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Posts posted by SlovakPrincess

  1. On 4/14/2022 at 2:42 PM, TVbitch said:

    That's what I got. What I gleaned from Sarma's parents suggests a childhood/young adulthood where she was well taken care of and probably sheltered from the more difficult realities of life. She seemed to have some kind of learned helplessness, where she just wanted someone with the means to take care of her and manage all the responsibility. If things went wrong, there were always people around to bail her out. When it all went south, she just went into denial and then to the point of refusing to get out of bed, and finally just literally trying to escape.   

    Yeah, there was a very strange dichotomy of her being clearly intelligent and confident enough to grow a very successful business ... and on the other hand being vulnerable to this weird fantasy of being rescued by some big guy who promises her that not only will he pay off her debts, he'll make her immortal.  

    Mixed in with all her own hard work and smarts, she had a few rather lucky breaks that involved powerful men immediately liking and wanting to help her ... first, interviewing with the up-and-coming chef to work on his cook book and ending up as a partner in a restaurant and in a relationship, then the investor supporting her in taking over the restaurant (and being a-ok with her extremely slow repaying of the debt), catching the eye of Alec Baldwin, etc.  Maybe after all that, some guy claiming to be an uber wealthy dark ops contractor promising to pay off her $2 mill debt didn't sound so nuts ... and the longer she stuck around listening to his loony theories (which also played into her vague, lifelong idea of her own specialness) the more it messed with her mind.

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  2. I’m weirdly addicted to all these con artist shows.  I guess if someone tries to con me, I’ll be ready to call out the bullshit?  😂

    Yeah this was simply bizarre.  It wasn’t like she didn’t have wealthy and loyal people in her corner, trying to warn her and help her with her restaurant.  Unlike the Tinder Swindler victims, who were not well connected and were duped by someone a lot more convincing!    

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  3. Oh good, I’m not the only one who will apparently watch anything Hulu puts in front of me!  This series is some weird stuff.

    I had never heard of this Teal character before, and hoo boy … she claims to have these hypersensitive or clairvoyant powers and yet she’s got her employees doing the “channeling” and counseling??  C’mon now.  Even if I believed in any of these methods, once clueless newbie Juliana was tasked with “channeling” someone’s dead mom — well, I’d be asking for my money back.

    Is Blake seriously going to spend the rest of his life giving Teal control over him?  This is craziness.  I don’t see this marriage with Juliana lasting once there’s friction between her and Teal.

    Run away Sabrina!  

    I like the private investigator but I don’t understand what her goal is here — I guess produce a report to Teal’s manager saying “good news, you aren’t a cult!”  Although she seems to be freaked out at this point that it is, in fact, cult-y.

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  4. On 5/28/2022 at 11:25 PM, racked said:

    I understood it that night, but he kept that secret for a long long time. I actually haven’t reached the point where Bobbie finds out Carly is her daughter in my rewatch, and I am many months past when the affair came out. 

    Unrelated but I also forgot Laura faked her death again in late 1996, and Nikolas had to mourn her. She really didn’t mind screwing him over. 

    Yeah, at a certain point Luke is not just keeping the secret out of some disingenuous plan to spare Bobbie's feelings (about the fact that her daughter is awful and now sleeping with Bobbie's husband) ... at one point he basically uses the secret to blackmail Carly into getting info for him on Stefan.  He's ridiculous.  

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  5. On 5/20/2022 at 6:30 PM, cleo said:

    I'm watching Luke come back in 1983 after everyone thought he was dead and man what an asshole. I'm not sure I can stomach watching everyone drool over him.

    Someone on YT wrote something about how Luke is extremely harsh and unforgiving if he thinks anyone slighted him, but meanwhile he thinks everyone should just accept whatever bullshit he decides to dish out.


    I actually thought in some scenes Luke was more jealous of Holly being with Robert than the reverse. Like that he wanted Robert for himself.

    Part of what I liked about the 1983 story was that the show gave everyone a perspective, and didn't do its usual ridiculous fawning over Luke.   Robert and Holly got to be understandably angry at Luke.  Robert wasn't written as a jerk suddenly to minimize Luke's bad decisions.  The only one (besides Luke himself) who was obnoxiously Team Luke in the story was Bobbie.  

    Luke really was unreasonable, and the only explanation I could come up with is that he knew deep down he'd messed up.  

