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Posts posted by Bella

  1. Let's please be a bit more careful about terminology, as this has shown up in the Report Center.


    Specifically, we're concerned about the word "gypsy" and its derivatives. The word "gypped" is considered quite racist, and we don't allow racist language at PTV. I'd also like to note that Christian and his family refer to themselves as "Romani" when they label themselves as anything. So that is the preferred term here. (On other shows where people refer to themselves as "gypsy," it's fine. This is a forum-specific mod note.)


    I'm editing a couple of posts. Overall, this is a good forum and you're great posters, so carry on.



    • Love 1
  2. Yeah, we're not even allowing people to link to GFM pages anymore. But that's been discussed to death here.



    Actually I wouldn't mind New Years Day but that is the day they are driving back from the cabin.  She is not open to it.  Makes me a little sad that the relationship my kids have with their Uncle and Aunt is drifting.  My other 2 siblings are not like that.


    Part of my attitude in answering comes from the fact that a friend is experiencing the same thing only more extreme. My friend is a lesbian and in a committed relationship with this woman who is charming, intelligent, sweet, generous, etc., etc., etc., (exhaust all the superlatives) and balances my friend perfectly. And her family has completely rejected her except for a few adult nieces and nephews. Yet she is the same person she was before she came out, only now she's happier. So I'm in kind of an "axe the pissy relatives" mode these days, because my friend is a lot better off without her toxic family. Your situation isn't anywhere near as severe as this; I'm relating it to explain my bias right now. 


    Really, just because someone is a relative doesn't mean you can't find better people who make you happier and who are a better family for you. Or that you have to twist yourself into a pretzel to accommodate a family member who's being unreasonable.

    • Love 17
  3. BarbedWire, she sounds like she has identified what she wants, but her insisting that it would work for your kids also sounds like she wants to impose it on you without finding out what you want.


    A lot of families split the holidays. Maybe you could say something like "that doesn't work for us. What's another holiday you'd like to spend with us? I'll have to clear it with my kids and their work schedules first, of course, and I'm not going to tell them what those schedules should be, I'm only going to operate on what they actually are. But past that, I'm open."

    • Love 3
  4. I have a friend with a Christmas birthday and her family just flat-out does a twist on the Christmas-in-July thing. I don't know how they explained it to her when she was a little girl, but she always has a birthday party in late July. Now that she's an adult, her husband throws that same party for her. She's the only adult I know who has a big birthday party every single year without fail. 

    • Love 3
  5. I can't blame the leads for identifying their preferences before the final rose ceremony. That's going to happen, and that's what usually does happen. But they can at least pretend otherwise and not leave all the work up to the editors.

    • Love 3
  6. Congrats to Nora. She was clearly the best on the final challenge and was consistently in the top during the season, and deserved the win.

    I was puzzled by Ben's problem with the mouth area on the beautiful sacrifice. There didn't seem to be any texture or enhancement on that part of the appliance. When he had such trouble with it, why not just remove it and paint over the models skin?

    Did they say they would be back in January with a new season? That seems awfully soon. While I love the show no matter what, this seasons contestants as a group just did not seem to have the talent and experience of previous seasons. I don't know if the talent pool is getting shallow or if this was an anomaly, but I worry that there is just not that many qualified and willing people left out there. I don't want the show to keep recycling past contestants, but I don't imagine there are huge numbers of interested people capable of doing special effects make up that haven't already applied for the show.


    I agree with all of this, and really, Ben screwed up massively on the third character. The appliance wasn't going to add anything anyway, and it ended up severely detracting from the character. He should have left it off and done a straightforward face paint. This also speaks to the need for a Plan B, which every designer should have in the back of his or her mind in case something goes wrong. We often see these quick pivots, but Ben clearly didn't have a back-up plan here. 


    Anyway, I was happy for Nora. I liked her work and I liked her. I also worry about where the show is going to get new contestants with strong skills - unless the show itself is spurring people to train for a profession with a limited number of jobs, which is a whole different conundrum.

    • Love 2
  7. I'm on Facebook, but my friends are scattered to the 4 winds and I find it a good way to keep up. It's not right for everyone, though.


    And there are message boards for everything. Everything. I love them and have participated broadly (also moderated a few times before PTV). My topics have included TV of course, but also feline diabetes, hockey, herb gardens, a disease, a type of outpatient surgery, umpteen professional sites, and more.


