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Posts posted by SlovakPrincess

  1. I gotta say, this show is difficult to watch when you think about the kids.  First, the baby left alone for hours to cry.  And that sweet little girl who has no idea the woman she's staying with killed her mother.  

    And in the second episode -- poor Davey!   Maybe there was more to the story in real life, as to why the Gores couldn't care for him, but this was just appalling.  Betty decides to "return" him on his birthday and Allan just goes along with it??  The kid is obviously struggling and acting out, but they had no business taking in a child if they weren't willing to deal with a seven year old having a tantrum on a disappointing birthday (and, honestly, even the most well-adjusted little kid is going to have bad moments sometimes).  I was feeling for Betty up until this moment, and she's certainly not getting the support she needs, but good grief.  You can't just return a kid like you're returning something to the store!  

    Other than that, I feel like I'm taking crazy pills watching this show.  It has this very odd, dreamy and slow quality ... and this relentless focus on early 80s kitsch ... and yet it's about an axe murder.  It's so very, very strange.  


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  2. Poor Grace!  Poor Mason!  Poor tiny baby!  I'm actually grateful that the prop baby Mason carried into the water looked totally fake and basically like a napkin ... kept me distracted from the potential horrors of that scene.  

    The Snells are grotesque freaks.  And now Marty is basically trapped with them ... ugh!  

    Interesting how uncomfortable Del looked near the Snells - probably the palpable racism and insanity he was picking up on.  But still - first time we've ever seen Del look unsure or like he might not have the upper hand.  And as it turns out ... he didn't!  

    Jason Bateman's acting in this episode is A+.  But it's also sort of tragic watching Marty be so brilliant in coming up with new schemes and improvising his way out of danger.  All that intelligence and what a waste -- all he's using it for is to help criminals and keep himself alive so he can continue being trapped in service to criminals.  

    I wonder if we'll ever see Rachel again?

    Petty's tantrum was a big eye-roll for me.  I felt worse for Evans.  

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  3. I'm grateful for the flashback episode, but the jumping around in time within 2007 or whatever was really unnecessary and distracting.  

    Marty, you incredible dumbass.  He knew working with Del was a bad idea and then he went and did it anyway after (smartly) saying no twice.  Wendy's understandable depression and need for a vacation was not a good reason to get back into Del's orbit again.  And the fact that Marty and Wendy decided they would do this ... complete dipshits.  Even if they didn't realize at first exactly how dangerous Del is, they should have at least thought of the consequences to the kids if Marty was arrested.  

    And he talked Bruce into it!  Complete dumbass Bruce, who later goes on to try and skim from someone he knows will brutally murder anybody for doing that.   Gah, the stupidity of these people, it just kills me.  

    On the other hand, Agent Petty, who I've kinda disliked this whole time, comes off quite sympathetic in the flashbacks!  Shame he screwed things up eventually with Scotty, who was great.  And I can see why he downward spiraled, not that excuses his behavior as an agent. 

  4. Ugh, poor Mason -- but especially Grace, since Mason was dumb enough to go confront the Snells.  Oh that was stupid. 

    I feel really badly for Charlotte.  I'd say she can wait it out for another three years and then move away after she hits 18 ... but would she really be safe even then?  I mean, Marty has locked himself and his family into this mess with Del forever, right?  It's not like Marty ever gets to retire from laundering money for a drug cartel, if the drug cartel doesn't want to let him go.  And they will always use his family to threaten and keep him in line.  

    I was also shocked they let their already distraught teenage daughter go for a night swim, without one of them at least watching from the dock.  They're bad parents for so many reasons, but this was just another bad judgment moment for them.  

  5. I'm just really going to need Wyatt to wash his hair...

    Oh great, now Ruth knows where Marty's hiding his money.  🙄

    Marty is very savvy about certain things, but very naive about others.  Like, not understanding how the strippers actually make their money, and thinking by keeping Ruth close he can control her.  And also not thinking through that whoever launders money through Bobby might be as or almost as dangerous as Del -- although perhaps Marty is just rushing because he needs more ways to clean money before Del kills them all.

