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Posts posted by watcherwoman

  1. Last year it was either on WWHL, or on the show, Bethenny made comments that Lu was actually a soft hearted person who happened to be tall with a husky voice, so people had the wrong impression of Lu.    Did she lie last year?  Did she say it because Bethenny was choosing new sides against Carole?  I wonder about these things, which probably means I think too much about these crazies.

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  2. Sonny Hostin is telling the story of Bethenny having a huge meltdown when Sonny's child was playing on the beach at 2pm, while Bethenny's kid was sleeping.  Lol, I get a kick out of Bethenny, for the most part, but her reputation is taking some hits today.  Sonny also said that Jason Hoppy was very nice during the altercation.  I have to laugh at the visual of Sonny storming up to Bethenny's house to confront her...lol. Bethenny gave her a bunch of skinny girl stuff later to make up for it.

    Tinsley better stay cute and rich, because she has no game when it comes to men.  Ramona seems to do better.

    Dorinda is looking pretty good this year, I wonder if she's ready to dump John.

    Why is Barbara on this show again?

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  3. These girls are such delicate little flowers.  One makes a comment that there is something strange about another one and says "she makes the hairs stand up on my neck".  The others gasp and runs to tell the others and we have hours of that nonsense.  They all fall apart over the smallest things.

    The New York girls call each other slut, snake, drunkard, delusional, sociopathic and worse, then they go out to eat, bitch a bit about it, and move on to the next issues.

    If LVP did encourage Brandi to bring the tabloids about Kyle on their trip, so what?  LVP knows how to make good television and Kyle could have laughed it off and it would have been no big deal.  Such flowers...lol

    Another thing, since I'm comparing franchises, Rinna has rats in her house and it was hardly mentioned.  Kim Z and her daughter told everyone about Nene's roaches and it became a big story, all over social media.  It was debated if Nene was dirty and lived in a filthy home.  It just bugs me I guess.  The Beverly Hills ladies are treated better IMO.

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  4. It's only fair that Rinna dressed as Erika, since our favorite talentless pop star wore Rinna's QVC crap to a wedding.  

    I don't think Mauricio is a child molesting slime, but I feel it's our duty as posters to write sick and funny things about these people.   I don't think they give two shits about our opinions.

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  5. I agree that Matt and Caryn's betrayal was the absolute worse thing done to Amy.  Just the act of betraying a loved one is so much worse than any other crime or hurt that can be done to someone.  If a random person vandalizes my car, I'm going to be pissed, but eventually I'll get over it, but if my friend or mate cheats and lies to me, that cuts to the core.  My trust may never return, my self worth will be shot and I'll probably never get the answer to "why".  Betrayal also hurts the kids, it's just a horrible thing to do to anyone.  For anyone saying "get over it", they are very naive.  If it never happened to you, just try to imagine your child living through it.  Do you want to see your child lose trust in everyone?  It's just a shitty think to do, and Caryn and Matt are not kids, they should have known better.  Screw them!  The good news is their "love story" will probably not last.  They are starting with a really bad foundation.

    Amy should get a medal for even being cordial to either one of those assholes.

    • Love 15
  6. Oh Tori!  Sitting in your new large home asking Zack where Murphy was, is so lazy and pathetic.  With a puppy of that age, much like a toddler, you keep them in eye sight at all times.  That dog will chew, poop, pee, destroy or get into something dangerous without proper supervision.  Buy some more baby gates, keep Murphy in the same room with you, and he will learn not to tear up the home.  Also, letting him run loose in the front yard is so dangerous too. I'm surprised Murphy hasn't been hit by a car yet.

    • Love 10
  7. I think for one lousy night they could have slept in the RV.  Most of those massive RVs have room for 5 people to sleep.  They could have brought some sleeping bags too.  Yes, it might have been tight, but, Dorit sleeps with PK and Erika sleeps with old Tom, so how bad could it have been to be together, with the other women, for one night?  They cleared out right after breakfast since they only bought food for dinner and breakfast.  Such Divas!

