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Posts posted by pink317

  1. Kelli posted a video from technique Tuesday. DJ Guthrie is teaching. The routine is great, I noticed Jax and Erica (for the two seconds the camera pans to her). Erica is the real deal - great in all styles-, gets my vote for top of the triangle.


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  2. I was also wondering if Jenn decided to forego her 5th year charm because she was asked to come of staff instead ala Megan. Megan didn't seem to last on the staff very long, though. Kelli loves Jenn so much and if she was good at the admin part of the leader role, girl is gonna be around for a long while. 

    13 minutes ago, LaurelleJ said:

    I could totally see her step into a role similar to the one they gave Megan fox when she retired. She could be a part of training the roomies during training camp, take part in the social training they have since she is such a great ambassador for them, and this allows her to still be part of the organization without the huge time commitment. She said she teaches dance though so I wonder if she could leave that to take on a full time role with the organization. Something tells me she would also be great in a role under Charlotte as an assistant to the president of the cheerleaders. 

    Interesting take - Charlotte's assistant.  I wonder how much Charlotte actually does as "president" of the Cheerleaders. Kinda seems like a vanity title, you know like the Kardashians being the "executive producers" of their many reality shows. She is very busy with things that have higher stakes and major financial implications, I don't think the cheerleaders are high on the list of her daily to-do and she has a great leader in Kelli.

  3. Y'all are killing me ?Those are the fan tags, they didnt just make them up. Finish This Fight was the playoff/team theme and has a multiple year history behind it. Fight is a pillar value of the football team. Wow. You guys win the thread forsure lol!!!!  

    Wiz wrote both songs but We Dem Boyz is regarded as the Cowboys song while Black and Yellow is the Steelers.

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  4. Carla had no chance once the ex boyfriend hit 'send'. He was vindictive enough to send the pics to K&J, you bet had she made the team, he would have sent them to The Dirty, TMZ, and everywhere else in between. If the pics were in his possession illegally, she could have made a case to stay assuming she took legal action to get him to stop.

    I dont recall too many cuts in Chelsea's locker room rant which makes me think it wasnt cut too much of at all. I dont have a problem with the cut, it just had shennigans. If the show was true to form, Kelli would not have known that Chelsea was "toxic in the locker room" in that specific incidence until the show aired. Girl still would have been cut but during the season.  I worked for ABC for a bit and alternative programming was jurisdiction (if only I was there now with Jasmine being on the bachelor!!!) so the whole sequence/episode kinda bothered me.

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  5. My two cents...

    I got Jenny Kat fatigue around (her) year three and while she is a good dancer, I've just have had enough of her - it's too much, they have other team members.  I also kinda feel like her quick ascension to Queen Supreme and extreme dedication was (is) a little bit to over compensate for not making the team the first time she tried out. 

    I don't know if Kelli was trying to make up for the sins of MTT 8 but I think Alexandra should have been given more time or God forbid a gimme year like Ashley Pro, Kat, Morgan, and Kaitlin. Kelli balled her eyes out after Alex's cut, she clearly wanted her on the team.

    DCC cannot dance hip hop very well. I also think it is a huge kick in the teeth to DCRB to have DCC (pom dancers) perform a feature hip hop routine despite DCRB being the hip hop dance team.

    The weight standards are ridiculous, unheathly, and promote disordered eating. The girls are held to a number  based on height (not acknowledging body comp or muscle mass) for example 5'3" girls need to weigh no more than 113....and their weight is displayed in the locker room for all to see, with the names/weight of the 'bigger' girls highlighted.

    I have no qualms with Judy shouldering most of the teaching leg work to the leaders and upper vets. My boss never rolls up her sleeves, I'm the one doing the day to day. Judy can and does know the routines thoroughly and can easily spot a mistake.

    I get why it happened but Chelsea's cut screamed producer shenanigans and was not natural. Im for certain Kelli as EP saw the locker room raw footage which is why the reprimand and cut came later in the week and not during the 2nd time Chelsea was called that same night. In a true reality show, Kelli should not nor would not have been able to make a decision based on raw footage as most reality particpants dont have access to said footage. Again, DCC is better for cutting Chelsea but as an industry person,  the whole thing screamed interference.  

