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Posts posted by Garnett7

  1. Bummed that they killed Titus Welliver already. He would've been great to stick around and help sort out the city's mess. Guess TNT didn't want to fork out the dough to keep him.


    Love Tex. I figured he'd stick around somehow. Loved the Baldwin brother (I suck at remembering names) putting an ax through that douchebag's chest.


    Burning people for energy was kinda ridiculous, especially since human bodies are mostly water. Not a good "fuel" source.


    Overall I enjoyed the premiere alot. Only gripe is Chandler's annoying daughter. "I'm giving you 20 minutes!". Really, little girl? And what are you gonna do after 20 minutes? Ride off in your Barbie car? Grandpa should've smacked her down.

    • Love 3


    Exasperated Romero: "Gunnar, don't make me take my gun out and bang your head against the wall and all that shit." The delivery was priceless. Lol!



    That was an awesome line, as well as his bit about Gunner being a stupid name. I just adore Romero and Drunk!Romero is a thing of beauty.


    "We all go a little mad sometimes". Loved it!


    I shouldn't ship Norma/Romero and Dylan/Emma as hard as I do but I can't help it. This show is gonna kill me.


    As mentioned before, this cast is amazing. The scene with Norman and James in the basement was freaking brilliant.

    • Love 6

    And presumably his butt was peaking out of the hospital gown the whole way.  Go Alex!


    Sadly, he had his pants on. I noticed in the long shot of him getting into the car, he had his pants and shoes on. :(

    • Love 2

    On second thought, wasn't Norma supposed to have been poisoned to death by Norman in the movie?


    If I remember correctly (spoilers for the movie "Psycho" for anyone who hasn't seen it and if you haven't . . . WHY HAVE YOU NEVER WATCHED THIS MOVIE?! iT'S AWESOME!) 

    Norman became increasingly jealous when his mother began a serious relationship with another man (will it be Romero, perhaps?). He felt "jilted" for lack of a better word by her. He killed them both with poison but staged it to look like his mother had killed her lover and then herself after finding out her lover had a wife he never told her about.


    Out of curiousity I read up some on Emma's illness. Apparently the vibrations from beating on the chest helps break up congestion in the lungs. It seems Emma's biggest problem is her lungs/breathing, at least we haven't heard about any other organ failure yet. Once she gets so bad, she can qualify for a lung transplant and live well into adulthood. So my hope is she gets her some new lungs and she and Dylan beat it out of Crazy Town at the end of the series.

    • Love 5
  5. Damn but I love Romero. He's epic. I figured he would threaten the guy, scare him, didn't think he'd just kill him so coldly. But it was awesome. Now if he'd just take out Bob.


    I'm another who is on board for Emma/Dylan. I have been since last season, when she found him passed out after he found out Caleb was his father. My wish is for them to run away from this crazy town together and be happy. Yeah, I know it probably won't happen on this show but I can hope.


    Norman's first appearance as "Mother" was creepy. Poor Dylan's mind was blown. (Again, take Emma and run, Dylan! RUN!) Caleb is definitely doomed.  I bet he's getting it by season's end.


    The cast is really amazing, everyone. Vera, Freddie, Max, "Emma", Nestor, and Kenny Johnson, too. I've loved him since "The Shield".

    • Love 5
  6. It took me forever but I finally watched all of this season. Add me in with those who are sick of Claire. She came across like a spoiled brat to me all season long. Demanding the new toy she wanted, breaking it and then being pissy at everyone else because it broke. Frank handed her the UN Ambassador's job on a silver platter and she blew it. She took on a snake (the Russian president) who was ten times worse than her or anyone she's ever dealt with before. She thought she was so clever and never saw how out-matched she was with him. I agreed with Frank in the finale, too, in that she always knew what the deal was. There's only one seat in the Oval Office and only one person can sit in it. She knew that going in.


    Not that Frank is any better at his job than she was at her's. Oh, he'll do anything to "win" at any costs but that doesn't equal being a good president. If I'd heard "AmWorks/America Works" one more time this season I might have hurt my computer screen.


    My favorite part of the season was Doug. I love me some Doug but not in a "Oh, he's a good guy deep down" kinda way but more of a fascination of how messed up he is. He's so controlled yet a total mess at the same time. I never thought he was on a redepmtion arc this season. I knew right off that his real agenda was getting back on Frank's team and he'd do anything to accomplish it. Lie, double-cross, murder. It didn't matter. He is very much like Frank in that regard.


    Gotta give kudos to Michael Kelly. I think he's a brilliant actor. He keeps me intrigued.

    • Love 4
  7. The look on Romero's face when Norma was giving Bob her list of demands was priceless. He was like, "Who is this crazy lady and why am I so hot for her?".


    Making MOTHER the Wi-Fi password was just super creepy. Guess we know who set that up.

    • Love 20
  8. They could try to intercept the ship Eleanor is on but I don't think that will be a high priority to Flint knowing now that the gold is still in play.


    Obviously they wouldn't try a full fledged assault against England as they did on Charles Town. But Vane or Flint might try something a bit more stealthy.


