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Asp Burger

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Posts posted by Asp Burger

  1. 1 hour ago, YaddaYadda said:

    I don't know how the male Cassadines can breathe and cross the street at the same time. These two at least. Helena must be spinning in her grave. Helena would've already handled Esme in a Helena-esque way. 

    I guess centuries of inbreeding for the Cassadines has finally come home to roost with Nikolas and Spencer. 

    Don't rule out a biological maternal influence on Spencer, too. Let's put him behind the wheel and see if he mows down a pedestrian before crashing into a tree.

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  2. The uneven miking on that episode was giving me my own mental health issues. A volume level that made Maurice clearly audible was making Kirsten much too loud. And he's the low talker of the two of them, so I wished it had been the other way around. 

    I didn't know KSt had a recurring role on 7th Heaven7th Heaven was very GH-heavy. Nancy Lee Grahn played the principal, Alicia Leigh Willis was one of bad-girl daughter Jessica Biel's besties, and Tamara Braun was on it too...I think she was a classmate of the oldest son (Barry Watson).

    No show was more fun to mock on TWoP than 7th Heaven, especially in its why-is-this-still-running later years, when all those random kids kept moving in with the Camdens (because the young actors playing the original cast were finally free and running for the hills).

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  3. I haven't added Paramount+ to my streaming services yet.  Do the older Real World seasons on Paramount+ have the original music? I remember long ago when some of them were sold to syndication, all the pop songs were replaced by a generic score (or else complete silence) because of the expensive licensing rights. It made a bigger difference than I would have guessed, and it kind of killed the mood. Part of the fun was hearing "period" music. Like, it just wasn't Real World: London without watching edgy punk rocker Neil stroll through the streets of London while Ace of Base played.

  4. I read on a gossip board that this season was high on the get list for a Homecoming series on Paramount+, but they had a few cast refusals (surprisingly, Irene was not one of the refusals) and no one could even find Lindsay. I hope she's doing well somewhere.

  5. 5 hours ago, ljenkins782 said:

    There's a theme in all of Julie's challenge appearances where she does every morally questionable move under the sun and then smiles at the camera that she can't possibly cheat because she's a good Christian girl. The harness incident was the most egregious

    Becoming a Challenge regular bit her in the ass. Maybe she thought she could compete for money and prizes and still keep up the wide-eyed innocent performance she more or less got away with on her RW season, but right from the first Challenge she did, the façade was crumbling.

    I was watching Extreme Challenge at the time, when she was on the team with Dan, Jamie, Kameelah, Rebecca, and Syrus. That was before they adopted the Survivor format of sending people home each week. I remember a lot of people in the audience who had liked her before turning on her, because her antics were starting to look more and more performative. She had to make herself front and center by protesting the sending home of Ayanna (from the other team!) for assault. The fetish fashion show mission in Germany had to become all about her religious objections (and of course she went ahead and competed and hammed it up as much as anybody). She also cheated on that belaying challenge vs. Emily and tried to talk her way out of it.

    • Love 1
  6. 2 hours ago, Hiyo said:

    I know there was some bad blood between Julie and Melissa, but I didn't know it also extended between Julie and much of the rest of the cast.

    I did know it included Kelley and Danny. Both made comments supportive of Melissa and her claims way back in the 2001-03 period (that is, after their shared RW season and at the time of early elimination Challenges).

    I was not aware of David, Jamie, or Matt ever taking a position, so we'll see what they say. 

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  7. 12 minutes ago, Lantern7 said:

    She’s still cringe, isn’t she?

    It might be excessive/misleading editing focusing only on the worst moments, but she's cringe in a whole new way. It appears she's entered a "Paula from Key West" phase. 

  8. Shallow: Kelley looks incredible. Matt, Danny, David, and, Melissa all look just about exactly as I'd have imagined fortysomething versions of them would look. Jamie...more or less that, but he hasn't maintained quite as well. He's gone from frat dreamboat to dad type. Julie appears to have had a lot of rough road. Don't hold me to any of that; I'm just going on the bits we see in the promo. 

    The trailer makes it appear Julie is again going to be the season's focal character, but not in such a good, happy, "sheltered innocent thing learns stuff" way. The others seem to have a lot of resentment and distrust of her, and then there are those scenes of her Paula Walnuts-like behavior, some of it in public. Do I want to watch someone in her forties acting that way? It's bad enough when it's a kid.

