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Posts posted by wayne67

  1. This would have been a better episode if I didn't know how it would end prior to its start. And if they didn't spoil the cliff hanger with the episode preview for the next one.  

    Was an interesting episode regardless even if the hologram lady seemed really insistent on one of them killing the other. 

  2. 26 minutes ago, Llywela said:

    Every time they debated whether or not someone should pick up the damn rock (like, seriously, the same discussions over and over) I was practically screaming at the screen for them to plan their questions in advance. If you have a finite number of chances and a limited number of seconds on each go, you do whatever it takes to increase your odds. You plan your questions in advance, don't just pick up the damn stone and then wonder what to ask it!

    I'm trying to be generous and give them some leeway in that regard and hand wave most of it as 'prison mood control' but the reality is the last 6 episodes have shown that they have no forward thinking skills at all. They're all essentially reactive. There's no patrols, no meetings to discuss the rift, no real organisation to prevent or deal with any of the alien related nonsense. Something shows up and they're usually saved by some last minute plan or plot convenience. Not that I'd really want to see them meeting to discuss aliens every episode but they haven't even addressed even the most basic questions about their alien visitors like how they got changed into human like aliens or what Prince did or referenced any sort of alien related planning activities.

    If I had some alien prince guy around, I wouldn't be constantly bitching about his behavior without asking some basic questions about what his society was like or what his life was like prior. They all seem kind of idiotic. Matteus is a bad bf for failing to show any interest in his lover's former existence. 

    Frankly the Quill episode seems far more interesting than this one, unfortunately it's kind of spoiled by the fact we know she lives so there's really no dramatic tension. 

    This would have been better off as a two parter, with part of the episode dealing with the alien rock and the other dealing with Quill's adventure. Then we could have had twice the dramatic tension wondering if they'd survive their respective situations and the 'bickering' could have been spread over two episodes rather than one very long and tedious episode. 

    The only really interesting development of this episode was the Prince finding out that his bf was scared of him which isn't really that surprising what with the talks of genocides and alien soul replacements so... 

    I really hope a Quill centric episode will be more interesting than this bottle episode. 

    • Love 2
  3. I find myself watching this show and feeling generally indifferent to everything that's happening. It's terribly mediocre but watchable I suppose. It probably helped that I didn't expect the cute boys to live for very long as they were too smart/stupid for the family dynamic. Glad the Aunt died. 

    • Love 1
  4. 2 hours ago, HeroLeague said:

    Dont understand that, to me this show has been moving in almost every episode. So much faster than many shows I watch.

    He has always been pretty, lol.

    Okay then. What has the show been moving towards?

    Finding a cure for vampires? Defeating the top vampires? Joining the human rebellion? Finding Vanessa's absent daughter? Discovering the source of Vanessa's super powers? Finding a safe haven? 

    Because honestly I have no idea which one is supposed to be the focus of the show or if this show has a focus or whether it's just a bunch of bottle episodes where people argue with each other and or kill vampires/humans from time to time. 

    • Love 1
  5. I for one hated the parents involvement. It just seemed to dilute the seriousness of the situation for them to constantly bicker in the background and interfere in things they had no idea about. 

    I like the Governor lady even if she was a bit smug and self satisfied towards the end. 

  6. Honestly I've spent 9 episodes waiting for this show to go somewhere but I'm done. Axel has been the only consistently useful member of the group. Vanessa seems to forget her super power all the time. Instead of slaughtering the vamps she could have been converting them. *sigh*

    On a side note has Mohammed always been this pretty or is just a case of the daylight is his friend ? 

    UGH Doc, way to drop the ball AGAIN. 

    • Love 3
  7. 8 hours ago, snowwhyte said:

    If breaking their programming means a number of them will be willing and able to commit murder it will be harder for them to gain acceptance. That is one thing I question about Niska wanting to be tried for murder. I understand she wants a court to rule that synths can be sentient and have rights but given that sentience allows them to commit murder I don't think they will be accepted by society. There were people against synths when they believed their programming prohibited them from harming people. Telling people that synths have feelings should be done in a more positive way if they want to be accepted. 

    Humans have killed each other for thousands of years for all sorts of reasons. Many groups have fought and killed for their rights throughout history, if nothing else it should provide a reason against casual abuse of Synths since now some of them can fight back.

    No one has ever said sentience is all sunshine and roses. Most things that are alive kill to stay alive.

    Having a faction of the Synths willing to kill for their rights while another faction is willing to take the higher moral ground is more likely to make the 'friendlier' group seem more palatable to the public eg Black Panthers and MLK.

    Once there's enough sentient Synths, humanity will either accept them or go to war with them and considering how widespread they seem to be it's unlikely that humans will ban Synths entirely and a war would devastate society since Synths could manufacture more of themselves than humans can reproduce.   

    • Love 2
  8. On 11/3/2016 at 11:24 PM, dr pepper said:

    I was concerned that the show might lose its footing in the second season, but this was a strong episode.

    Wait-- robots are for replacing *workers*, i'm management! Sorry, the ultimate goal, since long before Karl Marx was born, is an enterprise comprising only unregarded labor and income collecting ownership. Management was just a necessary expense for a time. Now business can be like the sugar plantations of the 18th century Caribbean, without those occasional uprisings.

    Meanwhile, on the other side, the trades have robot mentors with human apprentices. I bet when Joe looks into retraining, that'll be him.

    Well there may be an uprising on the horizon. At least a couple of robots are abandoning their posts and they're already using violence to defend themselves, taking captives and losing members to the enemy. 

    Sadly it looks like Artie may have to pay the ultimate price to spread electronic consciousness worldwide though I do wonder what the eventual goal is of Qualia, the Synths apparently perform most jobs sufficiently and in at least 30000 cases have been the cause of marital dysfunction so they're already causing enough problems without higher intelligence being added.  

