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Anne Thrax

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Posts posted by Anne Thrax

  1. On 3/17/2021 at 5:40 PM, Kiss my mutt said:

    When I heard there was a birthday party, I thought, wtf, Kary’s getting another party? And of course Brandi to make it about her. Fortunately, Tiff was so wasted she didn’t notice! 
    Why does Tiffany have to tell her mom she went to four days anyway and isn’t she worried more how her mom will react when she sees these shows?


    No.  Tiffany's mother's only interest is in how much money Tiffany brings in.  Because her mother looks at the money Tiffany earns as her own property.  Kinda like Mama Dee, except Tiff's mom is exploiting her child instead of a man. We all heard how the mother has fucked with Tiffany's head her whole life, telling her only child how worthless she is unless she's bringing in the highest grades and the biggest money.

    That's why Tiffany is sweating breaking the news to Mommy Dearest.  Once her mother knows the cash cow is saying no to money that she could be earning, Tiffany is going to get browbeat like there's no tomorrow how ungrateful and lazy she is every time she sees her mother.

  2. On 3/16/2021 at 7:33 PM, njbchlover said:

    Yeah-they really didn't seem to care, did they?  They were more interested in their popsicles!!  Tiffany - just tell them that Mommy is now going to be able to spend more time with you.....once she stops filming the reality show that was the real reason she asked for a shorter work week as a doctor.  

    Tiffanty -- just tell them that Mommy is not going to spend any more time with you than she does now.  That one day a week will be used to do what she said in a previous episode -- getting her hair and nails done, waxing appointments, lunch with the girls, pick up her daughters from school and drop them off with the nanny.  She even said herself that her goal is to be a lady who lunches - one day a week.

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  3. On 3/10/2021 at 6:41 PM, stcroix said:

    I think Brandi thinks anyone is boring who doesn't think she (Brandi) is the funniest thing around.

    While I like and feel sorry for Tiffany and I realize her family moved alot so she couldn't making lasting friendships in schools, the comment about always living in poor areas didn't add up to the picture they showed of her family standing in front of the nice home in the nice neighborhood! 

    Deandra's husband comes across slimy to me. I dont know why, but he just does.  Does he even have a job? It seems Deandra's always living on the edge and doesn't mention his money... I've always thought he married her thinking to the future and that trust-- and Mama's age! 

    When Cary speaks I find myself constantly clearing my throat! I think she could have serious vocal nodules or something. What a yappy little voice!  I will say she has a fabulous figure for 50. But she and Brandi can leave anytime they're ready.

    Jeremy receives a military pension - he was a 20 year man in the Air Force.  Nothing slimy about that.

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  4. I hope to never again see/hear Cort urging his daughter to co-sign his contempt for Kameron.  Cort speaks to their kid as if she and Cort are the brains of the outfit and they just tolerate Kameron's presence.  I'd totally be up in his shit over it if it was me. I mean, I know she does go a bit over the top emotionally over silly stuff, but Cort picked her and she does have the right to know what's going on with the sale of their property.

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  5. On 3/4/2021 at 6:21 AM, MaggieG said:

    These women are really coming hard for Tiffany, I feel bad for her. It's not Tiffany's fault that Brandi feels uncomfortable. They had a good conversation on the day they met, Tiffany explained why the video was wrong and they moved on. Tiffany has been pretty understanding and even again during this dinner she tells Brandi that she doesn't believe Brandi is racist. Why is it all on Tiffany? Also, why are we still talking about her 10:30 party end time. The woman is a Dr and has to get up early!

    So why give a party on a day when you have to get up early the next day and be a doctor?  People don't plan parties for adults on  weekdays  because most of us have to get up during the week and be at our best for our jobs.  That's why Tiffany is considered socially awkward -- because she doesn't see anyone but herself when she's supposed to be in hostess mode and thinking about making her guests comfortable. Plus she thinks her guests shouldn't be offended when she makes rules for them like "no fighting" (really??) and "everyone has to leave by 10:30".

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  6. On 3/3/2021 at 1:52 PM, princelina said:

    Yeah I'm curious about how that ends next week before I start judging everyone too harshly 😄   This week no one's looking too good there.  I liked how Tiffany had handled the initial conversation with Brandi in episode 1 - a refreshing change to see a housewife who doesn't want to carry a grudge into infinity!  But since then Brandi has gotten drunk several times, waved down cars with a hairy wig down her pants, carried on with a blow up doll and puked in Tiffany's bathroom, so I'm pretty sure she has been her "authentic self" in front of Tiffany all season!  It initially struck me as a quest for relevance - a storyline, a continuation of something she may have gotten positive feedback for at the beginning of the season?  Or on the other hand - a desire to nitpick Tiffany for the cricket pizza and saying something Brandi didn't seem to understand about her pills?  I'm curious to see how this ends - often the "scenes from next week" are misleading so I'll wait.  But it better not be another rerun with some hags from a franchise I don't even watch trying to be witty!!!


