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Posts posted by Philbert

  1. Quote

    Best episode of the season so far in my opinion!

    I second that. I really enjoyed this one. Loved Ed's crime scene investigator training kicking in as he worked to solve the mystery of the "New Red Hood Gang." It's also interesting to note how good Bruce is getting at observing little details. Really enjoyed the baby cat/baby bat relationship this episode. Another plus was the wackiness that is the Butch/Tabitha/Barbara relationship, in addition to the (what others have pointed out) The Ed/Oswald/Butch triangle. Not enough Harvey of course but that's pretty much par for the course these days. I thought Lee smacking Ed in the face for Kristin was a very nice little moment. What Ed did to her (intentional or not) was horrendous and everybody should be sickened that he got out this easily. Oh and how cool was it to see ole Victor again. I've missed that maniac.

    Really solid episode IMHO and I'm looking forward to see what they do with the "Mad Hatter."

    • Love 3
  2. Quote

    Did anyone get shades of Drumpf watching Penguin's campaign? I swear his face was slightly orange...

    I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who picked up on that vibe. The good thing about this election was that it was over in two weeks. Seriously, is it November yet?

    • Love 9
  3. On 9/29/2016 at 3:27 AM, tanita said:

    Hey, I openly love Batman Forever - utter dreck that it is.


    As long as you hate "Batman and Robin" we can still be friends :)

    • Love 2
  4. 18 hours ago, tanita said:

    No, you are acknowledging superiority where there is some. I'm not bothered Chang in the role but she ain't Basinger in her drop dead gorgeous prime. She, Pfeiffer and Kidman are primary reasons why I watch old batman movies from time to time. And I'm not even into the ladies - they are just so pretty and charismatic.

    Michelle Pfeiffer remains my favorite Selena Kyle/Catwoman of all time (and yes that includes Eartha Kitt and Julie Newmar, even though they were both great). That's coming from somebody who thinks young Camren Bicondova is absolutely perfect in this role. I'm just somebody who openly admits to loving Batman Returns-which is heresy in some quarters. :)

    • Love 1
  5. Well, like an idiot, I didn't pay attention to the schedule and completely missed the season three premiere last week. On top of that, my local FOX station seems to have screwed up the sound last night for the first 20 minutes so I had to watch it with closed captions on to figure out what they were saying.

    Anyway...put me in the 'meh' camp on this one. Didn't love it, didn't hate it. Since I missed the premiere I'm not sure where they're going with the whole "Oswald as leader of the mob" thing but okay, I'll bite. It's a little bit like the plot in Burton's "Batman Returns"-which I actually liked (yeah, there are a few of us out there) so I'm looking forward to where they take it. To echo a couple of other people here, yeah the shot of Lee stepping off the train was absolutely stunning. This remains one of the best looking shows on television. I'll match the acting and production design against most other shows currently on. But the writing remains a bit uneven and cliched at times and I'm not really buying the new girl as the latest Gordon love interest. Loved Barbara in her brief scene though. Donal Logue was great as usual, as was Jada Pinkett (has she dropped the Smith part yet). As for "Valerie" Vale...

    Am I dating myself by saying I really missed Kim Basinger last night?

  6. 11 hours ago, tanita said:


    I haven't been fallowing any spoilers but is it me or Barbara morphing into Harley Quinn - that overall demeanor and that "sane certificate" line are totally Harley.


    I haven't seen any spoilers related to that but the similarity between Harley Quinn and "Gotham Barbara" have been a source of much discussion by fans.

  7. Well, considering what happened to the last Mad King (Queen) I wouldn't be turning my back on Jaime any time soon, Your Insanity.


    Seriously how does somebody this stupid AND crazy live this long?

    • Love 16
  8. Quote

    After just seeing him on The Night Manager (and hearing some of the stuff his character did on Outlander), it's weird having sympathy for a Tobias Menzies character. 

    Oh God, You have no idea. I'm still trying to mentally wash out the images of Black Jack Randall's 'fun with a married couple' in Season One. Menzies can play an absolute monster along with the best of them.

