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Posts posted by jsm1125

  1. 7 hours ago, Thalia said:

    THIS.  It usually takes about 3 weeks for the Houseguests to bring out the knives, at first behind the backs of the other Houseguests.  I love the idea of them getting a head start on the crazy by bringing in the Survivor 46 crew.   And I'd bet a guaranteed HOH that Liz is allergic to slop. 

    Seriously, although I'm not sure that a Survivor alum has been cast on BB, I would not be shocked to learn that Q is on the casting office's speed dial.  He's tailor made for that show. 

    Cirie was on the most recent season of Big Brother. 

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  2. What is the majority of the house’s issue with Cara Maria? When did she spread false information about Kam and Leroy, or play any more selfishly than the others? If it’s a matter of her being one of the biggest threats in the house, why not just say that (though I think Laurel and Kam have said that, to their credit)?

    I’m so tired of Nicole. Laurel at least has some entertainment value, is a pretty interesting and complex person to watch, and is an all around solid competitor.

    Jay’s confessional about Avery wanting redemption puzzles me. What does she need redemption from?


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  3. I generally like Kam, but she can miss me with “everyone is stupid for playing for Cara Maria’s game.” As if she’s not hoping that the others play her and Leroy’s game. 

    Veronica is killing it politically this season. 

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  4. On 4/12/2024 at 4:53 PM, Chicago Redshirt said:

    In just the last season and this one, Survivors that I think are easily at least as delusional as Q, and I would say more so. Q is mainly arrogant and condescending. I am not sure that he has been actively wrong about anything such that you could call him "delusional."

    By contrast, people have already raised Bhanu and Jelinsky. Yes, Bhanu could be merely acting as delusional, but he's kept the act up.  And Survivor 45 had:

    Brandon  - the guy who thought he was great at everything but who was actively and objectively terrible at everything

    Sean - who claimed that he could have won the game despite being the only member of his old tribe after a switch, but wanted to speed up getting back to his husband

    Bruce - who thought that he was God's gift to Survivor and who acted like his two days of prior Survivor experience made him a wily veteran, even though he literally had no allies, bossed people around and actively alienated people.

    When did Brandon claim or imply that he was great at everything? 

  5. Moriah had a confessional where she said that Probst doesn’t lie. Danny McCray and the others on season 41 probably have something to say about that. The hourglass twist was an absolute lie, negating an immunity win that Probst gave no indication was ever a possibility. 

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  6. The Feras and Kirby dynamic was one of my favorites in a long time. 

    I like Mark, and think he’ll likely win this season, but I don’t see how he’s played better than Caroline. Caroline at least has the Viola and Winna moves that she spearheaded. I worry the jury will skewer Caroline 

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  7. 8 hours ago, blackwing said:

    I was annoyed at Jess and was convinced she was going home.  Why can't Survivor cast actual competent Asian females?  Sometimes we get good ones like Erica who won a few seasons ago.  But too often, we get these cannon fodder early boots.  Why?  Why would the casting department cast someone who can't stop talking about her ADHD and openly admits at tribal that she is so tired she can't speak and think?  It seems for sure she is going to be the next boot from that tribe.

    Have we even had that many incompetent Asians on the show before? We’ve had a lot of them be early boots, but I can’t think of many of them that did much wrong. Jenny from 42 had 2 allies who lost their votes when she went home. Helen from 44 didn’t seem to do anything that caused her boot. 

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  8. Jelinsky was a mess, but I don’t think either individual decision that he made was terrible in a vacuum. How on earth were he and Q ever completing that sweat challenge? It seemed silly to continue to expend energy and calories for something that was virtually impossible to finish. The smashing of the hourglass, though? Someone is going to have clean that up, which I didn’t appreciate.

    The game with Maria and Tevin? Thanks to production, someone was going to lose their vote either way, so why not fold if you’re Jelinsky in that position? What I would have done though is tell my tribe that Maria correctly guessed I had the skull card, and she had a 50-50 shot of getting it right. 

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  9. I’m surprised that we got so little of Ravyn and Kyland, but hopefully this changes in part 2.

    It’s a shame that Moriah doesn’t get much screen time during the regular season. I don’t think a single person on that stage has an issue with her, which is a rare feat. 

    I’m snickering at Cara Maria and Aneesa still not getting along, years later. I caught Cara Maria’s “that’s Aneesa,” in response to Olivia wondering why Aneesa would shit-talk her, days after singing her praises. And Cara Maria going “well, Aneesa has lost the most eliminations.”