    She went away to some rehab center last year after the video brouhaha, so I assumed that's what she was talking about.

    Covered above.

  7. On 3/2/2021 at 8:27 PM, Marley said:

    Wtf did I just watch? Is Brandi actually trying to make Tiffany feel bad and make herself out to be the victim. I don’t blame Tiffany for leaving. She’s trying to have fun but somehow Brandis fucked up shit is being put on her cause she’s Asian. What is it Brandi can’t say around Tiffany? When Tiffany has been nothing but nice to Brandi and placates her. Glad Brandi is not returning. 

    Also racist or not Brandi is very unfunny in my opinion.

    That houseboat was pretty lame. I don’t have half the money these guys do and I’ve been on nicer and more fun houseboats. Not sure why they even got a houseboat.

    Anyways pretty boring episode.


    I think it was a kind of boring episode too, but I think the shows were struggling pretty bad back then at the height of Covid to think of things they could do that wouldn't expose them to the public.  The houseboat I think filled the bill for a girls trip idea.

    I have to agree too that Brandi is just not that funny anymore with her over the top crude humor.  Once or twice maybe I can find it chuckle worthy, but she's done it too often now -- reaching with that blow-up doll to try to be the life of the party and it just fell flat.

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  8. Overall I'm finding TIffany Moon pretty shallow and so full of baloney with her routine of I'm a physician and saving the world but all I truly want is to be a mommy.

    And she is so transparent.  She thinks she's convincing everyone of her dreams of playing supermom to her little children but then her mask slips when she gleefully tells everyone her goal in life is to be "a lady who lunches".

    I mean, she started talking about "how much she could get done" in that one day, like getting her hair done, picking up her kids that day, maybe make a waxing appointment, hang out with girlfriends!!  Seems obvious she really just wants a day of the week for herself - not a word about plans for fun things she'd do with her kids (besides being the one to bring them home from kindergarten). 

    Also, I think it pretty ironic that Tiffany defends her stance that rules for parties make people feel secure and welcome, and then scoffs at the idea that she might be the better for consulting an etiquette book once or twice in her life. 

    • Love 5
  9. On 2/11/2021 at 6:43 PM, albarino said:

     I would have happily eaten the chicken feet but I don't want to eat crickets.  If Tiff had said and done that to me, I would carry her into the deep end of her pool.  Would she do this with Muslims and bacon?  Seriously, would she?

    I consider the Dallas women to be culinary babies, but they are what they are.  Tiff, a socially motivated person would want others to feel comfortable in her home, enjoy the greatness that is an outdoor pizza oven (and I would love one), and give it up on the shoe covers.  Uh, have the cleaning service wash your floors the next morning?  Geez, Tiff, this isn't the MSAT.  Perhaps this is an example of her own acknowledgement of her lack of social-skills training?

    I want to like her but she makes it difficult.  The shoe cover stuff is difficult and really Impolite but the cricket business needs to leave her in the bottom of the social-elite stratum.

    So well said and I couldn't agree more.

  10. On 2/10/2021 at 9:44 AM, Natalie68 said:

    I wsa thinking that she had such an intense life between schooling and her chosen field and being so young she doesn't know how to be silly.  She seems like she needs a tutor in having fun.  Her prank was really misguided but again, done because she isn't good at this sort of thing.  I wouldn't be happy being served something I may not choose on my own however, I would have looked for it before biting.  

    Her rules don't seem unreasonable. The ladies need some.

    This reminds me of the comment she made on the bus to Grapeville or whatever it was called.  Tiffany couldn't join in the pole dancing but instead of just gracefully bowing out made a rude and condescending comment something like, "Where would I have learned to pole dance for money" as if the others were all pole dancing strippers in their earlier years.  I mean, she could have just laughed and hollered like everyone else, but she acted superior instead.  Way to gain friends.

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  11. On 2/9/2021 at 10:40 PM, GussieK said:

    Oy, Tiffany really squandered her good will tonight, from the girls and the audience. 

    Get a clue Tiffany - when people politely decline the opportunity to try the unorthodox foods you offer, they will rebel if you force it on them in a sneaky, underhanded way.

    Tiffany might figure out how to have a good time if she could just get out of her own way.  All that time spent hitting the books and doing extra credit projects for the highest grades in the universe didn't teach her shit about social graces, or the philosophy behind American hosting customs (i.e., make your guests feel welcome and comfortable at all times). 

