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Posts posted by watcherwoman

  1. I live in Indiana, at a lake,  and we are also huge Cubs fans.  Most northern Indiana people are fans of the Chicago teams.  My son knew Ben in college, so I find all of this very interesting. 


    Warsaw Indiana is very ho-hum in my opinion, but there are many great lakes nearby.  Rick Fox, the sometimes actor and former NBA player who was married to Vanessa Williams, played basketball for Warsaw  High school.  Ben roomed with basketball players at Indiana University, and since basketball is king in Indiana, he was a popular guy in college. 


    The thing that bugs me about the Bachelor tv show is, why assume that the girl has to be wife material?  I mean really, Emily was young and immature in some ways, but she seemed to have a good heart and she will eventually grow up.  Whatever happened to dating for a few years, if you find someone that you like?  The whole premise is so dumb!  Dating so many girls and then pulling out a ring after you decide one of the herd is your favorite just seems so ridiculous to me.  I'm surprised a few couples have made it work.



    • Love 7
  2. I seem to remember Christy of the Miami Ho wives, messing around with her step-son, which helped cause the demise of her marriage.  Wasn't she married to Glenn Robinson, the NBA player?  It wasn't talked about much, but I remember it was mentioned somewhere.  Same punk kid screwing his step-mom that was such an ass to Kandi and Kenya?  Lovely bunch.

    • Love 2
  3. What gets me is, if Brooks is lying about being sick, it takes someone with huge balls, or total ignorance to try to play this on television.  Look how many people have information, or can find it and so easily, and I'm not talking about idiot Meghan, but real people with brains.  He allowed that medical report to be shown on large high definition tvs.  He probably didn't watch RHOA when Kim's phone showed her married boyfriend's name on our television screens.


    Shannon does appear to be buzzed when talking to David.  She has a right to be pissed at him, but alcohol probably really brings out the nasty when she is around him.  He looks like he is totally checked out, although she keeps saying their marriage is better than ever.


    Speaking of high definition, I wish Tamra would darken her hair, cut it and use less make-up.  She could look so much better!

    • Love 5
  4. Oh my yes, Ryan does resemble Hans from The Burbs!! I have thought that for years! I loved the movie too, I've seen it several times.

    I definitely knew Jim Edmonds was a ball player. He was a big deal in St. Louis and I don't even live there. I used to watch some baseball, mostly National league, so I was familiar with him.

    Heather wearing those leeches on her ears at Shannon's party was just wrong!

    • Love 4
  5. Jim and crazy Meghan remind me of Atlanta's Porsha and Kordell. I think their marriage will have the same results too. Jim does throw out some funny lines, maybe he should hook up with Countess LuAnn. I'd laugh all day listening to their quips.

    Ryan doesn't understand that Eddie is family too. I doubt that Ryan would ignore Sara giving money to anyone without his approval. He'd probably kick her ass. I feel so sad when I see his baby. What kind of life is that child going to experience with her two idiot parents?

    Tamra's boobs did look weird on WWHL. I thought her mother looked nice, but leave it to Tamra to insult the man who showed up for the date. I thought he looked age appropriate. Tamra is nearly 50, so saying her mom is 60ish is a bit of a stretch.

    • Love 13
  6. I don't see LuAnn in danger of losing her apple. She throws out some of the best lines. And didn't she warn the pirate, or the bar staff, "don't fuck with me, I'm an Indian?" She's one tough broad. I like her loose and slutty too. I hope she's safe. I'd like to see Heather stay too. Her shocked reactions are awesome. Heck, they can all stay, they all serve a purpose for my viewing pleasure.

    I'm not shocked that Nicole may have fallen hard for Adam. Even Carole seems infatuated with him, and she dated George Clooney for goodness sakes. Perhaps Nicole did move on and date others, but that doesn't mean she still did not try to hook up with Adam. LuAnn may be protecting Nicole's new relationship, so that's why she is a bit sketchy.

