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Posts posted by wayne67

  1. We did? There's a very quick shot of Elliot and Q kissing.


    I guess I'll have to rewatch the flashbacking to check that out. 


    ETA: Yep totally a bisexual threesome, now the question is will Quentin be more awkward about the cheating or having sex with another dude. That is the question. Hilarity

    • Love 1
  2. I found them learning higher order battle magic very intriguing. Of course it seems that Alice is going to be the best at it.


    What confuses me is did Elliot join in on the threesome and if so why didn't we get any Quentin flashbacks of it... Damn show teasing a bisexual threesome. 

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  3. When the librarian told him she couldn't lend him Martin's book, I expected him to tell her that he just needed to look at it and he wouldn't leave the library with it. Technically that's okay at most libraries. What exactly did she copy for him since he didn't appear to use it to get home?


    I'm guessing it's a few pages from Martin's autobiography either detailing his eventual return to Fillory as the Beast or featuring some kind of clue as to what happened after they left the Author's house or maybe something about Portals or fountains. 


    At this point it's hard to tell what it's supposed to be about. 

  4. The library scenes were awesome. It was "The Librarians" meet "The Matrix ". It appears the librarians are one of the most powerful groups, even more magical/powerful than the beast. Dean Fogg and Eliza made it sound like humans were completely defenseless and helpless against the beast. The librarian, on the other hand, spoke of the beast like he was a nuisance and not a mortal threat.

    So many questions from Penny going to the neitherlands. Why does penny go by penny (a girl's name) and not William? How many times has penny been in the neitherlands and the library? How come he doesn't remember his prior visits? Does he really swear profusely every time? Who writes all the books? If the books are already written, then it implies predestination and not free will or thought. So penny should just read the books on Alice, Quentin, Margo and Elliot to figure out how to kill the beast.

    At first I thought the time magic meant marina or the beast was coming for them. Luckily my close captioning said "light music" playing so was relieved there would be a hiatus on bloodshed and gore in this episode.


    I'm thinking that the library has access to the Source of All Magic, which would be God or Gods which has a certain value of omniscience. So while Penny's book is prewritten with what would happen to him, if he read the book than it likely would change depending on how it's written. So if it's all vague metaphors about what will inevitably happen, he gets born, he lives, he dies. It'll all probably happen more or less the same if he reads it or not. If it has him going to specific places at specific times and he reads it, he can change the course of his life and change the book or render its predestination moot.


    Forewarned is forearmed, by knowing something is coming you can prepare yourself and potentially change the outcome.


    Just a theory. 

    • Love 1
  5. Bummer that there was so little Jude and Zero in this episode - I really wanted to know more about both how Jude is dealing with Oscar being out and about Zero trying to find his sister, and especially who it is.


    Jude and Zero are the only reason I'm still watching this show. I don't really care about Lionel, Sloane, Pete, German, Akeesha, Jelena, Derek or anyone else really. 


    Jude and Zero seem to be the only couple that are making actual progress towards intimacy and are super cute. 

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  6. This was hilarious.


    And for a change even Julia wasn't irritating me this episode.


    Yay progress I guess. 


    The librarian was awesome. 


    Summoning a God... That could be hazardous but I guess if you have someone who's dying and another person that's suicidal. It might sound like a good idea.


    Interesting to hear that there's a magic glass ceiling, though I'm still lost as to how many levels there are before you hit it. Oh well. 


    Definitely had some great quotes in it. Alice and Quentin having the awkward sex talk was amusing and endearing. Intimacy on its way. Ah Penny. Always interrupting the sexy times.

    • Love 1
  7. No, actually, when MW called on the phone, he described Dylan's corpse as being "their secret," corroborating what Ivy said. There is every indication that Ivy is telling the truth, and actually she has not been "lying the whole time."  She was too afraid, traumatized, and ashamed to bring up Dylan at first, which is normal, natural, and understandable.  Kidnapped children who aren't ready to unload every horrific moment of their captivity to an arrogant, aggressive cop the day after their release are not "liars."  


