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Everything posted by Nidratime

  1. Not surprisingly, Joe stuck around to interview Ed Gillespie, the former RNC chair now running for Senate in Virginia. If he had been a Democrat, Joe probably would've left it to Mika and took a bathroom break. Anyway, Gillespie said Virginians should vote for him rather than re-elect Mark Warner because he is an independent voice for Virginia. Whereupon, he launches into spouting the whole Republican party line, while basically accusing Warner of being Obama's handmaiden. Seriously, do these people listen to themselves at all?
  2. So, Joe disappeared when it was time to talk about Walmart and how they low ball their workers forcing them onto food stamps and other public assistance. Joe can't be seen challenging Walmart! And then, in a later discussion, Joe cannot believe that anyone in *his* party -- which includes the tea party -- opposes the president because of his skin color. (Or as Donnie kept saying, skin of his color. LOL.) Seriously, Joe is in denial ... or in campaign mode.
  3. I missed the first half of the show. So, I only saw the Youtube part of it that appeared to have nothing to do with cooking. In any event, I was of a complete opposite mindset to the "judges." I thought the monster video was the most fun as a Youtube video. Goofy and over the top. The "dating/boyfriend" video sucked. I would've called it the worst -- like a very bad Saturday Night Live skit. You know, the pointless ones that aren't funny. Also, of those contestants *in* the monster video, Orion was the most entertaining and I could understand what she was saying. I was shocked -- based solely on the video -- that she went home. I would've eliminated Christopher, if my choice was up to the three of them in that video. He was definitely the weakest link.
  4. I've been watching this show less than two minutes and they've already insinuated, if not outright declared, that whatever charges are being made against Scott Walker are politically motivated. The poor dear's no doubt innocent. Also the president's decision about Iraq is not the best thing to do. He should go after ISIS in Syria instead.... Lord, it wouldn't matter what this Administration did, this show, and their panel of stooges who never saw a fight they didn't want to join, would find a reason why it was crap.
  5. No doubt, EmeraldGirl. My point was in response to what LuciaMia was saying ... that whatever the topic, it eventually comes down to being all about them. The show's bow to Father's Day wasn't about fathers in general or even in celebration of all the fathers on the show -- Barnicle, Willie, etc. No, it was a segment only about Joe.
  6. Today they had a segment in recognition of Father's Day purportedly done by Joe's son in which he spent the whole segment talking about what a great father Joe is and showing many family pictures of Joe with his kids. Or, possibly they declined to piss all over George Bush over his foreign policy challenges -- at least in the beginning. I can't imagine Gore coming out and dissing GW Bush immediately after 9-11. Later, possibly. But not when we were all supposed to be unified.
  7. I "loved" Joe screaming at the rest of the panel that the reason Bergdahl has yet to be brought back from Germany is because the White House lied. Not being brought back to domestic military hospital = the White House lied. (Whatever that equivalence means.) It has nothing to do with Bergdahl having mental issues after being held for five years by the Taliban or even nothing to do with possible harm or death threats by some of the whackjobs back in this country who've already threatened his parents and his home town. I was reading this article in the Post about Bergdahl's mental state and the conclusion one can clearly draw is that Bergdahl shouldn't have been in the military in the first place. Bergdahl’s writings reveal a fragile young man http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/bergdahls-writings-reveal-a-fragile-young-man/2014/06/11/fb9349fe-f165-11e3-bf76-447a5df6411f_story.html
  8. We get it, Mika, you hate Hillary for some unknown reason. Enjoy your life out in the wilderness for the next 6 or possibly 10 years.
  9. Regarding Mika and her apparent support of Elizabeth Warren over Hillary, she always seems to trumpet Warren's more liberal leanings and support for the working class/middle class ... just like Mika, whose always been a big liberal and a champion of the little people. LOL! Mika is so-o-o Establishment, I have to roll my eyes at her Warren-love.
  10. They had Chris Matthews on this morning to participate in the discussion about D-Day. I'd like to think it's because Matthews is some expert on D-Day -- which he's not -- but it's probably because he's been bashing Obama on Hardball the last few nights for making this trade for Bergdahl, giving up the five Taliban from Gitmo. Matthews has been portraying them as terrorists in the same vein as Osama bin Laden and that Bergdahl doesn't appear to be worth that trade. So, of course Joe was giving Matthews a big old tongue bath. Half the time, Joe wouldn't even show up if Matthews was there, but when Matthews is in Obama-bashing mode, Joe is all over him.
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