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Posts posted by watcherwoman

  1. Browny wants a ho wife at her AA meetings so Bravo will film it.   Kelly would definitely take a flask and she wouldn't be able to keep her chuckles quiet when a member shared.   

    OMG, who cares if Shannon did say Gina's house is sad.   Thank God these idiots aren't on RHNY.  Being called a snake, slut and pediphile was an every day occurrence.   Gina didn't seem to mind, so what is the big deal.   Boring!!



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  2. I like Robin's hats too.  My husband and I own a little convertible that we love to take out on nice days, and I need hats to keep my hair in place.  If I can find a comfortable well fitted one, I buy it.  I like the patterns on her hats too.  I tend to wear monochromatic outfits, so a splash of fun on my head would be great.   I'll order one and let you all know.

    Damn it Monique.  I wanted to like her so much.  She is SO beautiful!  I love looking at her face.   I bet she's a goner. I know Porsha got to stay after dragging Kenya, but  Porsha is likeable.  The biggest problem I had with that beat down was that I felt Porsha should have went after Andy for allowing Kenya to scream in Porsha's face with that megaphone.  He incited that mess big time, but let the ladies take all of the blame.  He's a little rat faced bastard.

    Karen is great for the show.  Look at all of the opinions about her on this forum.  It isn't all hate and it isn't all love.  She may be one of the few housewives that claim that distinction. With or without a story line she gets attention, and she does it without being a Rinna or Tamra. 

    Ashley's husband reminds me a bit too much of a Scott Peterson or Chris Watts. They didn't like their kids messing up their fun times either.  I know that's a dark awful thing to say, but Michael has said a few times that he's bothered by the baby being first in Ashley's life.  Poor Dean, has to grow up with that resentment.





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  3. 1 minute ago, Boo Boo said:



    When I read the text, it sounds like he is saying he's just checking in to tell Gina all is okay.  To me, this reads like Braunie got drunk again at a gathering and is sleeping it off now.  That doesn't say he's checking into see if Gina is okay. 

    This is the type of message a man writes hoping for "It was great spending time with you too, Sean!" to get the convo going.  


    Yes,  I agree.   I tried to give him a very small benefit of the doubt if he really was worried, he could have sent a different type of message.  I don't trust him at all.   

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  4. I commend Brawny if she really is an alcoholic, she spoke up and wants to change.  However, coming to that realization on the first episode of this season is suspect to me.  Last year she told everyone about her rotten mother, her sex room, her open marriage, she swapped tongues with Tamra ( I'd request a blood test before that act), she went after Vicki in the first episode last year....she really tried to make an entrance.  I think she is all for show. Also speaking about her rotten mother, I agree her mom is nuts, but Brawny is not exactly mother of the year to her kids, IMO.  Kids get embarrassed by normal behavior from their parents,  what is she doing to her own kids on national tv?  Get off reality tv and get your life in order Brawny.  Do it for YOUR kids.

    Someone mentioned before that Brawny looks like Lori Vallow Daybell the cult mom that killed her kids, husbands, etc.  I agree!  If old Brawny can act, she could play her in the sure to happen movie.  Also, Brawny's kids all look like they have different fathers.  I know I'll go to Hell for that one, but  THATS MY OPINION!!!  (Thanks Tamra, for the line.). And yes, Elizabeth does look like Dana.

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  5. I don't like Brownwind or her husband.  They both try way too hard to be interesting.  She said she has drank every day since she was 14. I doubt that, between 7 pregnancies and breastfeeding each one to nearly 2 years old, I'm not buying it.  But who cares, if she wants to be the alcoholic this season...go for it. BTW, drinking 4 straight days on vacation sounds normal to me.  Unless she was puking on the waitstaff, no big deal.   

    I hate saying this because I don't judge people on their looks, but this group has really went down hill.  Shannon is still pretty and I think Kelly is attractive, but the rest, not so much.  If I liked these ladies and admired them, their looks wouldn't matter, but I think they are all nasty.  However, the new girl seems okay this early in the game.

