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Posts posted by wayne67

  1. 2 minutes ago, The Crazed Spruce said:

    She was in the first season of Daredevil, doing basically the same thing she's doing here.

    Obviously it's been too long since I've watched the first season of Daredevil. Then again I think I stopped watching that show after episode 10. Might be time for me to try for a rewatch. 

    Didn't take too long for the Chemist to be retaken. I guess the synthetic heroin is going to make a reappearance later in the season. 

    This episode made me feel sorry for Ward, he's just a mess. He couldn't last a day without the drugs. He must have been using them for a while.

    Also how many times has Danny been dosed now by women he let get too close to him? Twice? 

    Is that Monk telepathically talking to Danny or is he a hallucination ? 

    • Love 1
  2. 9 hours ago, Helena Dax said:

    I'm starting to think that Danny's a bit dorky and I like it. It makes sense because he hasn't been living a normal life so the way he reacts to people and things is different. The monks were harsher than I thought. I wonder if Danny had a choice. I mean, I know he wanted to become Iron Fist but why did he stay in the monastery in the first place?

    The plot is a bit of a mess, but  I'm still enjoying the show.  I've seen worse.

    Didn't Danny say that Kung Lung was only accessible when there was a celestial tilt every 15 years. So once he entered he couldn't leave the alternate dimension for 15 years. Hence why he was gone for so long. 

    I'm guess surviving Kung Lung and preparing to fight the Hand is more strenuous than a normal childhood. 

    • Love 7
  3. 3 hours ago, xqueenfrostine said:

    It doesn't matter if Danny the character personally wants to reject his privilege, because privilege can't just be rejected.  It's something that's conferred upon you by others.

    It does matter if Danny rejects privilege because it's a testament to his character. If the only thing that matters is other people's expectations then he might as well just take the silver spoon and not bother to be a defender of the little people. 

    If he chooses to spend his time and money on defending Kung Lung and protecting people even though he could be spending it on hookers and blow then that means something. He's taking the harder option. That's more meaningful than what other people expect of him due to his family name and skin color.

    Of course these days... All people care about is race because instead of looking for commonalities, they focus on points of division like skin color and background. So sad and shortsighted. 

    That said, Danny is an idiot, like most protagonists, blundering around using his fists and trusting people he shouldn't be trusting for reasons that are flimsy at best. I really do hope he has a haircut and a crash course on business strategy or the Art of War or something to progress his character.

    • Love 6
  4. 3 hours ago, FiveByFive said:

    I thought about this and since it is law that she doesn't have any power (which wouldn't necessarily change if Eliot didn't wake up) and since the trees aren't on their side at all, by telling the dryad the King's condition that might lead the Dryad + Trees to inform their opposition that they have been weakened.

    Well having the King be unavailable isn't going to change the Lorian time scale much since Margot declared war and they're already massing on the borders as it is so it's not like telling the Dryad that the King is wounded/asleep/unavailable is of much strategic value. Whereas releasing the Top Illusionist in the Fantasy Realm gives Loria quite the advantage and burning the forest is a way to undermine Fillory and reinforce Loria.

    Honestly I'm not sure why I'm watching any more. I don't care about the Fillory war, or Penny's romance/hand story, Julia's revenge plot or Alice as niffin. I think I'll just read the forums sometimes to see if anything interesting has happened. 

  5. 2 hours ago, NorthstarATL said:

    Well, she wasn't mopey when doing so,. And if the Dryad hadn't been so Patree-archal in his dealings with Margot and Julia they might have negotiated a compromise.

    Yeah nothing like killing a guy for saying something you dislike... Considering that the High Queen doesn't traditionally have any power to enact policy, I don't imagine her showing up with some random Magician would suddenly counteract centuries of distrust and disrespect. If they bothered to tell him that the High King was currently dead or that they'd get the other King to join in maybe they would have found a compromise. Also the last time Margot made a decision, she started the war in the first place. 

    Well now I can hate Julia for killing off sentient trees. Also what would have happened if he opened that box immediately ? They both would have died ? *sigh* Why didn't he open that box immediately and save me from watching Julia and her constant disregard for other people. 

    • Love 10
  6. Well I knew that David's swagger was a bad sign. I was just waiting for someone else to notice and it took them a long time to be concerned.

    It was interesting to see King David slaughtering his way through D3 even if he missed Walter in the process. 

    I wonder how they'll defeat a parasite laden Omega level telepath, telekinetic and teleporrter considering that the only powers the others seem to have is touch based body swapping, split personality guy/girl and memory work guy. 

    I can't remember any of these people's names after an episode is over. 

    • Love 8
  7. I find bank heist scenarios overly convoluted and unnecessary most of the time.

