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Posts posted by watcherwoman

  1. Sutton and Crystal's issues are boring.  I want to know why the housewives are acting so dumb about Erika!  What the heck?  They have to have some intelligence to know what's going on.  Erika had so many scenarios in her mind to pretend like she didn't know anything.  If she was truly in the dark and just heard the news about Tom's exploits, she would be in some kind of shock and questioning how this could happen.  Instead, Tom is cold, beats everyone all the time, he has dementia (haha, so that came on fast), he has been cutting her out of his life....jeez... This is the worst cast, they are truly awful if they protect her.  


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  2. 9 hours ago, SanDiegoInExile said:

    I was too busy trying to figure out if Ryan was drunk, high, sleep-deprived, or all of the above.  I've been watching him for a couple decades and have never seen him behave like this.  It's like he is in slo-mo mode and speaking at half-speed.  Slight slur to his voice as well.

    I do like the new slogan for the new season:  "Live with Kelly and Ryan: We've Been Way Worse".


    Yes!  The slow blinking of his eyes, his squirming around in his seat.  He was definitely acting like he was on drugs or drunk.  I went to twitter yesterday thinking surely someone else noticed it, but I saw nothing.  Very weird!

  3. I loved Garcelle telling us about her picture on the dating site.  People thought they were being catfished after seeing her photo.   I bet she looked gorgeous in the photo.  I hope she meets a good one.

    How old is Porsha?  I could see someone much younger falling to the floor and carrying on, but I thought she was at least over 12 now.   The scene reminded me of one with Vicki Gunvalson falling to the floor when she heard her mother died.  I'm not making fun of Vicki, I mean her mother just died, and we all handle grief in our own way, but Vicki was known to be over the top in her reactions, and I think Porsha may be the same way.   Kyle tends to run her mouth when she feels overwhelmed and Mauricio just seems to retreat and find some weed. 

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  4. Eboni, nagging someone over and over to do what you want, or think like you want, will normally make that person stop listening and completely turn off to your ideas and suggestions.  Just try to educate your future husband and kids using your methods. Lol, they'll be out the door so fast your head will spin.   I'm already seeing my younger relatives turn off to the the constant teaching sessions everyone is trying to preach over and over.  All of these kids had empathy and understanding for social issues,  because they are decent, feeling human beings.  Now, when conversations keep coming up about social issues during their ball games, their day camps,  their favorite tv shows etc, I see them looking away and losing interest.  The messages have no meaning now because they have become too routine.   BTW, my family is very mixed and they all feel the same way.  

    I don't care how Ramona voted.  We have all seen what happened to business owners that supported the "wrong" candidate.   Bad reviews against that person or business were very common in the last few years.   People have lost their damn minds.  Although, this isn't the first time politics have been discussed on RHONY.  Carole tried hard to go there too.  It didn't end well for her, and Eboni is much, much worse on the show.

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  5. 12 minutes ago, all4mom2 said:

    Okay, it's not just that "he doesn't talk much"; I don't, either.  It's that he speaks in grammatically incorrect and incomplete sentences of just a few words at a time, comparable to the speech of an average two-year-old versus a four-year-old.  Hopefully I've made myself clearer.  Apparently I don't speak very well for my age, either!

    I guess I just don't see any problems with his speech right now.   I've watched my grandkids for 6 years and also did day care,  I saw very few truly gifted speakers, although, like I said many were super intelligent kids but they all had different speech abilities.  I was always more of an introvert, compared to my husband.  I was literally shocked when my son became a prosecutor, because he was the quiet kid growing up.  Now he talks and argues cases with the best of them.  His wife is very quiet, but she is so sharp too.   She tends to be very quiet at parties.    Was Zack quiet as a child?  Or Tori?  I have no idea, I didn't watch this show back then.   

    Lol...I don't always speak well either.  Join the club!

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  6. 12 minutes ago, all4mom2 said:

    It's not his pronunciation; it's that he barely speaks at all and, when prompted, only in one or two word sentences.  That's not the norm for a four-year-old.  Pointing out facts and expressing concern is not "being cruel."

    I disagree completely with the idea Jackson doesn't talk enough.  I have two  grandsons with me every day, one is 6 years old and the other one is 4 years old.  One talks all the time and the other one is quieter.  Again, they are both normal intelligent kids that read books to me, play the violin, piano and actually write music.  One is a quiet thinker, but he extremely bright.  The other one is all boy, plays on a hockey team, plays soccer and makes up great jokes.  He has his quiet moments too,  but  definitely they both have their own little personalities.  Their parents also differ in personalities.  One is more of an introvert and the other more outgoing.  Both are lawyers, but one is in the courtroom and the other prefers paperwork.   Quiet kids can be great deep thinkers.  What we see on these shows doesn't define these kids in anyway.

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  7. I ran a day care center many years ago and I find nothing slow or delayed about Jackson's speech.  Like many kids his age, there are certain combinations of letters he may have trouble pronouncing.  "L" "S" and "th" combinations are difficult for many little ones.  I saw this many times.  I also saw that having problems with some of those letters did not mean the child was slow or delayed in learning.  Many of the same kids with so called speech problems were accepted into the gifted program for high level intelligence.  