    • Love 5
  7. Okay, who here tipped off Radaronline.  LMAO.  I'll send you a muffin basket. Are they married?  


    “It’s unfortunate and I’m not happy with either one of them,” Judge reveals exclusively. “The reason they got into a fight wasn’t his fault, but he’s trying his hardest to work things out for their daughter,” five-month-old Ava.


    “Ryan doesn’t know what to do” and is “in tears” over the incident, which has ended with police dismissing the charges, said Judge, 47. “He feels like he shouldn’t be around Sarah but he wants to be around his daughter.”  (Lab wants to remind everyone she didn't change her name to Judge, Eddie is appreciative of that, I'm sure.)

    All I can say is I feel so sorry for that baby. Sarah already had 3 little girls and she chose Ryan to knock her up again. What a surprise, they fight and don't get along. They both come with such good references too.


    Who here is shocked?  Crickets.  Tamra better sell a home for that bail money.  Eddie - I was just rolling up your parachute.  I think I'll just dorp off u-haul boxes instead.  Child support.....for 18 years dude. 



  8. Tamra's complaints about Eddie seem very much like the ones she had about Simon. Yes Tamra, running a business is more than a full time job. My husband started a business 30 years ago and I was lucky if I saw him more than a few hours a week for years. We finally have a normal life now, we have good people in place, but we are near retirement age, and it puts a tremendous strain on a family. I don't think Tamra understands sacrifice, so the business or the marriage won't survive, probably neither one.

    Shannon stating she still thinks about the affair 50 times a day wasn't a surprise to me. Over the years (I'm old), I've known many betrayed spouses. It took at least 2 years for most of them to quit obsessing. One lady developed Alzheimers, years later, and she forgot her children's names, her own name, and nearly all of her history. She remembered her husband's affair long after other memories faded. I would hear her say over and over, because Alzheimer patients repeat themselves, "I think Paul is seeing someone". It must have been a terrible hurt. Shannon is already an obsessive person so I don't see her letting this go.

    • Love 17
  9. I wrote earlier about my son knowing Ben H. Ben is known as a high character, mature guy who gives back to the community. He really is a great person, according to his friends, and they are also really good people, so I can believe it.

    Ok, I didn't watch the earlier episodes, I only came onboard when I found out Ben H would be on, but did I miss something? Were Clint and JJ a couple on the show? Why were all the bachelors snickering when JJ talked? How did I miss that? Those scenes between Clint and JJ were tense. Good for them if they are a couple, but I'm confused as to why they were on the show.

    • Love 2
  10. I don't think I would lock the other bathroom door if the room was supposed to be empty.  I would like to think since Ramona led him there, and he opted for the bed furthest from the bathroom, that one of them at least closed the door. And, if he needed to use the bathroom, he may have even closed both doors, but who knows, maybe I am giving naked dude too much credit (since he didn't rape and rob them).


    He wasn't there yet when Heather went to bed, and I don't think when she heard the 3am party that she thought someone would end up sleeping next door, though she really shouldn't have ruled it out, knowing these women.

    I'm a nut for checking doors, so having any empty room or occupied room with access to me and my stuff would drive me crazy. I would check and recheck those doors...lol. I just think there were many mistakes made during their trip, by everyone. I do find it funny that Sonja wasn't upset that Heather came straight to her after finding a naked man. Oh well!

    • Love 4
  11. So I'm assuming these rooms are connected by bathroom only. The man entered his room from his own door, but could have walked through the bathroom to Heather and Carole's room. I think that's correct, something like a Jack and Jill type setup. Why didn't Heather or Carole have the bathroom door locked on the empty room side? They left their jewelry and purses out and didn't bother to lock the door to the un occupied room on that side of the bathroom?

    I would have checked that door before going to sleep, just to feel safe. Plus they admitted that they knew there were men in the house.They must have felt very safe in that house to not bother to secure both doors.

    Also, they did not knock when they entered Ramona and Sonja's room. So, making a big deal of knocking on LuAnn's door was kind of silly.