    Regarding the MLMs, a vibrant and intelligent woman I knew through professional circles moved to another state with her family. She and her husband then gave up their respective successful businesses and began selling HerbaLife. Okay, they each lost weight. News flash: not everyone on the planet needs to lose weight. And if I am your friend because I thought you were an insightful, funny, and creative peer in my professional network, I am not going to happily accept your spammy emails about a friggin' dietary system based on vitamins and various foods I'm supposed to purchase through you - even though we all know that you really want me to sell that crap, too, so you can take a cut from my sales.


    Unbelievably, this couple is quite successful and making a lot more money than they did before. So I guess it's working for them and that's good. But they've also become very annoying. I unfriended her on Facebook and her emails go straight into my spam trap now. I'm not the only one to drop her, but she's living a different life now. It's allowed, and I'm allowed to not be part of it.


    Not that it sends me into a minor rage or anything. 

    • Love 9
  8. Hugs for those of you with elderly relatives. Been there.


    My dad was 13 years older than my mom, and she has aged better than he did. Also, my brother is a nurse and I am self-employed with a (usually) flexible schedule. When Dad started having health problems, my brother and I would race home. By time he died, we were taking turns. Now that Mom is in her 80s, my brother and I have an on-call arrangement for emergencies. For example, I'm not available until Nov. 12, but then I've got the rest of the year. If there's a scheduled procedure that involves blood, he goes back for it. If it's scheduled and doesn't involve blood, it's mine (guess who's squeamish). I almost passed out once on seeing a bloody dressing, so we pretty much have to do it this way. 


    Mom used to have a really pushy neighbor whom I intensely disliked and distrusted, and whom I will call C for purposes of this discussion. When Mom had surgery a few years ago, C was at the hospital with us for reasons too complex to explain. C and I went to lunch, and she explained to me that Mom was losing it and becoming very forgetful, but there were people watching out for her. I was quite alarmed because I had noticed nothing. So Mom came out of her surgery and went home the next day, and I stayed another week. After the conversation with C, I watched Mom very closely. She was as sharp as ever and never forgot a thing. On the last day of my visit, I told her what C said, then noted that I thought she was completely with it. And she said "oh, C is always telling me what to do and I say I'll do it just to shut her up, then I do whatever I want instead." Yay, Mom?

    • Love 17
  9. I am a natural red head. I have never heard this. I have no problem with novocaine. I get the normal amount and it never wears off before it should. When I have been sedated, normal amount, normal reaction. Curious.

    Interesting that you don't have that reaction, but nothing of this kind will be 100%. I need triple novocaine. A redheaded friend of mine in Nova Scotia is a health professional, and she says she's seen medical records with notations about redheads and their reactions to pain meds.

    • Love 1
  10. If you have red hair, pain meds and anesthesia don't work as well as they do on everyone else.


    On my emergency card in my purse, I have a note that I'm a natural redhead. My mom had cataract surgery where the pain meds worked but the relaxants didn't. She was supposed to be in la-la land, and instead she was wide awake. Yikes! When she went in for the second eye, she and the doctor talked about it and they had the head anesthesiologist handle every part of the pain control and sedation. Same thing happened again. My mom is very stoic, but I am not. Henceforth, all medical people I encounter will know that my hair is red! (or was until it started fading toward white)

    • Love 7
  11. Spoiler Alert: Sob story.


    Christmas was my favorite holiday when my kids were little. I still enjoyed it as they grew into adults, but not so much the decorations. A few years back we lost our house in a natural disaster. For some reason I haven't cared for Christmas since then. The holiday almost irritates me now, however we still do celebrate it.


    Sorry about your house. The last time I moved, it was a slight downsizing in that the storage area went from ample to tiny. I donated bags and bags of Christmas decoration. Now I put a big bow on the front door and set out some stuffed Santa figures that I kept. Past that, I bake. And bake and bake and bake. My house may not look very Christmas-y, but it sure smells it.

    • Love 5
  12. I don't know if anyone else here watches Chopped, a FN show where they get "mystery baskets" of strange ingredients. But I'm always imagining mystery baskets of horrible foods from my childhood, when my mother was still learning to cook. First on my list is always canned asparagus. There are worse foods, but that one is pretty bad!

    • Love 11
  13. I think the best Halloween group to visit me was a family next door with a 6-month-old and a 3-year-old. They were Wizard of Oz characters. The mom was Dorothy, carrying the baby in one of those chest packs, and the baby was lightly made up to look like Toto. The dad was the Wicked Witch and the 3-year-old was dressed as one of the flying monkeys. Very cute!

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