    And probably there was an element of being resentful that Robert (who basically spent the year after the WSB fired him goofing off and being Luke's drinking buddy/sidekick), was living a completely different life when Luke returned (married police commissioner living in a nice house).  

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  6. 41 minutes ago, DoctorAtomic said:

    That was the point of being so ooc for Marty. He said to her basically, I have no other option. 

    It just seemed weird to me that Marty and Wendy were willing to risk everything pulling weird stunts (him threatening Ruth, her hospitalizing herself and potentially missing the critical Byrde foundation party) to stop Charlotte and Jonah from going to NC for a while ... instead of simply clearly telling Charlotte and Jonah "hey, grandpa was physically abusive and alcoholic during mom's childhood!  This is a very bad idea!  But if you feel the need to go and learn what grandpa is really like, you better plan to jump in Charlotte's van and book it out of there the second Nathan starts getting controlling!"   

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  7. On 5/1/2022 at 2:19 PM, cdnalor said:

    I'd rather think that Jonah shot the cookie jar, scattering the ashes, and then they chased the PI away while they cleaned up the ashes.

    Now that's an interesting theory -- destroying the only evidence Mel had, chasing him off and probably nobody believing he broke in because Ben's ashes were in a cookie jar.  

    A more interesting way to go would've been Mel breaking in or otherwise creating a situation where the cops have to show up and he guides them to the cookie jar evidence without getting his own fingerprints all over it or stealing it.  

    I feel like there were so many other, more satisfying endings they could have had than "the bad guys get away with everything" (which, at this point, is no longer novel).  I guess the big twist here is the Byrdes all finally accepting that they are, in fact, bad.  Two sort of chilling moments: (a) Marty telling Wendy that they can, in fact, live with knowing Ruth is about to be killed ... because he's realized by this point that you can learn to rationalize anything; and (b) the creepily serene looks on the parents' faces as Jonah aimed his gun at Mel.    

    I think I would've been happier with an ending more like The Americans (the main characters escape, but they lose their kids, home, and the lives they knew).  Here, I thought a fitting end might be losing the Byrde foundation and their reputation, Marty taking a far less favorable FBI deal (but possibly being relieved with that), with Wendy being bitter that they have to go back to surviving normal, boring life (kind of like the Good Fellas ending).  

    But I guess the surprise ending here is Marty -- who the audience has been hoping is remorseful and really wants to be clean -- apparently finally makes his peace with being evil and selfish.  

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  8. Ah, well.  You annoyed me a lot, Ruth, but I'm still sad to see you go out like that.  

    I was a little surprised at how quickly Clare threw Ruth right under the bus, though - not that she had much reason to be loyal to Ruth, but damn!

    I thought Ruth was going to record Nathan on her phone without him realizing, and then play his damning words for Jonah and Charlotte ... but they decided to go a dumber route with it.  And would Marty really have gotten Ruth killed if she didn't help keep his (nearly adult) children from leaving town?  Seems out of character ... in fact, he was urging her to change her identity and run away later in the episode.  

    Did Wendy really need to check herself into a mental health facility to finally admit to her children how wrong she'd been?  Also, my understanding is that once you check in to that kind of facility because you declare you're a danger to yourself or others ... they don't just let you leave the second you want to. 🙄  Also, the car crash was pointless, other than making Wendy even more insufferable.

    Not my sweet Mel getting shot at the end by that little twerp Jonah. 😪

    Anyways ... it's been real (weird and often convoluted), Ozark!  "Have a blessed fucking day!" 😃

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  9. "I do too have a sense of humor ... asshole." Ha!  Only Ruth and Rachel being smug and annoying all episode could make me love Wendy for one second.  

    Ruth is annoying.  It's great she cleaned her record up and wants to run a legal business ... but then why target a casino she knows is used to launder drug cartel money?  When she should not in any way be putting herself on the cartel's radar?  Because pissing on the Byrdes is what is really important to her, and it's childish.  "It ain't personal" -- oh yes it is Ruth.  🙄

    The Byrdes certainly messed up Rachel's life, but she made the decision to steal cartel money and become a drug addict with that money, and was grateful enough when Marty got Petty off her back and paid for her rehab.  In fact, she seemed happy to see him when she first came back ... but now she hates him so much she's willing to piss off a drug cartel?  Annoying.  

    The whole thing with Wendy checking herself into the mental health facility was odd, but I did find it refreshingly realistic that at first they were like, we don't have enough beds, go away.   

