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Posts posted by Garnett7


    I think you are right.  His "price" for giving up Abigail was the man o' war and I think he's come to claim it.


    I was rewatching last night and the Man O' War is definitely his target. Vane said in his letter to Eleanor that he told them his price for the girl. So he's going to get it now. But also Flint ordered all the ship's gun ports closed and told the men not to return fire if fired upon. So he unwittingly set them up for a perfect ambush by Vane. By the time they realize it's Vane attacking them and not neb of Charles Town, it will likely be too late.


    I suspect that Flint and Ashe will be on the verge of an agreement when Vane will take the Man O' War and fire on Charles Town. Then it will all fall apart. Ashe may even die himself, further complicating Flint's life.


    In the Vane vs Flint view on England debate -- Flint lived among the upper class in London. He knows the bad but also the good, good men like Thomas and Ashe. He feels that he can work with men like that. Vane views British rule as brutality, having never been on the inside as Flint was. All he knows is their harshness towards men like him. He sees working with them as folly.


    The fun of a show like Black Sails to me is that you can love and root for the "bad guys". Obviously none of the main characters are good people. They're pirates who had stolen and killed their way to where they are. But you get to see more depth to them than just that. Vane is no romantic hero (although I confess to finding ZM attractive) but, as far as theives go, he's pretty honest and up front with who he is. Not a backstabber like Silver is. You know where you stand with Vane which isn't common in this world of double dealing.


    Abigail is probably 17-18ish. I'd put Billy around 25. Perhaps a problematic age different by today's standards but for the 1700's, not at all. Fourteen year olds were married off to old geezers in that day. It was probably odd to find a nobleman's daughter who wasn't married by at least her early 20's.

    • Love 2
  2. Patrick's sister was an annoying twit but I can't disagree with anything she said about Patrick/Kevin/Jon. Paddy never gave Jon or his feelings a second though. And Kevin's handling of his relationship with Jon was an epic fail.


    And he doesn't have a leg to stand on when Mom is talking about leaving Dad. He clearly wants to object but that'd just make his hypocrisy all the more glaring.


    Oh, Dom, why you gotta be an idiot? Doris' father that she adored just died. Stop making this about you!


    How messed up is it that Augustine is the most likable one of the trio right now?


    Kevin and Patrick are moving a warp speed in this relationship. It's ridiculous.


    I agree with others who say how sick of Patrick they are. I get that he's the "main character" but can't he at least be written as semi-likable? I miss Richie terribly. I don't care if he's not in Patrick's orbit, I don't want him there honestly, but can't he have his own storyline, show? Please?

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  3. I was thinking it's been over ten years since the past happened with Thomas/Flint. If they're going to put Billy with Abigail I'm sure she will be aged to her late teens/early twenties. Billy is probably in his 20's as well.


    But I'll be damned if I can figure out what Vane & Co. are doing hiding in the water off Charlestown, masquerading as  swamp grass.  More importantly, HOW DID  THEY GET THERE?  Didn't Jack say that Vane's ship (the one he took from Ned Low) was still in the bay?  if so -- how did he and his minions get to Charlestown?


    I believe Vane is going to try stealing the Man Of War from Flint while Flint is in Charles Town. I think that's what he is there for. How he got there . . .I confess to knowing nothing about sailing but would a smaller, lighter ship be faster than the big war ship?


    Wasn't Richard Guthrie watching Flint's ship depart at the end of last week? If Vane killed him, then set sail with his crew immediately after (on what ship, I dunno, maybe one they stole, did Guthrie have a ship in the bay?) they could've arrived very soon after Flint did.

  5. The appeal of Vane, for me, is his straight forwardness. He's no nonesense. No BS, no games, no lies, no back-stabbing, no double-crossing. He says what he means and means what he says, something that can't be applied to many characters on this show.


    He's a very dark, hardened man but still capable of feelings, dare I even say "loving" someone (as much as he can understand love). Although right now he seems to want to make Eleanor suffer as much as I want to see her suffer so that helps add to my liking him.


    And, to be honest, I think ZM is one fine looking man. I'm the  opposite when it comes to Silve, I find him totally unattractive. I'm like, "Someone explain the appeal of him to me". LOL! He's too smarmy to me. And I HATE his hair. I'd kill to get a bottle of Dawn dishing washing detergent ahold of it because it looks so oily all the time. After that, maybe a weed eater.

