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Everything posted by sparklemotion

  1. O'Shea trying to snatch that $15 was priceless. They have to be paying him or have some sort of deal because no one could possibly let themselves be portrayed as that useless without cause. It's odd to say but I'm almost excited to see how Mona & Co. edit/what footage they got of Benzino's shooting...
  2. Why did Alex chose Bad Girls Club? She seems so out of place, she easily could have landed on Real World as the semi privileged girl with Daddy issues and I would have been way more interested in her. I have ISSUES with Redd. Even as a viewer she makes me super uncomfortable. If she was a dude on any other reality show I'm certain a producer would have jumped in to tell her to chill with the Sexual aggression.
  3. I usually think Gemma is stirring the pot, but just this once I think she spilled on Harry to be able to stay out of it. I'm totally basing it on Harry being hyped on "Keeping her out of their relationship" before she even got there or said anything considering she hadn't spoken to Bobby in two moths. Also am I the only one having trouble telling Grace and Fran apart at times?
  4. While having Laurel for the first leg is an advantage, I'd also be sure to wear her out for whomever had her third....CT not beating Bananas was disappointing considering he was quick enough to come up with mirroring as a way to solve a similar puzzle in the last episode. I hope they do a shirtless montage in tribute to Zach now that Devyn drowned him with her circle paddling and inability to lean.
  5. @Brooklynista : I thought i was the only one that caught that the apartment seemed void of anyone actually living there. Mimi & Nikko aren't good enough actors for the level of scripting they are trying to have them pull off...
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