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Posts posted by TresGatos

  1. Quote

    but how can anybody say that when he was safe for 3 weeks at the beginning? He had so much time to grow roots. 

    Plus the stupid Fiendsheep thing with the "Friendship" bracelets so that production primed the pump for other houseguests to try to toady up to and please Paul and also Cody having to nominate half the house during his HOH at the beginning just skewed the dynamics too much. Awful season but I still think the Evel Dick/Jenius season was way worse.

    • Love 11
  2. 17 hours ago, druzy said:



    Actually, she had a bunch of other dogs. Jenelle doesn't have the best track record when it comes to keeping the pets she buys. First there was her German Shepard named Cali who became a K9 dog,then there was her Chihuahua puppy named McKayla (who knows what happened to that little thing … so worried), then there was her bearded dragon named Yoshi who was murdered by an evil heat lamp, then there was her pit bull named Brody who was given away to a friend, and finally there's her other pit bull named Jax who Jenelle still appears to own. Basically, homegirl flies through pets faster than Farrah Abraham flies through thong-kinis.

    I managed to mess up the quote box but Jenelle's mysterious disappearing pet situation reminds me of the South Park episode where all of Paris Hilton's pets keep committing suicide.

    • Love 11
  3. Quote

    But I know it's hard for teens to understand how much of their life it will affect.  I've decided that I'm going to have him watch Kail, Jo, and Javi's stories in full.  Let him get tired of just watching a bitch on a power trip over a period of years.  Let him feel the frustration of the fact that, like it or not, fathers generally get the short end of the stick.  (While simultaneously pointing out the things the men have also done wrong.) 

    I am picturing a Clockwork Orange sort of scene where teen boy is restrained in a chair with his eyelids propped open...

    • Love 21
  4. As a little kid I was very attached to my bottle and pacifier. I remember losing the pacifier at a carnival and being so upset my dad went out and bought another one which made me more upset because it was yellow, not blue, so he went back out and bought a blue pacifier and hid it in the bushes out front and then pretended to find it and then passed it off as the original one that I had lost.

    Then, when I was five and about ready to enter Kindergarten, my parents decided I needed to quit the bottle and pacifier once and for all. So they burned the bottle and pacifier on the stove, showed me the melted, blackened mess, and told me they had "died." We had a funeral out in the backyard. So if Jessa is lurking and seeking parenting advice...Do not...I repeat...Do not do this!

    P.S. Yes, I was a brat.

    • Love 16
  5. 12 hours ago, wings707 said:

    I don't think the jury needs to be poisoned.  They all arrived there hating Paul! 

    I've arrived at hating Paul for ruining this season!

    I apologize for veering off topic earlier. I fell asleep before the Thursday show so the 1st I heard of a Celebrity Big Brother was hear and I was so exited about it.

    So sorry I took the focus off of Paul. I am a bad team player.

    • Love 5
  6. "She is requesting a judge test Jenelle's hair follicles for drugs and undergo a psychological evaluation "for the purpose of assisting the Court in determining her fitness to have contact with the minor child..."

    I hope the judge does order the hair follicle test. I know there was discussion here not too long ago about if Janelle's drug use was recent enough to justify random drug tests so I hope this does it. Marijuana stays in your system where it can be detected for a long time. Up to 90 days. I am worried about what she may have been taking that clears out a lot faster.  

    • Love 13
  7. Quote

    Tiffany "New York" Pollard is still a delicious mess, so I think she'd make an interesting houseguest.

    She was a housemate on one of the Big Brother UK seasons. Her fellow houseguests were Angie Bowie, ex-wife of David Bowie, and David Gest. When Angie Bowie was told that David Bowie had died Tiffany thought they were talking about David Gest and became hysterical. Tiffany has been on some sort of celebrity dating show with Callum Best who was also on a season of Celebrity Big Brother UK.

    Gary Busey has also been a cast member of Celebrity Big Brother UK. He was on the same season as Stephanie Pratt whose brother, Spencer, appeared on a different season with his wife, Heidi Montag. 

    Other C-Z list celebrities who have appeared in the UK edition of Celebrity Big Brother are: Frankie Grande! Also, Brandi Granville, Dustin Diamond, Ray J,  Aubrey O'Day, Prez Hilton, Romeo, Tara Reid, Ivana Trump, Coolio, Jermaine Jackson, Dennis Rodman, Traci Bingham and Prince Lorenzo from Bachelorette "fame." 

    Another season featured Farrah Abraham, Janice Dickinson, Jenna Jamison, and Tila Tequila. Tila Tequila ended up getting kicked off after her pro-Nazi social media posts came to light.

    Another season had Germaine Greer, Jackie Stallone, and Brigitte Nielson as houseguests. Germaine Greer self-evicted after complaining of "bullying" by Brigitte and another housemate, John McCririck. She compared the Big Brother House to a, "fascist prison." Director Ken Russell also self-evicted after one week during his 2007 season after getting into an altercation with fellow housemate, Jane Goody and her mother, Jackiey. "I grew up in the slums of Southampton, but I have never heard such talk." Russell said in an interview with the Daily Mail,  "There used to be a word for such low-lifes - guttersnipes. I haven't used that word for more than 60 years - not until I met that girl and her mother." Jade Goody was "famous" for winning the UK version of Big Brother four years before she appeared on Celebrity Big Brother. She died of cancer in 2009.

    I have wanted a US version of Celebrity Big Brother for years! I am so excited it's finally going to happen!.

    • Love 1
  8. I loved the bit with the bee but was meh on everything that was not the bee.

    I don't like the Chelsea/Doug storyline at all. Plus I thought her husband would turn out to be Reptillian.