    I can't get into the FBI agent at all.  The fact that he took the time to print, then cut out pictures and make an investigation vision board for his motel room .... 🙄🙄.    Like ... where is he planning to hide that when they come through to clean his room??  I swear, that has to be just a movie and TV thing, that cops and agents can't think about a criminal investigation unless they diagram it all up on a wall to stare at.  

    Also, why can't he find an appropriate lover?  His partner, now someone he's supposed to be investigating ... the partner ex-boyfriend was at least cute and nice.  

    So that kid is just not gonna tell his parents somebody might've been in the house?  🙄🙄🙄

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  6. On 4/29/2020 at 3:26 AM, Blue Plastic said:

    I was kind of surprised the wife didn’t jump at the witness protection offer.

    Yeah, for a minute, I thought Wendy's fake smile got even more frozen, like she was considering it.  

    Although that would obviously require Marty to testify in court and the risk that Del could get to them all before he had the chance.  

    I'm so curious as to how Marty got himself into this situation in the first place ... how does someone like Marty even meet someone like Del and agree to money laundering drug cartel money?!  Marty has shown some real emotion and cracks in his eerily calm facade in episodes 2 and 3 -- how does a normal dude get himself mixed up in this??  Hope we get a flashback episode at some point!

  7. Ok, now I have that damn Bob Seger song stuck in my head.

    Ruth is something else -- she sure seems committed to killing Marty at some point LOL.  "I'm not leaving without gainful motherfucking employment!"  was my favorite line of the episode.   

    Agree with other posters here that Buddy simply wants to live out his remaining days in his home and this arrangement is the simplest way to do that.  He doesn't seem like the type of guy to want to mess with a reverse mortgage.

    I hope we find out more about the undercover FBI Agent and what makes him tick ... so far he's just a big blank who's a jerk to his ex-boyfriend (though he probably shouldn't have been dating his partner in the first place).  

  8. Trying to binge watch this now that it's ending.   Um ... is the whole thing gonna have the weird blue filter on it?  

    Poor Sugarwood ... I mean Gary.  Although apparently he and Wendy were a-ok with clearing out the bank account and leaving old Marty out of luck!  

    Marty and Wendy are horrifically toxic as a couple.  And now they're stuck with each other.  Yikes.  The kids are kinda annoying, but they never had a chance with these parents.  

    I died laughing when Marty started watching the video at work ... when it was clearly labeled not safe for work.  I assume the private investigator sent that to him, as proof of Wendy's affair? 

    Marty's gotta be at least kind of sociopathic to have gotten started with the cartel in the first place.  And even with people getting murdered around him, he was remarkably clear headed.  I dunno about this guy, man ... but interesting to see Jason Bateman in this kind of role.  

  9. On 5/5/2022 at 3:36 PM, Aryanna said:

    The whole Ty/Amy on again and off again did get tiring but the show eventually moved past that. There's only so many contrived ways you can keep them.apart.

    I do think it's realistic that a young couple (one of whom has never really explored life beyond her family's ranch and hometown) would have flare-ups and issues over time.

    But the thing with Ty's idiot friends Grant and Blair showing up in only two episodes, and causing so much drama that Ty and Amy break up,  was extra extra stupid.   It made Amy look unreasonable and overly stubborn.  

  10. On 4/11/2022 at 5:14 PM, IDFfm0870 said:

    According to the episode recap of that episode that you can find in the link below, My guess is they had probably used flashbacks of both Finola and Tristan, as this was his last episode back in 1992. I think the recapper would have mentioned it here if Finola had returned.

    https://www.angelfire.com/tv/curlyqgrl/gh/eps/gheps1992.htm#2/19, 2/20, 2/21, 2/24, 2/25, 2/25

    Yeah they used flashbacks in the episode where everyone attended the Robert/Anna memorial service.  They would’ve had to credit FH for that episode, I imagine, since they used her original scenes.

  11. 6 hours ago, Hiyo said:

    I felt bad for Emma Samms. They brought back Holly and then rather quickly dumped Robert and Anna, which left Holly without a storyline. Them trying to pair her with TG, even as a different character, didn't work this time as well.

