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Everything posted by bencr

  1. I think Erika's position is that she's not a sinner and she's not a saint. She will let the courts decide what she has to do, and that's all she'll do -- no more, no less. It's not particularly noble of her, but she was doing a decent job defending her position until she said out loud the unspoken part -- that all she cares about is herself. It's going to be hard for her to rebound from that unintentional, unguarded moment of honesty.
  2. Diana looks like a Hummel figure rapped in an Elmo suit. (Based on the next comment from mytmo, I guess I mean an Oscar the Grouch suit. I don't know my Muppets that well.)
  3. Why would anyone buy a Rinna wine?. Rinna's "brand" is hustling, aggressive, shrill and bitchy, none of which are qualities that I look for in a wine. Now, if Rinna attached her name and picture to a scouring pad for dirty pots, that is a product I might consider buying.
  4. Sutton has to learn that apologizing is not a good default with these women. She was not 95% wrong with Diana, nor was she 100% wrong with Lisa. Quite the opposite. Sutton needs to learn how to fight back, or these harpies will never stop picking on her.
  5. Her son tried to get to her but alas he was snowed in in Pasadena.
  6. Did I hear that right? Erika's quest is to regain everything she's lost from her prior life which was funded on the backs of orphans and burn victims? How about making it your quest to pay back the people who were defrauded to support your "career"? Does anyone remember a singer/actress named Edie Adams who was married to Ernie Kovacs? When Kovacs died he was deeply in debt and Edie Adams made it her quest to make sure every creditor was paid off in full, which I believe took her years. That was her quest. Erika Jayne is no Edie Adams (in more ways than one).
  7. Apropos to nothing having to do with RHOBH but just as a sidebar, Jackie Kennedy loved eating a baked potato with sour cream and caviar as a meal and credited it with helping her to stay thin.
  8. No matter how much stuff you shove into a 20,000 square foot house, it just doesn't scream "Christmas".
  9. I totally agree, and I think this is what Sutton meant when she said she felt like they were "playing ping pong" ... a lot of repetitive back and forth but ultimately going nowhere because Diana refused to engage in a meaningful way.
  10. Diana is a mean girl who bonds with people by picking on others. That scene where Diana calls Erika a smart woman based on their mutual dislike of Sutton and Garcelle was very telling.
  11. Judging by the look on Diana's face at the end, I don't think she felt she got the better of Sutton in their discussion. I don't think Diana expected a conciliatory Sutton, but, ultimately, someone who didn't care that much if they were friends or not. I imagine Diana is used to people falling all over themselves to be friends with her because of all her money.
  12. I was impressed that Sutton seemed perfectly happy to just have a cordial relationship with Diana. I thought Sutton handled herself very well at the luncheon -- she tried, she was rejected and she moved on. I love that Sutton's the one who got up and walked away leaving Diana just sitting there.
  13. Not sure I get how a beautiful table with a muddy ground is a metaphor for Sutton.
  14. For Diana to suggest that Sutton was being competitive when she said she had two miscarriages and Diana just had one was just insane on the face of it. She completely misrepresented Sutton's tone at that moment.
  15. I think they are all trying hard to make this a redemption year for Erika -- to portray her as some sort of funny, madcap, hilariously unfiltered, carefree woman -- rather than the unhinged, drugged out, lying, bloated mess that she really is. Blurting out drunken nonsense and cursing out 14 year olds is NOT being hilariously unfiltered.
  16. I don't think Crystal lies either, it's just that her perceptions of the offenses she suffered seem to differ from the perceptions of most viewers.
  17. There is something very wrong about Diana. I don't know if it stems from her impoverished childhood, the trauma of losing her brother, both of the above or neither of the above. But so far she presents as evil in a way that is not the least bit entertaining to watch.
  18. Dorit's pantsuit looked like something one would molt.
  19. But I distinctly heard Erika say that, like her grandmother, she has a big heart. This prompted me to try to come up with a single incident where Erika displayed a "big heart." Which I could not.
  20. Sutton was not making Diana's story about herself. She was being empathetic. Diana seems to be one of those judgmental people who, when she decides she doesn't like you, you can do no right in her eyes.
  21. Except it's not really racist. Well, according to Christal's perspective, it's racist if Garcelle experiences it as racist. That's the rabbit hole in Christal's logic. It's not whether what you said is or is not racist that matters, and it's not your intent that matters; it's how I experience what you said.
  22. Crystal's use of the word "dark" to mean "evil" could be construed as racially insensitive. Following is a discussion of the use of the word "dark" as a metaphor for evil (from the web site teachingtraveling.com): "The wonderful children’s book Sulwe by Lupita Nyong’o and Vashti Harrison ends with the realization that darkness — both in the sky and in skin color — is beautiful and necessary. Yet, so many of us persist in using the term “dark” or “darkness” as a metaphor for 'bad things,' 'evil' — or anything negative. This is problematic, and has profound ramifications. It’s time to reexamine our use of the metaphor “darkness,” and to shift away from it."
  23. I can't imagine Erika is happy with how this season is going for her so far. After losing the battle of public opinion to Sutton and Garcelle last season, Erika has pretty much been sidelined this season. She's reduced to playing the role of the crazy old uncle at the Thanksgiving table who just makes inappropriate comments, tells whopper lies that everyone is too bored to challenge, and nurses grudges.
  24. I agree with all this. I just think it's too bad that Crystal chose to focus on what was problematic about what Sutton said rather than what was kind about Sutton's intentions. This could have been a much more productive conversation.
  25. If Sutton had said "I try not to see color" rather than "I don't see color" the reaction would have been totally different. I would hate to be in a friend group where you have to parse your words so carefully.
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