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Posts posted by rhofmovalley

  1. I remember Chelsea stopped going to the counselor because she said the counselor was telling her the things her friends were already telling her, and why should she pay someone to tell her what everyone else was saying?  Completely disregarding the fact that EVERYONE was telling her because it was true.  She didn't want to pay someone to tell her what she didn't want to hear.


    I guess she's still stuck on the "I want us to be a fammmmillllyyyyyy-uhhh!" dream that so many teen mothers seem to have.  My teen mother cousin won't let go of her loser baby daddy (to whom she's been "engaged" for over 4 years) because she is bound and determined to "be a family" with him.  Sigh...

  2. I also thought the "non-reaction" to Tyler's announcement that the Mom's profits from the weekend were going to be donated to the Wounded Warrior Project was strange.  I don't know if the Mom's "meh" reaction was due to the (most likely) small amount of money, or if they still were gobsmacked that people didn't feel obligated to buy from them to show "military support".


    I generally don't buy food out if it's something I make at home.  So, no, I won't shell out any amount of money for a PB & J or a grilled cheese from a food truck no matter what it says on the side of the truck.

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  3. Then she can pile on the rouge and lip liner to matchy-match!

    ....and I know "rouge" is an old fashioned term, I just envision Leah w/one of those rouge pots, furiously scrubbing more red into her cheeks. XD

    Mary Kay sells rouge in pots...I know because years ago I got "bait and switched" into buying some :\

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  4. Because Jenelle listens to her Twitter minions who constantly tell her how "strong" she is, and how she's done such a great job turning her life around, and how she and Nathan are "the perfect couple", and how she's a great mother.  It's very easy to stick your head in the sand and refuse to listen to anyone who doesn't agree with you.  Or to dismiss them as "jellus haterz".


    She constantly says she's going to "get Jace back" but won't go into specifics on how she plans to accomplish this.  She doesn't want him back, but of course she can't admit that!

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  5. There are serious consequences for drug-related offenses and DUIs.  I have a sort-of friend who merely got ARRESTED for possession and was immediately fired from her job as a teacher's aide.  She dropped out of college (she had been studying to be an early-childhood teacher) because she knew she would never, ever get a job in any educational institution.  I would imagine it's the same for the medical field.


    But who am I kidding...Jenelle is not interested in getting a job!  She plans to live off her MTV earnings and whatever side jobs come from that exposure.  She is NOT going to study, get a certification, and get up early every day, put on her scrubs and go to work!  LOL at that idea!

    • Love 1
  6. I don't think Chelsea had any way of knowing Adumb would turn out to be a worthless deadbeat of a father, since he hadn't procreated before Aubree.  Now Taylor, she had all this evidence in front of her in the form of Teen Mom 2 episodes, but she (apparently) chose to go the route of so many young (and not-so-young) women..."well, he may have been like that with her, but he'd never do that to ME!  Because he truly loves ME!!"  And I agree, just because those two young women chose him to procreate with doesn't let him off the hook.  


    My dad was a deadbeat, but I never blamed my mom for what HE chose to do (or not to do).  And yes, we kids had to pay the price, and now he's reaping what HE sowed...3 of my dad's 4 children do not acknowledge he's even on the planet.  And that's what Adumb has to look forward to.  Not that Adumb cares now (and my dad didn't care at the time because he didn't believe it would ever happen), but now my dad is in his 70s and does not have a relationship with any of his beautiful grandchildren.  


    So Adumb, go ahead and act like a piece of shit now, and when you're old and completely bald and no one loves you, don't go crying to anyone because YOU created this.

    • Love 2
  7. Leah probably had to have the rest of her hair cut off due to extreme damage.  What's there is probably all that remains that wasn't fried to death.  I know Chelsea also loves to dye her hair every other day, but since she works in the business she probably knows you have to condition the hell out of your hair if you're going to constantly dye it.

    • Love 3
  8. My (divorced) brother attends every one of his kids' practices that he can (and they have many!).  We may think "big deal, it's just a practice" but for the kids it can be of utmost importance.  My mom showed up to all of my high school's football games just because I was cheerleading...even the away games that weren't easy to get to.  It meant a lot to me because it showed she cared.  Adumb showing up for the last few minutes tells Aubree he couldn't care less.  And trust me, she's hearing his message loud and clear.  There will come a time where she stops giving a shit if he shows up for anything, and the sooner the better I say.  Hopefully she realizes it's not because of anything she did wrong, but because Adumb is a selfish piece of crap.

    • Love 2
  9. Maybe Jenelle wasn't really happy that Nathan was getting out of jail because now he'll be able to "talk" to other girls.  Whereas at least when he was in jail he couldn't.  Wasn't that what she said before he left?

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  10. According to Jenelle's Twitter, Kaiser is alive and well and she is basking in new motherhood with her man and her baby (oh yeah, and Jace too occasionally).  They are all "Happy Family".  Who wants to place bets on how long it is before her next arrest (or Nathan's)?


    Of course, I hope for the baby's sake things will go well, but history has not shown us anything positive with these people.

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  11. Have there been any real-time updates on Jenelle and Kaiser? I'd be curious to  know if they've managed to kill him yet. She seems like the type who would "accidentally" leave a baby in a hot car.

    I'm going to reply to this on Jenelle's thread.