    I don't miss Tamra at all!  Vicki was always good in a Ramona sort of way.  They are both so ridiculous, they made for good tv.  At least for me.




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  6. On 10/8/2020 at 12:43 PM, larapu2000 said:

    To be fair,  a gorgeous home in Indiana will cost you $500k with loads of land to boot and significantly lower taxes than Beverly Hills.  If his estate were in CA, it would be in the tens of millions, so he's also benefitting from the low cost of living in Indiana.

    Oh definitely.   He did have a nice apartment in New York too, although I don't now if he still does.  He has donated millions to IU and other projects.   He's happy liiving in Indiana, so I don't think he would even want a mansion in California.   Teddi may end up moving from her mansion too.  Not that I care,  she can stay on the west coast forever and spend her money on her superficial lifestyle.  

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  7. Kroy does everything for Kim!   What is her secret?  I'm sure it has something to do with sex, but she has him well trained, as do her older kids.  Kroy and  Tracey seem very happy to wait on, clean up after and read to Kim and Brielle.  I think Arianna could go either way, she has some smarts,  but look at her influences.  I do like the easy fun times, especially after watching the wretched housewives.  I can see Kim never talking to her parents again, but I'm shocked that Kroy won't speak to his parents.   Kim has that man completely wrapped around her fingers.


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  8. Denise has stated that Charlie was the friend of Heather, not so much Heather being her friend.  Even Rinna didn't dispute that.  It's Hollywood, they change partners like I change shoes.  

    I was thinking of why I dislike Kyle so much.  When she threw her sister under the bus, on national television by talking about Kim's drinking,  and then knowing Faye Resnick was her friend...that did it for me.   By the time she turned on LVP, she had already shown her true colors.  

    Yes Rinna was made famous by the Housewives.  She had a career, but the Housewives put her on the map, she says.  Just like OJ Simpson had a career and became more famous later.  Such a triumph!

    Gazelle could give 10 reasons why she didn't want to go to New York.  I do the same thing all the time.  I was invited to a wedding 5 states away. I didn't want to fly at the time, I didn't want to board my dog and I was busy selling a home.  Those stupid bitches!  It's like they have no life, they need to mind their own business.

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  9. On 9/22/2020 at 10:06 PM, amarante said:

    They sold the one on the cliff and just bought the new one. Maurice handled the real estate transactions as I recall.

    I wonder how much money John Mellencamp has put aside for the kids. He has five kids. He had a decent career but he wasn't Springsteen - hell he wasn't Tom Petty or even Bob Seger based on number of hits.

    John has done well with his money.  He donates plenty to Indiana University.  He has a gorgeous home in Indiana, and enough money to post bond and get lawyers for his worthless sons.   Don't get me wrong, he's an okay guy, very friendly and generous...but his kids!!  John and his dad were pretty cool.  I would laugh if Teddi and her bunch moved to Indiana...lol, a kid named Dove?  She needs to stay in LA, where that name is probably better suited.

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  10. A few years back, Rinna's spawn were laughing at people in that small town, I think where Lisa's parents lived.  They remarked about the fatties or something like that.  They learned from the best, nasty little bitches.  Garcelle's son had problems, but not the same ones that the Hamlin kids have shown.

    If I were Denise and had to interact with Kyle, Teddi and Rinna, I'd be drunk or joining Mauricio in his favorite past time every chance I got.   

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  11. I would spend time with any of these ladies over the nasty Beverly Hills bunch.  I don't see the cruelty in this franchise.  Say what you will about Karen pretending to be more upscale, but she has a very pleasant manner and she seems to treat service people with some respect.   I think she's  very bright, with or without a degree.   They all can get shady, but after the Beverly bitches,  this group seems tame.