    I guess that part of her education was badly neglected if not ignored completely, so poor Tiffany just doesn't get it.  She's so compulsive about order and control that her parties have rules to make sure the hostess is happy.  The guests better know to just suck it up.  Tiffany says she wants to make friends, but then sneers at them when chicken feet and crickets turn them off and by the way, I'll want you all to leave promptly when it gets to be my bedtime.  (Even though Kam is silly and goes to absurd extremes, in this case I don't blame Kam for setting the alarm and leaving on the dot.)

    • Love 7
  12. On 2/2/2021 at 7:15 PM, Kiss my mutt said:

    Tiffany’s husband’s face looks like wax. He is expressionless. 
    If Tiffany hated having a Tiger mother, yet she admits to being one. Whatever. 

    I noticed Tiffany was pretty stingy with the praise of her children's academic achievements (a ho-hum "that's pretty good") while not actually being up to speed about the level they were performing at.  A Tiger Mom would be doing the teaching herself.  Where are the ballet lessons, where are the piano or violin lessons?  I'm sure the girls will be pushed into that soon enough if Tiffany is to keep her Tiger Mom pride intact.

    Tiffany knows why she can't stop -- she's beholden to her mother and father who expect her to work her hardest her whole life to make as much money as she can because they see it as her duty to support them when they decide to retire.  It won't matter that they have their own house, their own money and live comfortably.  They expect her bend to their every demand because she owes them for giving her life.  I noticed how she said it was "because they brought me here and gave up a good life in China".  Baloney.  If they had the world by the ass living in China, they'd have stayed there.  I will never understand parents who expect repayment from their children in the form of obeying all parental demands their whole lives for simply having brought them into the world.


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  13. Oh man!  Awkward.  That's how I felt watching Kary talking to Sofia.  During their conversation when Kary approaches the subject of her divorce, Sofia shuts it down with such finality I get the feeling that Kary has beat the dead horse of her divorce to her kids ad nauseum.  I noticed that both her daughters seem tentative, reserved and decidedly unemotional around Kary, as if they can barely tolerate her.  I sense an undercurrent that her daughters aren't impressed by her attentive mother routine.

    • Love 7

    On 1/27/2021 at 2:24 PM, Starlight925 said:

    D’Andra is absolutely beautiful in person, and has such kind mannerisms.  Jeremy is super cute in person too, and he has this kind, genuine smile. 
    That being said, D’Andra is looking so over-Botoxed it’s ridiculous.  
    On WWHL, she couldn’t move her face.  At all. 
    Judging from her brother’s house/neighborhood, it was D’Andra who got all the goodies from the will.  It’s possible that of the two wills, it was decided that one superseded the other, rendering the one that left the brother anything void. 
    The brother has to know all about her lifestyle.  He probably throws a shoe at the TV every time she’s on. 
    Does Mama Dee keep in touch with him I wonder?  Is he her son?  I was too busy watching D’Andra’s face for any sign of movement to pay attention, if it was mentioned. 

    D'Andra has referred to him as her brother and her step-brother.  She told us (don't remember which episode) that after her parents divorced, her father married again and they adopted a little boy who is D'Andra's what? Half brother, I guess?

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  15. On 1/26/2021 at 6:35 PM, Kiss my mutt said:

    Tiffany is all “look at me, look what I do”. We get it. You don’t want us to forget you’re a doctor. 

    Exactly what I was thinking.  It's one thing to encourage your children, but it's another to warp reality for their consumption. 

    Tiffany isn't Wonder Woman -- she's a well educated woman who's got a paycheck job as an anesthesiologist in a hospital.  She's not doing the healing, she's anesthetizing the patient for someone else to do the healing.  But she presents herself to her children as if she's saving the fucking world every day. 

    I'm assuming the hospital pays her by paycheck which means she doesn't have to hustle up her own business, manage her own staff or see to the billing and collection like most business people.  She does a job that requires an MD degree but demands far less hours than a practicing physician who performs procedures, and then has office hours for treating patients.

    But to listen to Tiffany, she's performing the impossible while suffering not being there to tuck her babies in at night.  She lives for the regard and admiration she gets from society, and probably most importantly, from her parents.  If she really and truly longed to be the one to tuck her girls in, she'd be doing it.  I mean, whose decision was it to take this second job, Tiffany?  I'm positive your girls would be happier living in a smaller house and having a mother who only worked 9-5.  Her daughters haven't said much on camera so far, but what we have heard is that they want mommy home more.