    Tori is probably confused by the nastiness of comments about children on the internet.  Yes, she opened her life up and she is fair game to any comments, but it's hard to fathom anyone being overly cruel to children.  I remember the ridiculous comments on Will Klein about him wearing diapers.  That was going way over the top, and Tori probably can't understand anyone taking shots at little kids, if she read the asshole comments about little Will Klein.

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  8. 6 minutes ago, Jeanne222 said:

    Another time Amy's fudging...  A little back peddling.

    When a fan went on to directly ask whether Amy believes Matt was cheating on her, Amy replied, “You know what, I can’t say that. You know, there’s definitely things, you know, more than just a guy and a girl friendship. But, you know, it happened.”


    I doubt she's  going to spill the beans to a fan about what happened.   I think she knows that most people are smart enough to put two and two together.  

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  9. Of course Caryn and Matt were at least having an emotional affair while married.   I'm sure she blamed Amy for poor Matt being miserable.  Isn't that standard procedure when screwing someone's husband?   Next comes trying to get so close to the kids...oh wait...she's already there.   

    I think they suck as a couple, although they do share being lying cheaters. It's always easier to get along with a man after he's made the money instead of being part of the struggle of raising the kids, paying the bills , washing his socks and underwear, health issues and every day life.  Of course she's going to look fresh as a daisy to him.  He's just another idiot man that followed his dick to greener pastures.  

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  10. 10 minutes ago, chenoa333 said:

    Well, it is HIS farm. 

    True...lol.  Growing up in farm country taught me one thing, a farm needs more than one person to succeed, and I'm not talking about hired help.  There is a certain humility to the farmers that I know, and Mr. Matt shows none of that.  Having dinosaurs, trains and pirate ships would be a HUGE waste of land for a real farmer.  

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  11. Matt and ChaCha are like kids in the infatuation stage.   Just watching these two morons acting like they are 15 years old, instead of adults, with grown children is hilarious.   Caryn will soon tire of pretending that Matt is an amazing man, and fate brought them together...lol.   Neither one has proven they can go the distance.  Selfish assholes!  They deserve each other.  

    Caryn seems more annoyed with Matt now, but she is so aware of the cameras and she doesn't want Matt to see the real Caryn.   His over the top spending and buying shit for the farm is bugging her.  The girl must be drinking a lot to keep her mouth shut.  I know I would. lol.



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  12. 23 minutes ago, EllaWycliffe said:

    Actually Matt has a history of inviting Caryn or bringing Caryn to family events and pointedly forcing Amy to interact with Caryn. Also, Matt openly and publically dating Caryn, and employing Caryn and having business meetings with Amy where he also has his lover/employee attending even though he's very aware of how Amy feels is all Matt rubbing his relationship with Caryn in Amy's face.

    He's not innocent.

    No kidding!  Amy has to watch her ex-husband parade his side piece around all the time.  Whatever Amy has done will never be as bad as slumping the hired help while still married to someone else.  Caryn and TLC know that this is Amy's year to get married, so of course Caryn is going to wait until next season to showcase her marriage to Matt.  Caryn will gladly wait another year, and frankly, that's a better look for her.  She's hoping viewers and friends will forget she was Matt's side piece and that she  and Matt aren't dirty disgusting liars and cheats.  Lol, she probably wants stairs in her house so Matt can "conveniently fall" after they get hitched.

    Zach saying he wasn't thrilled to live next to his dad and ChaCha on the farm was funny.  He's probably afraid his dad will buy some dinosaurs {oh wait}, and put them in his front yard.   You just know Matt will stick his nose in Zack's business and ChaCha {who also gained some covid pounds, same as Amy} will stop pretending to be so wholesome once she seals the deal.  But, I'm sure she'll be looking for another guy sooner rather than later, if they do actually marry.  

    But, this episode was boring.  I wonder how long it will continue?  I can see the show ending and then starting up in a couple of years....focusing on Zack and Tori.   They're going to have to  create drama, and I don't see them as calculating as their parents, especially Matt.  

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  13. Kyle sure got her new nose out of joint when Garcelle talked about Paris.   Kyle is such a delicate little flower.  What Garcelle said was nothing, no big deal, Kyle's family wasn't insulted. These Beverly Hills ladies wouldn't last a day with the other franchises.  Oh they're nasty, especially when they gang up on someone, but without their pack, they are pretty wimpy.


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  14. I think there could be a tiny chance Coach Shah didn't know what his crazy wife was doing in her spare time.  Coaches and their assistants are away from  their homes for many days at a time.   It's possible he doesn't know how much a pair of shoes or a purse could cost, or have no clue about designer clothes.  He may not know what she spends.  She could have convinced him Bravo is paying for those outlandish parties.  My husband thinks I'm kidding when I tell him how much a purse can cost.  Not that I have bought one..lol.  If the Feds think he is involved, they will get him too.   He may have known and ignored it, but kept his hands clean.  My son is a Federal Prosecutor and he tells me how these cases work, and from what he tells me, she is in deep shit, no matter who she hires to represent her.