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  6. Last year, the Broncos and Panthers cheerleaders were not all over the media more so than anyone else nor were they the defacto group captains (the girls are divided into groups) they just got announced last as the AFC and NFC champions. Any other media, which i cannot recall in specific, was really basic. The dances were elementary as well. Pro bowl doesn't get crazy attention but it is national so *shrug* 


    Re: Jen's merits, she is two away from matching Nicole Hamilton and Holly as most decorated DCC (received all possible accolades). She is just missing vet of the year and her 5th year charm.  

  7. 2 hours ago, LaurenBrook said:

    Remember too that it's looking VERY much like Cowboys are going to the Superbowl.  I imagine that the girl sent to the pro bowl is thus going to be interviewed a tonnnnn and be very visible.  As much as we all love Danielle, Jennifer is without a doubt their spokeswoman and go-to girl for interviews, etc.  She may come across as 'fake' to some here but I think a lot of it is just because she is SO professional.  TBH, I can totally get why they'd want her to be PBC this year - they know they can 100% count on her to be professional, upbeat, well-spoken and not do or say ANYTHING to make Cowboys look questionable.  Girl does not misstep in the public eye.  Maybe if it was like, last year when the Cowboys were mehhhh they wouldn't care as much.  I don't know.  Just a possible perspective.  

    I feel bad if Jennifer reads here and is deflated.  I dont think she's undeserving. 

    People said that in 2014 and they didn't make it past divisional round! On Jan 22, we can start talking about super bowl. Don't jinx it!!

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  8. I feel like this topic will be discussed long after the girls in question are over it lol but i did want to clarify one thing:

    She most definitely did not say she deserved PBC, a lot of people here said that (not everyone). Danielle implied that something went down that wasnt on the up and up but that's none of her business. Then, heatherrrrzwent in and took one for the team, which the girls cosigned, thus implying the PBC did not win one or more of the deciding polls (fan/team). Danielle never claimed she was robbed or the true winner or any of the sort. She referenced a meme and the board went wild trying to decipher.

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  9. Not surprising but predictable, boring and clearly not 100% authentic! Anyhow, more importantly, if Paige invites current DCCs to her wedding, will they be able to attend?! God forbid one is a BM and has to walk arm in arm with a player!! 

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  10. 17 minutes ago, Jess14 said:

    Was there not a video of the PBC announcement this year? Given the shade coming from these tweets, I'm dying to see the girls' reactions in real time lol! 

    There was a video on Instagram stories, it wasnt live though, Jenn was already wearing the Mickey ears. Come to think of it, I don't recall seeing any of the 5th years in the annoucement video but I don't think it was the whole squad anyway.

  11. Nicole was an eff you to Sydney. Trisha was metaphorically slapped when (at the time) 3rd year Brittany Evans  got it. It was all over her face in the annoucement video. I think they stopped doing live announcements shortly after that  (a year or two). The previous snubs were obvious and might I say deserving? Sydney and Trisha both had some issues. Not saying Jenn is not a good dancer but something is off with her extreme propping, which is why I say give her VOTY now and stop playing these games with the team and the fans. 


    I was trying to decipher her tweet but I don't speak emoji. What does frog + coffee mean?

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  12. DCC is fairly predictable if you know your shizz, they rarely stray from the script so to speak. I knew Jenn was going to get it especially with her dropping "its my last year" hints but I still stand by what I said, it is a big eff you to the remaining members of the strongest collective rookie class the team has seen in a long time. It is sad that their class did not produce a PBC. This is how I  feel, no need to agree. I wasnt looking for a cosign or someone to explain how I am "wrong" 

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  13. Wow, what a big eff you to the 5th years! They should just give her Vet of the Year, too, and be done with it. I really liked the 2012 class and collectively there has yet to be a stronger overall class so sucks that their "seniors" are being overlooked for the big accolades.

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  14. Jenn is a good spokesperson! I thought the GL comments were interesting- then she said the last two years the leaders focused on setting a positive tone. Overall,  I felt like Katy (person picking the questions) stayed away from the overused DCC questions and we got a bit more information than usual.

    Jessica Marie is well spoken, too, I hope she host a chat this season.

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