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Posts posted by watcherwoman

  1. Sorry to the mods.  I just joined yesterday, so I didn't know we've been repeating ourselves.  I snark on the Housewives and Tori Spelling and watch The Little Couple for a cleanse.  I'll be more mindful of what I post.

  2. Seeing it on tv is knowledge.      

    I'm not following you, seeing "what" on tv?

    Exactly.  Also, I think bullying is an extreme idea.  If anything we're expressing concern for Will's development in light of all the reality "hoop-la" that the Arnold's have been partaking in lately.    


    I am sure Will will grow up to be a genius millionaire, but that's not really the point.

    I think if Will grows up to be a caring person who contributes to society, that is worth more than being a genius millionaire. 

    • Love 2
  3. "Well" might be a stretch but he will definitely do better!  


    Zoey is thriving but you sure lost me with Will!  If at 4 years old not being potty trained and able to communicate is thriving then I agree but Will lags behind Zoey and is twice her age.    

    Will communicates very well.  I can tell when he is happy, tired, sad, amused, playful or angry.  Does he need some help with speech?  Of course he does, and that is not surprising, considering everything about his life.  It's not unusual to see children, even older than Will, from so called "perfect" backgrounds need extra help with speech problems.  It's part of being human.  We all have challenges.


    I watched Real Housewives of Orange County last night (don't judge me!), and an adorable little perfectly healthy boy of 4 was also not potty trained.  He was actually telling his parents that he needed a new diaper!  His speech wasn't great either, but he was a cutie.  Not every child does things at the same age, in perfect form.  Throw in extra challenges and some delays can be expected.


    My own son was close to 3 years and 6 months before I considered him trained!  I was a  mom who believe I did every thing to the best of my ability too. I think he was so laid back and content, that he wasn't really bothered by a diaper. He still has that calm demeanor.  I guess he turned out fine.  He was accepted in to the gifted program in 3rd grade, meaning he had to have an I.Q. over 135.  He graduated law school 4 years ago, and he is one of the youngest attorneys in the state holding his position.  He married a girl from law school who jokes that her parents thought she was "slow" because she could barely speak at 4 years old.  She runs a company today.  Along the way, both volunteered with Big Brothers/Sisters,  adopted the most abused rescue animals, and still help at shelters. 


    I'm not bragging about my kids (ok, just a little), but want to point out that making assumptions about children and their progress, without much knowledge can be wrong.  Besides, it could start a trend of bullying the little tykes, and that would be cruel.

    • Love 9
  4. I think he will do well in pre-school, or some other type of pre-kindergarten program too.  I think Bill and Jen have been extremely smart about balancing his time between getting used to his new home and family, and introducing him to other children.  Obviously, Will and Zoey are thriving, so what they have done is working quite well! 

  5. I hope Astro wasn't left in the back seat of the car on a hot day because that would freak me out seeing that "baby" through someone's car window.    Although,it would be funny to see Tamra being handcuffed for child abuse. 


    Shannon needs a job!    I think her problem is that David owns a business and that means he isn't always available for her.  I think she would be much happier with her own challenges to keep her busy.  If we have too much time on our hands, we tend to over think everything.  Crystals and acupuncture are not expanding her mind.


    Shannon and David are skinny people, the double bed would be fine.  Also, I'm sure that they passed out from the booze, so I doubt it was really that big of a problem.


    This sounds awful but when I saw the scene with Libby's youngest staring at the smoke detector, I had a sick feeling.  I thought of Jacqueline Laurita's little guy.  I'm sure he's fine, but it did hit me.  Libby seems to be hiding something.  She seems very emotional.

    • Love 3
  6. I never thought much about pre-nups since they were scarce when I was younger.  My mother was widowed 25 years ago at 56, and met a man a few years later and became engaged.  She was absolutely going to have him sign a pre-nup.  She was so worried that if she died suddenly, he would get the money that my father and mother earned over their lifetime.  She wasn't that concerned about HIM, as she was concerned that HIS children (she never met a few of them) would get HER money if something happened to him.  She also didn't want him to remarry and a new wife get my parent's money, if he would die first.


    I never thought much about it, but I can understand Kandi and her mother worrying about Todd getting to share Kandi's money, that Riley should really have.  Ugh, I don't think I'll ever get married again if something happened to my husband!  Complicated stuff!

    • Love 1
  7. On the reunion show, they showed scenes of Will and Zoey playing on the push cars.  Will was having a ball pushing Zoey around the room with the dogs chasing them.  He was also shown sharing food with her on several occasions.  I would think the reason we don't see too many other kids at their home is because those children would be filmed also.  That could add problems with tv contracts and such.  There are definitely friends that pal around with Will and Zoey.


    I hope by the time he gets to school his progress or lack of will be a dropped subject.   I hate to see bullying of little kids, and sometimes kids parrot what they hear at home.  I think he is doing great!  They are the cutest kids and Bill and Jen are amazing people.  That family will be just fine!



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  8. Is Tori on drugs?  She was practically spinning on that couch on WWHL.  She really should never sit next to a pretty girl!  Jenny is a doll and Tori looks like she has been embalmed.  Why the red lipstick?  I can't figure that one out.  Is she channeling Marilyn Monroe? That's not going to happen.  And her hair!  Take it down a few shades, color those eyebrows, gain some weight and pal around with uglier people.


    I hate ragging on anyone's looks, but she is fair game after watching True Tori.  She doesn't deserve any respect from me.  And really, can't she just shut-up about her mom?  She can smile and say that her relationship with Pig Dean is better, but she has such an attitude about her mom.  Shut your pie-hole Tori and keep it in the family.

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