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  15. Brawny blames alcohol for her lack of control, bad memory and just about every other bad moment in her life, but when she tells everyone that she KNOWS the others are racists, or that they haven't done enough for social causes,  she wants to make us believe that she was so very alert to THEIR behavior.  She's just the worse.  I can see why none of the ladies would agree to show up for her photo op when she pretended to give a shit about any matters that didn't benefit Brawny.  At least Kelly lets you know how she feels, but if Brawny's lips are moving, I just assume she is lying and plotting.  What a horrific excuse for a mother.  I hope her numerous nannies give those kids lots of attention.  


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  16. Whitney's eyebrows are freaking me out in her talking head look.  They look like they are ready to take flight.  She isn't interesting and she is weird.

    Sharrieff has an interesting past.   He was an attorney, a sports agent and a highly respected coach.  He went to college from 90-93, and I think that is where he met Jen, so that helps pinpoint her age.   He has to see the crazy in Jen.  

    I'm trying to find out why Mary has a house in Carmel Indiana.  Sharrieff would make more sense.  His brother was affiliated with the Colts, and Sharrieff probably had other sport clients.  Lots of athletes live in Carmel.

    I'll keep digging on Mary's life.  Did I say I was bored?   LOL!

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  17. 18 hours ago, TexasGal said:

    Uh oh, Ray is threatening his marriage with a vow renewal!!!

    Lets hope Karen doesn't do a Braunwyn.  After her renewal ,and after 20 years of marriage, she discovered she was an alcoholic lesbian with 7 children that actually hated having sex with men.   However, Braunwyn says her husband is one of her best friends.  So Ray, be careful!


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  18. 16 hours ago, After7Only said:

    I was a little confused when Chris said that.   Because in this case Michael did not say anything to the ladies.   Instead he rolled up on Chris to start some drama.  But maybe more happened than what they showed 🤷🏾‍♀️ 

    Chris stays a bit too much in women’s business for my liking.   Say what you want about Juan, but he seems to stay out of the drama.   Even with Michael pushed Juan pretty hard while throwing his tantrum he remained calm and kept trying to calm Michael down.  


    Michael wanted to push Juan so that Juan would put Michael in a big old bear hug and just hang on.  

    • LOL 10
  19. Good for Karen getting her perfume on HSN.  That could be a big deal, but I would hope she has more products to add to her collection.  Gizelle could definitely sell her style of clothes on a shopping network.  Look at Rinna and what she sells.   Rinna's clothes are not cheap either.  You could find the same things at Walmart, but for half the price.  Some of those home shoppers will buy anything.

    Michael Darby is just too disgusting to watch on this show.  Ashley doesn't like him either.  She doesn't even flinch when he cheats or acts like an ass.  Michael must have gave Juan some money or did something great for that man, because there just isn't any reason to be so nice to Michael.  I still think Michael is capable of going all Scott Peterson on his kids.  He's clearly nuts and look how easy he comes unhinged.  


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  20. 7 minutes ago, SweetieDarling said:

    I've been there twice. It is beautiful there; like a postcard -especially when there is snow on the mountains.

    The first time, about 20-25yrs ago, to buy a drink in a bar you had to be a "member" of the bar/restaurant. There was always someone sitting at/near the bar that was a member that was willing to sponsor you. In appreciation, you were expected to buy them a drink. We never had a problem. We went again last year and there were no issues getting served or buying beer, and no mention of the member/sponsor thing.

    Yes!  I recall the "member" thing too, now that you mention it.   Everyone did seem very friendly out there, and it was incredibly beautiful.

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  21. I was in Salt Lake City 8 years ago for a basketball game and it was very difficult finding a place that would serve booze.  We had to buy food first, and then we could order a drink.  I don't know what it is like now, but, all the liquor stores were owned by the state and the booze was expensive.  It may be completely different now, but I was surprised to see all the booze now.  Another memory of that city was, we saw so many good looking people.  I noticed most of the women at the game were  very stylish.  If anyone lives there, feel free to correct me on my facts.  We spent just one day and night in Salt Lake City.

    I'll give this show some more time.  I love the mountains and the snow and these ladies seem harmless so far.   I also thought Heather looked manly.   She just has a very strong jaw line.  From the previews, the men on this show do not look camera shy.  I'm hoping for the best.


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  22. 23 hours ago, Steph J said:

    I doubt they allow filming at Alcoholic Anonymous.

    I think she wants Gina to go with her to "soften" her up before they go to coffee so that Gina is more inclined to be sympathetic, allowing Braunwyn a greater chance of controlling the direction of the conversation.

    Even if they can't film the inside, Browny seems to love putting her business out there.  Having another HO wife join her in AA, keeps the topic in front of the viewers.  I think Browny loves that attention.

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