    • Love 3
  16. 23 minutes ago, Boo Boo said:

    What's funny is she doesn't realize her own libido is likely to change as she ages.  In perimenopause, my sex drive was in overdrive.  Now that I'm in menopause, I've got nearly zero sex drive.  At that point, you hope your partner's libido goes down!

    Yes - she said she's 45 now.  Not far off from when perimenopause kicks in, although I heard that women on birth control will experience that later than women who aren't.  But luckily there's hormone replacement therapy - something that's available to both of them.

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  17. On 1/29/2021 at 2:40 PM, ChitChat said:

    I think she falls in love quickly.  Remember the doctor?  I thought he was her soulmate.  Rick seems like a decent guy.  I've seen a few of his news reports over the years.  Those were always informative.  They do seem like an odd couple though.  I never would've put the two of them together.  He might want to hang on to his wallet from now on.   Like most men though, he's probably thinking with his smaller head at the moment, so I can understand his lapse in judgment.  😉  

    Odd couple indeed.  I think Rick makes a very good living but is not rich by any means.  And I believe Kelly would make it her business to know all about his financial status.  Observing her talking about him, I think she just really digs the guy.

    • Love 4
  18. On 1/29/2021 at 7:29 AM, ChitChat said:

    Since I don't know how Shannon feels about these things, the whole situation came across to me as her being caught in the crossfire of the other HWs argument about whether they were invited to the rally or not, then it escalated from there and she didn't want any part of that conversation, so she blurted out that she's not political.  They really should think about how they're going to answer questions that will probably come up, but most of them don't think farther than what their next cocktail will be.   I won't assume how she thinks and feels based on that one sentence. 

    Absolutely right.  In this country when someone's trying to accuse you of something, you have the right to remain silent.

    • Love 7
  19. On 1/28/2021 at 10:08 AM, hisbunkie said:

    There is something “off” about Elizabeth.  I’m pretty sure she’s neither “100% nor1000%” truthful about her past nor present. I’m thinking 10% on a good day. I have issues when people use percentages when answering questions.

    Elizabeth did a long interview with Heather McDonald on her podcast.  Heather did a good job of attempting to do a timeline of her growing up in a Colt, education,marriage,etc.  Pretty interesting.

    So her mother got an 18 wheeler and drove off the cult?  Where exactly do you rent an 18 wheeler? U Haul? Costco? Your cousin’s neighbor boyfriend?  

    Kelly really is despicable, isn’t she? Not afraid of COVID? So the half million people who died in the US died allowed a virus to “get-them”?  I hate that kind of thinking/language use.  Things like”losing her fight with cancer”? Or “worked hard to make it big”.  

    Brawny needs to be charged with assault, simple. It’s OC that would file the charges not Shawn. I’m not sure why anyone on that couch or viewing from home gets to decide if she is an alcoholic.  It’s her experience.  

    I’m so over Shannon. I didn’t know there was a “fun Shannon”.  Must of missed that segment.

    I heard her say her mother bought an 18-wheeler.  Old rigs are surprisingly easy to come by.

    • LOL 1
  20. On 1/28/2021 at 5:29 AM, SweetieDarling said:

    Personally, I would prefer they leave politics out of these shows. I watch these shows as an escape, not to be enlightened or educated. I prefer to get my information from reliable sources, not Bravo Housewives. The majority of these women (can't think of an exception off-hand, but there may be one) are shallow and self-absorbed. I've always thought that was the main theme of these shows: The shallow vapid lives of people with, seemingly, unlimited credit lines -until the Feds show up. There are plenty of other reasons to dislike and snark on these people without their political views entering into it. I don't view them as role models for anything, except maybe how not to behave.

    Frankly, imo, all of Braunwyn's wokeness is lip-service. She's experiencing every trending situation: child with eating disorder, child with fashion line, gender confused child, addiction, member of the LGBTQ community, social activism (complete with photographer),..and, apparently, from their reactions, with a large amount of self-righteousness and finger pointing at the other women. I don't find her to be credible or sincere about anything.

    Well said, thank you!

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  21. Gina talking about making her victim statement in court made me think about her statement that Matt turned down the plea deal.  That usually means he wants to go to trial.  I'm not sure where I heard it, but that the plea deal included 4 year jail term. 

    That's a lot, even in a DV case, so it made me wonder what it was that Matt was accused of doing during that attack on Gina.  The DA wouldn't be recommending a 4-yr sentence for pushing or open handed slapping or even preventing her from leaving.  Something more serious went on there.  I'm talking bad, like choking her out or spousal rape.  Statistics show that the ones who choke out their spouses are exponentially more likely to kill in that situation.  I'll be VERY interested to know how that comes out.

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