    But I have to see this show. It was one of my favorite seasons. Y2K kids, reassemble.

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  9. NuTrina reminds me a bit of a young Vanessa Williams. Not Miss America/"Save the Best for Last" Vanessa Williams; the other Vanessa Williams, who was on Melrose Place in the first season and in Soul Food

    She did a great job on yesterday's show. I think we needed to see Trina's sterner side to really judge, and this might be one of those rare recasts where the transition is as close to seamless as possible. The look and the energy are so close.

    • Love 10
  10. Hey, good-memory writer was on duty for the Tuesday show. Did you catch Laura telling Spencer that she'd known him since he was "a little boy"? At first it sounds weird from a grandmother, but then you recall he was born in the wig-on-a-stick years, so she missed a lot. 

    I did think it was weird that Spencer was coming down the stairs shirtless to hang out with Grandma, and putting the shirt on in the process. Why wouldn't he put it on in his room and then come down? I hope that wasn't supposed to be fan service, because whatever you think of NAC's upper body, it would be a pretty feeble effort.  

    I found the Ava/Carly/Sonny and Ava/Sonny scenes delightful. Commit me. Ava and Carly looking at each and saying "Esme" in unison; Ava and Sonny acknowledging that they're both awful.

    • Love 8
  11. That's like a baseball clubhouse with a .225 hitter mocking a .200 hitter.

    The discussion reminds me why I never liked Diol's Alexis. She made me more admiring of NLG. Even when they were writing Alexis as neurotic and flustered to a degree that was hard to buy given her history and experience (and I recall that actually starting pre-McTavish, in 2000 with "Eddie's Angel," when Guza was head writer of record but supposedly not really), NLG gave a sophisticated, witty portrayal. Diol just made her seem a hapless butt of the joke. Not really a fair comparison, because it can't be easy just to step in at short notice, but still. 

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  12. Shiloh died/left the canvas in September 2019, and Neil not until August 2020. The Shiloh story was pretty distant. Harmony was being forced to work for Cyrus at the time of Neil's death, because he had pulled strings to get her released.

    I was watching during all of that period, and this doesn't make much sense to me either. It isn't playing like long-term planning. One theory is that Harmony killed him with Cyrus's drugs because he represented some threat to her. Cyrus didn't seem to be directly involved, as we saw him asking a lackey if the drugs were his (they were). 

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  13. 17 hours ago, rur said:

    I did enjoy Scott's disregard for the wonders of Sonny. Too bad he didn't divulge some of his reasons. Maybe that would have woke Nina up. 

    I doubt it. It's the wonders of Mike that have her in thrall. And Sonny, to my surprise, hasn't completely shaken off the Mike personality since he regained his memory. 

    On 3/27/2022 at 4:08 PM, 30 Helens said:

    “I like Trina.” “Interesting that Trina was recast as Black.” “Not feeling Trina.”

    I was curious to see how people reacted to Sydney Mikayla’s Trina in her early days (she started in February 2019), so I did a search. The comments above were pretty much it. I didn’t see anyone remarking on her superb acting skills until the following July

    Moral of the story is, it takes time to inhabit a character.  It’s especially hard to follow an actress as beloved as Sydney. NuTrina may not have all the nuances down yet, but I expect she’ll get there. She seems more than capable.

    This. I like Tabyana Ali. Trina does seem like the same character to me, although the voice is softer. Sydney grew on people.

    • Love 6
  14. The show is overpopulated as it is. I wonder if someone is leaving. 

    I listened to the Maurice/Tyler conversation. I don't have much to say. It's a horror story. Maurice seems compassionate. I think Tyler's some way away from being able to deal with being on a soap. Best to him, though.

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  15. 7 hours ago, threebluestars said:

    NuTrina I will reserve my thoughts on, just like I am with NuJordan because I think it takes a few weeks for an actor to really settle in with the character.

    That's a good attitude to take, and I try to give everyone time to settle in too, but I'm not holding out a lot of hope for improvement with Tanisha Harper's Jordan. She really needs voice work. (That is, she should work with someone on improving her voice. I don't mean she should concentrate on cartoons.) She has that self-conscious, amateurish tone when she speaks in character, which a lot of models-turned-actors have.

