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Posts posted by wayne67

  1. Truth be told,  I couldn't figure out White Josh's attraction to Darryl either.  Not that the guy has to be ripped like himself, but it's the age difference that has me scratching my head.

    I think part of it is that we don't really have much indication as to White Josh's character or characterization. I'm not sure what he wants from life or existence. I know Heather was a psych student interested in Rebecca's psychology. I know that Greg is damaged from his mom leaving him with his dad and has issues with unattainable women and chronic intellectual sarcasm. I know that Paula is struggling with a lacklustre marriage that fails to entertain or excite her. I know Valencia is the Mean Girl who pushes people away partly because she's dubious of ulterior motives and possibly due to past betrayals. Rebecca has abandonment and self esteem issues due to her father leaving and her mother... well over mothering.


    White Josh I have no idea who he is, what he wants, his psychology. All I know is he's a personal trainer and he's part of Josh's group without knowing why he's hanging out with a bunch of straight boys. Did they play in the same football team? go to the same school? 


    Makes rooting for a romance with him and some other guy kind of difficult. His gayness was only clarified this episode. As was Daryl's bi-ness. 


    I know in my case I only dated an older guy because he had a house and could cook and he didn't live with his offspring. Completely shallow reasons but for a 19 year old fresh on the scene it wasn't completely outrageous.


    White Josh is 20-30ish? Does he want to settle down with a guy that has a career? Is he bored of gym bunnies ? Does he have daddy issues? Is he attracted to noobs ? 

    Probably over thinking it, but anything to avoid thinking of how terrible the Rebecca/Josh situation is :P . lol 

    • Love 1
  2. As for White Josh and Darryl, I am looking forward to what is coming but I think I can finally get a bit more detailed on why I found it pat.  It appears as if Darryl hadn't considered being sexually attracted to men before and that White Josh stirred something in him.  (That's not to say he hasn't had these feelings before but the reciprocity led him to give it even more consideration.)  So I guess I'm playing backseat driver in that I would have preferred a scenario where Darryl explore whether or not his feelings were real or just flattery while also not wanting to lead on White Josh.  Instead, it played as if random ass made him come to the realization that he was attracted to both and I can't help but think if he were that attracted to the male tush, bothsexuality would have occurred to him before.


    Honestly as a 'queer' guy I'm like White Josh is a personal trainer at a gym and DARRYL is the type of guy he's into ? Not any of those ripped toned gym bunnies that he'd see on a daily basis? I'm just like okie dokie whatever floats your boat I suppose.

    It's rare to see fit athletic guys in their 20's attracted to middle aged men with children very often in today's media. Which I suppose is a good thing. I mean I've been there done that but I've yet to find why in particular WJ (White Josh) likes Daryl other than he's adorably befuddled.


    Maybe they'll go on a date and we'll see if there's anything there.

    On an unrelated note I didn't even recognize him as Sue's love interest in the Middle. I guess because he mostly has his shirt on in this show. 

    • Love 1
  3. Jude is an idiot. He admitted that he never thought about the repercussions of Zero being out. Are you fucking kidding me? Zero is a famous athlete. Jude was a manager (?) so surely he must have had enough common sense to know that this would be a huge deal. Heh, but I did laugh when Zero decided to post a picture of the two of them on Instagram just to taunt all the reporters who have been hounding him.


    I'm going to give Jude a pass on this one because he was usually talking from his feelings about not having a real established relationship with Zero and it bringing up unpleasant memories about never getting public recognition or affection from his father. It's not that surprising that if he was thinking about how great it would be to hold hands with Zero out in public he'd willfully blind himself to the consequences for Zero for coming out. He was making the mistake that because Zero wasn't out with him that he didn't love him. Which was stupid and nonsensical but emotion based so I can understand how he'd get there.


    That said once Zero came out Jude really should have started acted like Zero's former agent/manager and did some damage control or spin or something other than being all up and down about it. Sometimes Jude reminds me of a whining puppy, cute but sort of insufferably needy. 


    I was kind of hoping for some sort of reaction from the basketballers he works/plays with. Homophobic, supportive, indifferent player interactions but the closest we got was Terrence making a snide remark at Yelena about her ex swinging both ways. Then again I guess it wasn't that surprising since there were no matches? games? this episode.


    Do these people ever go to practices ? Derek is obsessed with Aisha, Terrence is obsessed with getting control/ownership of the team and yet noone seems that interested in the basketball.