    I really liked seeing Wyatt Cenac in the FBI agents dream. I adore Wyatt Cenac. I hope he doesn't stay dead but I wonder if something else may be up. The whole thing brought to mind the blowback that happened when Wyatt Cenac came out and explained why he quit The Daily Show. I know he hasn't quit People of Earth but the whole direction its taken with Ozzie dead is so off-putting and strange.

    So..is the baby Don abandoned supposed to be Kelly? Did each of the Aliens develop a special bond with an individual child?

    I still love Don and Jeff even if Jeff is a jerk. His interactions with the revived Kurt have been excellent.

    • Love 1
  9. TMA is also running the Jason story on its website and noting how Alex, was so outraged weeks ago over Jessica's butt poking because she had a family member who had been raped, was laughing like a hyena over Jason's rape remarks.

    • Love 15
  10. I don't think I'm liking Season 2 as much as I thought I would.

    1. Not enough aliens.

    2. The mysterious, and unremarked up, disappearance of Ennis Hart.

    3. Ozzie's death. I went looking for information about this so I am going to Spoiler the rest of this:


    The show's creators say that Ozzie is really and truly dead even if they do hedge this a wee little bit. They say they are moving to more of an anthology type program like Fargo, which I don't watch, with some core characters. To me it sounds a bit like the TBS show 'The Guest Book" which has a group of core cast and then guest stars that come and go each week. I don't know how that will work with People of Earth but I know I am much less emotionally attached than I was this time last season.

    • Love 3
  11. 16 hours ago, AngelaHunter said:

    You're probably falling way short of the requirements to be a Chick Magnet. Do you have warrants? No credit? No money? No job? Multiple baby mommas? Have you been arrested for not paying child support? Driving drunk? Selling drugs? Domestic violence? If you answered "No" to any or all of the above it's easy to see why you don't have women tripping over each other (or challenging each other to fight for you) to win your favours and "conversate" with you. Get with the program.

    Don't forget the super sex-ay neck tattoos.

    • Love 4
  12. 6 hours ago, evilmindatwork said:

    You guys, the dogs piss me off so much. I recently had to move back in with my parents because of an illness, a lay off, and a streak of bad luck. It's a longer story than I can get into here but my family refused to let my my 7 year old dog live in the house after I had already moved here.  I've raised her from a puppy. 

    I am so sorry about your pet. I hope she has adjusted to her new home and is happy there.

    • Love 12
  13. Quote


    I've been salivating about the day that Matt goes back to dating Walmart cashiers and having dennys be his highlight for fancy eating. 


    I don't think Babs would have him.


    But then she picks up a cowboy at Walmart (just a guess)

    Or outside the fence at one of the local prisons.


    Hollywood Next 7 Exits

    HAHAHAHAHA! Delusional!

    • Love 3
  14. I am so excited to have some Archer news but the “talking, fucking” parrot named Crackers, who will be voiced by Lucky Yates (who usually plays Dr. Krieger)." kind of reminds me of Pigeon from the Mike Tyson Mysteries (voiced by Norm McDonald.)

    Is it wrong of me to hope that Charlotte's new husband will be Cecil? Eugene Mirman for the win!

  15. Quote

    I'm white and have very curly hair.  I spent my adolescent years trying to figure out how to get straight hair. 

    My husband has very curly hair. When he was a pre-teen/teenager he used to wash his hair, comb it straight, and then put on a ski-cap and sleep in it so he would have straight hair. My granddaughter used to have beautiful curly hair when she was little until her dad straightened it when she was about 6/7. I thought it would eventually revert to curly with new growth but it never did. She has beautiful, thick hair but totally straight.

    As far as I'm concerned, Kail manipulated the legal system and used resources needed for actual victims of domestic abuse just so she could avoid dealing with Javi, IMO. I wish the court could order her and Javi into mediation so they could work out a parenting plan. All she is doing is harming their child. Deeply repugnant on every level.


    I've never watched that show. Heard enough about it that I don't ever want to. My poor little pug is named Duggar. My son wanted to name her Doug and when I told him she was a girl he decided Duggar was the girl version of Doug. Now everyone thinks we're fans of that show....

    Your poor pug, but sooooooo funny! My younger son has a pug puppy who he named Pugsy Malone.

    • Love 11
  16. Quote

    I will plan all the events!  Hope you are good with Drag Queens.

    A local library just hosted an event with Drag Queen reading children's books to children. Parents had to register in advance and it filled up fast but the Evangelical outrage that poured forth! I am hoping the controversy would bring Ru Paul and some of her girls to town!


    Good grief, it sounds like he's howling at the moon.  I think he should be checked out for rabies.

    This. Is. So. True.


    His word is always perfect!

    Well, He did apologize for the Flood and said He would never do it again, that next time he would smote us all with Divine Fire (and not the really cool drag queen Divine either). Also, the whole killing of all those innocent Egyptian firstborns seems pretty flawed. Here's a funny aside...my kids had Precious Moments (King James) Bibles that their grandmother had given them which was, naturally, illustrated with Precious Moments drawings. One day they ran across my huge Catholic bible with all the full color reproductions of Old Master paintings and they were horrified! "What is that Angel doing with a sword? What's he doing to that baby!!!!?" That Christmas, my older son, who was about 7 at the time, went up to his Precious Moments loving grandmother and this conversation happened: Boy: "Did you know they nailed Jesus to a cross?" Grandma: "Yes." Boy: "They nailed Jesus to a cross!" G'Ma: "Yes, honey, I know." Boy (very sincerely and solemnly): "They didn't have any glue." 

    • Love 23
  17. I wonder if the blind item might have something to do with hazing?

    I also don't think pointing out the feral behavior of any of the younger Dugger children is a reflection on the children but on their parents who also didn't appropriately parent their oldest child.

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