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Everything posted by FlickerToAFlame

  1. 7x02 set photos from a fan @4x07: THEY'RE HERE #Castle #spoilers http://t.co/nHWxUrfpfx @4x07: Seventh season and Luke still can't get Nathan in a flattering coat. Please get it together, monsieur #Castle http://t.co/jF48XnIgsx (I don't think the coat looks that bad? He's just holding it out, making him look bigger for that moment).
  2. The day Stana posted the "play" picture on Twitter, that Erik guy (crew?) said they were filming at their favorite site. People are speculating that means swings. How cool would a simple wedding at the swings with just the main cast plus Jim and Jenny be?
  3. Directing 7x03 @chadgcreasey: @FredBC77 @DaraCreasey The awesome #Castle vet, Kate Woods.
  4. Maybe Alan meant something in *his* life is changing in a year, making him unavailable. Retiring from acting? ;)
  5. It could just be a throw away line like "you should have kept him safe" or one scene with petulant Alexis side eye. Hopefully it's quick and not too annoying.
  6. It was a selfie taken by Nathan with Molly's sister in law. He was wearing that blue button down he wears a lot and there was no sign of facial cuts or bruising. And it's taken in the precinct with a desk in view behind them.
  7. I think this is Molly's sister in law: @SavKQuinn: @NathanFillion selfie shenanigans. So nice to meet you! http://t.co/sNQAeCZ5D8 Guess he looks normal for 7x02.
  8. Alan's comment is interesting, because something like that doesn't come out of nowhere. He may not know details of what ABC and Marlowe/Amann are planning, but he and Nathan are besties so it must be based on at least a little truth. I could see Nathan saying in casual conversation (and it being a known thing amongst his friends) that he has no intention of extending his contract past season 7. We'll find out soon enough. ETA: some Esplanie babbling from AWM to TVLine: http://tvline.com/2014/07/28/ncis-season-12-ducky-origin-story-spoilers/
  9. One of the items Nathan auctioned off was a Richard Castle hospital bracelet, but it's not clear if it's from last week or something else, like Dreamworld.
  10. Hal - I appreciate your insights, whether they end up true or not. We don't have much else to talk about over the hiatus and I find what you post interesting (and I do believe you. Don't make me a fool ;) ).
  11. I read on Twitter today (@becklebeecastle - though no source was given) that fans visiting the set saw both Castle and Beckett investigating a crime scene together. So either they are already reunited in the first episode or it is part of a flashback or dream or something.
  12. (W)e want to start it off with a bang,” Castle creator Andrew W. Marlowe said. “We have some interesting answers when they come back. Or, at least, more interesting questions.” On Wednesday, July 16, Castle is filming off of Wickland Rd in Calabasas, CA. http://www.onlocationvacations.com/2014/07/16/castle-season-7-begins-filming-in-los-angeles-on-july-16/
  13. Is this fan made or from the deleted Always scene? http://goodheartkeeper.tumblr.com/post/91584244914/deleted-or-not-this-scene-was-so-hot
  14. I could hand wave Marlowe's comment that KB's look of terror in Disciple wasn't implying anything if Kelly Nieman/3XK are involved with the crash and AWM just didn't want to give that away at the time. I'm inclined to believe Stana was told to act like that for a reason, whether the writers/directors follow up with it or not is a different story.
  15. Lol that hugging picture is so awkward. Nathan admittedly hates hugging strangers. I get that, but you'd think a celebrity would kind of get used to it (I've actually met some celebrities who prefer hugs to handshakes for germ reasons). I know everyone has different comfort levels with touching, but is an above the waist hug that different from having your arms around each other for pictures (which he allows at Cons)? Not judging his preferences, I think it's cool he's so open with boundaries. It reminds me of this video of US soccer goalie Tim Howard: http://tmz.me/MOTXWJZ
  16. Thanks for the info, Hal, very interesting. A couple initial thoughts: just because they think Castle looks involved doesn't mean he is. Also, if he was, he may have been threatened and told that KB would be killed if he told her. Or maybe he caused the crash after whoever was chasing him messed up/let him get away so they would leave thinking he was dead. I just really hope they don't screw up this show any more.
  17. My guess is that the first episode will be them searching for Castle, with the world assuming he's dead but Kate refusing to believe it. At the end of the episode they find him banged up and he says "who are you?" to Kate. Episode ends with her horrified face. Episode two is figuring out where he was and getting his memory back. Episode 3 is either a wedding or business as usual with a COTW. If done right (waiting for laughter to finish...) it could actually be good. For example, what if Castle remembers shadowing Beckett but only to a point pre-Always? So when he realizes they're engaged, he gets all giddy and surprised. Kind of like that viral YouTube video of the man in the hospital super doped up who says to his wife something like "I'm married to you? How did I get so lucky?!"
  18. @RobHanning: “@anto_cav: @RobHanning Which episode will you be writing for #Castle Season7???” #704
  19. Question: Any word on who will be writing Castle‘s season premiere? —Ben Ausiello: The good news: Newly coronated showrunner David Amann is penning the Season 7 opener. The even better news: Rob Bowman is directing. And now, the provocative news: Castle will return with a two-parter, and to that end is casting the guest-starring role of “Henry,” a highly intelligent yet unassuming gent who’s deft at blending into a crowd. (A spook-y nemesis of Jackson Hunt’s? 3XK with a new face c/o Dr. Niemann? Discuss.) Also being guest-cast for the premiere are a Hamptons police sergeant, a doctor, a shrink and… a Coast Guard captain?! http://tvline.com/2014/07/08/castle-season-7-premiere-spoilers-two-parter/
  20. Creepy John Lopes is even confused about what's real and what isn't. Could it be even Castle's staff is oblivious to how little chemistry both Caskett and Nathan/Stana have had in the past 3 years? Does creepy John really think a picture like this could ever have happened recently? http://tinypic.com/r/mij7mb/8
  21. Apparently photos of Caskett kissing are so difficult to find that even the official Twitter and Facebook accounts need to add a fan made manipulation: @Castle_ABC: Happy International Kissing Day! #CaskettAlways http://t.co/xZmxt2UKff
  22. @FredBC77: RT @molightning: Caught backstage & between panels @ Wizard World Philly: David Boreanaz & Nathan Fillion #wwphillycc http://t.co/Ns1SROai8f @StefiMontoro: @NathanFillion @alan_tudyk @EddieMcClintock at #PhiladelphiaComicCon http://t.co/kDbyqR03oS
  23. The good thing is that I can't think of the show getting any worse. Unless the new guy breaks Caskett up, since that's something Marlowe said he wouldn't do.
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