    I mean I don't care about basketball but I haven't devoted my life to it so it's fine that I never talk about it. But these basketball players have devoted their life to being the best at the sport (theoretically) and yet none of them seem that interested in playing. Also where are the naked shower times ? Or team bonding sessions ? 

  4. Julia's behavior in this episode really pushed me over into not liking her. The last time she went to that bar, she was not very nice. For her second visit, she interrogated the bartender, told him to grow a pair, begged, knocked over glasses, and then threatened him. Even if we weren't talking about trying to access a magical group, she still came off as a psycho bitch. Apparently she's never heard that expression about how you catch more flies with honey. But seriously, she thinks this guy should risk having Marina come after him because she has nowhere else to go?


    Mr. EB thought it was hilarious that these characters are magicians yet when they think someone is following them or creeping around the house, Julia pulls out pepper spray and Quentin throws a book.


    Julia's insistence that people should risk their lives for her for nothing is tiresome.

    I did find it amusing that none of these magicians show any self defense magic. No fireballs, shields, detection spells?


    If only any of these characters were people who cared about their own lives at all.

    • Love 1
  5. So we might say that Greg's a bit of a...crazy ex-boyfriend? I think that's the point the show is making, or at least the path it's going down -- setting up a rough parallel between Rebecca and Greg, balancing the titular (hee!) character with a male counterpart (and thereby addressing, as it already does in the title song, the potential misogyny of its central concept).


    I'm not sure I see Greg trying to protect his friend he's known for over a decade from someone that constantly lies and manipulates in the same category as a crazy ex boyfriend. She's obsessing over a guy she dated ten years ago and thinking about what their children will look like even though she's not dating him.


    While he is merely pointing out to Josh that she may not be trustworthy. Which she's not. It's not like he's manufacturing situations in order to spend time with her and get her to love him. He's literally saying to her face she's a terrible person and has been since he told her she wasn't a very nice person and she went off to do a custody case to spite him. I don't think we've seen any indication that he would want to date her any more. Sure he may be drawn to her but he hates himself for that and her for constantly manipulating him with her tears and breakdowns.

    • Love 6
  6. I am so tired of Julia & her entitled, needy bullshit.


    Totally agree. Her behavior in the bar was like a child throwing a tantrum in a shopping center in order to guilt someone else into getting them what they want. I hate her now. She just comes off as greedy and selfish instead of smart and ambitious. Seriously she never thought to bribe or trade for more spells ? 

    She just yells and breaks things and expect people to give her stuff. She is such an entitled little brat.


    On the upside it was good to see Alice come out of her shell a bit and be something other than grieving desperate sister. Also we got some backstory for Kady, her mother didn't think things through and Kady paid the price as did 2 other people with their lives. Despite the lying and thieving I actually kind of have some interest in Kady now where before she was merely a background character.

    • Love 3
  7.  At least she told Paula she wouldn't lie about a lawsuit or burn him with coffee. So there IS a line that Rebecca won't cross!


    Props to Valencia for tracking down Harvard Trent. But how did she get him to come over without explaining why? I'm just saying that if some random stranger found me on the internet and asked me to come over to their house without telling me why, that would be a definite no (see: "Sex with a Stranger" and paranoia about being murdered by strangers). I guess you could always argue that if some hot chick on the internet asked some guy to come to her house, he'd probably say yes.


    The second time Paula brought up burning him Rebecca didn't say no, she tilted her head and looked like she was considering it. The fact that Paula brings it up twice says nothing good about her sanity or sense of morality.

    That part didn't really make any sense. Wouldn't the first question be. Do you know Rebecca? If he answered no then they'd have proof. Why did they need him to show up at all ? 

    This show is quickly becoming like Ally McBeal, so far fetched that it's straining my ability to enjoy the musical numbers.

    • Love 1
  8. It's official I now hate Paula and Rebecca. I just can't take plotting to burn someone as funny. It's not. That crossed the moral event horizon for me. Their obsession with mixed race babies with someone she's not dating is absurd and creepy and she needs to be locked up immediately.


    As for White Josh I loved his little aside when the others were trying to convince Josh he was smart enough not to fall for her lies and stalking with a 'Is he?'


    At least White Josh has an accurate take on Josh's stupidity.


    On a lighter note it was funny when Daryl walks into the office and is not the slightest bit miffed that the whole office has been turned upside down for some weird Apollo 13 homage.