    Eh, big Chris is not much different from other men I've been told.  I had my kids in the 70s and 80s, and my husband talked sex the same way.  He's a good guy in every way, but he let me know about his needs...lol.   

    So far I'm enjoying these ladies.  I do think Ashley's Michael is going to be the problem child again this year, and I'm not so sure Ashley cares.

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  12. Kyle is trying to groom Teddi on the fine art of being a best friend.   Teddi take note...Faye Resnick...Nicole Brown Simpson...Kyle Richards.  I don't think Teddi is evil, just very easy to manipulate.

    I almost wish Denise and Rinna would bring their good friend Tori Spelling on the show.  I would love to see a pile on Tori and there is SO much they could say!   Denise has never bothered me, so watching her get roasted isn't that much fun.   Hell, Tori would probably pay to join this show.  She would also have no problem throwing Dean, her mother and probably at least one of her kids under the bus. 

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  13. Doesn't anyone think that Denise fucking Richards could get someone better than Brandi to screw?   I've heard you can put a bag on someone's head and go for it, but it is Denise fucking Richards.  I would think she would have a line of people willing to sleep with her.  I don't get it.  Brandi with her crazy eyes and blobby face....I just don't get it.

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  14. So pregnant Teddy flies off to Rome with the other bitches?  She looks at least 6 months pregnant at that time.  I wouldn't do it, but it's her life.   A few seasons back there was a housewife that was into witches or some weird stuff.  She had a strange looking house, but I can't remember her name.  Brandi flirted like crazy with her too.  That lady was also married and damn, I can't remember her name.  Brandi, flirting with married people isn't right either, so just shut up.

    Wilson Phillips had the musical bloodlines.  Brian Wilson was a musical genius IMO.  Chynna Phillip's parents were pretty talented too.  I don't have problem with Carnie Wilson either.

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  15. I watched the movie Upside of Anger last night.  If anyone remembers it, the movie starred Joan Allen and Kevin Costner.  Joan played a woman who believed her husband ran off with his secretary.   Joan's portrayal of the jilted wife reminded me a bit of Betty, without going that far.   Joan's character was extremely bitter and it took a long time for her to return to her former happy self, but she never had the contentious fighting back and forth with her husband.  He just disappeared and left her to raise her 4 daughters.  Horrible way to go too.  I won't tell the ending, but it's a good one.  Betty, Clara Harris,  and Jean Harris and the Scarsdale murder scandal really showed the over the top reaction to being betrayed.  Scary stuff!

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  16. I bet many of us know stories like Betty and Dan's.    I know of some women who moved on and did well, even after many years of marriage.  Unfortunately, there are sad cases too.  My uncle left my aunt after 30 years of marriage for some trashy bimbo.  Sorry, but that's the nicest thing I could say about her.  He worked for the railroad, and believe it or not, there are railroad groupies, or sluts as some call them.  He met one of them  out of town, and fell in love...lol.  But,  the bimbo left my uncle after a few years too, taking some money along with her.  I lost touch with him but my aunt moved on, found a great guy and lived a good life for another 20 years.  When she died, her ex came to the funeral and sobbed loudly at her coffin.  She was the only one he ever loved...boohoo.  His kids had to pry his hands off of her coffin and take him outdoors.   It made for an interesting day to be sure.

    Betty could have celebrated losing her piece of shit.  Dan was a real prick, no doubt.  Too bad they couldn't have moved their divorce proceedings to another county.   People like Scott Peterson got to move his trial, although in his case, I doubt it mattered.  I guess that doesn't work for divorces, but when one spouse is so connected, it really isn't fair.   And why would anyone want to get married again after these  contentious divorces?  I doubt Linda would settle for less than half of Dan's worth, and she probably was taking notes on what to do when her turn came.  

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  17. 11 hours ago, Lady of nod said:

    I don't think things have changed that much. There are laws about background checks but they're easily circumvented by buying from unlicensed dealers at gun shows for example.