    • Love 2
  9. Oh "Gotham" you insane, 'express elevator to Hel'l thrillride of a comic book show, how I have grown to love you...without any embarrassment whatsoever. Are there better shows out there? Sure, absolutely no question. Are there any that are more entertaining? Honestly, even "Game of Thrones" and "Penny Dreadful" aren't this over the top nuts. This is the one show that I get off my computer for and just shut my brain down for an hour.

     Seriously, if they ever cancel this show (knock wood) then Strange and Peabody need their own spin-off. The two of them together are absolute horror-comedy gold. B.D. Wong's casting as Hugo Strange is going to go down as the stuff of legend. He is knocking this role totally out of the park. He's the perfect embodiment of the "mad scientist" trope imbued with nearly perfect comedy timing. I was absolutely riveted by him last night, despite the fact that I find TheoGalavan/Azreal to be an utter bore.

    And so we bid a fond farewell and a job well-done to Michael Chiklis who I thought gave a very good performance as Captain Barnes this season. Sure, he was a bit of a tool at times, but an honest and brave one and he died a hero. On this show, that's about as good as you're gonna get. I continue to think people are right to say that Gordon is the weak link on this show. I don't think it's Ben MacKenzie's performance the way some do, it's just that I don't think he's being written very consistently because he's supposed to be the one sane man in a land of lunatics, and the "Gotham" writers simply can't do sane...or subtle. At least they've given up on the subtle and gone full out comic book in season two-and it's working for the most part.

    Not sure what they are doing with poor Babs. She's clearly not stable...although it's pretty clear she's trying to be sane and failing miserably at it. Loved Butch's reaction to her babbling. In fact, I'm totally on board with the Butch/Tabitha/Babs ship. It's gonna sink tragically...with much loss of life...but like everything else on this show, it's gonna be a whole hell of a lot of fun to watch.

    Excellent episode. 9/10.

    • Love 4


    Yest. 11:39 am

    "I promise to keep you safe" = "You'll be dead by the end of the show



    ^ This post right here.


    Anyway, when did Bruce get nearly as tall as Jim? I swear they were looking eye to eye at the end.


    Yeah it's always interesting when the young kids they cast end up being bigger than the stars by the end of the series. I think it's called the Michelle Trachtenberg effect :)



    So in the other attempts, Julia got into the school and was friends with everyone and apparently they all died.  This time she wasn't part of the group because she didn't get in and it may be that some of them have died this attempt but they didn't all die. So when you really think about it, in a way, Julia not getting into the school (and having her own adventure) and Quentin using his knowledge of the fact that before everything happened a certain way and choosing to hand the knife off to Alice ... saved some of them?

    Twisted and weird.


    That's what I'm getting out of this. I do like how the show kind of casually throws this information out in snatches of conversation but this is apparently the first time that ANY of them have survived and it seems to hinge on Jane's altering the timeline to exclude Julia from the gang this time around. So yeah Martin/The Beast is still alive in this timeline but so are THEY...which is new.

    • Love 2

    Turns out that Julia being there didn't help at all.


    Well, they're still alive...at least Alice and Quentin are. Poor Penny's hands though. As for Margo and Elliot, we can but hope. Julia at least got into the killing position-which I take it is as far as they've gotten in their 40 tries.

    • Love 2

    The glimpse of Alice's family of origin was perfect; with those awful, horribly selfish brats as parents, no wonder she's a


    Is it terrible that I kind of liked them? Well Alice's father anyway. Seriously the entire season was worth it it for the line "But you haven't even touched your penis yet!"

    • Love 4

    Best episode of the season.



    Easily, and in fact probably my favorite of the series so far. No, we didn't get any awesome type shoot outs or really over the top Villain-y moments (well except for poor Ed) but I really love the fact that the writers took a couple of deep breaths, settled down and produced a really fantastic scene of two people in a room talking-and making it riveting television. As others have pointed out, this is often where "Gotham" falls down. Not this episode. Sure we could have used more Bullock but he at least had a few good moments near the end. I like the fact that they still have doubts about who killed the Wayne's and Harvey is back to his old S1 "Who the Hell cares?" stance. I also enjoyed the Penguin storyline (as I usually do) and am interested to see where its going to go. Great episode.

