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Posts posted by rhofmovalley

  1. IF Leah is in fact addicted to something...I'm sure she didn't wake up one morning and say "I think I'll be an addict!".  A likely scenario is, she was prescribed something for anxiety or perhaps depression.  She found the drugs put you into a kind of floaty haze (yes, I've been prescribed Ativan for anxiety and yes, it makes you feel all nice & floaty) and maybe with all her "stress" over money, her daughters, issues with her husband and her ex-husband, it just felt better to stay high on the drugs.  Because, she "needed" them to get through the day.  Soon enough, any addict will find that one pill just doesn't do it anymore, so they need two, then three, until next thing they know they've blown through a 30 day script in less than a week.  It's hard to explain to a legit doctor why you need more so soon, so then it becomes doctor shopping or inventing symptoms to get a doctor to prescribe something else that will do the trick just as well or even better.  Addicts who are currently sober can tell you an active addict will go go into a panic when they run out of pills, and will go to ANY lengths to secure more drugs.  All the while telling themselves they "need" them (see: Jenelle and her "need" to get high when she's "bored").
    Of course, this is all speculation, but there are signs this is what Leah is battling.  As someone who had to wean off a dependency on Tramadol (which was prescribed to me by a doctor who "forgot" to mention it is highly addictive), I don't envy her.  Because when or if she tries to quit, it's a tough road.

    • Love 3
  2. Jenelle doesn't even know how to act around kids!  I haven't seen her color with Jace, read to him, put together puzzles with him, play on playground equipment with him.  All she knows how to do is take him places like Disneyworld, where the entertainment is already provided.  I wonder if she even has crayons, books, puzzles, coloring books, paints, art paper, toy cars or trucks, Legos, etc. for him to play with at her house.  From what I recall, "his" room was lame, with like some theme bedding and maybe a poster or two, and that was it.

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  3. I don't believe for one second Chelsea is sleeping with Adam because she's horny.  I think she's sleeping with him because she thinks it proves he loves her.


    She's young and actually quite attractive when she tones down the crazy hair and orange tan.  I'm pretty sure she could find an FWB if all she's after is an orgasm.  Nope, she wants Adam.  Why, I can't fathom.

    • Love 6
  4. But Adam is a rebel, living the "DGAF" lifestyle!  He's a bro who doesn't let anyone tell him what to do!  I know a kid about his age who "lives" that way...in fact, he has "DGAF" tattooed in huge letters on his arm (wouldn't be surprised if Adumb has it too).  Any time anyone brings up laws, rules, regulations, etc. that this kid is breaking or disregarding, his reply is ALWAYS "I don't care".  Of course, this kid is a convicted felon with no prospects in life.  He's also always broke due to being completely unable to hold down a job because of his unwillingness to follow any rules, which Adumb would be if it weren't for MTV and/or his enabling parents.  These kids are wastes of oxygen, but they see themselves as the ultimate cool rebels.  


    As for Chelsea, I don't think she sleeps with Adam because she's horny.  I think she does it to keep herself in the running to be his "choice" once he decides to settle down.  Or, she thinks it proves he really loves her and not any of the others.  I sure hope she outgrows this because like someone else said, it weakens her case to keep Aubree away from him when she herself can't stay away.

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  5. I had a relationship similar to Chelsea's with Adam (except, thank the higher being, no child involved).  I knew he screwed around but I actually told myself "well, I'M the primary, I'm the one he travels with, I'm the one he takes to family holiday gatherings, he's just screwing those other girls, I'm the one he calls his girlfriend so that's all that matters".  Yes, there was something VERY wrong with me that I would think that way.


    I speculate that Chelsea feels she was there first, she had his child first, he keeps coming back to her, and if she just sticks it out, she will be the one he settles down with because she's the one he truly loves.  And she can have her "happy family" fantasy life.  The only way (in my experience) to get over that feeling is to completely break away from the toxic person for a long time (I mean, a period of YEARS) in order to gain some perspective.  Except, she has a child with him, and probably every time Aubree lights up about seeing her dad Chelsea feels bad that she hasn't been able to give Aubree the "happy family".  I think that guilt contributes to her trying to hang in there with Adam.