    • Love 3
  12. In a defense of the ladies bringing home the dudes, I'm assuming that secluded vacation spot has 24 hour security. I wouldn't stay there if there weren't any guards full time. Those places scream money, so maybe the ladies felt safe because there was protection.

    If I met a guy on vacation in T & C, in a dance club, and that guy was hanging on me and could spend the night at my place, I would assume he was single. How many married guys could do that? I can believe LuAnn didn't know his marital status. It's possible that someone at the bar, someone LuAnn trusted, casually knew her guy and said the man was okay. We really don't know. Or perhaps, LuAnn just liked what she saw, and decided she wanted to bed him. I guess we'll never know.

    Edited to add, LuAnn and Ramona had to have mentioned they were filming a reality show to their guys. I can't imagine many married men would want to walk into that environment. I just don't believe LuAnn knew her guy was married.

    • Love 7
  13. Brianna probably was the one who barred Brooks from coming to Chicago. Besides Vicki's brother Billy, didn't Vic have a sister too? I believe both of them lived in Chicago near their mother. Vicki's been in California for many years, so I'm somewhat surprised at Vicki's over the top reaction to her mother's death. Yes, I get that she is grieving, and it's always awful to lose a parent, but Vicki's reactions are always about HER more than they are about anyone else.

    I suppose Ryan wants to come back to Orange County so he can claim his spot in the C.U.T. dynasty...lol. His wife may be a nice woman, but she isn't a child and she already had 3 kids when she hooked up with Ryan. She had to know about Ryan's reputation, so I don't feel too sorry for her.

    Meghan brings nothing to this show, I don't get it. Other than her countdown to death, for Hayley's mom, why is she around?

    • Love 4
  14. Meghan reminds me of the Sarah Jessica Parker character in The First Wives Club.  Meghan's "coming out in the OC" charity was akin to Sarah Jessica's character trying to find her place in society under the tutelage of Gunilla Garson Goldberg.  I can see Heather Dubrow  whispering "fork fork" to Meghan at a fancy dinner some point this season.  Meghan doesn't seem too bright.


    Jimmy married Meghan pretty quickly after his divorce.  I wonder if she was his side-pork while he was married to number two.  Baseball players in St. Louis must love these pharm reps.  Mark McGwire married one too, I believe.  McGwire's wife was stunning, it must be a requirement for the job. 

    • Love 8
  15. I agree, I'm just skeptical about Shannon's version of David refusing to talk. He seems to be talking about it, they're going to therapy, he acknowledged that Shannon has actual shit to be paranoid about. Is he really not talking or has he not wanted to talk about it a certain times or expressed frustration at feeling like they're arguing in circles or something? I just don't trust Shannon as a narrator. I don't think she lies, but I do think she gets focused on the bad over the good and can get pretty hysterical when she feels disappointed (which is always). I could see David not wanting to continue the discussion for the 100th time because it's 2AM and he has to be at work in 4 hours as getting translated into David refuses to talk in Shannon's mind. She should just leave him. He's never going to be able to apologize enough for her.

    Yes, that's the problem, Shannon isn't the normal wife.  If she agrees to limit her affair talk to a certain amount of time, and agrees that she will not hold it over his head forever,  I will be shocked.  And, no way should their discussions be on tv.

    • Love 3
  16. I agree with the fact that Shannon is miserable and she makes life very difficult for David.  However, when she mentioned in her TH that David refuses to talk about, or answer any questions about the affair,  I really felt for her.  I remember Oprah saying something about the pain of betrayal, and that the betrayer needed to respect the betrayed spouse's desire for answers.  Oprah said the betrayed person felt like they were trying to put together a puzzle, but without knowing what the puzzle looked like, it was never going to get solved.  I'm probably saying it wrong, but I'm not Oprah, so I did my best.


    I think it's fair to ask David to talk about the affair, for a certain amount of time, with a therapist present, if needed, and not just expect Shannon to let it go, without any answers.  At least for the first few months.  I don't see her letting this go unless he gives her some answers, however, we're talking about Shannon, and we all know that David will never measure up, so I guess my point is mute.  Just trying to be fair.


