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Posts posted by sacrebleu


    Now, does anyone have a recommendation for a good eye serum?

    Here is the big secret about eye serums.


    It really is a huge racket. Buy Olay regenerist serum (for the face) and use it all over (face, eye area, neck). It works just as well as the fancy stuff at about a third of the price. (BTW I turned the big 4-0 this year, but I'm one of the people who got a little crazy about moisturizing early. I have waaay too much information about this stuff in my brain) 


    I have embraced not keeping up with youth culture. Although sometimes the 20-somethings I work with surprise me. My local NPR station plays old radio dramas every Sunday. Listening to them is one of my favorite ways to spend a Sunday evening. (Gunsmoke, Johnny Dollar-  love that stuff)

    I dont' talk about it much because thought it made me sound about 80 years old, but it turns out I work with several people - at least a decade younger than I am, who love them as well.


    Maybe its kind of like swing music or bow-ties, sometimes things just come back around again to being cool. (or so tragically unhip it's ironic, and therefore cool, or maybe I just work with dorks)

    • Love 1
  2. I can't believe I wasn't able to express my hatred for "The Christmas Shoes" in KoB's poll. I loathe that treacley piece of crap.


    Flying on Christmas Eve was event free! The flight left on time, we even had a well behaved baby on the flight- barely a peep, and we got in 20 minutes ahead of schedule. A Christmas miracle to be sure!. I realize I will probably pay for it on the way home.


    Happy Holidays!


    And congrats to KingofBirds for his first Hateball championship.


    didn't this guy like secretly give you birth control and hide a pregnant woman in your house so he could steal her baby? Like maybe stay away from him.

    Come on, that baby turned out to be Morgan, and let's face it. He'd have been much better off being raised by Ric and Liz. And we all would have been better off with Carly dead.


    I can't help it, Ric and Liz have always been a lovely chem-fest for me. It doesn't matter how annoying she gets, put her in a scene with RiH and I love them both.


    Merry Thursday to all, and a Happy Next Thursday!

    • Love 11
  4. I don't know if Sonny would approve of Duke casually taking illegal pay-offs in Carly's hotel. 


    Floved Anna today, the hair, manipulating Jordan, the smile at the end. 


    I had to ff LizvSam, its too stupid to waste time on

    • Love 1
  5. Well, Im guessing Dante and Lulu need a bigger place. Or Nathan - since he can't live with Maxie. I think his "lease" is up later this month. She sublet to him in December. 


    Maybe Anna could finally move out of the MetroCourt. 


    I will say the actor playing Nathan is getting better. He's got a real comfort level with KSt. 


    And all I can say is, if Jakeson is having memories already, Helena is going to be busy slitting throats. It's so hard to get good flunkies these days. The things you have to do to brainwash your back from the dead super soldier.. Hardly seems worth the trouble.

    • Love 7

    if she ends up with a Very Serious Health Problem (symptoms: mild ear infection) and only Sonny can save her and so he bargains his way out of prison.

    This is so horrible it will probably happen. I only hope Julian has the opportunity to call Sonny out for bargaining with his daughter's life. (I mean, if the kid needed something, Sonny could donate blood/marrow etc from the prison infirmary right?)

    • Love 6
  7. I'm partial to the James Taylor version of "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas" but "Baby, Please Come Home" is great. 


    I don't usually travel for Christmas- but this year I am, any advice or cautionary tales about holiday travel? (I'm flying on Christmas Eve)

  8. Blech. The crazy thing about bringing back the character of Jason is that it highlights how repulsive and impossible the character was.


    Sam and Liz are both right and wrong. Jakeson is a dangerous, violent criminal (but he is also Jason who is a paragon of virtue).


    Guza and now Ron make the mistake of creating a character who is a killer for hire who is also a good person. They're confusing a paradox for complexity, and every character who accepts that a person can kill people for money AND be a decent human being is pretty much a complete idiot.


    Free Sam and Liz. 

    • Love 7
  9.  My family is huge so we pick names (and everyone buys for our parents, our nieces/nephews and one sibling/sibling-in-law)

    I usually get my parents a gift card for one of their favorite restaurants. I started a tradition with my oldest niece of 'pre-Christmas' presents.. which were usually cute holiday outfits. And I give them early, because what's the point of a holiday themed onsie you don't get until Christmas. 


    As an aunt, I think its my responsibility to purchase the adorable but impractical stuff that parents wouldn't buy. So I did most of my shopping last month. Of course, its tougher as they get older, less cute, and more 'oh my God is THAT what kids are wearing!?' 


    You'd think Dante would be a little interested in how his partner is doing. His reluctance to check on Nathan was off-putting.

    Maybe he was jealous. Anna did take him out of the field to check on Nathan.


    Unintentional comedic moment of the day goes to Molly: I want to post this op-ed about my dad so what happened to him never happens to anyone else. How often do former mob lawyers turned DAs turned corporate attorneys get framed as drug kingpins by an international cabal of crazy terrorists?

    • Love 7

    I never formed an opinion about Johnny one way or another but I am thinking that's his voice calling to Sonny in the preview.