  9. 2 hours ago, sisterspoon said:

     Sorry, it's Glenn from The Walking Dead.  Last season, they cheaply teased us re: Glenn's survival

    Okay... I stopped watching that show after season 1. I can't remember anyone on that show. 

    Back on topic. I have no idea where the show is going any more. 

  10. 10 hours ago, Ohwell said:

    This was wild and crazy good.  That must have been a loooong bathroom break in the woods for doc to lose Roberta and the gang.  Did they just  leave him, thinking he was gone; otherwise, why didn't they go looking for him?

    I'm assuming they are looking for him but they might have been distracted by a zombie attack or something while he was going potty in the woods. They'll probably show up next episode either in an episode of their detailing their misadventure or they'll show up to rescue the guys from the zombie swarms.

    I'm so glad 10 K didn't end up lobotomized, they do seem to be taunting us with 10k's survival a lot recently. 

    • Love 2
  11. 9 minutes ago, WhosThatGirl said:

    Right? I don't really care about this show this season. I think I hyperboles the first episode of this season because I did really have a love for this show after last year but.. then episode 2 was good mostly because they brought back Chad but now? He's dead and gone, so what do I have to look forward to? More hate on Chanel number 5- who, even though I know can't be true because she didn't kill scabby guy I hope she turns out to be the killer, considering the hate she gets-, more Zayday being Grace lite, Denise is always fun but there's never enough and the love of my life Chanel number 3 has become really annoying. 

    It feels very much like the jokes have become the stale and the premise of the serial killer has become tired. I sort of like Cassidy but not enough to keep watching and where did that nurse go ? I loved this show last year because it was entertainingly bad now it's just kind of there. It has funny moments but not enough to feel like it's worth the time. 

    • Love 1
  12. Now that Chad is dead I'm less interested in the show especially since they're overdoing the chanel 5 hatred and Zayday isn't interesting and I don't really care who the killer is. This season isn't doing it for me, the medical case of the week is too predictable, they cure them, they die... 4 dead patients in 3 episodes, the hospital being open at this point is ridiculous and not the fun ridiculous but the stupid uninteresting kind and the Hannibal Hester was funny the first time but it's already gotten odd with the weird transitions between scenes. 

    • Love 6
  13. On 10/3/2016 at 9:16 AM, bluvelvet said:

    Liked this episode. Still wondering why some of them are anatagonistic towards Vanessa

    Because half of the survivors are worse than useless and are underfoot making things worse for everyone because they can't shut up and sit down. Between the dude that was willing to trade Sleeping Beauty for his wife and broke the windmill that powered the defenses and that annoying woman who's all you're one of them, I'm hoping half of them get eaten so I don't have to hear them whine any more. Soldier, doctor, deaf & black guy should head out with Sleeping beauty and leave the others behind to get themselves killed through their chronic stupidity. 

    • Love 5
  14. 14 hours ago, izabella said:

    I did not like the actress they chose to play mom, and I'm having a hard time believing that Lucifer would accept anything she says about how he ended up in Hell.  She is playing him, and is trying to stick it to God (lol) at the same time.  I am annoyed that the focus was so MUCH on how mom looks in skimpy clothes and even naked.  Yeah, I know it's Fox, but give me a break.  Total turn off, show.  Maze is a hottie hot hottie, but she does not grate like mom does at this point.

    Did you have a similar problem with Lucifer's frequent disrobing during the first season ?

    I mean it's not like the main characters haven't been naked before. At this point, there's been more Luci naked than anyone else. 

    • Love 2
  15. So far my speculation is that Taylor Lautner is the baby, what with his line about how his family was poorly treated by doctors. 

    This show is the good sort of bad for me though I'd wish they'd ease up the abuse of Chanel 5 it's getting stale now. 

    • Love 1
  16. 29 minutes ago, tessaray said:

    I don't think it's about Laurel and Gareth per se. I read your comment before I watched the episode and was surprised that there really wasn't that much romantic stuff.  IMO, Laurel and Gareth really represent the uninfected, sane people on each side of the aisle.  Gareth is actually a pretty decent guy, considering he's trying to help as much as he can without knowing the whole story like Laurel does. Other than Laurel having known (in the physical sense) both Gareth and annoying ex, filmmaker guy, I didn't get any romance feel. 

    I miss the humor, too but that's probably where the "comic thriller" thing comes in. With Luke's baby girl, they've upped the stakes way past big-eyed baby seals. Rochelle's reactions have me worried, too. With only 2 episodes left, I don't think we'll be getting as much humor.  Hopefully they won't leave us hanging. 

    Maybe romance was the wrong word to use but it seemed like the last two episodes focused on their 'relationship' far too much and for way too long. The whole 'are we too different' conversation after him apologizing for sorta slut shaming her, the awkwardness of them post break up and the refusal to sell him out for her job/politics. It all reeks of mediocre romance stories, the lull before they realize they are OTP and get back together before something (probably an aliant) gets in the way. I'm not shipping them. I don't really find it remotely interesting. MMV

    Personally I'm not invested in whether a character we've never spent much time with (Germaine) is infected or not. I want some forward progress on finding out what the aliants are up to, some follow up to the investigator, something to indicate that the aliants are an actual threat to humanity. I'd like to see the show/characters acting like the aliants are an actual problem they are dealing with, not something they sometimes deal with on their off hours if they're not too busy with exes of one variety or another or mundane work. Something interesting or dangerous or amusing. Anything in any of those categories would be good. At the moment it all feels so bleh. 

    I miss storylines like Laurel being under threat of waterboarding or Red or infection rather than her job and her odd relationship with her sorta counterpart across the aisle. 

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