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Posts posted by DakotaJustice

  1. Has anyone seen anything - even a small bead - that shows that any of the women are making jewelry, shipping orders, working on the computer?  Who is supposedly sewing or designing the clothes?  They  couldn't even come up with decent designs for their dresses for their groupie party.  I still squirm thinking about that poor young women who was trying to sew them dresses.


    I've posted several times to their facebook about the lack of a business.  I hope women are being taken by buying junk for the purpose of supporting these women.  Etsy has fantastic jewelers and prices are decent.  They should have taken a hint from the true artists.

    Well, they did have Robyn with her spiral notebook filled with squiggles, and Kody chatting with the jeweler about "his" design which reminded me of someone going to a police station and having a drawing done of a perp based on a verbal description...

    Readers here apparently aren't the only ones finding the shows becoming boring.  Another ratings drop this week:  1.246 M viewers and a .4 rating. 


    Wow.  Gotta wonder if TLC bases their offer for next season's shows (if any) on the ratings for this season.  Because that's a pretty big dive, in fact from what I saw on Wiki (not sure if it's accurate) those are the lowest yet in the history of this show.

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  2. I am surprised that Robyn isn't pitching more of a fit that the kids are going to college and bailing on her "dream." I mean, there are built-in workers right there and if they weren't going away, she could have a baby. It is, after all, all about Robyn.

    Course it would be totally different if it were her own kids wanting to go to college, I betcha.

    Remember Robyn was kinda annoyed that Logan wanted to stay in a dorm while going to school too? She's losing all her babysitters.

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  3. Perhaps Logan's roommate's father should be more concerned about the fact that his 19 year old daughter is living with her boyfriend.  Just sayin'.

    I didn't get a boyfriend/girlfriend vibe from them.

    That said, they're adults, and if they choose to live together, romantically involved or otherwise, I say WTG! And I think dad was right to call out Christine for calling the girls "stupid and silly".

    • Love 6
  4. I suspect that's not it. Cutting out carbs is not the reason she can't lose weight. If she was eating a reasonable number of carbs, low fat and low calories and keeping her daily caloric intake low- consistenty- day after day month after month- while exercising she would lose. If she cut out carbs to 50g per day - but keeps binge eating and emotional eating she won't. And she isn't going to binge on steak and hard boiled eggs. Sure, if she stuck to that she would lose but if she stuck to anything she would lose. She has not said "I eat 1400 calores a day, every day for a year, and exercise and I can't lose weight"- she said she emotional eats.

    Whatever Gary Taubes has to say - that's his truth.

    I can only speak from my own experience coming from where Janelle is now or was. And I'm older than she is.

    My truth: I'm a VERY active person. Extremely fit, I'd consider myself athletic.

    However - if I don't watch my calories, I won't lose weight. If I eat too much, I gain weight. "Too much" being over 2,000 calories a day.

    To lose weight, I need to keep my calories at or under 1500 a day, 80 percent of the time.

    And that's with long distance road cycling (averaging 50-90 miles a weekend), indoor climbing 2-3x a week, teaching spin and strength training classes, and participating in boxing and circuit classes several times a week.

    It matters not where the calories are coming from. Too many calories consumed means a weight gain.

    I've had my thyroid checked, everything. It is what it is.

    This is my truth.

    And I am also an emotional/recreational eater.

    • Love 3
  5. The father of one of Logan's female roomies posted on Twitter in response to Christine's tweet about the girls being so "Stupid and giggly around Logan - it's embarrassing".  He was NOT happy, and also confirmed that his daughter didn't get paid to be on the show, nor did any of the other kids in that scene. 

    • Love 5
  6. Did I understand correctly she's only lost 25 lbs in year?

    Actually, in "The Wives Diet Woes" filmed in 2011, when Robyn was still pregnant with Sol, Janelle weighed in at 265 lbs.

    So that's 28.9 pounds in THREE years.  


    I mean, it's a loss, but considering how much time they've spent on this topic during the last three years, and with Sean attempting to promote himself as #tvtrainer to the "stars" it's pretty lame.  When I weighed 265 and decided to DO something about it, I lost 30 pounds within a few months, AND have kept it off for oh, 20-some odd years, and lost more since then.  


    I doubt weight-loss surgery will help much, if she's stress eating.  I just know too many people IRL who've been able to out-eat their surgeries.  The WLS forums are filled with people who've done it.  Stress eating starts in the mind, it doesn't matter how tiny their stomach is.  Look at Carnie Wilson and Ann Wilson (Heart) for examples...


    I feel kinda bad for Janelle, but real annoyance/anger towards grandstanding "TV Trainer" Sean.

    As great as the kids seem I wouldn't want one of my kids to date any of them. I wouldn't want them anywhere near this screwed up family.


    My thought too.  I also thought in retrospect, that Mykelti's boyfriend John had a look on his face during the Kody Kissing Lecture (gag) that he just wanted to get the F out of there and not even look back.  Mykelti said something about him kind of just passing her in the hallways now.  While he was planning on going away to school, they could have still dated before he left and been friends.  Look how sad she was, and to me Christine was almost gloating about it.  Mykelti doesn't seem like a bad kid.  Or wild for that matter.  She's just a normal girl.  Kody will be busy chasing away boyfriend prospects with his Kissing passes on Hormones...be it true or not, that's how we're made, whether you believe in God or a different higher power.  Just suck it up Kody and quit making sex such a taboo for everyone except yourself.