    That's what I'm thinking too, and as far as I'm concerned that's Christmas come early. Johnny always welcomed the opportunity to give Sonny shit. Killing the wrong guy to avenge Connie's death, and the guy was Michael's father. I hope Johnny gets serious licks in. 


    After all, what can Sonny say? The people Johnny killed don't actually exist. 

    • Love 5
  12. I'm with Sake614 talking about the baby's dimples is a red herring, the baby must be Morgans



    Honestly, Cameron should be as old as Kiki/Morgan /Micheal. Wasn't he Zander's kid?

    Yup, He was born a year after Morgan (who would have been Ric and Liz's kid if the panic room plan had actually succeeded, wrap your brain about Liz raising Morgan as one of her boyeez. Cam was born before Molly, who is now looking at colleges. I think RH looking so young is keeping them from SORASing her kids.

    • Love 1

    Duke declaring that what he did (lie for a mobster) and what Anna did (attempted, in a really dumb way, to keep a psychopath contained) are totally the same?  No thanks.

    I know, right! 

    Anna was trying to prevent a criminal from committing crimes, Duke was trying to make sure a criminal was free to to whatever. It is slightly different.

    • Love 10
  14. My favorite part about Michael and Kiki, was when he calmly asked her to leave the key behind. I really enjoyed DGAF Michael. 


    I forgot which poster said that Kiki had no qualms about ending it with Morgan for one lie, she really has no self awareness whatsoever.


    *sigh* I wish I could enjoy Liz/Jake. I've always liked Liz, and I think BH and BM have chemistry, but this story is ridiculously ham-handed. He's not the second coming of Jasus. He's not Jason Morgan or Jason Q. 

    • Love 2
  15. Well, I'm a little bummed that I won't be hosting Christmas Eve this year, for the first time in about 12 years. I think I mentioned here that this summer, my younger sister got married and my older sister was getting divorced. So, I'm headed to Seattle to spend Christmas with her so she won't be alone. Her husband is generally an ass (I actually suspect he may have narcissistic personality disorder) and I think he's going to jerk her around w/r/t who will get their daughter for the holiday. 


    So, hoping to make it a good Christmas but I have my doubts.

  16. I liked Michael and Rosalie-- but she is terrible at acting drunk. 


    Did I hear right, and did The Nina actually say "cock-a-doody" today? Well, if you're going to rip off dialogue from a crazy character, Stephen King has good source materials.


    Man, the PCPD is having one hell of a day(week? day-week?) Whatever this Hallow-Election day is, They nab AJ Quartermain's killer, his accomplice, and Heather Webber.


    I just hope Nathan and Dante have the time and energy to debrief the commissioner.

    • Love 1
  17. Well, there had to be a reason they went through that whole explanation about whether Franco's video was admissible in court. I think that will be the true test of whether or not Michael is rejecting Sonny & Carly.

    If he signs off on the video, since it was made in his home, then the prosecutors can use it.(that was my understanding of that bit of exposition. I doubt its actually law, but maybe its what passes on GH)

    I hope the scene where Michael gives permission gives us EPIC 'duh' faces from Sonny and Carly.

    • Love 3
  18. Morgan was so stunningly stupid today, "it was like a chain reaction of.... things." He is totally Sonny's son.

    As for Sonny, MB had some epic duh faces today, pretty much every break ended with him looking like he was trying to do long division in his head, with the turn around to see Michael being the topper.

    As for the campaign signs, Ron's monthday claims continuity as a victim. The wedding was supposed to be on Halloween, but even though its the very same day, everybody is talking about the election results. Lucy went from the Haunted Star to Felicia's campaign headquarters at the Floating Rib, with Flea's talk of election recounts.

    That means Spencer and Joss have been begging for candy for 4 days.

    • Love 4
  19. Well, the Michael/Carly scenes did live up to the billing. That was good soapy fun.

    I don't expect it to last, I expect a Corinthos Family Christmas, but Sonny and Carly on the outside looking in will be sweet, however long it lasts.

    I still wonder how Scott wasn't on the phone to the cops immediately. But that's me just thinking logically.

    I remember Dr O loving Halloween, why isn't she celebrating? Or was last year's Halloween festivities just a forgotten plot point.

    • Love 2
  20. Well if Sonny doesn't go to jail after the DA (Scott is still the DA isn't he?) hears him confess to murder on tape, then I will have to quit this show.


    Of course, the best part of Sonny in prison is that you know Johnny and his guys are running things at Pentonville. (BB you are missed!)


    As satisfying as it is to see Carly's comeuppance- it better also come with some time behind bars.

    • Love 6

    The woman can sell crazy.  From full out bug eyed threats to pulled back quiet creepy.

    Which is kind of my problem with her (along with her volume, her invading everyone's personal space, her repeating words, and her repeating words.)

    Does she have to be ALL the kinds of crazy? She's impulsive and methodical, delusional and paranoid and obsessive, alternately child-like and grown up.


    Pick a crazy, lady.


    Jerry Jax is a charming sociopath. Heather is obsessed with her kids, and occasionally has super powers. That's a crazy I can get behind. 

    • Love 11
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