    The Omar / Camila scene was quite good.  

    Kind of embarrassing for old Nelson, getting taken out by Rachel of all people.  And who gave the order for Nelson to get Ruth and Rachel in the first place -- Wendy only told him to scare them, as far as we saw.  

  10. 1 minute ago, DoctorAtomic said:

    I think the Ben scene was important for Ben to realize that he partially engineered his own demise and that his sister was the catalyst.

    I see your point, but Ben was already crying and blaming himself at times in his last Season 3 episode.  The whole "tell Wendy I forgive her" was a giant eye roll for me ... I am not on board with anyone, even Ben himself, minimizing Wendy's role in his murder!  

  11. "He was a pretty good cop before he stole coke ... but then, y'know, he stole coke ..."  LOL.  I'm disappointed in my boy Mel that he took the job knowing the Byrdes engineered it to stop his testimony - but apparently that was his AA sponsor on the phone encouraging him to go for it?   

    "For drugs, bitch!"  I don't know why the guy in jail saying the to Ruth cracked me up so much, but LMAO.

    I enjoyed Maya calling the Byrdes and her "oh great the whole brain trust is here!" when Wendy piped up.  

    Charlotte is almost 18.  Jonah is a very old and worldly 15, hates his mother, and is committing crimes out of a motel room right now.  Both are in danger as long as they stay where they are (although by this point in the series, the danger seems laughable because the plot always saves them).  Sending them to NC voluntarily with Nathan for a bit wouldn't necessarily be the worst thing in the world -- and it's better to do it voluntarily than have a court order to that effect.  

    Although having said that, next episode it will probably be revealed that Wendy is right and Nathan is still an abusive alcoholic.   Right now, I'm not sure if Nathan's rage is supposed to indicate he was (and still is) every bit as bad as Wendy claims ... or if he's just extremely angry that, y'know, his son was murdered and Wendy's been lying about it / was involved.  

    Omar and Camila bore me.  Helen and Javi were more effectively scary and interesting.

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  12. The whole FBI-lowkey-running-a-drug-cartel-just-to-rake-in-money plot is not working for me at all.  If the FBI isn't really interested putting the Byrdes in jail, what is the dramatic tension?  I mean, I realize the FBI still could, but the "deal" at this point is contrived and annoying and FBI's threats to Marty ring hollow.  Stupid.

    How does Ruth have enough money to buy a casino?  I doubt she's sold enough heroin to buy enough shares to control an entire casino, and a bunch of her money she already sank into the Lazy-O motel.  And whatever she inherited from Darlene will take some time to work its way through probate. And I don't see Rachel getting a casino license when she (a) has her own arrest record (for the DUI that initially made her a target of Petty), and (b) just filed for bankruptcy on a failed diner in Florida.  Also, Rachel is really going to risk her sobriety, risk the ire of a drug cartel, and go into business with Ruth the cartel-leader-murdering heroin dealer ... because Tuck lost his job ... when she could just tell Marty to give Tuck his job again, and Marty would likely oblige??  

    Wendy is really settling into her evilness at this point. 

    I'm surprised it took Marty four seasons to finally lose his shit.  

    Marty flipping out and Nathan and Mel closing in on Wendy's lies were the only parts of the episode I really liked, as the only dramatically satisfying and logical scenes.   Richard Thomas is acting the hell out of this small and complicated part.   

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  13. On 5/17/2022 at 2:38 AM, Bluesky said:

    Does anyone know why the foundation is necessary in order for them to get free?

    I think partly the foundation was set up as a legitimate source of money for Omar's children -- and setting that up as well as getting Omar a deal with the US government was the price for Omar leaving them alone and not expecting money laundering from them anymore.  

    The Ben scene was deeply unnecessary (and I say this as someone who was a big Ben fan in Season 3).  It was more powerful for the audience to have to (much like Wendy) imagine what must have happened to him.  

    I'm not sure a stretched out, ratty polo shirt and wrinkled pants is what I would have worn my first day running a cartel, but that's just me.  Marty mostly did well ... not getting himself killed, anyway.  He probably had the wrong guy executed, though -- I would not trust Camila if I were him.

    Wendy just straight up threatening Clare now.  I'm only surprised it took her this long LOL!

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  14. Wendy was so relatable when she went straight for all the alcohol in the mini bar ... then she started blaming Marty for everything and I hated her anew. I was glad he pointed out that she's the one who summoned Javi.