    Were they hoping to get TR to stay longer (even though he was ready to move on around the same time as FH), and then stick Robert and Holly back together after Anna was written out?   Although that's kinda weird  ... "here's your in-real-life ex-girlfriend, please stay longer in a job you got tired of already!"  

    I think they just wanted to put the two biggest name actors on the show together, and that was TG and ES at the time.  It soooo didn't work, because the storyline was crap.  

    Didn't Port Charles turn into a vampire show at the end?  I wonder if that made it hard to reintegrate Lucy back into GH at the time.  

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  12. Oh goody, when Mr. Black T-Shirt inevitably comes back, the audience can stare at his new tattoo sleeve.  

    (I am also not anti-tattoo, I have some friends with really beautiful tattoo work.  It just seems like it's gotten too trendy and overdone, and also silly for an actor to get one so visible, as they'll either have to play a certain type of character or get slathered with makeup to cover it up when shooting.)

  13. I've never been a Lucy fan, but I did really, really like her (and Scott, and the recast Dominique who turned a cheesy, nothing character into something great) in this 1993 storyline.  

    Ned has always annoyed the ever-loving crap out of me.  I enjoy when Tracy is mean to him.

    I am skipping right through the clips of whatever idiocy was happening with Bill and Holly at that time period -- I remember it sucking very, very, very much, and I will not rewatch any of it.  

    Oh, and frickin' Jenny LOLOLOL.  I also enjoyed when Tracy was mean to her.  

  14. What a mess.  For the good of all the children involved here, neither of them should be posting separately, they should have come up with a joint statement and thought through how to announce this.  Possibly (quite likely? I mean, did she cheat?  how long have they been separated? did she simply really want to have another kid and went to a sperm bank, and he wasn't on board with the plan?) he is the wronged party here ... but that doesn't change the fact that he needs to put all the kids before himself right now.  

    They are not that famous, quite frankly.  They could vague up the timeline on their separation so that people don't question the timing of her pregnancy so much.  Maybe he has a right to be angry and want to tell the world he's not the one who screwed up, and the rumor mill is going to churn no matter what ... but this is a messy and bad way to deal with this publicly.  

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  15. Well, shoot, so far I've been liking Lou.  Now I'm kind of afraid to find out what the writers do with her in later seasons!  

    I actually think the actor playing Tim is great (and let's be honest, easy on the eyes), and I do enjoy when he and Jack spar sometimes.  It's when he gets brusque and critical of his daughters that I want to slap him -- especially when he gets pushy with Amy, who's such a people-pleaser and looks so stressed out when he's being a jerk (Lou can give it back to him a lot better, because she has the same Type-A personality).    

    Val is another one where the actor is just so good at being aggravating.  Ashley and Caleb really grew on me ... but Val is not wrong that Ashley married too young and shouldn't have dropped out of school.  

    Mallory is a favorite of mine -- she's cute-annoying, but also a lot more direct and perceptive than the other characters give her credit for, and I've decided I just love her.  

    Jack is great.  Lisa is fine, but sometimes the show forgets what to do with her.    

    I do, of course, love Amy and Ty, but I've reached the point in Season 4 where they have their contrived break up and I'm just like 🙄.   

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  16. For some reason I started watching this on Netflix, and now I'm weirdly addicted and halfway through Season 4, LOL.  

    It cracks me up that Amy is expert or a quick study in literally all things horse.  Horse training!  Horse whispering!  Barrel racing!  Rodeo!  Show jumping!  Halfway through Season 4, her father is trying to turn her into a jockey ... even though she is kind of tall.  Hee.  

    My only issues with the show so far are that I wish they'd give Soraya a plot line ... and I really, really, really don't like Tim most of the time.  His abrasive nature is like nails on a chalkboard for me.  

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  17. I think Casino Royale is the best of the Daniel Craig ones, and one of the best in the entire franchise (putting aside that ... um ... scene where he's tied naked to a chair -- I'm not even a man and I felt very, very uncomfortable during that scene omg that was so unnecessary whywhywhy).   But, yes, most of the Craig movies were overly serious and not much fun.  Skyfall actually had a mostly coherent plot, which was nice, but the villain in it annoyed me to distraction.  I may have fallen asleep during Quantum of Solace ...