    • Love 5
  9. I have to say the procedural part of this episode was dull dull dull. So is Chloe most of the time.

    I liked Maize tearing through the gang members so easily. It's nice that someone displays some martial aptitude since apparently the Devil is too lazy to fight his own battles.

    • Love 4
  10. I really would have done more than just break the masseuse's camera if I was Zero. 


    Zero and Jude can never seem to have more than 5 minutes of happiness. 


    Also I hate Aisha... She really needs to stop cheating on her murderous bf. Before she falls over too...

  11. This show is hilarity. It's just so wacky. 

    The Monarch is so entertaining in his vendetta against Rusty. Even though we still have no idea what caused the Monarch to hate him. 


    I do find it funny that Mrs Dr Girlfriend or whatever she is now automatically assumed that her husband was dating his henchman to spite her. Does make you wonder what happens with their swinging. If they still do that ...

  12. Rachel Bloom has come out and said that if Rebecca does deal with her issues, the show is effectively over. The same goes for Josh and Greg:


    1. Rebecca: Admits that her pursuit of Josh is unhealthy and self-destructive. Immediately ceases all attempts to pursue Josh or spend time with him. Goes back to therapy. Ignores Paula's attempts to get her back on the path of pursuing Josh. Politely begs off if Josh attempts to resume their friendship. Decides to stay in West Covina but seeks out a new group of friends with no connection to Josh's social circle. Eventually meets a nice boy with no resemblance or connection to Josh or Greg. Settles down.


    2. Josh: Stops lying to himself and admits that he is attracted to Rebecca and that Rebecca has been pursuing him all along. Is compassionate towards Rebecca and acknowledges his own attraction but firmly draws boundaries and enforces them, given Rebecca's admitted pattern of deceit and manipulation. Tells Rebecca that he can't spend any more time with her because he values his relationship with Valencia more. Josh stops seeing Rebecca and cuts her out of his social circle. Josh and Valencia break up for other reasons, and Josh settles down with a nice, smart girl his family will approve of. 


    3. Greg: Realizes that he only wants Rebecca because of his self-esteem issues. Is polite and distant with Rebecca and stops himself from getting involved in her life. Goes into therapy. Gets over his attraction to Rebecca. Makes his peace with West Covina. Finishes his business school courses and stops working at the bar. Settles down with Heather, who moves out of Rebecca's neighbourhood.


    I mean, if the characters made healthy, sane choices, there's really no show left, is there? The love triangle goes away, because it's based on some extremely unhealthy relationship dynamics that would not withstand self-awareness and therapy, so what do you do? Bring in new characters for Rebecca to throw herself at?


    Just because a character admits they have an issue with boundaries doesn't automatically mean they become a perfectly bland well rounded person that has no boundary issues.

    I'm sure there's lots of drama to be mined from Rebecca meeting other obsessive people or from Josh realizing that even though he's attracted to Rebecca and Valencia that neither really suit him and he should try and date more than 2 people in his entire life before settling down. Then Rebecca could have Heather as her sponsor or her watch dog in order to shut down obsessive behavior instead of Paula enabling her unhealthy obsessiveness due to boredom. 

    Having this show being a rinse and repeat of Rebecca and her rationalisation hamster for obsessing about Josh in unhealthy ways leading to failure and embarrassment followed by depression and self hatred is both formulaic and repetitive. 


    If Rebecca dealt with her problems, she could have awkward conversations with her mother about all the lies she told to gain approval. She could track down her father and deal with that emotional trauma and have that out. 


    If every episode is going to be an emotional train wreck, it would be nice to have a bit of variety. Issues with father, mother, friends, coworkers and love interests. Maybe an episode with Josh and his family or speed dating at Greg's workplace or some follow up with Darryl and White Josh.

  13. Are we to believe that elves, gnomes and trolls evolved naturally or are they the result of some genetic experiment of the humans before whatever happened that wiped out most humans and their civilization?


    Personally I'm assuming the Elves and the trolls and gnomes emigrated to Modern Earth from the Land of Faerie to escape the demons 300 years ago. Demons lay waste to most of the human population setting back progress to a weird blend of Middle Earth and technology from 21st century. The elves eventually overcame the demons with the help of human weapons and the vast number of humans. Skip forward a few generations and most of that history is more myth than history with deep distrust and dislike of Elves from other races and patchwork technology/magical usage. Or at least that's my fanwank for this nonsense. I don't know I haven't read the source material. 