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  8. Booze, steaks and probably expensive toilet paper can add up quickly.

    I just kept thinking about Skyline Chili when I saw the RV.  BTW,  why did they need a RV just to drive 2 hours and then sleep in glam tents?  I thought they would sleep in the RV.  It was just for advertising Edwin's business, I guess.

    I was not shocked that the Beverly Hills gals would get the most graphic about sex.  The girls have to do what they need to do to rope those geezer Hollywood types.  Kandi from RHOA, can talk sex with style, but not these girls.  I thought Kyle, Rinna, Erika and Dorit were just embarrassed that Camille and Denise let the secret out about what they all do for love...well love of money.

    Dorit started climbing that wall before he said "go."  Just a split second, but she cheated.  

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  9. I am in complete agreement that wherever these idiots congregate, there should be hard liquor served.  I know I feel the need to do shots while watching them.

    I can't imagine spending thousands on a wedding unless someone involved is very wealthy.    Also,  I still have faith that Jax will do a very Jax thing and not show up on his wedding day.

    I don't know wedding etiquette that well, but I thought wearing white was a virginal thing.  If that's true, no one in this cast should be wearing white except maybe Tom Schwarz...lol

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  10. 13 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

    Hahaha, B. So she wasn't looking her best when she see's the handsome guy she totally ghosted to go back to Dennis. I loved it because that guy was ignoring her. I am fascinated how she finds all these men. Dating in NYC is a bitch, just ask the other ladies. Yet, here's B with men falling for her left and right. 

    My husband doesn't know who she is, but he watched her on Shark Tank and thought she was very hot.   

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  11. The Bernese Mountain dog is a calm, affectionate dog once he gets past the adolescent years.  That can be said about nearly every dog breed out there.  They make wonderful family pets.  My kids are in their 30's, and we always had dogs, and mostly large dogs.  I always felt that the large breeds weren't bothered when a toddler accidentally tripped and fell on them and that happened many times.  I did daycare out of my home while owning 3 large dogs and everyone was very comfortable with the dogs being around children.  My son and his wife have rescued pets for 10 years and just recently bought their first purebred puppy, a large herding dog that isn't a well known breed, but they fell in love with one at a dog show.  They will always have rescues, cats, dogs, turtles, a chinchilla and rabbits so far, but they love this dog.  They also wanted a big dog to handle the play time with the 2 and 4 year old.  The dog is 9 months old and very calm with the kids. My kids grew up with dogs, I trained dogs many years ago, so no concerns about size.  But, the very large dogs do normally have a shorter life span, but my niece has 2 mastiffs that are over 9 now and they are still around and okay, so you never know.

    Zach seemed to have the normal reaction of someone who lived on a farm around animals.   My husband grew up like that and I just don't see them getting excited like us city people about animals.  Although, when our Australian Shepherd died, my husband grieved for months over his favorite dog.  They care, but the excitement was just different when our dogs came home.

    Oh yea, Caryn was banging Matt.  No doubt!  Amy holds it together better than I would.  Caryn wasn't a stranger, she came to Amy's home. How disrespectful!  But Matt, watch your back, she won't suddenly develop morals, good luck with that one.

    I think Chris is very handsome too.  I mean if I was younger, I wouldn't get it, but at my age and at his age, he is nice looking.

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  12. Isn't Lucy the second dog that bit PK?  I can imagine PK and Dorit never spending any time doing basic obedience and socialization with any pet.  They seemed too self absorbed to put in the effort.  I doubt they took the time to introduce those dogs to their children and teach their kids SLOWLY the correct way to handle an animal.  

    I love how LVP loves playing with the idiot housewives.  She makes it look so easy!  I'll give her props for knowing how to keep them dancing and providing a story line.  They just aren't that interesting on their own and she knows it.  I think Bethenny, Jackie from Jersey and LVP know what they are dealing with and make it look so easy!