    Weirdly, I think Pierce Brosnan was excellently cast, but I only enjoy a few parts of his Bond movies, none of them I'd rewatch all the way through - the stories weren't great.

    My really controversial opinion is that I only enjoy and want to rewatch Casino Royale or the Roger Moore films (except Live and Let Die or Moonraker, which are just bad IMO).  Yes, they're goofy, but they're fun, and Moore is clearly having fun, and the love interests are pretty interesting characters in their own right in most of his films.   

    Connery's last Bond - Diamonds Are Forever - is probably the ultimate worst of all the ones I've seen -- I just hated it.  

  18. On 4/4/2022 at 7:42 AM, Spartan Girl said:

    Lmao the way she squeaks “Tens and twenties?” before Sam makes her ask for a check is priceless.

    I definitely LMAO at that part.  Every time, even though I've seen the movie a bunch of times by now.  

    @Simon Boccanegra the demons - and especially the sound - scared the crap out of me!  That, and Carl attacking Oda Mae and Molly, and how Carl eventually dies, just freaked me right out as a child.  (Why and how, as a child, I got into the theater to see this, I do not recall at this point LOL).  

    All three actors - Swayze, Goldberg, Moore - are absolutely flawless in their roles.  

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  19. This was gorgeous to look at, well acted, and all in all pretty enjoyable.  I vaguely remember disliking the Orient Express remake, and not liking Branagh's Poirot in that film, but this movie worked much better for me.  

    I grew up reading the books and watching all the re-runs on PBS -- so David Suchet will always be my default Poirot (just like Jeremy Brett will always be Sherlock Holmes to me).   But I can now accept Branagh as a version of Poirot, and I liked him much better in this than Orient Express -- Branagh can be a bit of an over-actor sometimes, but here he struck just the right note, even in the scenes where Poirot gets emotional (over his lost love and Bouc's murder) and in the subtly funny scenes.  Even the mustache backstory was an interesting re-imagining of the character, and I didn't mind it.   

    Standouts for me were the actors playing Jackie (I wanted more of her in the second half of the film!),  Bouc and Salome.  I really enjoyed Jennifer Saunders, too.

    "You are the most ludicrous man I've ever seen." "Not the first time I have heard this."  Ha!  

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  20. 15 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

    I wonder why they had the scene where Holmes is having a breakdown after her interview  and she looks at her mom and comments about her sexual assault in college. Like it was her mom’s fault.   Well, that’s just ridiculous and a deflection of her her own sociopathy.  It seemed the show was trying to justify her behavior with theranos.  

    I saw it less as the show trying to justify her behavior as the show illustrating how Elizabeth Holmes deflects to blame others and deny responsibility.  In that scene she seems to be saying "It's not lying if I let myself forget/don't think about it, and it's because that's what you told me to do after I was assaulted, mom."    Her parents did feed into what she became (laser focused on personal achievement and success at the expense of all else), but it's obviously portrayed as manipulative and ludicrous, a way to guilt her mom into shutting up.  

    Another thing I noticed about that scene when I looked at it again ... she's already dog-shopping online.  She's over it and ready to reinvent herself, while her parents panic over whether her brother's going to get deposed and her lawyers panic over whether she's going to fuck up the interview.  Pure disconnect from reality.  

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  21. Well, Linda mostly seemed to feel sorry for herself because of her ruined career, so that seemed to fit with her overall personality.

    I think they did a fine job showing Elizabeth's delusion and how she quickly tried to reinvent herself as a fun loving free spirit once Theranos crashed, happy to paint Sunny as the only villain and the wreckage of Theranos as a good faith effort that just didn't work out.  

    What I think was rushed was her relationship with Billy Evans.  Her undeserved happily ever after comes courtesy of finding a wealthy young guy who wants to date someone in the middle of a huge scandal and doesn't seem to mind her abrupt change from her public persona -- how on earth did that come about??   When did she find time to meet him?  