    Ohhhhh - Seed Lady had the baby.  Well, best of luck in your future life, Baby Zeke!   

    LOL, Wendy's shamelessness.  Omar says he's gonna kill her, and she lies to everyone "he's interested in my plan, everything's going great!"

    Mel flirting with Maya was cute.  I'm glad he's back, and the twist of him working for Nathan now is quite interesting.  Good for Erin convincing her dad to let it go for their own safety ... and I'm glad her dad at least knows something now, so Erin isn't all alone in knowing about Helen.  

    I grow weary of Omar's ever-changing moods.  

    Do I believe Clare would track Ruth down and want to do business with her, after Ruth essentially kidnapped her and forced her to watch a murder?  No, no I do not.           Especially since part of the deal was Clare's company looking virtuous for funding the Byrde foundation and rehab centers.  Ugh, this show and its plot holes ...

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  15. On 5/5/2022 at 7:40 AM, Dminches said:

    You are suggesting that people often make the right decisions about their lives? Plus, Ruth's advice to Wyatt was for him, even if she insinuated that she would be a part of it.  Ruth wanted Wyatt to rid himself of Darlene.


    I mean, it would be nice if she didn't keep making the same wrong decisions over and over ...  just so we the audience can have a little variety.

    The thing that bugs me about Ruth is she's kind of a giant hypocrite.  She initially plotted to kill and steal from Marty (and then was going to help her father steal from them, knowing the cartel would likely kill Marty if she succeeded in taking the cartel's money), but Marty got over that easily ... whereas Ruth nurses her every grudge toward the Byrdes like crazy.  She expected Frank Jr. to not avenge his father's death and his own disfigurement, just so Wyatt wouldn't be sad over his homicidal geriatric girlfriend ... but the second Wyatt dies, Ruth stomps around screaming at everyone to give her information so she can have her revenge.  She gives these speeches about the Byrdes and the serious danger and crime they bring with them ... yet she keeps doing dangerous, criminal things herself, and involves young Jonah in her own crimes. 

    This might be why I kinda like Marty the most.  He's not self-righteous most of the time.  He's not in denial about what he is, or smug about how good he is at what he does (unlike Wendy).  He has a definite idea of how they all need to behave to keep the family safe, but he's never blamed anyone but himself for his getting mixed up with the cartel in the first place.  

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  16. Um, where did Baby Zeke go?  

    I just want to slap the dumbass Byrde children for helping Ruth track down Javi.  I suppose Marty could've done a better job explaining to them that even if Ruth gets her revenge, it will likely end badly for her.  Or that they'll all be in danger again.  

    But it's not like anything gets through to these idiots!  

    I kind of loved Wendy's cold "I lied" to Ruth in the restaurant, and disdainful "she doesn't care" when Marty was trying to reason with Ruth.  Because even though I sympathized with Ruth's grief, this is ridiculous.  Wyatt got caught in a mob hit because he was doing crimes with and refused to get away from Darlene.  Ruth blaming the Byrdes and bitching about the Byrdes moving on with their lives is so disingenuous.  Ruth was fine with the drugs and the money laundering and even murder (hi Russ and Boyd!) until things started to affect people she cared about.  She was warned not to go against the cartel with Darlene, and she could've spent that $450k on a new life with Three somewhere (not that anyone is thinking about poor Three!) instead of buying the Lazy-O to money launder.  She herself could have been out of the criminal business and enjoyed her $$!  

    What was the point of the business professor scenes?  To remind us Javi is dangerous ... right before he's easily dispatched?  I swear, at this point, there's no narrative tension anymore and it's galling to me.  Omar is toothless, the FBI doesn't care that the Byrdes are criminals, and the sheriff, Frank Sr., Darlene, and Javi die easily in almost the same exact manner in rapid succession.  The KC mob and Snell family compound don't actually do anything.  Who is the cartel at this point?  Javi's mom, who we just met?  

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  17. Eh.  I found this episode annoying more than anything.  

    Nothing the FBI was doing made any sense.  I guess we're supposed to believe they're corrupt, too, and just wanted to seize money instead of actually stopping the flow of drugs and all the rampant murdering?  And the FBI is willing to deal with Javi but doesn't bother to tell him "hey don't murder anyone on US soil during this 5 years or the deal's off, okay?"  I can kind of see why Maya snapped and came up with her own plan to try and make sure Omar actually did some prison time, since her bosses are corrupt assholes.  Or maybe I'm just missing something here?  