    • Love 7
  13. Indiana girl here, Hud and Speck Mellencamp got in lots of trouble in Bloomington IN at Indiana University.  They ran with the athletes, son's of some coaches, and pretty much partied their way into trouble a few times.  John Mellencamp is held in high esteem at Indiana University.  He's a big donor with his name on a building.  Love seeing him and Meg, or Christie at the basketball games.  Fans leave them alone for the most part.  His sons need to grow up.  This could get interesting. BTW, John Mellencamps dad looks so young!  He looks more like John's brother.  Good genes in that family.

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  14. I don't know the whole story of Bill's dad and mother's divorce, but are we sure that Bill's dad left Bill's mother for his current wife?  He may have left for someone else, then ended up with Deb (I think that's her name).  Both parents seem to get along great, so maybe Deb isn't the ho that was screwing around with Bill's dad while married.  Gee, I have 60 year old friends that never accepted the woman that their father was screwing while married to their mom.  I just feel everyone is very accepting of Deb, so maybe she met him after he was divorced.

    My friend just got back from China and he hated that trip.  He complained about everything over there.  It looks so pretty to me, but the older I get, the more I like staying close to home.

    The kids were adorable as usual to me.  Poor Zoey, she was so tired, but I love how she will sleep in everyone's arms.  That's amazing to me.  Lots of love in that family/

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  15. When my husband and I travel, we never stay with relatives.  I like my privacy and I don't want to be with someone 24 hours a day.  Although we love visiting distant relatives, we still want our space.  Give me a hotel every time!

    As far as liking Jen, it's a personal choice.  Obviously her husband is crazy about her, she has good friends and co-workers that have been around for years, and her family seems to love her very much.  I base my opinion on those facts, when I have never met someone. There are some reality stars I loathe, (Tori Spelling, a few housewives...lol), but mostly I try not to judge, especially from what I see on tv.

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  16. Atlanta used to be entertaining!  I don't personally like Phaedra, but her over the top parties and job choices were fun to watch.  I liked seeing Dwight, Miss Lawrence and other extra characters that I don't see anymore, but they helped take the focus off of the "stars", which was needed IMO.  Even delusional DeShawn Snow was fun to watch.  Now, it's like everyone is playing the same old part over and over and it's not fun.  I also miss Sheree.  She must have been a nightmare to production because she's been sent packing a few times.  I think these ho wives get too slick and stop being real after they've been on for awhile.

    I do hope Greg beats his cancer.  He's looking so frail, it's heartbreaking.  I lost a close friend to a stage 3 colon cancer.  She was doing so well, she was working right up to the week before she died and it seems out of nowhere, the cancer came back suddenly and she died within a week of feeling bad again.  Horrible disease.

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  17. 23 hours ago, drivethroo said:

    We have a leader in office with 5 children by 3 different women, several divorces, multiple adulteries and accusations of sexual assault.  Eva and her man having a child out of wedlock is a non-factor now.

    Truth be told, I'm sure that behavior in the Oval Office went back further than Clinton and Kennedy too.  Lots of man whores in our history.  Eva's baby is adorable!

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  18. I admit, I'd rather see comedy from this show.  The occasional serious stuff is fine, but I want to laugh because sometimes that's what we need after a long day, illness, or other depressing real life situations.  Besides, Hollywood kept their mouths closed when Harvey and others were sexually abusing the celebrities, because  the stars were getting ahead in their careers.  I never look to celebrities to lecture me, I think they've shown they can be the most messed up people around.  Between the making of extremely violent movies by anorexic actresses, drop the social issues.  I don't need it.  I understand the need to get the message out, but I don't trust Hollywood's motives.

    Eric and Megan look fabulous!!  I think Debra has had some work done, her eyebrows are way up there.  She's still quite pretty.  Sean still looks good too.  I'd love to see Will get back together with Karen's cousin.  I can't remember his name, but he was the one who needed lessons from Will and Jack on how to be gay.  I always liked him with Will.

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