    • Love 3
  6. Daymun, Vane is a BAMF. I love it when he makes Eleanor suffer. Mwahaha!


    Buh-bye, Richard Guthrie. Sorry you had to die but i'm willing to sacrifice you in the service of making your daughter miserable.


    I love that we got some backstory on Billy. I always felt like he didn't quite fit into the pirate world, nice to know how he came to be with them. Definitely some eye-sexing with him and Abigail. It's time Billy got some loving, if only to see him take his shirt off again. (Yes, I'm shallow, sue me.)


    I think we all guessed that it was Thomas' father that Flint hunted down and murdered all those years ago. Ironic that that was what turned Ashe against all pirates. I wonder if his feelings will change any once he knows who did it and why.


    Poor Jack, lamenting on the woes of women. LOL!

    • Love 4
  7. Alas, poor Gordon, we didn't know you that well but still liked you better than Carrie. I find it rather cheap for the writers to kill off Siobhan and Gordon just to reunite Lucas/Carrie (which we all know it coming). It's such a lame way out of L/S and G/C's relationships, instead of actually having to deal with them just coming to an end on their own and keep interesting characters like Siobhan and Gordon around.


    That said, I'm not at all shocked Gordon got it. I've been expecting his death since the pilot episode. The show can say what they want about "shocking deaths" but no one's demise on this show would be shocking, save killing off Hood, Carrie or Deva before the end season. Those are the only 3 that would truly surprise me, everyone else is just a ticket waiting to get punched.


    I can't help but roll my eyes everytime 100 pound Carrie manages to beat up a highly trained soldier or assassian or mob enforcer. Really, show? Even with her background, a fist fight is still a fist fight and someone with equal training and skill who is twice her size and weight wouldn't always get bested by her.


    So over Rebecca. I figured Kai would forgive her. She is one who needs to bite it next.


    I don't want Lucas to not be the sheriff. That's just wrong. Absolutely love Bunker though. Great new addition to the cast. I want lots more of him next season. Heck, give him his own spin-off if Lucas doesn't want to be in charge of the police force anymore. Let Bunker and Brock do it.

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    And Patrick's mom bascially smacked him down during their big talk. I think Patrick was projecting all of his own prejudices onto his family as a convenient way of dealing with them.


    So much "Yes!!" to this. From what we saw of Patrick's mother, she would've had zero problem with Richie. Heck, they probably would've smoked a joint together and got on well. Patrick projected his issues about Richie's race and social standings onto others. And that was hardly the first time we saw his prejudices showing when it came to Richie.

    • Love 1
  9. The history with Norma and Caleb -- I could see it going either way and I love that the show is ambiguous about that. I could see Norma entering into an incestuous relationship with her brother, then rewriting it in her mind later on to convince herself that none of it was her fault. But I could also see her being inappropriately close to him and him thinking it meant more and taking advantage of that. I do think that, in Caleb's mind, it wasn't rape. I'm not sure if the audience will ever know the turth of what happened with them.

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  10. I loved that Kai kicked Brock's ex to the curb. I hope this means we're done with her for good (and Brock isn't dumb enough to take her back). Now, I just hope he reigns some hell down on Rebecca next and not decide that he weirdly admires her for going behind his back.


    Bunker is a really interesting character to me. I hope they keep him around for a long time. (Heck, give him his own spin-off!) And it helps that he's easy on the eyes.


    I'm TeamGordon right now when it comes to Deva. I thought Lucas was out of line to interfere seeing as how he only wants to play parent when it's convenient for him (just a few episodes ago he was planning to skip town and leave her behind). Deva has been out of control for a long time and Carrie&Lucas have been too busy killing people, stealing stuff and being psychopaths in general to bother parenting her. It's sad that the pill popping drunk is the most attentative parent at the moment. So, please Gordon, send her annoying bratty ass off to military school.

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    That's right. He didn't call, because he was in love with Kevin. Could there be any doubt, looking at the four of them, that the pairings made sense? Sorry, Richie and Patrick are not a pair to me.