    There is some serious irony in the fact that she portrayed herself as this scrappy feminist icon and, in the end, she's saved by becoming a rich man's wife.  

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  22. Ok, I'm sad it's over.  This miniseries was actually that good.

    Go Erika!  For realizing a boring bureaucracy is the one thing that Elizabeth and Theranos can't finesse their way around.  I loved that Carreyrou called her to let her know CMS had shut Theranos down.

    Gary Yamamoto of CMS, for his minimal screen time -- I really enjoyed him.  "No.  I don't need to see a presentation.  I just need to see the labs.  No, there's nobody to call above me ... "  He could not have been less impressed by them LOL.  

    The Schultz family scene was rough!  Poor Tyler, being rejected by his grandad like that.  The look on George's face when Elizabeth bombed the interview and he realized how wrong he'd been, the devastation on his face - Sam Waterston played that really well.  I'm sad George never apologized to Tyler, but at least he told him he'd done the right thing before he passed.  I hope the family rift healed.

    The Elizabeth / Sunny scenes were very intense.  Great acting by both Andrews and Seyfried.  

    I enjoyed Linda's slow realization that Elizabeth is nuts.  "Is there something wrong with you??"  Yes, Linda.  Yes there really is.  

    Elizabeth screaming on the sidewalk -- Seyfried did a great job with that scene, and not many actresses could have pulled it off.  (The dog looked kind of embarrassed, though - hee).

    I've heard about all the false (and alarming and upsetting) positive test results people got - where there any false NEGATIVES??  Like somebody thought they were fine, but later found out a Theranos test missed something serious?   That's what I would worry about.  

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  23. On 3/31/2022 at 9:23 PM, Jordan Baker said:

    The most surprising thing I learned in the episode was that Rupert Murdoch refused to kill the story (assuming that tidbit was true).

    Has "fake it till you make it" evolved over time to now mean stall, obfuscate, and hope things will work out? The first time I ever heard it used (many years ago), it was in the context of personal behavior. For example, if you're feeling down, project an air of happiness and eventually you'll be happy. If you want to appear confident, project an air of confidence, etc. It was actually supposed to be a positive thing to do. (I'm not saying the philosophy is correct, BTW. But it wasn't about fooling anyone else.)  

    Maybe Rupert also was starting to wonder what the heck he'd actually invested in.  Gotta hoard and protect those billions!  And since the company hadn't gone public yet, there wouldn't be a direct hit to stock prices with one bad investigative story.  

    But this also shows Holmes' arrogance and foolishness -- her still-young company was not gonna win out in Murdoch's mind when set up against the Murdochs' more-established institution, the Wall Street Journal.  While people might view the opinion pages as reflecting Murdoch's politics and personal beliefs, the investigative journalism side of the paper is not about to get scooped on a huge business scandal!  This is the paper's bread and butter.  

    "Fake it 'til you make it" used to mean to just fake a confident attitude, but between Theranos and Fyre Fest and so many other scammers, it seems like in the last decade it's become a mentality that excuses lying or exaggerating to get the money (and telling yourself you'll actually achieve what you claimed later).  

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  24. I watched this with my 5-year-old nephew and he had a blast. 

    The analogy to girls getting their first period / puberty obviously went right over his head and he wouldn't have understood if I tried to explain it anyway -- but every little kid can understand wanting to please your parent while also wanting to explore more independence, and learning to manage your anger and other uncomfortable emotions in an healthy way.  This is just universal to kids.  

    Little kids will love watching the adorable giant red panda and the heartwarming make-up between parent and child at the end.  Older kids will key into the fact that this is also about puberty and pre-teen angst.  I don't really get why people had an issue with this movie, either.  

    I'm also not sure why the specific setting of a Chinese family in Toronto was not "relatable" for some of the critics.  Did we all grow up in a mermaid community in Italy (Luca)?  In a coral reef in Australia (Nemo)?  In a small provincial town in France populated mostly by idiots and one smart woman and her inventor dad (Beauty and the Beast)?  Literally no American child grew up in a kingdom, and yet for years many Disney films centered on monarchies (Cinderella, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, Lion King, Beauty and the Beast, Little Mermaid).  

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