    Particularly the female detective has been a real asshole to Ivy from the very beginning, accusing a 13 year old of willingly going off with a pedophile kidnapper and treating her like a suspect when she was kidnapped, beaten and raped for thirteen years.  Her self-righteous attitude is NOT a part of her job, it's a part of her personality.  There should have been protocols in place to protect Ivy given her obvious, acute C-PTSD from interrogations that would trigger her. 


    She was badly in need of legal and therapeutic assistance, not to have cops slamming on tables and screaming in her face.  When you understand how someone's brain works with complex post traumatic stress disorder, you don't use words like "lying" and "withholding information" to describe their actions.  Notably, it was her mothers kind, loving acceptance that got Ivy to open up, not the aggression of the detectives.  If you think you'd do better after what Ivy has gone through, then by all means...


    When asked about Dylan she said she didn't know him. That was a lie. Hence she was lying.


    When asked about whether she had ever been let out of the house. She said she hadn't. That was also a lie.


    When asked about why she didn't run away when found about to be lying about the above. She never answered.


    She was offered a lawyer after being arrested. She declined.


    We haven't had much in the way of testimony that she was beaten or raped. She had some bruises upon her initial examination but she's never said she was beaten or raped.


    In every piece of testimony she's provided, she either lied or withheld vital details that could have helped with another kidnapping case. Being allowed out, there being a second accomplice/kidnapper, knowing about a brother.


    Apparently she was kept for 3 years before they even had sex. So it's hard to tell at this point how much psychological or physical conditioning she was subjected to before it was 'proper'. 

    • Love 1
  8. For the first half of this episode, I began to wish that mark white would kill both of the detectives harassing Ivy before the end of the series.   But they did finally start to soften their stance once they saw Ivy breakdown and tell the horrific truth to her mother.  Being brainwashed to think it was her fault that Dylan died because she tried to escape was clearly strong enough to keep her imprisoned even after she escaped.


    Even though there's no indication that her story is true ? 


    She could have killed Dylan in an attempt to break free and has concocted this story to avoid murder charges. It's not like she hasn't lied before.


    The Detectives are asking questions because that's their job and there's a little girl missing in the hands of a captor they know little about because Ivy has been with holding information the entire time they've been asking her questions. 

  9. Actually, Margo is the only female character who got into Brakebills on her own.  Alice had to steal her parents key, because Dean Fogg thought it was appropriate to keep her from attending so that her parents wouldn't be at risk of losing another child to magic (removing a woman's choice? Check.  Treating a woman as the property of her parents!  Score for the patriarchy, I guess) and only after Alice showed up there without an invitation did she get in. 


    So thematically within the TV series they have been exploring the concept that Kira talked to Julia about.  


    I think Penny is supposed to have taken it at the point where he just hated Quentin and now he just hates the shit out of everyone in the wake of Kady.  Plus,  I think he's also supposed to be in a lot of psychic pain a lot of the time, just from his mind reading abilities. 


    When it comes to Quentin and Julia and what Julia has to forgive, well, kind of a lot really.  He was never under any obligation to try and get her into Brakebills...at least not a logical one.  Where Julia went in her mind with Kira, underneath the table, to the map she and Quentin made together made things get even more complicated.  Apparently Fillory and magic was their shared refuge as kids.  It's just a question of loyalty to a friend when helping them.  I think it could reasonably be argued that Julia had every reason to believe their friendship meant enough to him to try and help her get in.  To try and help her not be in emotional pain.  


    Now she violated Quentin's mind and nearly killed him, so she's far from innocent herself, but Quentin even told her that he was glad she didn't get in and then he threw out that old, icky thing, "You knew how I felt about you!"  ....like Julia had owed him something for his romantic feelings towards her, or was supposed to guess.  