    And my point is -- why can't Patrick just own that? Put his damn big girl panties on and own it, not try to make it a "Gee, I fell into this relationship with Kevin because you told me blah blah blah, Richie". He's not with Richie because of a concern Richie expressed. He's not with Richie because he chose instead to enter an affair with Kevin. So don't lay it on Richie like that, own it like an adult.


    I am NOT a Richie/Patrick fan. I'm the biggest Anti!Richie/Patrick fan you can find because I can't stand Patrick. I have zero clue why the writers think this neurotic mess of immaturity, selfishness and endless issues is a rootworthy character. All I do is find myself rooting that someone will throat punch him. 

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  12. Was Patrick for real in that scene alone with Richie? Cause if I remember their moment at the end of season 1 correctly, Richie poured his heart out to Patrick, told Patrick he was on the verge of falling in love with him but that he feared Patrick wasn't there yet so he'd back off until Patrick figured out what he wanted. All Patrick had to do was give Richie a call. Instead now he's "Oh, I'm with Kevin because you told me I wasn't ready to be with you". WTF? There's so much wrong with that I don't even know where to begin. Run, Richie, run!

    • Love 4
  13. Oh, yes, Eleanor "rescuing" Abigail was one badly written escape. They sit there and chatted forever, reading letters and reminiscing about the past. I was like, "Chat later, get out of there now if your plan is to escape".  Then Abigail stood there like a lump doing nothing while Eleanor strugged to get the door open. Geez.


    I also thought Silver was telling the truth at first about the men reporting the gold was gone. My first thought was perhaps Billy broke and told the Navy what prize Flint had been looking for and they went searching for it. I wasn't expecting Silver to have conned the other two into lying. He's slick but I can't wait for it to backfire on him.

    • Love 1
  14. Geez, so much double-crossing going on this episode I lost count of it all.


    I actually hope that Richard does betray Eleanor. It would serve her right. She's no problem betraying anyone who cares for her or people she claims to care about. It's time she got it back in spades.


    I loved that scene with her and Vane. I hope he follows through on his threat and destroys her and her plans for Nassau.


    Silver -- I just can't stand the little weasel. I hope Flint or Billy or someone figures him out.


    Billy -- Well played, Mr. Bones, well played. I loved it but a part of me still thinks he's playing the long con. Not sure what his endgame is just yet. 


    Anne -- Wallowing in self-pity because she's having to sit a few plays on the bench. Meh, whatever.


    On a shallow note, Flint has the most beautiful, disarming smile. On an even more shallow note, Tom Hopper's arms are freaking insane. Thank you, wardrobe department, for putting him back in those nice tight shirts.

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    Patrick / Richie are likely end game. It's fairly clear from the way the PTB talk about the 2 relationships.


    Nooo!! Spare Richie this fate, spare him!


    But with Kevin/Patrick getting together with 3 episodes left, I feel they're doomed for sure. They will be over by the finale. I suspect that Patrick will end the season single, which is really what he needs. He needs to get his act together and figure himself out before he can be in a relationship with anyone.

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    One man's "left Jon" is another man's "Jon kicked me out."  I suspect the latter is closer to the truth than the former, especially since I think Jon was getting a clue after the whole Halloween party.  Time will tell if I'm right or wrong on that angle.


    That was my thoughts exactly! LOL! I was like, "Yeah, you left him or he confronted you and made you come clean after the party?" There's 3 episodes left so I suspect we'll see more on this front.


    Gee, Paddy, way to make the death of a friend's father all about you. Nice.


    I do adore the friendship between Dom and Doris. They're so good to each other.

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    I liked the look of total relief on Duchesne when he spotted Billy.


    I adore Billy so when others get emotional over him, I just love them, too. :) I also really liked Billy and Dufrense's friendship last season.



    Am I alone in being disappointed Flint didn't kiss Billy?


    Nope, totally not alone in that. You have no idea how badly I wanted Flint to give Billy a kiss, even if it was just on the cheek or the head.


