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Everything posted by halaciHU

  1. Lanie's backstory: she can impersonate her own dead body.
  2. Nathan will be grilled alive by the crazies that he would take home photos with Molly and Susan but didn't mentioned Stana. :( OTOH kudos to him that he openly admits he was wrong when he believed the show couldn't go on after they got together.
  3. If they will ever invent a BullShit-O-Meter, it must be tested on Marlowe&Co for high peak calibration, they make politicians run for their money. I wish all the best for the cast and because of this I will never hope in bad audience numbers, but after reading these kind of empty self promotions I started to change my mind, just to know that this would hit his ego.
  4. Believe me, gung ho fans will explain (if this remains in the epsiode - which I can't rule out, it was in one of the previews that Castle's disappearing will hit the media, but it will not be a topic in the episode), that surely the official photographer of the wedding saw the commotion and run after them, or something like this...
  5. I'm probably terribly old, but I never felt the need to shout out to the whole world the things what I wanted to tell my wife.
  6. M*rons, they have launched the extended SP now, even though they didn't reach the goal. (It was clear that they won't, today increase was only some hundred) Superb marketing: failed to reach a promotable success but at least managed to make a part of the fandom angry. Beautiful. Nothing new in it, regarding the previous news and interviews, Castle was dragged away. Big surprise.
  7. Unfortunately in this case his acting was a waste in your case - NF told in an interview after S6 premiere that he was specifically asked to play as if Castle would want to break up, to heighten the tension. I take NF a good actor enough to play both sides of the coin at once, but here was only one. His whole presence from the body language through is tone to his face and eyes were not commitment, but desperation and giving up - without any hint of hope and mainly without wanting to be happy. It was the "I will lick your boots dear master even if you kick me" expression which is to me is lightyears away from being committed. It was the complete denial of that Castle which was discussed above, the one who wants to live and enjoy the life.
  8. First I thought it's her own hat, but what she wore in Zlin was not this Mexican (Angel Eye) kind Stana in Zlin Film Festival screening
  9. I think that the SP with no GPS was a scene before the junkyard - probably Esposito's request to turn on his phone remotely was successful.
  10. Might be (not following NCIS for a long time), but PoI is character and story driven, not just character driven. Some people like to solve crosswords or building plastic kits with miniscule details, others find these things boring and tedious. To really enjoy PoI one need to enjoy the mind game of the details as well and that's not what everybody wants.
  11. They have copied so many other shows, now I'm sure that copying that scene would blow up the net. Would be the first for a long time I would love to see, even though I'm not too thrilled about the Brokeback Mountain-ish ideas. My experiences are that the more distinctive is the set, the less effort they made with the script, hoping that nobody would care.
  12. It's not the classic mainstream I agree, but at the same time a new viewer won't understand more from GoT S4 premiere either (or from Breaking Bad, or Scandal), yet the audience is growing year by year. I don't think that there are no demand for compelling and complex stories, I think it's more like PoI is too complex for the CSI/NCIS consumers. Outside the geeky portals (like io9) had generated no buzz in the mainstream media. Most people doesn't even know about it, or believe it's just another COTW CBS procedural.
  13. My problem is right that: they didn't generate more serious drama. The generate more exalted dramas with big theatrics, but - exactly because none of it has aftermath - these aren't serious ones. Plus what could be more serious (in case if there are characters with personalities, not cardboard puppets) than somebody's inner conflict between the necessary and the right thing? Or the knowledge that she did something which is against her own ethics?
  14. Probably better in the general media - I'm surprised that they made the photos only now. Usually the promo photos are made during the first week of the shooting, sometime in July.
  15. Sometime in the first half of S3 (while Root was in the cage in the library) she told Harold, that he shouldn't be jealous because he can have the same level of contact, he only needed to want it. So even if I completely understand and support his choice when he didn't take the offer, the Machine had offered him the chance.
  16. I don't know, maybe she's in some dumpster? To me it looks like that Marlowe (in his usual, subtle way) wants to compensate Barbie Beckett with Badass Beckett. The more glamourous she is, the more often she goes on a rampage. I don't mind when they depict her as an adequate fighter - hell, their sparring scene with Demming was one of the highlight of an otherwise strong season. I don't have reservation about her lithe figure either - a fragile-looking woman can be a convincing martial artist, see Ming Na Wen in SHIELD, to stay with the channel. (OFF: that lady must be an alien, looking this good in 51. Non human.) I could live even with her losing her mind and being violent in crisis situations - though would be good if they refrain from using it so often and I definitely don't see it as being badass, just the opposite. (Marlowe obviously hasn't read Asimov's Foundation: Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent.) What I can't tolerate is that after her being out of mind, kicking off not just the tables and suspects but all the ethics and norms to which she had sworn of, she just waltz away, as if these tantrums were completely OK to her. No questions, no doubts, guilt or remorse I don't even want to mention. (That she has never been punished for those I chalk to the "this is just fiction" board, the former is more important to me.)
  17. 300k. they will need some 9-10 more hours to reach it.
  18. And now I'm going to be the big conspiracy theorist: in the past 12 hours it was an almost steady 3000/hour increase (I worked, so I checked back regularly). Anybody who knows how these things work know that either it goes viral and then there is an exponentially groving increase, or stays local and then there is a decreasing return, and at least a wave pattern, according to the daylight/nighttime hours. A continous, fixed amount increase is ... organic.