    • Love 4
  7. Not to mention they seem to have contempt for "regular" couples. I seem to recall Robyn making some stupid snarky comments about it.

    She has frequently, especially this and last season.

    Additionally she has a blog post about her supposed encounter with a "monogamous beautician" that is ridiculous. Who calls stylists "beauticians" anymore? I doubt she wrote it.

    • Love 1
  8. Buying the stuff on that website is difficult enough. Can you imagine trying to return something?

    Easy enough. Write "return to sender" on the envelope and either throw in the mail or give back to the UPS or Fedex guy (make sure to track it). Send an email to MSWC advising them of the return and request a full refund. If you don't hear back or get a credit after a week or so, call your bank and dispute the transaction.

    The return policy isn't properly disclosed. You're almost certain to get your money back.

    • Love 3
  9. Janelle actually does cook, it's just not her favorite thing to do, she'd rather work.  TLC has recipes from each of the brown wives on their website, Janelle's is Peanut Butter Fritos and one other.  None of them were very healthy.  And I of course agree her problem is her diet, always has been.  And I also agree that Maddie's looking a little chunky, she was slimmer a couple seasons ago.

  10. As someone who weighed as much as Janelle did at her heaviest (and the same height, 5'4") I can definitely relate, however just by diet and exercise I was able to lose 80+ pounds in a year, and I've lost 40 more since and kept it off.  So I know it's tough, been there and living it every day.


    That said, I would LIKE to see Janelle do better.  Most of my ire is saved for Sean, or as his hashtag on Twitter notes #tvtrainer.  Janelle's main issue, and I'm sure her priority, is to lose significant weight and sorry, she just doesn't seem to be doing that (I also doubt the 10 sizes.  Although it depends on how she's calculating them).  If Sean cared more about his client's personal goals and less about his OWN goals to get noticed and be a TV star, he'd hand her over to another trainer that's focused on fat loss, because he clearly is not.

    • Love 3
  11.  I haven't seen the basics of her weight loss plan. Her famewhore trainer seems to think he's some kind of a life coach or therapist. He keeps having her do all these gimmicky things to get in touch with her insides when she should be working on the outside first. I know weight loss begins on the inside, blah, blah, but it makes for some very boring scenes.


    They did have one show where they had Janelle meet with "Bombshell" for food tips.  However, it's clear (to me anyway) that she isn't watching her calorie intake.  Janelle needs to get My Fitness Pal or a similar food tracker and keep track.  Even if she has thyroid or other issues that make weight loss more difficult (which I doubt, quite frankly), she should still be able to lose weight.  The shots of Janelle freaking out after climbing a whole 4 feet while harnessed in a climbing gym which also probably had a deeply foam-padded floor made it apparent that while she's lost enough weight to make a difference in her face/neck area, she still has a loooong way to go.  Incidentally, just last week while climbing I saw someone who was lead climbing fall from 20 feet up onto the floor (again, foam padded) - he was a little shaken up but just fine.  Sean should have let Janelle "fall" so she could see the rope would hold her and she could stop freaking out already, but that wouldn't be *dramatic* enough.  If she freaks out going up 4-5 feet, I guess she's not the one who changes light bulbs at her McMansion.

    • Love 1
  12. I still think that eventually (of course, they'll stretch it out as long as they possibly can just like the house buying and the Rent A Womb and of course the WET BAR ugh!) it will come out that 'the financing fell through' for some made up reason.  TLC won't fund it, at this point with the snarkers running neck and neck with the fans on the show FB page, they're going to just let the cards fall.  The Browns never intended to make $ on MSWC, it was purely set up 2 years ago as a future plot device, and that's what this season (and probably the next season after that) will be focused on, along with Janelle's purported weight loss journey (I know it wasn't the most flattering pose, but to me she just hasn't lost all that much weight for all the time she's spent on her efforts, based on the rock climbing scene.) which is starting to get to be old.

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  13. Yes, the ratings for the other episode are in that thread.  It did a little better.

    well that's amazing, because the second ep managed to both annoy the crap out of me and put me to sleep...


    The situations and "drama" are so obviously manufactured, that it must be driving both the Browns and the producers nuts, remembering those days when they'd get 2.8 million viewers.  I'm guessing TLC isn't so concerned, as they probably realize this whole polygamy thing is probably running out of steam.  If they want to be different, how about a REAL poly situation where both the husband and wife can be in multiple relationships?

  14. Jeez they all kinda made "mistakes".  so there's a lot of blame to go round. 


    Robyn's grandiose statements on how their magical jewelry empowers women and makes them super women (all said while blubbering)?

    Christine's stating that they're "only" asking for $2.5 mil because otherwise they "might get lazy and not pay the money back" if they got more than that?

    Janelle's claim that they were going to make $3 million next year and $10 million by 2017?

    Don't remember what Meri said...LOL


    of course no blame on Saint Kody.  eeccchh.

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