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Everything posted by Harrythecat

  1. Charlotte now goes by Charlotte Jones and not Charlotte Anderson Jones. Shy her husband is no where to be seen on IG. She has another man, Arie, who is tagged on her IG and appears to have been her date to SB
  2. Bored, so thought I would ask the group if they know why Jenna and Sydney are no longer friends on IG. Also did anyone else see the Jinelle’s title in IG is Astrologist?
  3. How sad. Kelli Quinn has posted a video talking about her divorce and a bad guy she got involved with....hope she is safe and ok with her family. God bless her.
  4. Just downloaded the PBS video app and watched the NFL cheerleaders documentary. Wow
  5. Sad to read on Brittany Schramns IG that her sister Kaitlyn, the model, has passed away.
  6. Yuko husband’s team has spring training in sarasota Florida, hence the reason she is here.
  7. And it looks like Haley Anderson Charlotte’s daughter got Katie (Jinelle’s partner) event coordinator position
  8. My question is did she get compensation for being on the show? Did she sign a release?
  9. Vivian strikes back. Yikes https://instagram.com/stories/vivianralena/2169954391759327407?utm_source=ig_story_item_share&igshid=fl8mwfnodfac
  10. I watch the live feeds.....No she did not have sex. She did drop her mic in the toilet by accident. she has told other houseguest, within in moments entering the house..... I wonder how many more IG followers does she have now.
  11. Welcome to BB. It has been my summer guilty pleasure for years. Kat Dun is really not doing well and getting in everyone’s nerves with her pity party. It is part of the game and she is clueless on how her social game is not so good,
  12. Hi Guys, so on live feeds for the last few days.....Kat is a trainwreck, she literally can not stop whining/crying about being in the block and everyone is having to reassure her. It is one of the biggest pity parties I have seen on BB. She is not the target but everyone is getting tired of her and having to reassure her. She is not socializing or playing the game. She completely messed up on playing for the veto competition she is putting women back years with her lack of self awareness and needy behavior. Sunday and we’d nights show will be one to watch...as I am sure she will get some time on tv. Eviction is Thursday.
  13. We called it. Kat Dun is 1st up to be nominated for eviction....against the older man, Cliff. Feeds go live and she is the only one who is off to herself putting on makeup....show time.
  14. Well we called it. BB does not start being televised on TV until next week but the house/game as started. Kat Dun is in the house and there was a live feed that broke in....meaning we caught some of the audio. Here is what the person said about wanting her out first.
  15. Kelsey’s dad is a multi millionaire. Her fiance’s Dad is a famous former Hockey player who dated Sara McLauglin. Kelsey is in another league, this is a society wedding. She has a spotty job history but lives in a 1/2 Million house. Nothing about her wedding is out of line with the world she inhabits. I wish her well.
  16. My other guilty pleasure is BB. If you want to read transcripts of live feeds or read discussions go to Jokers Updates for all it....or just watch live feeds. BB is famous for Always having a texas house guest. Many connections to DCC...from the males
  17. LOL....thanks. But I did not make this statement without fact checking my photo I grabbed from the internet. I had to edit/crop it to get it sized to post This board. My editing was the same. there was white space on the left side... that I did not crop off. Jackie and Jessica photo had the same white space. So thanks for comments but I am not so stupid to make a statement like that without some type of proof.
  18. So it appears that Jessica or Jackie used the 2 photo’s I posted to show the Farrah poster under the current team board. She must be ghosting us....or living upon us?.
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