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Amber and Matt are such horrible pet owners. Considering they probably had a nearly unlimited budget to buy a house in Indiana, there's no excuse for not buying a fenced in yard for their two dozen dogs. They're so unrepentantly selfish. "Oh I'll just let my rottweiler run outside and chase after joggers, nbd" I doubt they even own a leash or collar. Who knows how many of their dogs have run off never to be seen again. Does Tyler ever eat with Cate, or does he just sit around and judge her? I'm glad there's some sanity on this forum because the twitter and facebook comments I read about those two are so mind boggling. "Such an inspiration, blah blah there's nothing wrong with smoking pot its actually healthy." Nah not really, they smoke like a couple lazy college freshmen with no responsibilities. Maybe do something productive and I'd excuse all the pot smoking. Even Taylor and his shitty t-shirt company has shown way more ambition than Tyler's goofy ass. I even got in an argument with some lady in the facebook comments who insisted Catelynn earned a degree in social work. It's amazing how many people defend these two online. Lastly, there's no reason for Tyler to own a dually pickup. Dually's are for people that haul shit around for work or go out camping or ride horses or need to move cattle. Flouncing around a walking trail in a fedora doesn't make you an outdoorsman, you poser douchebag. I'm assuming they bought it because they needed to rent a U-Haul trailer to move all of his batman garbage from the old house and he insisted they needed to buy a pick-up to pull it. And the real blue collar people that need dually pickups don't get all asshurt about cosmetic scratches, Tyler. Shame on him for berating Catelynn 3 days after she got back from rehab for anxiety. You could tell how nervous she was to tell Tyler about what happened. Asshole.
Well she admitted to her mom before she went off to rehab that she had been prescribed Percocet and Vicodin after her pregnancy (which I find highly unlikely). And she always complains about being "overprescribed" her anxiety meds, which probably means she's abusing them, since if she felt she was "overprescribed" she could just lower her dosage herself because it's not like there's a doctor with a gun to her head slamming pills down her throat.
Does Cole remind anyone else of George McFly when Marty went back to the 1950s?
Good cliffhanger: "HOLY SHIT WHAT ARE THEY GOING TO DO NOW THAT (WHOEVER) IS DEAD NOW?" Bad cliffhanger: whatever the fuck that was tonight. As a fan of this show since season 1 and a comic book reader, I am LIVID at how badly they screwed up tonight. Total slap in the face.
What a dreadful finale, and dreadful season. We had Glenn's stupid fake out death, Darryl getting shot last week, and this complete jumping the shark moment tonight. This season was utter shit. The weird thing is the writers are mostly sticking true to comic canon and STILL fucking it up. They have no clue how to write a TV show. So what are they planning on doing, showing the rest of the scene in the opener for next season? As Abraham would say, loose ends make my ass itch. And I doubt I'll be tuning in. I honestly don't care who died now, this show is too poorly written to be a fan of anymore.
I hope Nathan gets full custody of the roll. I don't think he's a good person at all, but he has shown paternal instincts and affection in the short clips we've seen with him. Jenelle treats Kaiser like a neglected house plant. I haven't seen one instance of good parenting from Jenelle. I haven't seen her try to console Kaiser for more than a few seconds before flying off the handle and throwing him in a dark room, she never holds him, she rejects any parenting advice from people who have actually raised children (unlike her), and she was so nonchalant about letting Nathan's parents watch him for half the week. Not only that, she's a massive hypocrite for getting pissed at Nathan for taking him to Boston. Who the hell cares? First you complain that Nathan always drops him off at day care, then you complain when he takes him on a weekend trip. At least Nathan did something with Kaiser. I doubt Jenelle has ever taken him anywhere outside of courtrooms and restaurants with Tori. Nathan may be a scumbag. But so is Jenelle. The difference is Nathan has a heart, and he gave us the gem of calling Jenelle "trailer trash that hit the lottery." That puts him above Jenelle in my book, imo.
My theory on this phenomenon is that these girls were exposed to so much money at a young age, they can't stand to not be the center of attention at all times. So they attract moochers and deadbeats because they'll sit at home with them all day. Any guy with a legitimate career wouldn't give them the time of day. We saw how much Leah resented Jeremy for working a real job even though she knew what he did for a living. And Kail basically she-hulked Javi into joining the military so she could sit on her ass and have health insurance. Other than Javi, none of these guys have any ambition whatsoever.