    It's just so sad.  I think she could meet a nice man, marry him, and have the kind of life she's been dreaming of if she could just emotionally make the final break.  And when (if?) that ever happens she'll wonder why she ever thought she wanted that with Adam.

    • Love 8
  6. My ex-husband chose me because I am Hispanic and he thought because of my ethnicity, I'd be "submissive".  He thought wrong (hence the divorce).  So maybe there's something about the Hispanic culture that draws Kail to these men, whether it's the typical focus on family, or perhaps a belief that Hispanic men "take care" of their women financially without expecting them to work outside the home.  Yet she somehow seems to think she's superior because she's Caucasian.  But as someone here pointed out, Kail is the one who was living like a transient, and didn't have two dimes to rub together, and who resorted to theft of her own mother.  Not exactly high class moves there, Kail.

    • Love 4
  7. I agree, I think Nipples will abscond with Kaiser (and maybe even Jace, if he and Dope Fiend manage to convince Barb to submit to him living with them).  Nipples will claim he removed the children because their mother is a danger to them.  Then, he'll want the court to compensate him as their child care provider, plus he'll probably go after Jenelle for child support if she has any more MTV checks coming.


    This is my prediction.  And I sincerely hope I'm dead, 100% wrong. 

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  8. Jenelle has oodles of fans.  Not just fans, but dozens who defend her and call anyone who says anything even slightly negative a "jellus hater".  Then Jenelle retweets the defenders and those who praise her.  It's very disturbing.  However, I think all of the girls have distressingly devoted fans.  

  9. Leah would find something else to be "stressed" over, necessitating yet another "break" from school, or requiring her to quit another 10 hour a week job.  Maybe she believes it's the man's responsibility to bring in the money and the woman shouldn't have to work.  My 25 year old niece fervently believes that, which is why she only in the past month went out and got a job. Which she is contemplating quitting, of course, because they don't treat her properly :/

  10. IMO, Nathan is attaching Kaiser to himself because he (Nathan) is planning at some point in time to leave Jenelle and take Kaiser with him.  Kaiser is money in the bank to Nathan...with Jenelle's MTV money, unemployed Nathan can get child support from Jenelle.  And Nathan can use Jenelle's drug use, arrest record and lack of custody of Jace against her.  Heck, maybe he plans to adopt Jace so he can use him as a moneymaker too, hence the push to get Jenelle to get him back from Barb.


    Barb's smart enough to see through Nathan, which may be why he's so insistent on isolating Jenelle from her.  He has to keep them apart until he can put his master scheme into action.


    Just my theory based on the fact that (from what we've seen) Nathan provides almost all care for Kaiser (and Jenelle's laziness and apathy make it easy for him to do so...heck, maybe Nathan's drugging her!).  And Jenelle acts like she's so afraid of losing Nathan she'll go along with anything to placate him, at least until he drops the bomb on her.


    Also, I was watching an old episode the other day and had to laugh when Nathan "instructed" Jenelle's divorce lawyer to put all of Courtland's transgressions into the divorce filing.  Lawyer looked at Nathan as if to say "dude, you don't know shit, stop telling me how to do my job".  Guess Nathan thought he could dictate to the lawyer the same way he dictates to Jenelle.

    • Love 3
  11. Why the H does Chelsea talk to Aubree in a baby voice???  AUBREE doesn't use a baby voice, she has that awesome husky voice.  So if Chelsea's trying to "talk down" to Aubree's level, well, she's talking years below Aubree's level IMO.


    Drives me nuts...

    • Love 5
  12. And it is even worse because of the number who tell her she is doing a great job! 

    I fear for the future when little 12, 13, 14 and 15 year old girls think Jenelle is someone to be admired and praised, or even (gulp) emulated.


    Where are these young girls' parents? Oh wait, who am I kidding??  Pre-teen and teenage girls know everything already and they certainly are not going to listen to their PARENTS, who are uncool and know nothing.


    I just thank whatever higher being that my son is now in his 20s, and that he never showed any interest in watching this show.  Because he might have ended up thinking Nipple Shirt or DUI Adumb are someone to admire, praise and emulate.