    Horacio really does seem too pure for this franchise.

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  10. 4 hours ago, Michichick said:

    Now Alex and Rihanna will never trust Kitty and Caroline again, after getting misdirected on that vote. At a minimum, I think they should have told Ri that the vote was changing to Winna.

    That’s a tricky one to navigate. It was super likely that Ri would have told Kirby if Kitty and Caroline had let her in on the plan.

    Val is starting to annoy me. Has she forgotten that Viola tried to take the first shot at Caroline at the Nathan vote? Viola confirmed in exit interviews that it wasn’t just a decoy name for Nathan. And I can’t stand the “xyz doesn’t deserve to be here” mentality.

    Kelli still being the only person Alex has voted for correctly makes me snicker. 

    I think Aileen and Kitty (surprisingly enough) are the only players remaining who still haven’t been voted against. 

    I’m so impressed that Caroline and Kitty pulled off that move. Kitty isn’t getting a ton of airtime, but I think she’s been better socially than Caroline. 

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  11. Were the control and chaos portions not part of the cumulative time that the finalists had? In other words, the winner was based solely on conquest? Something feels off about that.

    Production couldn’t come up with a better storyline for Emmanuel than cheating on his girlfriend? 

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  12. 5 hours ago, Michichick said:

    Ugh, the twist in episode 10 suuuuucked. I hate it when the bulk of the tribe has their votes taken away.

    Feras and Aileen did vote in a smart way, but I hate that they were in a position to control that vote. And Aileen got messy. She’s thoroughly blown her chances with the old Titans.

    All of this. I can’t stand twists that remove people’s right to vote. I guess that explains why Charles got such little airtime this season: having someone with a decent presence get voted out this way might have annoyed the audience. 

    What was with Raymond’s confessional about Aileen not having much going on in life? I’m so confused. 

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  13. 17 hours ago, TVbitch said:

    Couldn't understand why Caroline and Eden were so hell bent on "bringing Mark back into the fold". He clearly was out to get Caroline and was flagrant in showing he was tighter with the V's than either of them. 

    Last week almost all the counter-blind side shennanigans worked, this week they all failed. I thought it was maybe a bit too early for a tribe swap, but good season so far.   

    I don’t think Caroline player particularly well in episode 8, but I get what she was thinking with Mark. Where else was he going to go, plus how pissed should he be when Viola was the one who wanted to strike at Caroline first?

    Raymond seems to have a decent presence at camp but has only received 1 confessional so far in 9 episodes? Why??

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  14. While I’m happy Feras stayed over Garrick, I can’t blame those two for turning on Kirby. She hasn’t been on their side for several votes now, and she has little to no incentive to work with them.  

    Kirby’s social prowess must be something else out there. 

    Aileen and Eden are proving to be one of the least messy players with the best reads. 

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  15. 15 hours ago, LaurelleJ said:

    I forgot how much I was dreading this episode until I watched Nurys walk back in the house. I wanted to punch Jay in the face. I knew he would do the absolute most. He actually thought that Nury's anger would not be towards him. Delusion. 

    Olivia tells Nurys that there was no plan to get rid of her. Am I tripping, or did they show Olivia making a deal with Jay and co. saying she was all in with them??? They showed it!

    I was intrigued by the all girls alliance idea. I thought it was a great strategy for Nurys to come up with coming back in the house knowing she was low on the totem poll and two strong guys just got sent home. 

    Why wasn't James considered a threat? He was being protected by Moriah all season, but he could have been a problem in the final. He seems strong. Before the elimination with the puzzle, the only weakness I potentially saw was him being a rookie and experience helps in finals. 

    I let out the loudest cheer when Michele was eliminated. I'm so happy I stayed off twitter and didn't see that spoiler. Very pleasant surprise. TJ getting involved in the mess at the vote was hilarious. I'm so glad Nurys won. I didn't think Olivia had a chance at all, and I did think Nurys would win in the elimination over James. Nurys to win it all please. I think the remaining guys are slightly shook at Nurys taking out 4 people including 3 strong guys. It probably annoyed them that they didn't know what the elimination was, I wonder if some of them found out when we did watching the show. 

    James performed pretty poorly in an early elimination against Chauncey, leading the others to conclude that he has virtually no endurance. 

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