    But about Bily and his pardons. I feel like there is way, way more to the story than he told Dufrense. Last time we saw Billy, the Scarborough captain was torturing him without mercy and showing no signs of stopping until Billy broke. Then when next we see them, they're having a meal together and the captain is handing over pardons? I feel like Billy broke and told the Navy something. Perhaps something about Flint. I'm not even sure I believe he has that many pardons. It might be a trap all around to lure Flint and his top dogs to the Navy.


    I'm not surprised if Flint is one of the Navy's "most wanted". In the promo for next week, Abigail says that Flint is one of the most vicious pirates around so he has made a name for himself. All of Nassau knows who he is and he's feared/respected there. England has heard of him and wants his head. Whether they've made the connection that Captain Flint is really James McGraw will be seen, I guess.


    I get Max's logic in offering Anne protection, it's her ability to follow through on that promise that I doubt. She doesn't have that much power to protect anyone from Flint, his crew or the other pirate Captain that Anne assaulted. But it's a brillaint move in endearing herself further to Anne. She's now made Anne feel like she (Max) is the only one who cares and the only one who will be there to have Anne's back. Smart move in further driving a wedge between Jack/Anne and inserting herself in it.


    Dohe -- I don't think anyone believes Anne was wrong in saving Max last season, but that it was uncool of her to not give Jack a forewarning to what she was pulling him into. She should've at least told him what she was doing, if only for his own safety. So, if Anne now has to sit on the beach for a bit while Jack reclaims his name (thus by bringing her back in later on) then I don't think it's too much to ask that she do so without brutally murdering people because she's upset.

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    More and more there seems to be a rivalry between Flint and Vane that revolves around Eleanor.


    Where Flint is concerned, I don't think it's about Eleanor herself as much as it is about the control she has over commerce on the island. All business dealings go through her so he needs her on his side to make his plans work. If her father was still in charge, Flint would be trying to win him over just as hard. It's certainly more personal for Vane as I believe he loves Eleanor (well, as much as he can love or understand love).


    Of course Eleanor double-crosses Vane. I saw that one coming a mile off. I've been waiting for her to do it since she first made nice with him this season. You should've let Ned Lowe have her, Vane. 


    Not buying Max as being able to protect Anne from anything. Also don't care for Crazy Anne. Alas, poor Charlotte The Artistic Prostitute, we barely knew ya.


    I love the ambiguity with Billy right now. Can you trust anything he says at this point? Was he lying about Flint not pushing him overboard? Was he being totally honest with Dufrense about the pardons? I love that we're left second guessing pretty much everyone's motives on the show.


    Favorite line of the night had to be Jack's response to the other ship being named Goliath. "You named your ship after the greatest disappointment in warfare?"

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    Paddy is uncomfortable bottoming, so he must have bottom shame. He is trying to understand the psychic, which is a completely new experience for him, so he must be looking down on Richie's culture. Paddy is tense and doesn't want to have pot before going to his sister's wedding, how dare he


    Except everything you listed is about PATRICK's issues, not Richie being "self-righteous". I didn't see him trying to condemn Patrick for not being comfortable bottoming. Ragging Patrick some, sure. Hoping to understand him, maybe. But not being judgemental towards him.


    Neither did I see Richie get "self-righteous" because Patrick had a pointless flip out over visiting a psychic. Paddy also flipped out over taking Richie to the wedding and made it about Richie suggesting he have a joint and calm down. Patrick was in a tizzy long before the pot was brought out. Patrick latched on to it as a way to justify his freak out over having to introduce Richie to his family. Turns out, Mama Patrick would've enjoyed a joint with Richie. To me, Patrick is the one who'd be exhausting to be around. Who wants to wade through that neurotic ocean of issues on a daily basis?


    I imagine Richie has been looked down on and condescended to many times in his life beause on his race and culture. Does he get defensive when he feels that is happening again? Sure. Who wouldn't? I'm still impressed he didn't punch the hell out of Augustine that day in the park. But I don't see any "self-righteousness" in any of that.



    As the person who wrote the article, I'd hope Brady knows more about what he wrote than Patrick, a reader. Maybe that's reaching.


    My comment was that Brady knew more about the subject of his article, not the writing itself. Of course he'd know more about the words he'd written. But the subject matter (PrEP) was what the group was discussing. Patrick tried to make himself sound like a know-it-all when he clearly knew little about the topic. Hadn't even read the article. If he looked stupid, that was his fault. Not Brady's.