  19. Well, i have a completely different vibe on her. Regarding her being socially conscious - she was able to play very different persons before to lure and mislead her victims, so I don't see her ability to behave like a girly girl in the beauty department as social consciousness, more like proper camouflage. That now she is less ticked then when she were in the hospital in the beginning of S3? there she only recovered from the shock and adjusted to the knew direct contact with the Maschine - later in the season she was absolutely not crazy. Plus she always handled the team by mocking them and a different level of superiority. Regarding Show: I wouldn't like the lusting part either, but IMHO we are far from it. Root is as much a loner as Shaw is. She might have needs (like Shaw told in S3 premiere that she has), but IMHO she handles them the same practical and unemotional way as everything else: if she feels antsy, find a relief object (person), then it's dealt with for a while. On the other hand she always liked to mocked Shaw with her feminity - right because Shaw wants to be so much not feminine. I don't rule out that she looked up her considering how well she could serve as a relief if she needs one, but IMHO Root is very-very far away from feeling any kind of human compassion towards anybody, and this includes sexual desire as well. I don't see any changes in her. She smiles and speaks nicely to the people, because she knows that this is the easiest way for beatiful woman to achive what she wants - plus she looks down on everybody, her smile always have a tinge of superiority. The team or anybody else with whom she contacted or saved aren't important to her because she developed some bond with them, at least not a tighter one than when you have a favourite, handy tool. If it brokes you are a little sad about the loss, but isntead of grieving go and buy a new one. What looks like compassion or feelings that's only the eagerness to serve the Machine the best way. If the Machine needs Finch to come out of his funk, she uses her best convincing and manipulative abilities to persuade him - but that doesn't mean she looks the things the same way. To Finch the Machine is a tool to save people. To Root people are means to protect and serve the Machine. That occasionally this concludes to the same acts, it doesn't make their base the same.
  20. Honestly sorry, my bad! Mostly working with Germans, probably that's why.
  21. Just to make it clear: I wrote my analogy as a kudos, that Forever did the best what they could do and made a perfectly functional show. I hope it will prevail, because beside being good for the goal, I have no bad experience yet about their inability of improvement, so I can hope that they can be even better. On the other hand I'm sure that if Forever were aired on another channel, ABC would have already sued them for plagiarism. There's one thing when the core concept is similar (or even the same) as a previous show. Forever is not similar in general, it is paractically the same on the details level, even with the same dialogue situations. In certain scenes the differences were on the level of a fake "adidos" trainer: enough to avoid a lawsuit but similar enough to be mixed with the original. How about this: The male lead is in the box the first time, because his special knowledge about the means of killing made him the primary suspect of a murder. he is smug and assertive. The sexy detective (tall, willowy brunette, wears the ring of an unexpectedly deceased close relative on a chain around her neck) brings him to book for some embarrassing findings in his life, but instead of him being embarrased, he instantly turns the accuses into a sexual innuendo, embarrassing her. Sounds familiar? While I admit that being completely, ingeniously original is next to impossible - mainly on network TV where people are dying for the proven formulas -, there is a distinctive line between being a creative with a wide pool of idea sources and being a copycat. (BTW: the funny thing is, that if you and halwiederman were right and adding originality to the basic concepts would have had no importance, then Castle should be cancelled immediately and be replaced by Forever, because it's the same, so it should bring the same results as Castle for a supposedly much lower sum.) That it can not be (because it failed) doesn't mean that it wasn't intended to be.
  22. Regarding the first names you are probably right, though to me "Sameen" was a name unique enough that if this logic is the standard procedure, a targeted search with a human visual check would easily blow up her cover - there are probably not thousands in NY. (Though if Samaratian covers global inputs and she need not be in NY, that would widen the field a little, I agree :) ) regarding her profile: in the finale (if I recall it right) when Samaritan came fully alive, all kind of deviancies were checked, from shoplifting to sexual deviation. Again, can be the hope that she is a needle in the haystack, yet somehow it seems minimum risky to advertise her real talents in any form. On the other hand I agree that Romeo and his friends are very likely the part of another story arc.
  23. Yes, this was the accidentally posted then revoked SP from around ten days ago. - Cheking the car first: meeting of great minds :) That was my first reaction that somebody switch off that goddamned machine and check the trunk! You know just in case if the so much beloved fiance hasn't died yet... Sometime in the summer Matt Mittovich answered to somebody who criticised the cliffhanger, that for Kate it is a cliffhanger, because she doesn't know that they are in a TV show and Castle mustn't die. Watching this SP it looks like somebody told her the shocking truth, that's why she started to play hide and seek instead of trying to save him. - Hair: true. Starts to be embarrassing, even though it's shorter now. - Music: sorry, I'm not such a great fan of Duncan's work. In some places it is great, but to me the first seasons episodes, where there were selected soundtracks also, those worked better. Oh yes and hev have another side of the super-duper-model-guitar player-car racer-skateboarder-scrabble master detective: Kate "Linebacker" Beckett. Plus somehow the ring now doesn't obstruct her police work. It's nice to see it on her hand, it had been even nicer if they had spared the BS about not wearing it and saying that oops, sorry.
  24. From the date it looks like it's from 2011, but great to see her in private.
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