    Criminals will always be able to find guns.  No matter what happens with gun laws, criminals will not respect those laws and guns will be like drugs, readily available to those that want to break the law.  

    I don't think it was just about the money for Betty.  Betrayal is worse than death for many people.   I had a neighbor very similar to Betty.  Early in the marriage,  they both worked hard, husband became successful and he left her for a younger woman after 28 years.  She was absolutely devastated.  His side of the family stopped talking to her when the new wife entered the picture, so this was not only losing him, but a family that had been close to her for years.   I know she cared deeply for that family too, and they just moved on because they chose blood over loyalty.   So at 52 years old,  she was lost.  One of her daughter's friends told her it was a thing for some younger girls, they wanted the good stuff now, so they wanted to hook up with an older established guy.  I'll never get that, a hot younger guy would be my choice at that age...lol.   The thought of someone over 40 would have turned my stomach.  Now that I'm over 60, 40 seems very young, so there's that...lol.

    My neighbor fantasized about killing her husband, but she wasn't the type.  She never even had a speeding ticket.  She ended her misery in her garage with her car running.  She left a note to her husband that started with "you finally got what you wanted."   We all wish that she would have been able to get over it, especially since 2 years later, on her husband and new wife's anniversary,  the younger wife left him for her boyfriend and took a large amount of his money.     Her dumbass husband would have ran home to his first wife and she probably would have taken him back.  He told people he made the biggest mistake of his life.  What a waste for everyone.  These situations happen too often, or at least the longer I live, the more of it I've seen.   

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  18. Ben Higgins really is a great person.  My son knew him in college.  He may be buying into the celebrity thing now, I mean why not?   Easy money isn't a bad thing...lol.   Honestly, he's the type of guy I'd want my daughter to marry.   I hope he has a great life, he's certainly  worked hard throughout his young life, helping many people in need.


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  19. 6 hours ago, Lady of nod said:

    Really? Have you watched Below Deck, because misogyny is very much accepted there. And hateful is pretty much a mainstay of the howife shows.


    That wasn't my quote.  Although it's a good one, I can't take credit...lol.

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  20. 27 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

    Canada, eh. 

    I don't think anyone is asking them to be beacons of morality but you don't have to be problematic to be entertaining. Basically don't be hateful: don't be racist, don't be homophobic, transphobic, or biphobic, don't be misogynistic. You can still be a dumpster fire of questionable choices and hilarious outcomes without being any of those things. And if you want to be any of those things, don't be surprised when your platform is pulled out from under your feet. 

    Oh I get that.  But looking at all the housewives shows, they have all shown moments of disgusting behavior.  The Potomac ladies (I do love them!), went after Ashley's husband's business, private life and his looks on several shows.  Every franchise has said horrible things.   The homophobia on these shows is ridiculous.  But being an adult, I can watch, laugh and realize I can't control their behavior and they can't influence mine.  But honestly, I love laughing at these idiots, and so do most people, or they wouldn't be so popular.  

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  21. I just enjoy the idiots on this show.  If I have to start analyzing who they are and what they think, I'm done.  I tune in because I know they are idiots, and I don't expect them to educate me.  I can laugh at them when the world gets crazy.  If they all become politically correct,  I'm done with this show.  Bring on the chuckle fucks!!

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  22. 20 hours ago, The Ringo Kidd said:

    Maybe they can have a show only starring Faith.

    Yea, they could stage it in a nursing home and watch how many guys Faith could sneak in and screw while the old folks played bingo.  It could be called Insulin PUMP, keeping with the theme of the show.

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  23. I don't think the women care if Kyle and Teddi are friends, they just don't like the tag team gang up they both do to all of the others.  If Kyle goes after someone, Teddi will join in. If Kyle states an opinion, Teddi will always back it.  It goes the other way too, if Teddi has an opinion Kyle will be right there to help present it.  I think that's the thing that bothers the others.   It always looks like it's  those two against the others.

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