    Why didn't Penny just lift himself onto the gold bars and then he could steal to his heart's content, then travel out there surrounded by the gold he's touching... The whole failed levitation was just so contrived. You'd think a telepathic teleporter would be smarter. 

    I also found it frustrating how quickly Julia leaving them for dead the first time, sabotaging Penny and getting in the way of the Beast was just glossed over. 

    I would have preferred a quest to find magic beetles in Fillory over this nonsense. *sigh*

    I honestly don't care any more if any of them live or die. This season seems rudderless. 

    • Love 5
  8. 17 hours ago, ganesh said:

    Yeah, but the show was implying imo that people on Tinder are disease riddled, and that's really not the case. 

    Well Quagmire is on Tinder... and is disease ridden which goes to show that at least some people on Tinder will be disease ridden. 

    Considering dating apps are frequently used as hook up apps and precautions can be haphazardly applied depending on the person. Diseases and infections can be spread rapidly if not used in moderation. 

  9. 1 hour ago, ganesh said:

    That was a great joke.

    I don't really agree with the premise of the show. People who want to have casual sex aren't passing along diseases. Quagmire has had a ton of casual sex on the show. So they're saying don't hook up with women over the phone, but it's ok to randomly hook up in a bar? There's no difference. 

    Wasn't there an episode where Quagmire admitted to having had all the diseases? Also when he had a baby...

    Casual sex can come with a host of issues, increased chances of STD's especially if like Quagmire it's unprotected sex. 

    • Love 1
  10. 31 minutes ago, Philbert said:

     Actually Kady's mother crashed in on Julia who was doing the spell herself and convinced Julia to let her help. If she hadn't it would have been Julia killed by that defensive spell. Julia looked pretty broken up about her death to me. It was fairly bloody and horrible. People who are weeping over Marina's death need to remember that her hands weren't clean either....not that it justifies her own horrific death.

    I'm not saying Julia convinced Kady's mother to participate, but it was fairly obvious that Kady's mom was a bit shy of a full deck of cards and it was more about Julia getting what she wanted than anything else. From what I can remember other than that moment of shock directly afterwards. I don't remember Julia mentioning her role in her death to Kady or apologising for getting her killed. I could be wrong though, I haven't rewatched the first season. 

    Marina's death was gruesome, despite her moral failures, she was fairly young. Maybe 25? It's fairly basic to have some empathy for that kind of death, I don't think I've seen anyone say that retroactively makes her an angel of light and purity but she was a strong and complex female character and her absence makes the show a little more shallow. (IMO) 

    23 minutes ago, Teitr Styrr said:

    I love this show, and I'm not one to usually nitpick, BUT, how come Reynard couldn't find Dana when she went to buy groceries?

    Okay, loved the rest. Loved having Alice back, and I halfway think Margo is gonna be like, "Just kidding! I'm gonna marry Common!"

    Presumably because he heard she was dead and when he checked to make sure, she wasn't showing up on his magical radar... Like how Julia couldn't find her immediately... there's gaps in coverage and if you hit the wrong time, you don't see her... 

    Then Julia who's currently with his child who's probably frequently being check on through his magical radar disappeared from sight and he got suspicious and he narrowed it down to the last spot she was nearby... and found Dana's wards which had been damaged by Kady and BINGO, he had a new/old victim to toy with.  

    • Love 3
  11. 1 hour ago, Ja1979 said:

    I wonder in Dana hitting Julia in the head with a shovel, and chaining her to the basement wall somehow has anything to do with Julia's indifference to her plight? Me, I take a dim view about people that hit me with shovels. 

    I don't understand what Dana was doing when she "captured" Julia, or why (was it to keep her close to the creature?) but it would have been much better for everybody, including (probably) dearly departed Dana, if she had tried to help Julia without using the shovel or the chain. 

    Presumably Dana was trying to keep Julia from blabbing to anyone that she was there, after telling her that Reynard was loose because of her, so that her and her son? could avoid being tortured, captured, raped, eaten and or killed by Reynard. I'm assuming the idea was to keep Julia safely around the Daxton Paxton's magical cloaking field until she could give birth and Reynard could be banished. Dana presumably had 40 years of being paranoid about Reynard effecting her ability to come up with a polite plan on the fly. It was pragmatic, just not very considerate to Julia. 

    Also Dana is just another in a long list of people that Julia has shown a callous indifference to; demonstrated when she cast the 'crazy spell' on Quentin for not arguing for her inclusion in Brakebill's, Kady's mom's death after helping Julia raid Marina's stash, when she stole the dagger letting the Beast kill and dismember people she didn't even know well enough to hate so she could get her revenge on Reynard. Julia's main characteristic in this show is insisting people should give her stuff, indifferent to the consequences to those people. I'm reminded of the guy she tricked into giving her spells at one of those Hedge Witch bars and she didn't even have the courtesy to teach him a spell after assaulting him.  Or when she ripped the bracelets off Penny for inconveniencing her after being told what they were for.