    I'll hope to be proved wrong, but I've seen my share of early days that were flawed but promising vs. early days with people fundamentally starting from too far back. I fear she's a case of the latter.  

    1 hour ago, Grinaldi said:

    I missed the whole Oscar story so maybe I missed some work to make her rootable or sympathetic.  But it ain't showing up in the bossy narcissist I've been watching.

    I don't think seeing her in the Oscar story would have made you fonder of her. That's where they started to go wrong, with her tragedy-by-proxy making her and her needs the center of the youth circuit.

    Come to think of it, that was her first big story. Morgan had died (or "died") in late 2016, and Josslyn started getting real stories (beyond reacting to the adults, like being mad at Sonny for running her dad out of town) the following year.

    • Love 4
  16. 25 minutes ago, Kiki777 said:

    Can I join y’all at the Nina+Sonny table? I find him a lot more... tolerable and almost charming when he’s with her.  Maybe there can be a whole storyline where she convinces him to leave the mob, even if temporarily.  He can sell his sauce or something lol

    Benard has always been one of the easiest people in daytime to read re: his feelings about other actors. It's apparent to me that he adores Cynthia Watros and likes sharing scenes with her, and I think it may have caught him by surprise. 

    There probably would have been Ninny sooner if the characters had had more reason to cross paths in the two years between her taking over Nina and the start of the "Mike" saga.

    • Love 13
  17. 12 hours ago, ffwbe said:

    The inclusion of that particular flashback with the dialogue yesterday was something. Funny how they made Liz look like the instigator when the actual scene was Carly barging into Liz’s house uninvited, ordering Liz’s children out of the room so she could rail at her over the fact that Jason didn’t confide in her that he was Jake’s father. Carly was full on bunny boiler mode that entire year. 

    I thought the same thing. I wanted to give them a little leeway on it because there aren't that many scenes of Liz/Carly hostility with Laura Wright in the role (most of their feud was in the Sarah Brown years).  

    But honestly, having Carly say no more than "There are times I could have taken the high road and I didn't"? That makes it sound as though Liz was always tormenting Carly, and Carly just responded in kind. Carly always was the aggressor. Even the time Liz said "Sonny lost a baby; you lost a meal ticket," it was after Carly showed up at Kelly's and got in her face while she was working.  

    I just looked to see who wrote Wednesday's episode, playing a hunch, and...yep, Elizabeth "Carly Fan 4-Evah" Korte. Mystery solved.

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  18. 11 hours ago, tessaray said:

    And she's a very young looking 37.

    Obviously, mileage varies. I was unsure of Kirsten Storms's exact age, and my guess would have been 39. I know she's had a lot of hard times in the past decade.

    With me, the issue isn't that Austin and Maxie have an age difference or look mismatched. I just haven't enjoyed Storms in a long time, and I wish General Hospital would stop trying to make Roger Howarth happen as a cast member. What he had on OLTL just isn't carrying over.

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  19. Agreed on Alexis running the paper and on Chase. I can't dislike Chase, but I can't claim to be attached to him either...after all this time. 

    And I don't think Swickard has been good in romantic story. He's fine with the family/friend/job stuff, and his best talk-to is Michael Easton by far. 

    I feel as though I was watching a different version of Chase/Willow from the one their fans describe. To me, they were just another pair of generally nice, somewhat dull people in series of scenes with no momentum or shape, on the level of Portia/Curtis, Brando/Sasha, TJ/Molly...and Sam/Dante (although calling Sam "nice" is open to debate). Austin/Maxie is shaping up to be another.

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  20. Yeah, med school and internship (even before residency) are pretty brutal. 

    However, I don't think this is really worth sweating about. One of two things will happen: (1) Epiphany will breeze through it mostly offscreen and it will be as ridiculous as every other soap career change. One day she'll suddenly just be having a party with Finn, Liz, Britt, Amy, and lesser characters to celebrate being a doctor. Or (2) they'll totally rip off the ER story of Carol Hathaway. Epiphany will take the MCATs and get the highest scores in the history of Port Charles, Even that doctor who was critical of her yesterday will be cheering her on. Then she'll have a one-day story that will remind her that Nurses Are Irreplaceable, and we'll hear no more about Epiphany becoming a doctor.

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