    That old women-as-vending machines idiocy:  Put friendship in and expect to get sex out!  is just not how it works and that was easily Quentin's lowest point in the series so far.  I think he does understand what a shitastic thing that was to think, let alone say, let alone have it influence his inactions.  


    Then at the very, very least, he should have told Fogg the brain wipe didn't work, but Quentin let Julia suffer, pretty much as punishment.   Julia knows that because Quentin told her that while adding that he liked knowing that for once she wasn't the best at something (Kira's point underlined there).  


    So Julia does have her own reasons to be really angry with Quentin and Quentin knows it, which is why he put the "I'm sorry too" on there.  They've both wronged the hell out of each other, but considering Julia risked Quentin's life -- and then did try to help him -- I think she still has more to atone for than he does.  He was being a garden variety "But I had feelings for you" kind of jackass.  


    For starters Kady and Margo apparently had no issues getting into the evil patriarchal school...


    Julia got to the admission stage and FAILED the testing stage. No indication of gender bias.


    Alice didn't get invited to the admission stage because her brother died recently at the school and the Dean didn't think it was a good idea to have a grieving sister engaged in very dangerous lessons that require strict discipline. Her actions proved him right. First thing she did on getting to the school was try and summon her dead brother's ghost, calling out to the Beast instead and resulting in his injury. Learning nothing from that she tried to give a body to a vengeful spirit while he tried to strangle Quentin.  Also no gender bias. 


    Also Eliza/Jane has been advising Quentin that Brakebills isn't that fantastic as it's the garden path and is only one way of magic. There are other options off the garden path. Julia is off the garden path.


    Secondly. Quentin may have been callous about Julia's feelings about not getting into the school but his stance was you didn't get in get over it and move on. 


    Somehow Julia thought this somehow meant that he'd go out of his way and use his total non influence to get her a second chance. 


    Her issues are completely her own.


    As for Quentin and the vending machine comparison. He never said anything about sex. Maybe he was pissed that she knew he had feelings and instead of acknowledging that she had a bf and even if she didn't she just considered him a friend, she just kept stringing him along, jumping into his bed whenever as if she didn't know or care about his feelings.


    Also if we're going to make sexist comparisons. If men think of women as vending machines. Women think of men as ATMs where they just take and take goods and services with no thought of reciprocation.


    Quentin was a callous ass about her rejection. She decided to mess with his sanity even knowing he was recently admitted to a psychiatric facility. Julia is a self involved narcissist that assumes everyone will bend over backwards to give her stuff because she's a pretty white girl. Eg that bartender she stole spells from, not caring about any consequences he might suffer at Marina's hands for handing over spells and then had the audacity to throw a tantrum when he wouldn't give her more spells and information. Yet he did end up doing it... because she's a pretty white girl.

    • Love 3
  10. But karma has a point. She got hurt. Amy means a lot to her and she was leaving for like 2 months without even saying goodbye. That was tough for her. So I really think they both have to apologize and talk about this.


    Didn't Amy tell Karma she was leaving unless Karma told her their pool kiss meant something... Then she left. Unless the previously on misled me somehow?

  11. Has Karma not thought through her nickname?


    It's probably quite accurate considering how selfish she is in other aspects of her life.


    Definitely Team Amy on not apologizing for leaving. Sometimes the healthiest thing to do is to bail and sort yourself out somewhere else. It's like Karma completely ignores the fact that Amy was IN LOVE WITH HER and needed time and space away.


    Karma continues to be idiotic. Yeah just get a tattoo to prove your friend doesn't know you as well as she thinks she does. UGH.


    It was nice to see Liam getting more jealous about that guy getting Shane's attention rather than it being about Karma. Nice change of pace. After all Shane is Liam's only friend. 

    • Love 3
  12. There one new question I have for the show fans: 


    What DID Chloe see in Dan??   Any guesses??   


