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That's not Nicole's Instagram. It's just someone else who has the same name. There's a picture of the other Nicole on this page. BB Nicole is a preschool aide.
So I've been crazy busy the last few weeks and have only watched the episodes, but now that life is calming down, I thought it would be a good time to get caught up on the feeds and on here. Well, let's just say I wish I hadn't caught up on the feeds. I don't remember ever hating so many people so fast. Like is there anything redeemable about the Nasty Nine at all? And I know so many seasons there is the big huge alliance and we all freak out and then it implodes and it gets kind of fun, but there isn't even a single person in the nine that I like, so just .... ughh. (I thought from the episodes that I liked Sam and that he had some good sense but did he seriously just join an alliance knowing he's the ninth person in it????) What is this horrible season?
No, I completely understand that. I am just saying, in lay terms, when someone says they are 13 weeks pregnant, it includes time before the deed actually happened. (I know, because my husband and I did IVF for this baby, and we implanted a 6-day old embryo, waited 9 days to take a blood and on that day of the blood test, I was, for all intents and purposes, considered 4 weeks pregnant, even though in reality that baby was 15 days. My due date is 36 weeks after that blood test, not 38 weeks. So yes, in reality, she would be 11-12 actual weeks along, but when she would go to her OB or when someone asks based on due dates, it's most likely more like 13-14 weeks. Pregnancy calculations are weird, y'all.
Technically she would be more than that. Pregnancies are calculated starting with the first day of your last period, not when you had sex. By the time you actually conceive, you're around two weeks pregnant. So she'd be out of the first trimester by the finale (13-15 weeks probably in pregnancy terms). But people show at different times. I'm 7 months pregnant now, and I don't think most people could tell I was pregnant until I was closer to 20 weeks and that was when I wore maternity shirts that are made to show off baby bumps.
BBAD starts an hour later on Thursdays, so if HOH starts on time, it's during BBAD. Happy Scottie won. Hoping by some weird miracle he can win HOH too just to mix things up. Or Sam. Or Haleigh.
All I can think of when I see her is Professor Trelawney from Harry Potter. She just needs some shawls to complete the look.
I decided to just vote for the heck of it this time, and both their pictures were marked 'ineligible' and you weren't able to select them. So unless that changes, it seems winning one disqualifies you from getting the other. (Good for the reward people, but sucks for the crap people!)
Awwww, I am loving the flashbacks! Sure, I might regret it if they start showing clips from last season, but these early seasons are giving me super warm nostalgia feels right now.
Yes. I read this awhile back. I find it curious that no one, in the house, has talked about it. This happened a few days ago. They were up in the HoH. Paul, Josh, maybe Christmas? Maybe Alex? I don't really remember. But Paul did add an 'I assume' after he said it, saying because he was the only vet. And then Josh laughed about how he stole it from him instead. In his after eviction ipad questions, he said he wanted to vote for no one (as do I, Cody, as do I), but I can see him voting for Paul. Usually, I like when juries aren't bitter because I like seeing people who played the game win (not counting people like Survivor's Russell, because purposely being an asshole and pissing people off is not playing a better game), but I will be a total hypocrite and say I would die laughing if Paul is in F2 and loses again because people are mad. I don't want any of them to win, but right now, I have to go with what would be most entertaining for me. And if the one thing that doesn't go Paul's way in this game is the win, I can't say I would be at all sad (unless it was Raven in F2 with him. I really don't want her to get the money either. But I could probably live with Josh getting it just to see the look on Paul's face when he realizes he lost again.)
Prime time on the West Coast is 8-11. It's only Central and Mountain where prime time starts at 7. (My favorite perk of living in the Central time zone!)
I just saw a commercial for tomorrow night's episode and it talked about Derrick and 'an epic battle for power', so it sounds like maybe we will get to see HOH? Or at least the start of it. I can't remember if Julie said it would be on Sunday's episode or not.
You don't. If you like to watch people like Paul, more power to you. Other people don't, though. Like @Michichick said above, I like having someone to root for. And at the moment, to me, Cody is way less of the two evils. I know Cody has done some questionable things, but in the last few weeks, every time I turn on the feeds to him (and I have been watching him a lot), I haven't seen anything from him that makes me rage. Whereas I turn to the other people and I can't go 5 minutes without seeing one of them start in on Cody/Jess/Mark/Elena on a super personal level. Obviously everyone — players and fans — decide what is and isn't acceptable to them on a game level, and for me, I really hate the bullying and the personal attacks and the mob mentality where they need to take down their target. I don't enjoy it at all, and on principle, it makes me want to root for the underdog, even if I wouldn't in other circumstances. But that's just me. I don't expect other people to watch how I do.
Josh: I'm drawing the line Elena: The lines been drawn Josh: No, I'm drawing it ... I am loving Elena this fight. Where has this girl been for the past couple weeks?
Is it possible that this season BB has jumped the shark? The casting has gotten weaker and weaker over the past few years. Next season they'll probably cast 15 people who lay in bed or eat all day and one vet to win. Oh, wait......... Unpopular opinion, but I actually think the broadcast shows so far this season have been really good. (One of my favorite things about BB is watching the live feeds and watching the broadcast shows and seeing what they choose to include and not include. Maybe because I'm a writer/editor for a living but that part of it I just find fascinating.) And so far, the one thing this cast has is a lot of drama. Most of it unnecessary and horrible and uncomfortable and awful to watch when it's happening live, but in short bursts on the broadcast episodes, it's been entertaining. For live feeds watchers, though, urghh, yes, it's beyond horrible. I work from home so I have the feeds on in the background most of the day, but I've actually had to switch back to watching a million episodes of House Hunters some days because I can't listen to Paul anymore and it's super frustrating to know that nothing is going to change when all I really want is for something to change and for someone to wake up and decide that they, too, want to win. (I just don't get coming on a show like this and not wanting to win. Even when I was 20-something and didn't have a job I would have had to give up. And I'm not even super competitive, but what is the point if you don't even try to win??) I wish Cody was staying because I actually like watching Alex and Jason when they're talking to him. I know Alex said she's being 'fake' when they're talking with him, but I would take that fake side over her real side any hour of the day. She's actually tolerable and kind of fun. And also she seems more insightful then too. I'm not actually sure what I'm rooting for after Thursday when Cody leaves. I guess just to see the fallout when one by one Paul's minions realize they weren't his Chosen One after all. Or maybe someone to surprise me and do something awesome, although the chances of that seem less than zero at this point.
This season has really devolved to this sorry point. I can't recall who said this upthread, but, yes, Cody should tell them all this on his way out: "Paul is playing the best game and has my vote to win. Anyone else can earn my vote by taking him out. So long, suckers!" This is me right now, too. I hate Paul. I hate that Paul's going to march his way to an inevitable win and no one is going to do anything to stop him. So my one small semblance of satisfaction is knowing that one by one all these idiots who think they are Paul's #2 are going to go up on the block and out the door (except for, of course, whoever really is the #2). If I were Cody, I would just sit in the Jury House and laugh in their faces as they come in. It's really not much to look forward to, but I need something. That and the comic book covers and Zingbot. I look forward to those as well too!