  12. I thought I would be upset with Lenny's win but all I felt was sweet, sweet schadenfreude.  Not only does TFN have to deal with Lenny, but now Lenny has to be the gourmet cowboy for the rest of his career.  I can't help but think that it's going to kill him a little to keep up the "aw-shucks" act forever.

    Yep, his pants are gonna fall down or he'll be dry-humping another Food Network "personality" (a la Paula Deen) at some Food Network-sponsored event.  Or he'll call some female passenger the "c" word on the Food Network cruise when she refuses to lick creamed corn off his chest in front of all the other passengers.  Something.

    • Love 5
  13. Yep, Gracie was definitely giving Ali the evil eye in that scene.  I'm a grown up and that look gave me chills.  If they're not careful, Gracie will end up hurting Ali out of jealousy.  They need to take her out for a "Gracie-only" special day, so she'll stop feeling left out.  Hopefully they already have, more than once.

    • Love 5
  14. I don't believe for one second the winner is determined by a public vote.  I believe the producers choose who they want.  The "vote" is just to get viewers interested and invested.  I'm willing to bet there's a clause somewhere that says the producers have the final say.  I know it's that way on Project Runway (although that show doesn't involve a vote to determine the winner) and other "competition" shows.


    I saw posts on the Food Network Facebook page where people said the "loved" Lenny and didn't care about the YouTube videos or the message board posts.  They honestly believe he's a true-blue cowboy and love him for that.  Sigh...

    • Love 2
  15. None of these people feed their kids very well from what we've seen... Leah's kids - well, if we can find them under the Cheeto dust they're probably eating a candy necklace or guzzling down some Mountain Dew. 

    Hey, how about candy cigarettes?  Remember those gems from the early 70s?  Let's go all out and get the girlses 100% on the right path, Leah!

    • Love 3
  16. Jenelle's been keeping busy posting pics of herself with the dogs, all hugging and loving on them.  I guess she got some serious flak from about 85,794 members of the viewing public.  Of course, they're all jellus haterz, so whatevs.  And she has, on more than one occasion, thanked her Twitter followers for "always having my back".  Yep, she fills her eyes with those poor, pathetic souls' praise and compliments, and anyone who doesn't agree with them is, again of course, a "jellus hater".


    How in the name of all that is holy could any human being see Jenelle as someone to be admired?  What is wrong with these young people?  Do they believe, like Jewel said, "see the people on TV, they say they're better than you and you agree"?  Thanks, MTV, for (unintentionally or not) setting her up to be admired by a bunch of impressionable tweens and teens.


    How come Germy and Leah are putting stuff on credit cards?  Did they already spend all the MTV cash and Germy's zillions he earns at his awesome job?

    • Love 1
  17. And we girls in Texas quit wearing boots with dresses at about age 5.

    I can tell you that in at least two states other than Texas, the wanna-be self-proclaimed "proud rednecks" are still sporting that look.  A coworker in Vegas' daughter wore boots with her wedding dress and all the bridesmaids wore them too.  The bride and bridesmaids even posed for a photo with all of them holding shotguns...true story.  I think THEY think that's how Texas gals dress.


    Topic?  I'm suspecting they may go with Nicole as the "safe" winner.  Paula Deen wasn't really fired only for saying the "n" word 30 years ago (there were many more instances of poor judgment and behaviors), and I can't imagine Food Network would want to go through all that negative publicity again, what with Lenny supporters and the anti-Lenny contingent potentially coming to virtual blows.

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  18. This.  It drives me crazy when doctors say "Gee-Ess-DoubleU" for "Gun Shot Wound" when Gun Shot Wound has fewer syllables...


    Or E-V-O-O!


    So "Butcher Babe" just means she uses meat?  And what exactly is "Texas" as a point of view??  How would I go about "elevating" a dish?  How about "Western", does that mean style of dress or am I supposed to use items only available in the Western United States? What's Luca's point of view, I can't remember.  Farm to table I guess I get, no grocery stores, I just mosey on out to the farm and pick my own produce and slaughter my own pig or chickens, right?

  19. Serrano ham fit into Nicole's "Coast of Spain" theme for her dish.  So, prosciutto from Italy wouldn't fit.  Maybe if she had just given up the "Coast of Spain" theme she wouldn't have needed to try to deceive anyone.


    I used to live in Vegas and I seem to recall seeing a story about the filming.  I think it may have been either in the winter or early spring because I remember thinking "who would want to go to the pool NOW??"  I also noticed how windy it was.  Vegas when it's windy is miserable and NO ONE goes to the pool.  So yeah, actors or hired focus group.

  20. The tiara was one of the "props" that were provided to the contestants.  Sarah chose the tiara because, pageant!  But made no reference to it other than to repeat "Texas".  


    And yes, that outfit at judging!  I noticed earlier that her "girls" aren't all that perky.  Mine aren't anymore either, which is why it's so important to wear a supportive bra.  That strapless top that required either no bra or a strapless one did her "girls" no favors. 

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  21. I lived in government housing for a few years when I was a kid.  It was former military housing converted to apartments.  The apartments had the most gorgeous hardwood floors you ever saw.  Our particular unit had carpet installed over the wood, but our neighbors (and best friends) had the original hardwood with occasional rugs thrown over it.  One thing I do have to say is, I did on a few occasions slip on the area rugs and fall.  However, I did survive :)

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