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Everything posted by Chai

  1. Hi! I am a long time reader from twop. I'm so glad this web site is here, so many have posted things that I have noticed, as well as things I hadn't noticed before and found interesting. One of the things I have never seen mentioned is that I was originally impressed with the Duggars faith in Jesus. I find it wonderful and I have often thought how nice to see a family not afraid to express their faith. I often thought if more people were like that, this place would be a better world. I just don't understand how they got so mixed up with Gothardisim? If you have such a strong faith in Jesus, why are you following some random man that was never married or had children and yet his is the final word on marriage relationships or child rearing? Jesus never needed any help from anyone getting his message across, either. Not once in the Bible did Jesus bring up Gothard. So, that would've been the end of it for me. I found it funny that Kim's baby was called IGNori West because her mother was so preoccupied with herself!
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