    I'm a bad woman because every time I think of John Silver I think, "that can't really be his name, it sounds like a porn star."  Then I think of the porn star "Long Dong Silver."  Ugh.


    And now I'm thinking of Long Duk Dong from "16 Candles". LOL!


    I'd actually love it if Billy became Vane's new quartermaster. Two of my favorites together. TeamBane. I wonder if Vane will try to rescue Eleanor from England (as he did with Flint) or if he'll say screw her. I hope he says screw her. Flint might go to her aid. Or perhaps Abigail will return to England and try to help her. But I figure the odds are 50/50 after Charles Town and her father's death that she will look fondly on the people of Nassau again.

  10. I know it's uncool of Dylan to be hanging out with Caleb but I felt bad for the guy tonight. Norman won't rat him out because he's "protecting" Norma but rather because of his jealousy and obsession about keeping her to himself. Like I said, I feel bad for Dylan. He wants to be loved by his mother but he always wants to sort Caleb out and at least try to understand how and why he came to be.


    Norman was just super creepy with his making out with Emma just to get his mother's attention. He's acting like a jilted lover. Emma and Dylan need to run far away from this eff'ed up family and town.


    Love Romero. I'm glad he's getting more screentime lately.

    • Love 14
  11. I enjoyed this episode but I kinda think last week would've been a better season finale cliffhanger. I'm not complaining, though. I loved seeing TeamFlane aiding each other in destroying Charles Town. I don't know if we're done with Ashe, though. He was still breathing at the end. I fear Abigail might find him and get him help.


    I'm surprised that Silver told the truth about the double cross. Not sure what his angle is. I think he'd come out better taking his share with Max/Anne/Jack's crew and heading off into the sunset with it.

  12. DirecTV has it OnDemand, too. But they seem to have it up early every week. I've watched the last several episodes on a Saturday morning instead of having to wait until that night. :)

  13. Sad but not really surpising news. I just hope HBO does give them a wrap up flim (I believe "Deadwood" fans got promised the same but it never happened).


    My main wish for an ending would be for Lynn to return and ask Dom for a second chance, one that he is fully committed to this time.


    I'm also fine with seeing Kevin deported, Patrick moving to another planet and Richie finding a good, decent man. (I don't think Brady is really right for him.)


    It is far crueler, but I never thought that Patrick was in love with Kevin.


    Absolutely! I think Patrick said it in his bad anology of them to the bed. By outwards appearances, it looks perfect. He thought Kevin would be the "perfect" guy for him. They had the same career. Kevin was all nice and WASPy like Patrick and his family. The sex was good. It all looked perfect at first glance. Not so much when you dig deeper. Paddy is realizing how very little he knows Kevin and seeing just how different they are in their views on love and relationships. I'm not sure you can truly love a person you don't really know. Love your idea of them, sure, but not them.


    I'll also say that I don't believe Kevin is in love with Patrick either. I know Kevin said some nice, pretty, flowery words of love to Patrick but the whole time he was also telling Jon he loved him. While Jon was out of town, he stayed at Patrick's, hung out with him, slept with him, whispered his sweet nothings and the second he thought Patrick was asleep, he snuck off to call Jon and tell Jon he "loved" him. How Patrick could then hear the same words from Kevin's mouth and not think about that night is beyond me.

    • Love 4
  15. I'm convinced that Patrick has the IQ of Forrest Gump. So he's really just clueing in that "once a cheater. always a cheater"? That the guy who will cheat with you will also cheat on you? Did he honestly expect to be treated better than he himself treated Richie or Kevin treated Jon? That maybe you should get to know a person, have some hard conversations about what you want/need out of a relationship before moving in with them? This guy makes my brain hurt. And Kevin can zip it with his "I'll change" because he won't. He's hard-wired to cheat, he's shown it over and over again and that won't change about him.


    Run, Richie! Run far, far away.

    • Love 3
  16. For a pirate show, I think this series has had a fairly good female to male main character ratio. The main male characters I'd consider to be Flint, Billy, Silver, Vane, Jack and Gates (in season 1) with the ladies being Anne, Eleanor, Max, Miranda and they added Abigail this season (assuming she's to be around long term). With most of the action happening around the pirate ships, no surprise that there is more men in the background or as recurring parts since pirates were predominantly male. 


    I love that the show has given very strong, badass women like Anne and Miranda. I know Miranda doesn't swing a sword but she was as tough as nails. Max is very shrewd and intelligent, Eleanor . . . well, my feelings on her can never be neutral so I won't even go there. I agree that (sadly) we haven't seen the last of her. Abigail will probably go to England and free her somehow next season.


    I doubt that Thomas has been locked up in the asylum all this time. I wouldn't be surprised if his father got him out and "imprisoned" him in a country estate somewhere. Once he'd tarnished Thomas' reputation among his peers, had him dubbed insane, exiled Flint/Miranda and turned Ashe against Thomas, Alfred had successfully took all his son's power and sway away. He'd no longer be taken seriously anymore.


