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  1. I really can't stand Dorothy. She should have been doing the story.
  2. Nothing to see here.
  3. What a disappointing season to end a great show up to now.
  4. Not because he was her brother’s child, but because he was the king’s son and heir. Big difference.
  5. This. Now, about Dany’s dragons. We know that Jon rode one, but as the true heir to the Iron Throne, what are the chances that they will obey Jon and not Dany at some point? Or, she’ll try to use them against him, and they turn on her? There’s an odd vibe about her from last week’s episode that I can’t pin down, and I wouldn’t be sorry to see her fall.
  6. THIS. As soon as she went to disarm the alarm, and it wasn't set, I knew there was someone left behind. Why didn't she realize that, ffs?
  7. Or ABC, NBC, CNN and MSNBC.
  8. I'm glad that things seem to be coming together: Carrie realizing that Dar is behind the CPS situation, and that he's involved with the place Max is at, Saul choosing to fight, rather than running away, and finding Carrie's wall o' string, Peter connecting the bomb truck with his old training safe house... Can't wait for the rest of the season!
  9. I just finished watching the episode, and read all the insightful comments. I, however, am jumping into the shallow end of the pool. I think the actress who plays Paige has either learned to control her eyebrows, or has had Botox. They no longer look like scared caterpillars trying desperately to crawl up her forehead in Every. Scene. Now, back to your regularly scheduled programming.
  10. WTF? That's it, I'm out.
  11. Ok, the bad hair leader looks like she just stepped out of the original Lost in Space. That's not a good thing.
  12. Well, since Richard left a trail from where he was going to kill the saviors right to Carol, I don't see why Daryl needs to shut up.
  13. Two words: Dolphin. Smooth. Aaaand, now I feel unclean just writing that.
  14. I thought the "familiar face" was referring to Morgan, when they met him at the kingdom.
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