    I'm still curious about Heather's puppies.  I wonder if they are still around?  I didn't hear any barking or mentioning of the dogs at her rental this year.  I hope we see them sometime.

    • Love 4
  17. I would love to watch Ben H. as The Bachelor as I find him stunning but he seemed really uncomfortable opening up about things on camera. He seems much too normal and level-headed for the craziness. They would have to tone down the drama ten-fold for the poor guy. I would prefer to watch a more romantic season than a bunch of crazies but I'm sure the producers don't feel the same. 

    He is a super guy according to my son.   BenH is also a good friend of NBA player Cody Zeller, who plays for the Charlotte Hornets.  Cody is a very good-hearted spiritual guy who does so much charity work.  Ben is the same type of person.  Cody talks about Ben on his twitter occasionally.

    • Love 2
  18. Oh my, Shannon and David!  God, I'm feeling as uncomfortable watching them as I was when Taylor Armstrong and Russell graced our screens.  I just hope there is a better ending this time.  I've always said that Shannon needed a real job.  I know raising kids is a real job, but she seems to have always had too much time on her hands and she over thinks everything.  David just seems like a guy who works hard and wants to have some fun.  Shannon will never get it.  He doesn't want to analyze every little thing or be responsible for Shannon's happiness every second of the day.


    I think Meghan is pretty.  If one of my sons brought her around I'd think she was a very attractive young girl.   She looks natural and doesn't have that plastic look at all.  I hope she doesn't start doing procedures and Terry should be shot if he suggests any for her.


    Tamra and Heather are being very nice this year to make up for their evil ways last season.  Heather can pull it off, but not sure about Tamra. 


    Vicki's party was awesome again.  At least Terry didn't call David a penis, but of course anal had to be discussed at the table.

    • Love 3
  19. I have only seen a few Bachelor episodes and none of the Bachelorette ones.  I'm watching this season because my son knows one of the guys, (Ben H), so I thought it might be interesting.  From all reports, Ben H is a fantastic guy with really great character.  I'm not sure I'm pulling for him to win because I'm not thrilled with Kaitlyn.  I think that's her name.


    I hate the way Kaitlyn announces to all the men that she is there to find a husband.  It just sounds so awkward.  Can't she just say she is there to find someone special and see what happens?  I think that Nick might be perfect for this girl.  He's not interesting to me either.  Some of the guys seem much to nice and normal for her.  Maybe she's a good person away from the show, but not impressed at all.



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  20. I never jumped on the Kristin train because I couldn't stand the way she argues.  She just wouldn't stop interrupting and she was too busy forming her next sentence instead of actually listening to what the other person was saying.  Bethenny can be a total bitch, but I was glad to see her walk away from Kristin because I feared Kristin would pull the same old crap in a fight with Bethenny.  These women hang on to every little slight for much too long, but Kristin does it in a way that bothers me.  Knowing Kristin's personality, she must have felt rage by Bethenny's rejection.


    I like Dorinda, she's normal.  Not perfect, but seems sane.  Avery is a doll.  Carole is having a great time doing this show.  I wonder if she is secretly writing a book about being on a reality show with a bunch of crazy women.

    • Love 3
  21. Except we're not going back in history. And the Dubrow's don't live in the big city. It's rediculous to build a huge home like that and look out your window only to stare at the side of your neighbors house right into their windows. You would think they could afford some property along with that McManse. JMO of course. 

    I have to agree, especially if you are spending 4 million for a plot of ground!  It must be the Midwest girl in me.  Surround me with nature and that's heaven. 

    • Love 2
  22. If Brooks was my man and my friend accused him of lying about having cancer, that would be it for me.  There is no way I could forgive that.  And telling everyone on national television that he is a liar??  I haven't noticed if Vicki and Tamra are still friends, but if they are, what happens during this season?  Is Vicki THAT needy?

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