    The female characters get killed off or sold off


    I think it's a fairly even ratio myself. Did any female characters die in season one? I'm totally blanking if so. This season we lost Miranda (who was a main one) and Charlotte (who was a guest star at best). On the male side, Gates was killed. Tonight saw the end of Randall and the pirate who scares people with the fake teeth, along with a few other of Flint's crew. Richard Guthrie died last week. There was the guy bucking Flint last season who got crushed under the ship. As far as recurring/main characters go, it's been Gates/Guthrie/Randall vs. Miranda.

    • Love 1
  18. So many thoughts on this episode. I need to rewatch it a few dozen times.


    Awww, but Vane is a fanboy of Billy. Loved their fight and enjoyed their scene together.


    Poor Miranda. :( I didn't realize how much I'd come to like her until she met her end. And, dude, how much of a pussy is this Rhett guy? A trained soldier, armed with sword and gun, with men at his command and his way of handling an unarmed woman who raises her voice is to shoot her? Overkill, much?


    I knew  something was up with that clock the first time Miranda took note of it. I assumed it had belonged to Thomas but I figured Thomas might have given it to Ashe, hadn't expected that Ashe secretly double-crossed Flint/Thomas/Miranda all those years ago and threw in with old Geezer Hamiliton.


    But now that we know Ashe's betrayal I think we can safely declare Thomas not really dead. Cause Miranda said Ashe sent her the letter saying that Thomas had died in the asylum. But if Ashe was in Geezer Hamiliton's pocket then I figure the letter was a ploy to ensure Flint never returned to England looking for Thomas.


    Randall!!! Man, why you gotta do that, show? Randall was one of the best things on the series. I loved him. He made for great comic relief.


    Do not care that Hornigold/Dufrense sent Eleanor off to face England's wrath. Good riddance.


    I know it's a bit cheesy that now Vane must work with Flint's crew to save Flint but I like the motivation behind it, that the pirates must stop in-fighting and ban together if they're to stand any chance. As much as Vane hates Flint, he hates England more and knows what a blow it'd be to Nassau and how it would embolden England all the more if they took out Flint now.

    • Love 4

    To be honest, i don't go around expecting to be treated with basic human decency and kindness, not that naive, really.


    That actually makes me sad for you. Nothing "naive" in my book about treating people with human decency. Whether you'd blame X or not, they're still responsible for their actions. It's not Kevin's fault only that there was an affair. Patrick had to be ready, willing and available, which he was all too happy to be. He shares equal blame.


    DollEyes, I'm not even sure Jon being a jerk woud make Kevin's cheating understandable. Kevin is a grown man, intelligent, in charge of his life. He's not married to Jon, no kids, not financially or physically dependent on him. If Jon was a douche to him then he should've man'ed up and left, not cheated. But nothing has shown Jon to be a jerk. Kevin just wasn't big boy enough to leave one man before deciding to screw another.

    • Love 2
  20. Norma is such a hot mess. Yet I still kinda want her and Romero to get together. But at the same time I don't because I feel like that means (spoiler mention for the movie "Psycho"/possible Bates spoiler)

    Romero will be the ill-fated lover of Norman's mother mentioned in "Psycho".


    The casting on this show is brilliant. All the actors are so good but "Norma & Norman" really shine. I love Kenny Johnson. He and Dylan actor resemble so much you'd really think they were related.

    • Love 2

    I'm fine with Gordon's death though this means more Deva angst and who wants that?


    Oh, Gawd, shoot me now. They should just ship her off to juvie hall already because Gordon was the only parent trying to do right by her this season. Carrie is too busy planning robberies and assaulting people to even notice what a trainwreck her kid is. Lucas has the parenting skills of a slug. Just ship her off, spare me more of her sniveling criminal behavior.

    • Love 2

    re: Jon blaming Patrick - Patrick didn't owe Jon anything, Kevin did.


    How about basic human dignity and respect? Do you think Patrick owed Jon that? Just out of curiousity, if you are married now or were to get married or move in with a long time partner and begin a life with them, and they started cheating on you on the side with their employee, you don't think that person would "owe" you anything? Like maybe respecting your relationship? An explanation on why they trashed your life, maybe? You wouldn't blame them even a little for getting involved with someone they knew was in a serious relationship?


    I think Jon's reaction to Patrick is human, real and perfectly understandable.

    • Love 3

    He has an interesting face; sometimes attractive, sometimes not.  His eyes are kind of close together.


    Taken one part at a time, ZM's features are not great. But put them all together and his face works for me. :)  And he's got a rocking body.


    With Flint -- I usually like scruffy men and Flint looks good with the beard but I like him so much better clean shaven in the flashbacks. He's gorgeous in those. And when he smiles it completely transforms his face.


    I don't really find Rackham or Silver attractive though. The best looking man on the show to me is Billy, actually. But I'll stop being shallow now.


    I believe it was said that Flint's father was a carpenter. I see him as someone who'd be "middle class" by today's standards. Not "poverty" like Vane or "the one perfect" like the British nobility (Ashe, Hamiliton, Miranda, etc.). I think he worked his way up in the Navy, impressing his superiors along the way, and was chosen for the assigment with Thomas because the Navy felt he wouldn't be swayed by Thomas' idealistic views. Little did they know.

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