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  1. I was really disappointed in the scenes with Georgie & his dad. What a wasted opportunity.
  2. Elias is a sneaky one! Now he's going after Jay while off the property. Yikes! At least Jay sensed that he was selling his soul, even if he didn't know that he was literally about to sell his soul!
  3. I thought that there had to be a mutual understanding of a transaction like that, but I'm sure there was something in the fine print that Jay might've overlooked that would cost him his soul. Elias said that he could come back to earth as a living human, otherwise known as a demon, so I'm sure he devised some very evil plan that would cause Jay to miss such language in the contract. Jay needs to have Sam with him at all times for these kinds of meetings!
  4. I haven't seen Hamilton, so any references to it went right over my head!! I really need to get out more! 😉 He is in management now! He has perks. 😁 It does! I noticed it last week when they did a quick shot of it. Some of the best BBQ places in my area would be considered a 'dive', but hell, they still look a lot better than that!! Jay's going to have to at least paint it and make it look inviting.
  5. Thanks! And sorry that I misunderstood! You're right though. Sometimes it's the petty stuff that sends them over the edge! Erika is always admiring Jennifer's things, but she doesn't seem to be jealous (at least not on camera!) Who knows what they say behind her back.
  6. ?? It was posted that the other ladies want Jennifer Tilly off of the show and some of us don't understand why. I merely pointed out that maybe there's some jealousy amongst the group of her wealth. Hell, I don't know though. It's just a guess. Did I miss something?
  7. Actually, I didn't get the connection until reading your post! I don't drink beer and had completely forgotten that Samuel Adams is a beer. I don't usually see commercials for that beer either. Duh to me!! 😁 On the one hand, I'm glad that Isaac is now aware of his contribution, but on the other hand, he will probably be an insufferable boor about it!
  8. They have plenty to commiserate about!! I like her too and wish we could see more of her. She seems like she'd be fun to hang out with. Maybe some are jealous of her wealth.
  9. I didn't bother to search for any info on the show's town until shura posted the screen shot (thanks!). Here's a link to some info: Merrick
  10. Probably not, but Ron was adamant about informing him that minute, and they were being filmed. It would've looked really bad if waited to tell the patient for their convenience. I loved that show! I wasn't too crazy about the current episode, but overall, I really like the show and all of the previous ones. He doesn't bother me. 'The Todd' of Scrubs got away with a lot worse dialogue!! 😜
  11. Probably so. If I heard the lyrics correctly, it was mostly about poop. Correct me if I'm wrong on that!! Joyce wanted to, but since they were being filmed, it didn't look good to ignore his medical issues for the sake of going on stage. And once he was aware of a potential issue, he didn't want to sing either. That line got me too! I have family in Oregon and when I told them about this show, I was asked what part of Oregon it's supposed to be based in, but I didn't know. I did know that it wasn't Portland. Anyway, next time it comes up, I'll tell them it's in 'east north central Oregon!'
  12. I watched the last episode of Ghosts (UK). It was sad to see Alison leave the ghosts, but after 5 years and they finally figured it out that they were so annoying, well, that's on them! At least they came to that conclusion themselves and acknowledged it. I wish we could've seen Alison with the ghosts in that last scene. I wanted to see who was still there. I would assume that several of them would've moved on during Alison's lifetime. I would've liked to have seen other parts of the house/hotel since its renovation. The parts we saw were lovely though. The good thing was that the house was saved from further deterioration and if Fanny was still around, that should make her happy to see the place come back to life. I loved that the basement ghosts had a nice sauna to relax in! It was a fun show to watch. I'm glad that we have the US version. They're both really good in their own ways. I felt sorry for him the most since he'd been there the longest. Some of his scenes were so sad though. I'm glad he had some happy times and got to know what Christmas was all about!
  13. I forgot about that and have been referring to the previous episode and the incident at Dorit's party. I still stand by my comments on that, but I do agree that Dorit didn't need to add salt to the wound by asking her if she was drinking water. It was unnecessary. I don't mind Sutton standing her ground, but she should choose her words wisely. The 'wallet' comment sounded rehearsed, and she doesn't need to hit below the belt, as that defeats the purpose. Be clever, Sutton! Telling someone to pick on someone with their own size wallet is silly. Makes no sense.
  14. It's a HWs show! People fly off the handle all of the time. Dorit shouldn't have chimed in after Garcelle questioned Sutton on whether the drink had alcohol, but it was a hot button topic for her, so I get why she blurted out what she did. I'm not taking sides, as I can see fault with all of these HWs at any given moment! I just wanted to see a nice luncheon with the fancy caviar, but as always, it ended up in disaster. I like Sutton, but I don't like everything she says and does. Dorit (in the past) crossed a line with insinuating that she's an alcoholic, and Sutton crossed a line with throwing her wealth in her face.
  15. I understand why Dorit said something to her, because Garcelle questioned Sutton on the alcohol level in her drink. If Garcelle was just asking about the drink in general, there wouldn't have been a question, but Garcelle phrased it like she was concerned for Sutton's sake on whether it had alcohol or not. I don't think she needed to call Dorit a bitch over it. I mean, Garcelle just brought it up on TV. Why not be mad at Garcelle for doing that? I generally like Sutton, but it was over the line to throw her money in Dorit's face. The HW shows are a game of chess. Sutton needs to learn how to play the game. Her "wallet" remark just made Dorit a more sympathetic character.
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