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Everything posted by leocadia

  1. What really bothered me about the reunion was that to the best of Daryl's knowledge (per Father Gabriel's lie during the first looting of Alexandria) Maggie was dead. I get that Jesus probably told him the truth on the way back to Hilltop, but I really wanted to see his reaction to finding out she was alive and well.
  2. So happy to hear the good news!!! I still don't think I could have watched Jason and Kryssie these last couple of weeks, but I'm glad that the hours I did invest weren't completely wasted. I only wish I could see them have to watch all the nastiness they spewed in front of the people who they were talking about and had their all their hypocrisy put on display with indisputable video evidence. I'm sure they'll blame "rigging" or find some other reason to explain away Morgan's win.
  3. I refuse to get my hopes up for a Morgan win, but it would be absolutely delicious if Jason bringing Krissy to the end and splitting the vote is what tanks him. I would love for him to feel that he would have had a better chance if he'd only brought Shelby instead.
  4. Just wanted to say thanks to everyone for making this a fun season despite the outcome. I haven't been this invested in BB for years. It felt good to cancel my All Access!
  5. The CP for this week was already used at the double eviction (Morgan.) This week's CP will be delivered on Friday, after Wednesday's eviction. The fact that only Justin/Danielle are eligible is what Shelby/Morgan used to convince Justin to turn on Danielle.
  6. So we get to hear all week about how close she was....great. She'll find some excuse beyond her control or someone to blame it on.
  7. Don't know if it can turn the twitter tide, but 40 for Kryssie! Don't let her go out without getting dinged by America. Of course she'll twist it to some positive for her, but I can hope!
  8. If you can, flashback and watch her DR, it's ridiculous. I checked Jokers, but no one posted a word for word transcript. She literally said that she came in as the "pin-up" and "power-lifter" so she has done everything she can to defuse those labels including failing at comps and not fixing herself up. She also said that she tells everyone she has a bum knee, but she's exaggerating so they won't be afraid of her competition threat. On a side note , she also called Alex out for calling her side Hypocridiots, when that applies to her the most out of everyone. Honestly, I haven't been watching the feeds much until the last couple nights (too stressful) so I kind of forgot how horrible she is.
  9. If she is nommed, she will spin it into America really wanting her to play in veto to protect herself so she can't be backdoored.
  10. Is it just me or are the live diary sessions looking more and more like hostage videos? Oh, Kryssie. Every time you do a live diary, you make me wonder how in the hell you are still there. She is excruciating to watch. So Alex talked to you for three days and then stopped? Ever think it was because she DID get to know you? She is now claiming that failing at comps, looking like crap and being generally useless has been her strategy the entire time. She didn't want anyone to think she was a threat so they would take her to the end. If that were the truth, she should have mentioned it a little sooner, since she's certainly convinced America that she's useless and undeserving. The sad part is her delusional ass probably believes her own retcon. What a moron. Go HOME!
  11. According to @DAngelus post from the comp, Shelby's mirror broke at 7:23 when she had the mirrors in the correct position. Jason's time was 8:41.
  12. Hope Dani/Jason are remembering that they had the perfect opportunity to make a deal yesterday, and they chose not to do it. Justin is completely silent. Granted, he was just sleeping, but I think he thinks he's toast. I don't think it would occur to either him or Kryssie to actually try to talk to Shelby. @peachmangosteen - at least with Morgan as AN, both she and Shelby will be playing for veto and if either won wins, she comes down and can't be a replacement.
  13. This is taking way too long -- they're going to do a third competition aren't they? My nerves are shot after this week!
  14. Poor Morgan, stuck up there with Dani/Kryssie and sleeping Justin. Hey, Justin, HG are required to be awake between the hours of 10am and 10pm. Even special snowflakes.
  15. I know it's not indicative of the entire fan base, but I love the HG ratings at Jokers. Monte, Cornbread and Scott are actually listed higher than anyone in the LNC, and Kryssie is dead last, where she belongs IMO. Now I hated me some Monte, and it probably would have escalated had he stayed, but it just seems like poetic justice for the hypocridiot Kry Babies (tm @DAngelus). Currents standings are: Shelby Morgan Alex Scott Monte Cornbread Jason Danielle Justin Whitney Shane Neely Kryssie
  16. I was actually somewhat relieved that I was "out" earlier, lol. Oh well, Here's hoping it's a good week for the girls. @DAngelus - love Kry Babies! I know they didn't have a lot of time to think, and I can respect the "loyalty" game (take note: Whitney), but I wish Dani had thought (or the girls had pitched to her) that America gave Morgan the CP instead of Whit, Justin or herself and that America is voting for the winner at the end, therefore working with the girls might be a great way to ensure that she gets the final CP. I would have voted for her if she had let Justin go, but now my vote is all for Justin.
  17. If Shelby or Morgan can't win, I now hope Justin does, just to screw Dani, Jason and Kryssie. At least I don't have to put up with the accent and the teeth sucking anymore.
  18. Of course it's bullshit when it affects you, Justin. You didn't think it was bullshit when Jason's CP killed Shelby's HOH. Hypocridiot, indeed.
  19. Sorry, I thought she meant competition. (Too much excitement for my tired brain!)
  20. Kryssie still thinks there's a veto ceremony! Not so funny when the jokes on you, is it, Misfits. I hope Shelby and Morgan have a celebratory dinner tonight
  21. If Justin goes home when earlier he snotted to Morgan that he's not going home tonight, I will be ecstatic. Of course the fact that one of them has to go, is pretty damn good too! LOL @ Whitney already sitting on the nom couch.
  22. Thank you! I stopped watching after HOH, I am now turning it back on! Finally something good!! And they're both HOH eligible- while Danielle is not!
  23. America is why we can't have nice things! Oh well, I'll continue to support the remaining BS'ers (minus Flipney) until the bitter end. When they're gone, so am I.
  24. What Danielle doesn't get is that while Jas/Kry/Jus would prefer to get Alex or Morgan out, they also don't care if their big plan fails and she goes home. Either way, it's a win for them. The only way thing that would upset them at all is if Justin or Kryssie end up on the block and out the door. I know it's a long shot, but I would love for that to happen.
  25. Kryssie/Danielle/Whitney and Justin in the kitchen gloating about how stupid Shelby is for putting up Whitney. Danielle whispering to Whitney that it was the best case scenario for their side. She says that when she saw Alex's necklace light up she thought "Those girls aren't even playing." Justin is so excited he starts breakdancing (spinning on the floor.) Dani is so sure she is winning the veto and Morgan/Alex will be AN. I would pay money to see this blow up in their faces. ETA: @peachmangosteen - It would also be interesting if Kryssie wins AN and veto. I'm pretty sure she would veto Dani and leave herself on the block. She's that delusional. Unfortunately, that would only end up in her ouster if America voted her out and Shelby wins the tie-breaker.
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