    What I'm more curious about is, are there more elf stones and can only royals wield them ? 

    • Love 3
  14. Judging from a couple of things said by other characters, we're to take it that Quentin's emotional state at the time of casting that spell was what was making it so dangerous.  That he wasn't fully in control of it, because he was upset about this dad and the limitations of what magic can do.  


    Genuinely that was confounding shit and for the life of me I can't figure out how it won anything.  "Game over!"  Thank God, I can quit trying to figure out what is meant to be going on.  


    I think judging by Elliot's? reaction when he started casting that spell. I think it might be a high level dangerous spell to begin with. Or maybe it's like bringing a sledgehammer to hammer in a nail. Overkill. 


    That said, I do completely agree that this show is super unclear about magic. I leave most episode more confused about magical rules than when I started. I can't tell if the 3 main students (Penny, Alice and Quentin) are prodigies or just straying off the garden path and being super reckless.  

    • Love 1
  15. I loved that Riley being a bad cook was all an elaborate idea of Bonnie's so Riley wouldn't have to cook for Danny.


    I actually hated that part. Riley is supposed to be a lawyer. She couldn't have just talked to Danny that she didn't want to cook or arrange some kind of schedule for chores or eating out if that was such a hassle ?


    When Bonnie told Riley that it worked on her last husband, my automatic response to the tv was 'and he turned out gay'. It's very early in the game for Riley to resort to such passive aggressive manipulation just to avoid doing something. It makes me think less of her as someone Danny should be with. He's not the sharpest crayon in the pack but taking advantage of his naivete feels like kicking a puppy. Unnecessary and mean.

  16. One of the things that reminded me how little we know about what the students are learning in class is that we saw Quentin teaching himself that black hole spell using a book in the library (which makes me think it's something they weren't taught in class). So they have access to books that have spells that will create huge black holes and anyone can just try it? I'm not saying I'm in favor or censoring books but it makes me understand why Hogwarts had a restricted book section. That seems like the kind of spell that should be supervised when they're learning how to do it, similar to the invisible fire spell that Julia tried. They are both novice magicians who aren't completely in control of their power yet so practicing in a controlled environment in the presence of someone who can help if something goes wrong seems like a good idea.


    The thing I found weird while Quentin was casting his singularity is the way the crowd reacted. Everyone minus the Dean seemed to start panicking. Older experienced magicians acting like civilians confronted with something unusual and dangerous. Noone cast a personal protection spell or a teleportation spell or tried to block it or cast a shield or anything ? The only person who actively did something was Alice who canceled the spell when it spiraled out of Quentin's control. 


    It is amusing that Alice took the role Quentin had last time of stopping something dangerous. You'd think Magician's would have study buddies as a matter of course, people to ground them, to try and prevent them from trying random reckless spells whenever. Especially since some spells apparently require lots of energy and have the potential to kill you.


    For a magical community they don't seem to be very well organised. They have an apparent hierarchy but don't seem to have much in the way of magical cops, lawyers or security. I really hope they flesh out the magical community, school and curriculum a little more. I don't need to see classes every episode but something that provides more context would be nice. Half the time I have no idea what I'm supposed to be taking away from some scenes because it's so open to interpretation as to leave me feeling like I'm missing something crucial. Maybe it's an editing thing ? I don't know. 

    • Love 3
  17. Something I forgot to add last post. It was nice to get a reasoning behind Alice not being on the admittance list. Dean didn't want to cause her family any more heartache. It was good he apologized for that. 


    Now if we only knew anything about how magic worked in this universe we'd be set. Where are the teachers for this school?

  18. I'm personally inclined to believe that Marina mind-wiped James without concern for any consequences to him. He's left not knowing who the girl in the photos is, or why he has so many of them, doesn't have an answer when friends ask after Julia, is startled when he finds some stranger's possessions in his apartment, etc. He's taken to doctors and diagnosed as a selective amnesiac and ultimately left damaged, with a huge scab to pick at for the rest of his life.


    Considering the way Julia used magic to steal money from a bank, it's up to the viewer to guess whether Hedge Witches use magic to cover up the consequences/observances of their misuse of their magic or they simply don't care. The latter seems more likely but it's hard to tell at this point due to lack of info.


    I do agree that the series still doesn't feel like it has hit its stride. It's just hit and miss as to whether an individual episode is entertaining enough to ignore the vague plot arc of the season. 