    • Love 1

    I don't agree about Montoya... the way they wrote that character, she was thoroughly unlikeable and there was going to be no way to turn that around, so I think it's better she is gone.


    They should have done more with her, and I think they were starting to and then....bam. She was gone. I don't disagree about the writing. She was very cardboard during the first few episodes, extremely one note and I don't blame the actress. I just don't think she was given much to do. Kind of what happened to Erin Richards through much of the first season. I saw a number of people questioning her acting ability...until she was given something to do. Sadly I think Montoya was cut before they reached that point.

    • Love 1

    I think the shows problem is the lack of females that aren't there as love interests/tragic figures in the male characters lives but again it's a comic and there is only so much the show can do.


    I think it was a major mistake to remove Montoya from the cast and Essen should have stayed around at least until the middle of the season.

    • Love 1

    David Mazouz is shutting down all the folks that complained about his acting.


    Anybody complaining about the acting on this show is a douche. The acting and cinematography are what's keeping most of the fanbase going. It's the writing and overall storytelling that's often a problem. This episode didn't bother me but I freely admit it's a bit of a letdown after the last one. There were some very good moments in it mind, like Strange trapping the cops in his corridors and cackling gleefully while Bullock huffed and puffed in frustration. B.D Wong is having the time of his life with this character and is a welcome addition to the cast-which remains the best part of this show.

    • Love 2

    It's one of those things that can't be answered here at this time.


    To quote River Song: "Spoilers, darling. Spoilers."


    Did we always know that Eliza was Jane Chatwin and I just missed that detail? I guess it's all moo point now that she's dead.


    They never revealed it until last night but they've been dropping hints about it increasingly as the series went on. IIRC I picked up on it by the end of the second episode.

    • Love 2


    My tv jumped a few times during the show but when Julia was writing her letters was one of them to Quentin where she tells him to go fuck himself? Cause it felt like she was blaming him for her situation.



    Yeah, she really was. I think that was meant to show Julia at her absolute nadir.She's bitter, angry, feeling betrayed and refusing to see that she's largely responsible for buying into all the bullshit about magic that she has been taught. I thought the 'talk' that her counselor gave her later on was brilliant. "You see magic as a drug" because that's the way you've been taught to see it. Without having read any of the books, I have to say that I LOVE this conversation. Nobody was more pissed off at Mutant Enemy when they tacked the "Magic as drug addiction" theme onto Willow's story because they suddenly realized the logical cul de sac that they were writing one of the most popular BTVS characters into. It's soured a LOT of us on this idea, which explains I think some of the angry reaction from fans to Julia's storyline. I've never suffered from a drug addiction but I have several family members who have and I recently lost a nephew to prescription drug/alcohol addictions therefore I get a little prickly when it's not done right in fiction. The writing on this show certainly hasn't been stellar but I do think they've got a plan and are beginning to execute it effectively now. This is probably one of those shows that is better off being binged watched on NETFLIX because it really is incredibly easy to write Julia off after a 4-6 weeks of self destructive whining. I look forward to seeing her get control of herself as the series goes on.

    • Love 2
  20. Oh, Gotham how have I missed you, you glorious, over-the-top, hot mess of a tv show.



    One thing that continues to interest me is how greatly cinematic this show looks and feels, as opposed to a lot of the cheaply done "obviously shot in Canada" shows that appear on cable these days. No matter what problems this show might have with tone and writing, it's easily one of the best looking shows on television. I really enjoyed the story this week though. As a non comic book reader, the only exposure to Mr. Freeze I have had is "Arnuhld's" ridiculous performance in "Batman and Robin." This was a really nice change of pace. I particularly enjoyed Harvey and  Jim bickering over his last name. Harvey's asking Nora how it was pronounced was comic gold.


    I'm also really intrigued by Barnes growing suspicions of Jim's methods, and having to quash them in order to get on with the task at hand. There's going to be a major showdown by the end of this season I think and it's not clear to me that Barnes is the bad guy here.


    Penguin in Arkham is also an interesting storyline and so far I think B.D. Wong is nailing it as Hugo Strange.


    Very good episode and I'm looking forward to the rest of the season.

    • Love 2
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