    Julia is a spiteful entitled character with very little to redeem her. It doesn't help that her woe me routine is boring as hell compared to everyone else's storyline. Alice's niffin plot where she screwed with her parents was more amusing than anything Julia has ever done. 

    • Love 16
  12. 3 hours ago, iMonrey said:

    What did Dana say that beastie boy chained up in her cellar was called, and why did she have it down there? I missed that part.

    I think it was a Haxton Daxton and it protected her from being scryed or found by Reynard while she was around it. Hence why Julia only found her when she went to the store for groceries and was away from the weirdo in the basement. 

    Of course once Julia took it away, it opened the way for Reynard to find her and torture her before presumably killing her in a gruesome fashion. Not like Julia will care that she got another person killed. 

    • Love 10
  13. You'd think David would be more wary of dubious voices inside his head... 

    Typical protagonist, blundering all over the place, making things worse by acting without thinking. 

    • Love 1
  14. Penny is always so irritable. I wonder what Margot thinks war means. Also does that other kingdom exist or not ? 

    Prince S, FU fighters. They're definitely having fun with word play. 

    It was good that Elliot's wife confessed, nothing so tedious as a secret held on too tight and too long.

    • Love 2
  15. 6 minutes ago, starri said:

    Or Days of Our Lives, which advances forward about a month every calendar year.

    Except for all the SORASed children all the people end up having. Which makes the timelines impossible to keep track of because some people age rapidly and others are... timeless. 

  16. Ever since the Beast died I've found Julia insufferable. Every time someone doesn't immediately complies with her she lashes out with vindictiveness, threats or magic. I wouldn't mind so much if she was simply a terrible person but she acts so incredibly entitled that I have no sympathy for anything that happens to her. 

    While I thought Elliot made some good points about listening to complaints, it was also stupid to essentially ignore an assassination attempt. 

    Oh well it seemed like one of those episodes where all the characters bugged me with their stupidity. Penny with his constant short temperedness about his hands that he got cursed because he didn't pay an unknown respect. Quentin with his bad decision making with a woman with obvious psychological issues and ... the FU fighters for trying to commit what amounts to genocide of Earth born people. 

    It was nice to see Alice again though. 

    • Love 2
  17. The guy with the yellow eyes reminds me of Mojo from the comics, weird bulbous voyeur just loitering around on the edges of reality. 

    I definitely enjoyed this episode more because it seemed less fractured than the previous episodes. Admittedly it was still trippy as hell with the weird memory regressions featuring random hallucinations and weird psychic defenses/intrusions but more coherent.

    It does make me wonder how long the body swap lasts for. Is it time based ? touch based on/off thing?

    It was also nice to get a bit more backstory on the Lady in Charge. 

    Would have been nice to get an update on what Walter's powers are. Oh well maybe next episode. 

    This is definitely a show that will probably be need to rewatched once it over to catch all the clues along the way. 

    • Love 5
  18. 5 minutes ago, ZoloftBlob said:

    Already explained. Archie ditched a road trip with Jughead over the 4th of July to fuck Ms. Grundy blind.

    I thought it was something more than that. Like he abandoned him completely over the summer, instead of missing a single event. *shrugs*

    • Love 1
  19. 4 minutes ago, Danny Franks said:

    Was it because he was white, or because he was a jock football player who no one even knew liked writing music? I may be off base, but wasn't Betty, his best friend, surprised to hear he'd started writing at all, let alone writing music? If I was a singer songwriter in a band, and someone came along saying, 'hey, I'm into music now too. Let me tell you what's what,' I think I'd be offended too.

    Archie is a weird blank slate character, where he seems to have suddenly found these new interests that drive him, but no one has given any hints as to what he liked, or was like, before them. Have the writers given his backstory any thought at all?

    Except she didn't complain that he had no previous experience, she went on about what rooms she wasn't allowed in, whining about his 'privilege'.  Also he was there to gain some experience from semi established song writers/performers so her attitude and rant was unnecessary. 

    Frankly I'm more interested in why Archie and Jug had a falling out then about any of Archie's interests. This music sub plot is boring as . 

  20. 13 hours ago, Neurochick said:

    Question.  Why do you think Josie was being racist to Archie?Wasn't she just telling him the truth?  That it's harder for a black woman than a white man?

    Because she assumed solely on the basis of his skin that he was incapable of having empathy for her situation or that he was even capable of writing good songs. There's also all the baby nonsense she threw out to shut him down from talking. Sounds a lot like racism to me. 

    She didn't even consider he might have some natural talent and have some useful suggestions as an outsider... Since she never read a line of his work or listened to a minute of his own songs before coming to the conclusion he was useless because he's white. 

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