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  13. Leah's problem with Germy is that he's not making her happy.  She seems to think external things (husband, material things) will make her happy.  But none of that will work if she's a miserable person.  So since she believes these things should make her happy, and they don't, it MUST be someone else's fault!  Hence, blaming Corey.  Probably in her mind, if he'd fought harder to keep their marriage together she'd be happy.  Except, she's forgetting she wasn't happy when she WAS married to Corey.  She's looking for the magic formula, combination of people and/or things that will bring her continual happiness, but she'll never find it.  Because SHE'S the problem...not necessarily her fault, but until she's happy with herself nothing external will bring her joy.


    She has a lot to be grateful for...three children (and Ali is a blessing, I refuse to see her as anything but a gift), a husband, an ex who is an active and involved parent, her extended family, money, some degree of fame...but she insists on seeing the glass as half-empty.  And IMO that's her problem right there in a nutshell.

    • Love 10
  14. I do believe Chelsea's friends are real.  I mean, who would agree (for any amount of money) to make themselves up like that and "style" their hair like that, and allow someone to spray tan them Oompa Loompa orange just to be on TV and pretend to be her friend?  I sure wouldn't.


    As far as the "diet" Leah feeds her kids, from what I understand Adult Onset diabetes can be caused by obesity, which is why so many people "cure" their diabetes after losing enough weight.  I'm not worried about how the girlses look, I'm worried about their teeth, their digestive systems, their ability to focus in school, their emotional health, etc.  They will not grow up big, healthy & strong on a diet of Mountain Dew, Cheetos and fast food.  A friend of mine's son had to have almost all of his teeth pulled before they would have fallen out naturally because she fed him nothing but soda, fast food and candy.  Her kids do poorly in school, have behavior problems and are unable to focus.  It's really sad because SHE did that to them with her unwillingness to provide them with healthy food.  I see the girlses going down that same path.

  15. My son had long hair until he was about 9.  My nephews had hair down past their elbows through middle school.  I loved that they wanted to be "different" and I don't think a mohawk is all that subversive (unless it's a big, tall, held together by egg whites liberty spike).  Shoot, my brother is 50 and has a modified mohawk and sports a "tail" and he's very high up in the corporate world.  So I don't think Jenelle is a horrible parent for getting Jace a unique haircut.  


    If that's the worst thing she ever did that would be no big deal IMO, but unfortunately...we know all the rest.

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  16. Is Adam the only piece of tail in their small town?  I don't get how he keeps finding girls to sleep with him.  He is a douche.  

    Never underestimate the power of the teevee.  Judging by the number of minions, I mean "fans", that all of the girls have, there are a disturbing number of people who think if someone's on teevee they are better somehow, and desirable.  I've seen people do any number of ridiculous things whenever someone points a camera at them.  These women and girls who date Adam probably are hoping to be featured on an episode so they can show off to their friends.

  17. My mom told me I was a selfish little shit who no one could stand when I was 17.  That happened 31 years ago and I still remember.  I get that Barb is overwhelmed and frustrated, but I'm willing to bet that's one thing Jace will never forget she said.  Poor Jace...he has no one.  I hope at least he and his cousin are buddies.

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  18. Of course, "profits" from Mary Kay sales are negligible.  After she pays the credit card bill for the product she had to buy to have inventory, any advertising expenses, free samples for party hostesses, shipping charges, etc., she won't have much left.  The real money in Mary Kay is made by convincing your customers to become your competition, i.e., get them on board to sell Mary Kay as well.  I'm not sure if she has enough minions (I mean, fans) on Twitter who will fall all over themselves to buy from her so they can feel connected to her.  She may.

  19. I agree that having photos taken with an ex doesn't necessarily mean she wants him back.  When my son graduated college I asked his dad to pose with us for a photo so our son could have a photo with both his parents.  However, I never cared about my ex having girlfriends because as long as they weren't inappropriate for my son to be around I just didn't care.  I may be wrong, but were there ever any indications that Taylor was inappropriate for Aubree to be around?  As far as the "stripper", well, it is still a legal job.  I have a friend who worked her way through college as a "bikini model" because it paid well.  She is now an engineer.

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