    Anyway, my point is not that Brady is not that fun, but that shouldn't Patrick want to be with someone who enjoys being with Patrick, more than he enjoys being with Brady, say? Shouldn't that be a bare minimum criterion?


    Of course he should. Everyone should be with the person who finds them fun and exciting. For the record, I am NOT a Patrick/Richie shipper. I'm just a Richie fan. I'd rather he stayed far away from the hot mess that is Patrick. My point is that I loved that Richie didn't let Patrick's jab at Brady go. Paddy was looking for some reassurance that he was better than Brady in Richie's eyes. Richie didn't diss the guy he's currently dating to stroke Patrick's ego. Loyalty. Another non "self-righteous" virtue of his that I appreciate.

    • Love 5
  20. Liking the same music does not a relationship make. Or break. And maybe Kevin would say Patrick is more fun than Brady (what does he even know about Brady anyhow?). But would he say that Patrick is more fun than Jon?


    I agree with others who say that Kevin is never going to leave Jon on his own. He doesn't have the spine. Patrick has all but broadcasted their affair on national TV and Kevin is still being gutless to come clean or tell Patrick to cut it out. Jon is clueing in now. I wouldn't be surprise if Jon dumped Kevin after learning this and then Kevin will come crawling back to Patrick. But Kevin is not taking the lead and doing it himself anytime soon. 


    I like Russell Tovey well enough but I agree with the above poster that his acting isn't really earth-shattering (he was the weakest link in the cast of Being Human to me, "Mitchell & Annie" were so much better). And his looks are ok, nothing I'd write home about though.


    I do like that St. Richie has found someone just as self-righteous as himself.


    I'm curious as to how Richie is "self-righteous". Because he's a straight forward person? Because he doesn't cheat on his boyfriends? Because he doesn't think it's a great thing to be involved in an affair behind someone's back? Oh, yeah, terrible of him.


    I didn't find Brady that bad either. A bit too insistent on his beliefs (who hasn't acted that way about something they're passionate about?) but most of it I chalked up to just being excited that his article was getting attention. He clearly knew more about the subject he was writing on than Patrick, hence why Paddy ended up making himself look foolish by trying to act like he has superior knowledge on something he hasn't even read.


    As for Richie finding Brady more fun than Patrick . . everyone on this show is more fun than Patrick.  Patrick is a big neurotic ball of issues that whoever is involved with him has to wade through on a daily basis. I don't imagine Brady would completely freak out over a visit to a psychic. Or panic over being bitten by a bed bug (because you were in a sleazy motel cheating with someone). Who'd really want to put up with Patrick on a full time basis?

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  22. Actually the EW article has it all wrong. The "Evolution of Kevin" has been from douchebag to gigantic douchebag.


    I am so sick of him and Patrick and their wishy-washy bullcrap. Kevin cheated on his partner yet I'm supposed to feel some sympathy for him because . . . ? He liked his side piece? He doesn't want to hurt Jon? He can't decide what he wants? All those things make me despise him more, not less. I hope Jon has clued in now. The man deserves to know the truth.


    Patrick doesn't come across as a man confused or in love to me. To me, he comes across as a selfish child who wants to be the center of everyone's world. Richie adored him in season 1 but that wasn't good enough. He also wanted his rich boss cause, face it, Kevin fit in better with his WASPy life and idea of himself. So he let Richie go to get with Kevin, clearly hoping it would work out in his favor. It didn't. Kevin didn't immediately dump Jon so Paddy went looking to lure Richie back in because he probably felt he could get Richie back anytime he wanted to. Now he's faced with the possibility that maybe he isn't all that to everyone. That Kevin can chose Jon over him. That Richie has potentially moved on and found a better boyfriend than Patrick ever was. His ego can't handle it, thus his little "drunken meltdown" which was all about embarrassing and demeaning his supposed best friends while playing for Richie's attention and trying to oust his affair with Kevin.


    Paddy just needs to go away for a long, long time. Jon needs to dump Kevin for an honest partner. Kevin can go whining back to England for all I care. And Richie just needs to run far and fast from Patrick.


    Geez, who knew I'd see the day that I like Augustine more than Patrick?

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