Amber: A Rill Woman Goes to Gel
JayCutler replied to David T. Cole's topic in Teen Mom: The Next Chapter
I'm done with this show. I've snarked on it since season 1 but this is too much. Fuck Matt, fuck Amber, and fuck MTV. I'm not going to watch a show that lets a rapist and deadbeat dad tell his side of the story. Amber can go to hell too. Everyone in her circle warned her about Matt, and if she had any common sense at all she never would have started dating him. She's totally unfit to be a parent based on her repeated decisions to bring such a worthless piece of shit around her daughter. Fucking terrible. Gary needs to get a no-contact order immediately. -
Amber's house must smell abhorrent. Dog shit and piss has got to be caked into the carpet of that place. She rents, doesn't she? Her landlord is going to have to burn that place to the ground after she moves out. 0% she paid a pet deposit either, because I don't think she had any pets before Matt started squatting. And he "only" brought 2 dogs, now they have what, 7 dogs and a cat? What a couple of assholes. It just goes to show what kind of a shitty person Matt is with numerous pets and children, and he has no plan for taking care of any of them. And those lazy fucks haven't even bothered to potty train those puppies, and you know they're too lazy to get out of bed to walk them. Stupid assholes. They don't even have a fenced in yard, why would you have that many dogs!! You can afford to buy a shitty fixer upper somewhere in the Indy ghetto but you cant afford to fix your dogs for $50? GTFO.
Lol @ Farrah acting like she can afford a 2 million dollar home. I don't think banks are giving out 30 year mortgages to reality tv stars, so she'd have to come up with most of the money up front. I'm thinking she's made roughly 200k per season of teen mom, so 1.4 million there, I'll generously say she earned a million from her porn tape, and maybe she's made an extra couple million on her other reality stunts, twitter ads, etc. I doubt bankrolling her mom's plastic surgery, giving thousands of dollars away every time her kid loses a tooth, and making crappy music videos is remotely profitable for her, so I'll estimate her lifetime earnings at around 5 million dollars. No chance she has the money to put a 1.75 million dollar offer on a house. Oh and that ring scene was hilarious too. I like how Farrah had no idea what kind of ring she would want, other than it being the most expensive one for sale. Don't most women have a general idea of what kind of style they like for an engagement ring? Granted, I've only had this discussion with my sister, an ex, and my wife, but they've all had a good idea what kind of cut and setting they wanted for their rings. Man, I would kill to be the the salesperson working if Farrah ever came into my jewelry store. I'd take the most expensive ring and jack the price up an extra 40k to make her fall in love with it and take a month off of work on the commission.
Farrah was probably freaking out about the water bill because she had an inclination that the MTV staff was using her bathroom while she was gone.
Tyler: "You missed out on so much with Carly, I feel like it's my duty to step aside and let you have your mom moments" Catelynn: "You missed out on Carly too" Tyler: "........" Total douche. What a completely unlikable person. I feel like he makes his points in such a completely oblivious manner that his "fans" don't realize how much of an asshole he is. Also lol @ Deb telling Farrah there's no opportunities for her in Texas. Does anyone know if Farrah has her driver's license or was it suspended after her DUI? Is she really hiring drivers because she thinks she's super rich, or can she legitimately not drive legally.
I truly believe Matt's intentions are to marry Amber, milk her reality fame for a couple years, and divorce her for that sweet alimony money. He's Kevin Federline reincarnated.
I can also sympathize with the producers for putting up with the bullshit from this cast because it's not their place as filmmakers to interfere, but Dr. Drew can go fuck himself. He's supposed to be the voice of reason, but he consistently sides with the shitty people on the season recaps. He's sided with Farrah against Deb, Jenelle against Barbara, Leah against Corey, and Kailyn against Jo. For an addiction counselor he did a lousy job of ignoring Leah's obvious pill problem when she was on stage with him. I wish Teen Mom would replace Dr. Drew with Dr. Phil so people would actually be called out on their bullshit.
Does Sophia even go to school? It seems like all the other kids on this show have a lot of scenes of them getting ready and going to school, but I've never seen that with Sophia. I wouldn't be surprised if Farrah has Sophia getting home schooled by scientologists, massage therapists or the MTV crew. Christ, even Jenelle has thrown birthday parties for Jace with a bunch of his classmates. I've literally never seen Sophia interact with someone her own age on this show. That kid has no hope and no future. She's going to be a raging maladjusted bitch just like her shitty mom.
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