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  1. Yes. As others have pointed out she is only happy when she's unhappy. Then she's not happy any more and finds a way to get unhappy and round and round we go. I can see her and the new sous chef having a cat fight within hours. Agree this whole jet-ski thing goes nowhere. The Johnny thing is rather strange. I liked his advice to Tzarina along the lines of marry the person who takes you as you are. Total speculation: He told the women he's gay so they just move on. Whether he is or not doesn't matter, would be a good strategery to stay out of the drama and just do your job, or say you're engaged and throw out a date you'll remember.
  2. Interlocking love triangles. Bound to get messy. Tsarina is such an unhappy mess. Guests are hot and cold. They liked lunch. The steak whining was over the top[. Wihan seems kind of like a stupid horndog. Lara shouldn't have to remind him to do his job, assuming cleaning up after meals outside is his job. This will get messy. Johnny got lucky going to the beach. He seems like the smartest one, staying out of the drama. The mermaid thing is really silly. Dumb Harry. Give a non-committal "sure", not "maybe". He'll get over her quickly. She seems over it already. Why would you go off on a jef-ski if you can't swim?
  3. Bummer. I wanted Sai gone.
  4. He got another job and quit. Tsarina can go pound sand and do it all her self. She's perfect, ya know.
  5. Indeed! About the last thing I would want on vacation is some stranger unpacking and fondling my stuff. My Dad flew 747s and I grew up with aviation at JFK. You are responsible for (and carry) whatever you bring. 23 countries and 46 states😊 He could be real helpful if she stopped treating him like dirt. My fantasy: After lunch one day, he just packs up and walks. DIY Queen Bee.😛
  6. Yes, the boat is designed terribly. More drama. Tsarina whining about Lara being a control freak when she is just as bad. Gives Anthony a bunch of crap then whines he's not kissing her butt. @psychoticstate Why not let him handle breakfast so that she can get a little extra sleep? Makes no sense - other than the ego problems she insinuated to Andy are her ego problems. Big Time! Jason is cool, as always. Harry is affable as always. Wihan seems very strange and Johnny gives me serial killer vibes. The jet-ski incident was hilarious. Don't have a good handle on the stews yet. Marina seems fun. This Deck/Stew combo girl is bound to cause trouble. Interesting fact. The stew, Daddy's girl Bri? is from Mullica Hill, NJ. I live less than 10 miles from there (condo). Very pricey suburb 15 miles SW of Philly. The main street is lined with antique shops. I try to avoid it. And seriously, if I did somehow feel the need to bring sex-toys on vacation, I certainly wouldn't want someone unpacking my bag, or they would be secured in like an opaque zippered make-up bag or something Then there's the bugs!?!?!? wtf? Nobody checked those bins a day or two earlier to get an inventory and know what to order?
  7. I imagine boat world is relatively small and this will not go over well. Cry me a river.
  8. Ah thanks! "OOH! Let me take my friends on a cruise and have the chef make stuff they don't like. Sounds like fun!" To a 12 year old. The one woman loved her chicken teriyaki, though. I hate raw tomatoes, but they're easy enough to pick off. I'll offer them to my fellow diners and have no shortage of takers. No Big Deal
  9. "So unfair!" Danni is so obnoxious. Nobody "screamed" at her. She doesn't deserve any kind of "break". Chase needs to drop her like a hot rock. Daisy is no prize, but these stews are just terrible. "That evil Daisy wants us to WORK! The nerve of her!" The whine-fest in the cab was really over the top. May we never see Gary again. Awkward with the primary down. Well, gotta eat! Tough for Cloyce. Did somebody request the sushi? If not, make something else. They liked it though. Guests weren't real demanding and stuff went smoothly enough Glenn didn't really get involved. Nice gesture letting Gary dock, but he's not Captain material.
  10. Well $500 is something. Still pretty lame. Danni is one horny woman. Chase should take advantage and dump her when the season is over. It's only a few days. You don't need that spoiled brat. Did Glenn take Chase's tip $? He really wasn't drinking. Gary is such a jerk. Nice apology, but he should never be a captain. Keith, stay away from Daisy! She's a mess and a half. Diane is just checked out and whiny. Shut up and do your job. You all knew there would be lots of laundry. Tough job for Cloyce with all these restrictions, and Diane messes it up. The guests were mostly reasonable. Is this gluten thing for real? It wasn't a problem for centuries and now it seems like a big fad.
  11. I know the sentiment, but I've always hated this phrase. If you can't eat your cake, what's the point of having it?
  12. Well the guests improved somewhat. Damn, Gary is dumb, Daisy is mediocre at best and the stews are just horrible, whining, spoiled brats. IDK, I think I would rather stay on the boat and work and avoid these guests. "I didn't get my hour"; honey, there's no time clock here. Grow up! Keith should have followed the rules. I didn't expect Daisy or Gary to. WWCLD? Hard to say given how late in the season it is plus all the past difficulties getting even a single replacement, tough to replace all 3 of them at once. Chase actually wasn't drinking. Withhold the tip? Confine them to the boat? For show? Glenn is a nice enough guy and tries but just doesn't have that "gravitas". Gary should shut up, agree with Glenn, admit you screwed up and apologize. That should do it.
  13. Some little white lines?
  14. More obnoxious guests, they tried but couldn't beat last week's idiocy....yet. Vomit bag in the hallway has to be a topper. Does production goad these people into this, or do they just find these toxic morons in the casting process? Especially the blonde wig one. Keith!!! Stay away from Daisy! She's a mess and a half. I do agree with her take on Danni's attitude. Daisy is far from great but Danni is a legend in her own mind. The idea that Daisy is afraid of her taking her job is laughable. Diana seems checked out. She and Danni were delusional on WWHL. Glenn seems kind of clueless to all the turmoil. Gary was surprisingly well behaved again. Chase too. Cloyce's food looked fine, these guests are more people that just can't be pleased no matter what you do. Keith is doing him a favor he doesn't realize, keeping Daisy away. Again Davide seems like the only one with a clue. I don't get the drag queen bit, but to each his own. They don't scare me in the least. It's not like it's contagious. Never had the urge to wear a dress or make-up. I don't wear any jewelry or have any tattoos. Tats make no sense to me. I always worried I would get sick of any.
  15. Some real bonehead moves not seeing how to fix a simple problem. Like cut the portions and let the crew eat them on the fly. It's already made, no sense throwing it out. Throw it on the crew mess table. I've had jobs where you would eat like that. All sorts of stuff going on, you grab a mouthful when you have a few secs, and go back to the stuff, back and forth..... Is it production? Or are they really this dumb and production can easily capitalize on that? Some of both? Agree the husband was cool, smart to STFU and let the (insert your favorite insult) women just go and make fools of themselves. He seemed quite accustomed to the behavior and knows how to deal with it.
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