    Poor Wyatt.  Darlene should've been dead two seasons ago, so that's kind of a big shrug for me.  Although didn't the Snells have a guard and security gate in the first season?  Now everybody just wanders into the Snell living room like this is a sitcom?  🙄  

    And now Baby Zeke has been present for five homicides.  Which is, y'know, a lot, for a 1 year old!  Hope he doesn't remember any of this later!  Poor kid is gonna have anxiety and nightmares for the rest of his life and have no idea why.

    Of course Jonah wanders in without understanding any of the context of the situation and blabs to Ruth about Javi's identity (so she can go get herself killed by Javi and fuck up the Byrde family's future, probably).  Seriously, every time a Byrde kid has to rebel against their parents, they lose half their IQ points.  Jonah has been trying my patience like crazy this season.  

    What was with the scene with the seed lady?  

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  18. On 1/29/2022 at 9:19 PM, DoctorAtomic said:

    Marty and Ruth are 'rational actors'. Darlene is not. (As I'm sure we knew was coming up with Frank). Javier certainly isn't, and Marty dancing around Javier is masterful.

    I actually think Javier is rational in his own way.  Even killing the sheriff made sense in his mind -- the sheriff was the only thing protecting Darlene, and then the sheriff comes right into a somewhat isolated house, alone, without backup, without even having to be lured from his desk ... Javi can't believe his luck!  How can he not take the shot?  Sheriff gone, problem solved!  Make the Byrdes (who he views as servants) clean up after him!

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  19. Wyatt, you big stupid dummy ... (though, in his limited defense, he's used to his elders - Cade, Russ, Boyd, even Ruth - being violent criminals with anger management problems, so he's uniquely vulnerable to someone like Darlene)

    My hatred for Darlene, and annoyance with Jonah, are such that I loved Wendy for most of this episode.  Watching her menace and outmaneuver these characters was a delight.

    I'm starting to wonder if Wendy is actually becoming delusional about Ben ... at times it's like she almost believes that he's missing, and that she's the good sister trying to track him down.  The scene with her father was quite interesting.  "Casinos and nudie bars" "no wonder Ben went missing" -- her father sees right through her respectable business owner / concerned big sister facade, even if he doesn't know Ben died or that she's responsible.

    I loved Ruth this episode.  

    Poor Jim.  Should've stuck with Wilkes and steered clear of Wendy!

    My biggest annoyance with this show (other than Darlene) is how they've handled Frank Sr.  When the head of the KC mob was introduced, his organization was legitimately scary.  Then he unrealistically allowed his son to get maimed without retaliating. Now he stupidly goes into Darlene's house completely alone and apparently unarmed and gets killed in 2 seconds.  Good grief.  So dumb.

    Frank Jr. is 40??? I thought the character was younger. 


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  20. On 2/8/2022 at 2:30 PM, Chicago Redshirt said:

    Wyatt presumably does not know the full history of Darlene's murderous ways, or even close to it. I can't remember what the public-facing story is on what happened to Mr. Snell, if there is one. It might be that he only knows of Frank Sr. and the guy who was threatening to rat about the celebrity chef's OD. It's fairly easy to make a distinction between those people directly threatening Darlene and thus having to go, and someone like Wyatt who would just be breaking her heart if he left.

    Darlene told Wyatt in a previous episode that she "had to" kill her husband (I think this was when they were discussing why he was mad at Ruth, and Darlene trying to convince him that everything is really the Byrdes' fault).  Wyatt was just like "oh wow" but otherwise didn't react much.  So he knows.  And he is a giant moron.

  21. I just like Mel.  The actor has charisma, and watching Mel annoy everyone who's trying to hide something is kind of fun.  Marty's "I hate him so much" -- ha ha!   

    However, I didn't buy that Ruth would let Mel into her trailer for a chat.  The goat cookie jar containing Ben's ashes is so ugly and weird lol.  

    Is the show trying to get me to like Frank Jr. now?  I actually felt bad for him when Darlene said "I heard you were smart", and he was honestly shocked: "from who??!"  The guy has internalized being a stupid loser who is nothing without his dad, and now he just seems so defeated.  

