know there is a freaking obesity epidemic! :)

    PS. Borg 1 versus Borg 2 fight must have taken forfuckingever cuz it started while Sam was at the Metro Court talking to Kevin, but she drove over to the hospital and rushed in with the cops while it was still happening. 

    • Love 3
  16. I thought I could not hate Scarlet any more than I did last week, but then she was a total dick to Damien too! So see, the show can still surpise me! 

    The Hard Knock Life kids went to the Ponyboy school of acting. 

    I will never be able to quit the men on this show, so I'm in it for the duration. 

    • Love 4
  17. Sigh. They must be hoping for more drama, but participants like Larry gave fully enough drama just within themselves! 

    Bummed only one woman. I kept waiting for the two woman team to be featured. I will be generous and assume they judged 00on merit. 

    I take exception to the "two family members" concept, cuz there are some people (like me) who do not have any "family" as defined by the show. I think friends and non-marrried partners should have been allowed. 

    I did appreciate them being more transparent about how close help actually is.

    • Love 3
  18. Thanks! Will watch South African. Would love to watch Danish and others, but very hard to find them with subtitles. 

    So far, I'm liking NZ better than many of the latest US versions. I appreciate the time given to camp life, and the lack of drama casting. 

    • Love 2
  19. Glad the show is back! But damn, Leah is getting the Barbara Stanwyck in The Big Valley soft focus camera treatment so hard it's distracting, like she is on a completely different set from everyone else. It's not necessary, girlfriend! You look fine, and this is an important documentary work --you can be vain later! 

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