    I'd imagine they were both idealistic cops in the same academy. She was impressed with his physique and his idealism and his focus on career, they got into a relationship, she got pregnant, chose to keep it and once the child came along, she kept expecting his focus to change like hers did after she became a mother but he was still the same person after fatherhood. He was single minded, focused on police work while she wanted him to be a reliable husband and father who did just enough for a decent paycheck. 


    It's not that uncommon that people come into a marriage expecting the other person to change with time. 


    At least that's my guess for the start and end of their relationship. 

    • Love 1
  13. That got dark...


    Penny lost points for treating a rare manuscript so poorly and acting like a total ass about it.


    Julia actually acted like a semi decent person for a change, though I'm still not clear as to why Q f'd things up in Julia's mind, for not getting her a second chance to a school? pales in comparison to a mind rape/near murder.


    I'm glad they didn't stick around. Usually the character insisting they stick around to resolve the issue is proved right.

    I'm not sure why they couldn't come back at some later point. Did they forget that Margot has a djinn... They could get her to wish the ghosts to be released. 




    Quentin took a long time to cast a finding spell.

    • Love 3
  14. Derek telling Ahsha how loyal she was made me LMAO. Did he forget how often she cheated on her bf with him ?


    She's not loyal at all. I hate her and her mother.


    Also those cops are the most tolerant cops on the face of the Earth letting Ahsha throw a hissy fit in the police station.


    Jude and Zero continue to be an adorable power couple. 


    Don't really care about any of the other plot lines.

  15. if Kenny is 16, how old is his older brother? 18? Why is he living at home?


    Well he may be a year older. Or he may have been held back a grade what with his apparently low IQ. 


    I found the hallucination/ dream sequence/ imagination of the gay dance off during the date quite amusing. 


    I am kind of curious if they have some kind of direction for the show. I liked the second gay date, it was realistic for the older guy to not want to deal with such an intense noob. 

    • Love 2
  16. Well as usual I liked the characters for the most part and hated the plot.


    The 1950's seemed fairly tame considering and the plan to kill Savage was underwhelming. Kendra had to be all self righteous about not needing help and Ray ended up apologizing for being right. UGH.


    These people never learn anything.


    Also aren't all these failed murder attempts getting a bit ridiculous. 


    It feels like the characters are carrying idiot balls while protected by plot armor while cruising about time. I get no sense that there's any particular urgency with their missions. They're all too relaxed about Savage. 


    Also the dude has immortality and that's it. Can't any of these people just ice him and get Kendra to stab him ?



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  17. At this point I'll give this show one more episode to make me care. 

    So far the only thing I find amusing is Fake/Real Adam's general creepy serial killer vibe.


    The constant flash back/present day stuff drives me bonkers and I already hate Lesbian Reporter, Controlling Mom and Minion Daughter and I'm ambivalent about the Drunko brother.


    I keep confusing the Dad with the Pedo next door neighbor. Dam face blindness. 

    • Love 1
  18. Damn, I was so disappointed that the baby wasn't Terrance's. I was looking forward to Jelena being super annoyed by the baby mama and eventually the baby taking Terrance's attention away from her (although realistically I'm glad that we won't have to deal with a baby on this show).


    But wake up, Terrance. How can you propose to a woman without making 100% sure that you are on the same page about kids? That is not something where you can make compromises. Either you have kids or you don't. I am not looking forward to more "Jelena is so damaged" plots with her parents. Lots of people have shitty parents and they don't all choose to be heinous bitches.


    Terrence is so stupid and gullible. I'm not sure why he tolerated that woman trying to commit paternity fraud on him. If I was him I would had her charged with fraud and the cousin with tampering with medical tests. Why did he think Jelena would be okay with raising his child with someone else? Why didn't he ever ask her about babies in the entire time he's known her. Is he mentally deficient ?


    *sigh* Ahsha continues to tiresome and sanctimonious. 


    Jude and Zero are so cute together. 

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