    Jonah's brain must have fallen out of his head.  Why would he tell Darlene about the dead sheriff??  Again, it's ludicrous that just because he hates his own parents now, he's going to suddenly not care that Darlene is a lunatic who once abducted him and is even now threatening him.  

    Wow.  Wendy considering letting Darlene die right there in the drive way.  Which would actually be one of the more sensible things Wendy's done since the show started ... except that they need Darlene's drugs for now.  

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  22. On 1/29/2022 at 10:20 PM, Johnny Dollar said:

    For how much money these drug operations seem to generate, no one is exactly a conspicuous spender. You’d think one good year’s profit would set Darlene up for life. And Ruth asks for an extra $100k from Marty and still lives in a shitty trailer. And even though Marty and Wendy could show a source of income from the casino, they’re still driving a 2005 Dodge Caravan. Nobody seems to have an end game where they can cash in and start living their lives.

    Darlene is kind of set for life, and has a nice house and other buildings on acres and acres of land -- but she also has guards and poppy-field workers and people making heroin to pay.  She could retire to a quiet life and live off the casino investment money she got ... but she's an insane asshole and refuses to do so.

    Marty and Wendy are careful not to spend conspicuously, but also in the back of their mind, they hope this part of their lives is temporary.  So they keep living in Buddy's (huge but ugly) house and drive old cars and, I assume, socked away a lot of money for Australia (before Wendy nixed that plan) -- I guess that money is just saved up now for if they have to go on the run, or if they ever get out from under the cartel.  

    (The one weird part about the Byrdes is that, with Wendy trying to impress politicians and big donors, you'd think they'd fancy themselves up a bit just for appearances' sake.)  

    Ruth had dreams of buying a nice house in Season 2, but Cade shamed her for that and she abandoned the plan.  She was saving money up for Wyatt to go to school.  I guess she just spent a ton of it to buy the Lazy-O Motel.  For all her cleverness, Ruth has no ability to imagine a life for herself outside of the Ozarks or without committing crimes ... and I'm not sure who besides Marty would keep giving her manager-level roles.  

  23. The utter shamelessness of Wendy's fake sob stories about Ben being an addict.  She is the worst.  

    I hate Darlene so much, but I LOL'd when she said "I'm going back to bed" after killing the limo driver ... and told Ruth and Wyatt to bury the body.  The Langmore kids have been in deep denial about what Darlene really is, and it was weirdly gratifying to see them have to face brutal reality.  

    Look, I'll watch Richard Thomas in anything (I once saw him in a touring stage production of Twelve Angry Men - he was great!) ... but he is not old enough to be Laura Linney's dad.  C'mon now, show.   I did snicker when he said to Mel the PI "Wendy lost the path a long time ago" -- buddy, you don't know the half of it! 

    I liked the Ruth and Marty scene.  

  24. On 1/30/2022 at 5:05 PM, Paloma said:

    Someone else may be able to give you a more accurate and detailed summary of how Darlene ended up with the baby.

    Darlene tried to block the casino at the end of Season 2, and if the casino didn't start operating and laundering money soon, Navarro was gonna kill Marty and family, probably.  Darlene also threatened Jonah.  The only thing Darlene would take in exchange for not stalling the casino (or threatening the Byrde kids) was the baby, and Marty handed Zeke over.  There is no way social services would've gone along with this (they already told Darlene she was too old to foster a baby).  But the plot must bend to accommodate Darlene apparently!

    Maya handled Omar quite well.  A shame she didn't slam her door in Wendy's obnoxious face, though.  Also ... why on earth did Maya give Marty her personal cell # and home address??  

    Javi flirting with the drug company lady (and her looking horrified) - LMAO.  I have to hand it to him, he kept a good poker face after his gun shipment was busted.

    I have to begrudgingly admire how quickly Marty thinks on his feet.  And honestly, the guy just wants out and to live a normal life.  I can't help hoping it works out for him.  

    I enjoy Jim the lawyer, but if Wendy is going all in on politics, it's weird Wilkes isn't more involved in this story so far.

    Poor Erin.  Despite Charlotte's best efforts to keep her quiet, I can't imagine the kid won't crack at some point.  She's supposed to just keep the knowledge of what her mother was - and that she was likely murdered - to herself forever??  When her dad and brother are probably asking her daily what she knows?  Poor girl's gonna end up drinking or drugging to numb the pain.

    Ruth and Darlene are even more insufferable working together.  


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