    Even though Quentin is a tiresome sad sack I kind of wish that we had less of Julia and her obsessive magic hunt. I'd prefer they focused on Penny or Cady? Kady? stories so that we could get a break from the two major 'protagonists'.

  19. The "James mind wipe" thing seems more like something that Marina would have done in annoyance with Julia hanging around Pete than something Pete and the other "lesser hedge witches" would have done. And from what we have seen of mind wipes in the past, they don't work very well.


    Personally I'm thinking Marina wiped Pete as retaliation for Julia's actions and instead of just wiping Pete's memories of everything Julia was involved in, Marina just altered his memories so there was a girl with a different face to Julia's and a different name and a different ending. So instead of remembering Julia while he watched Point Break or MI2 he remembers Sandra who was a blonde who was better endowed who got a drug habit and that he dumped for a drug addled loon. 


    Then maybe she followed up with a cyber wipe of his phone and computer of any pictures of them together. Of course there's tonnes of loose ends but since their social circle seems fairly small it wouldn't take that much effort to alter/erase Julia out of James life and honestly he's better off without her. Also now Julia go off and pursue whatever magic she wants without having to explain it to anyone, not even her invisible parents or friends.

  20. Julia, Julia, Julia I could empathise with her actions/motivations in previous eps but in this one she was just an entitled bitch.   


    I think my biggest problem with Julia isn't that she's ambitious which I could theoretically get behind... It's that she's so entitled as to expect people to go out of their way to help her just because... Then she uses sex or crying or tantrums to get what she wants which is just pathetic and kind of adds to Elliots anecdote of Hedge Witch behavior. 


    I think I lost all respect for Julia when she stole a bunch of spells from the second ranked safe house, didn't bother to teach that one guy a single spell or even give a second demonstration because from what we've seen she shows little remorse or interest for how her behavior effects anyone else. She didn't even bother sending Quentin an apology card for nearly killing him. Then after that she complains about the quality of the spells she defrauded the Hedge Witch Network and then tried blackmailing Pete while trying to claim some moral superiority or something by claiming she had a boyfriend that she loved. 


    Honestly I'm surprised that Marina didn't show up and kick Julia's ass personally for pulling that kind of shit. Or at least come after her in order to reclaim those spells. Or maybe theft is just overlooked.


    I did find Dean Fogg assertion that he's not the magical police funny. Such deadpan delivery. Especially the way he just assumes that Julia will just crash and burn. Which given everything he's seen isn't that much of a reach. I am confused as to why these dire consequences that he hinted about didn't manifest in regards to Marina stealing back her memories. Or has he not noticed? Or does he not care ?

  21. I think I'm done. Part of me tells me I should finish off the last episode but honestly these last couple of episodes have been seriously underwhelming and I wasn't even a huge fan of the show so it's not like I had high expectations or anything.


    On a shallow note Robbie Amell looks good in a suit and tie combo. Almost makes me forgot how much of a pill his character was on the Tomorrow People. Almost.

    • Love 2
  22. Trixie is a paranormal TV phenomenom for me. Or she actually has Lucifer's powers of seduction. First, there's the whole "I love a kid character". And now, I want to say things like "give me more Trixifer scenes". I need help.


    Probably unpopular, but I find Maze more interesting fighting dirty with Amenadiel than fangirling/nagging around Lucifer.


    Yeah it's unusual that I like tv children as they're usually whiny brats or conversely they cause their parents to say their name over and over again driving you crazy with their myopic world view.


    I like Chloe more when she's talking to Trixie than when she's talking to Lucifer, simply because she keeps asking him who he is and he keeps answering the same way. It dull and tiresome. Maybe it's a cop thing though, keep asking the same question over and over again until you hear something you like. 


    I'm so glad Maze had something to do this episode as her nagging Lucifer to punish people was a bit repetitive.


    As for the COTW I figured that there was something dodgy going on once it was revealed he was a pick up artist so it was likely he'd probably be a target of a woman's elaborate revenge plot. Though I'm still unclear as to Not Lindsey's plan? Reveal her backstory, cause him physical and emotional pain, then take his money and kill him ? 

    • Love 1
  23. This was a great ending to the show. Sure it was a little cliched how it all ended so neatly but I'll roll with it because it was gloriously silly enough that I'll overlook contrived happy endings. 


    I have a weak spot for Transformer Mystery Shack. It ruins my critical thinking.

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