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Posts posted by ryebread

  1. 1 hour ago, ShawnaLanne said:

    3.) Okay, the guy orobably did need Baby as an emotional support dog. I take back what I said about that.

    Don't feel too bad.  He has no excuse for not jumping through the necessary hoops to get the proper documentation to take Baby onboard a plane. 

    Didn't the airline know that he was Carole Radziwill's ex-boyfriend?  Sheesh.

    • Love 7
  2. 11 minutes ago, BckpckFullaNinjas said:

    I’m making it my goal and quest NOT to “keep tabs on her!”  Challenge accepted! 8-D

    I'm not making any promises. ;-)

    Ex-HWs social media pages are sometimes comedy gold. (See:  Yolanda, bless her heart)  I'm not sure Carole's will be because she rarely gave us anything to laugh about, either intentionally or unintentionally before, so I don't expect she'll suddenly become awesome.

    • Love 3
  3. 3 hours ago, Duke2801 said:

    the fact remains that anybody I've ever heard talk about her (outside of the show ... on podcasts, etc) all have similar things to say about her: she's kind, thoughtful, a great listener and a loyal friend - and also lots of fun. 

    That's what many of our boardmates, here, believed about her until they got to "know" her over the years.  I don't think the podcasters are all that deep.

    • Love 3
  4. 1 hour ago, UsernameFatigue said:

    I don't know that I believe that is true anymore. Carole on the show has shown herself to be lazy where writing is concerned, including missing a deadline for her last book (which tanked), and expressing amazement to the Cosmo editor that she would have a deadline for the puff piece she was writing. Not to mention lying on camera to the same editor as she was munching on popcorn, saying that she was at a certain point in writing the puff piece while in reality she had not even started. Not someone I would be calling on for any serious writing assignments, or any writing assignments at all. (And honestly, having read the puff piece online, anyone here could have written it). You can only coast so long on past accomplishments, and I think Carole's ship has sailed as far as having any meaningful career again is concerned. Maybe that is why she is shilling for a bunch of odds and sodds businesses. 

    I do find it interesting that Carole announced she was leaving after the reunion taped. Didn't it just finish taping a few days ago? And Carole announced yesterday that she is leaving? Maybe the taping didn't go to her liking, and she figured she had better get out before she was asked to leave. Just a guess, of course. 

    This.  She's not only shown herself to be lazy, she talks about being a slacker, proudly. 

    Whatevs, Radzi.  This is likely why her friendship with Heather took a dump because like Bethenny, Heather is a go-getter and it's hard to stomach someone who can't even keep a plant alive. 

    Carole had a great opportunity on this show to make a six figure income in a few months and spend the off months, honing her craft.  How many writers, who haven't had a best seller in 13 years, wouldn't give their pinky fingers to have that guaranteed paycheck.

    Granted, not all of them are cut out for reality TV, but Carole was. Until, mysteriously, she wasn't. She gave up the money and the trips and the fame for what?  I hope it was because she doesn't need the money nor the aggravation.  Although the only aggravation it seemed she was getting was from Bethenny.  And having to get up in the morning. 

    I have no idea what she made per season, but it had to be at least a quarter of a million, yes?

    • Love 7
  5. 1 hour ago, shirazplease said:

    Who knew that all those years ago on the bridge, Ramona, of all people would be so prescient? 

    We all did. 


    Didn't we?

    No, seriously.  I remember thinking it was cruel for Ramona to say out loud but knew that she was 100% correct.  Beth wasn't/isn't capable of maintaining a relationship.  Beth's own mother said the same thing.

    • Love 23
  6. 3 hours ago, TV Diva Queen said:

    I can't be the only one who thought that Dorinda met up with a local Colombian and was as high AF in the "joker" scenes.  

    Waving hand, using wild Dorinda gyrations.

    It's easy to get drugs in Cartagena. As easy as asking for them from vendors on the street, just like Bethenny (jokingly?) did.  Doris looked, and sounded, just like someone who'd just hoovered up half a dozen lines of coke.  I'm not saying she bought it off the streets but we've mentioned before how many connections Dorinda has - wouldn't surprise me if she has one in Columbia.

    Or, maybe she's allergic to alcohol which would explain her behavior and nasal congestion.  Yeah? No.

    • Love 12
  7. On 7/19/2018 at 9:09 AM, Mindthinkr said:

    I saw something about her (Annabelle from Ladies of London) in the AGC blinds. That she was poisoned because she knew too many secrets about her ex’s family...the Rothschilds. It is under July’s blinds #222

    Whoa.  This caused me to go down the blind item rabbit hole and came across this:  Blind item from 4 days ago on Crazy Days and Nights.  Could it be Andy Cohen? Read the comments.


    And in case you're wondering how accurate the blogger, Enty, from Crazy Days and Nights is, here's an article about him from Vanity Fair.


    • Love 4
  8. 14 hours ago, Jel said:

    Let's put a pin in this one, and if Ramona ever comes back and says something like, "I let her eat the fish, okay. I was mad. She was annoying me. It's Bethenny. She drives everyone away. Whatever. I shouldn't have done it. Whatever. It's over. She didn't die. I made a mistake. I'm not perfect. I made mistakes" complete with dismissive hand gestures, I'll send you an edible arrangement

    Raise your hand if you read that in Ramona's voice and your eyes bulged out just a little.

    Bravo, @Jel.

    • Love 13
  9. 17 hours ago, Mozelle said:

    I could buy that the gold was in Tinsley's budget, but she didn't want to spend on these women who, with the exception of Carole, are just film buddies. Especially when you consider how ungrateful Sonja was even though Tinsley had gifted her nice amount to Barney's or Saks or Bergdorfs (I forget where), it would make sense that Tinsley wasn't going to shell out $500 (or however much each necklace and engraved pendant cost) for each woman. Imagine gifting Bethenny a $500 necklace only to learn that she disliked your vacation planning choices?

    I agree.  Almost $1000 for the monogrammed necklace in gold, $200 for the sterling silver. 

    $6000 vs. $1200 for this group?  Yeah, I would've picked the silver, too.

    But also, silver jewelry, to me, is more tropical vacation-y than gold.  Silver is less heavy and pairs better with turquoise and coral.  Whereas gold is more Christmas in the Berkshires. 

    Either metal beats a bag full of Skinny Girl crap.  All day, every day.

    • Love 15
  10. 18 hours ago, Persnickety1 said:

    I'm really looking forward to the reunion and The Saga of the Red Scarf Man and His Texts.  

    I agree that Carole seemed a little smitten by the doofus

    Carole does that.  Gets smitten by the doofi.

    That said, red scarf doofus seems less of a man-child than the other - employed and less dependent on an emotional support animal.

    • Love 11
  11. 35 minutes ago, lamujerdecente said:

    Carole isn't a child. I would think a woman who traveled to war torn countries would have compassion for an obviously mentally unstable chick which I saw Jules was.

    This was my major malfunction with Carole and her coven - Heather and Kristen - in season 6 . They made fun of Aviva's leg and marginalized the trauma she suffered as a six year old getting her leg torn off and the bullying that followed. 

    Carole says she was a witness to the "ravages of war".  Kristen and Heather had children with special needs.  You'd think they'd have a shred of compassion for whatever phobias/ptsd Aviva had, (or didn't have but said she did). I know she made it hard but any excuse to dog her, they'd take it.  Excuses are made for Carole's poor behavior/detachment/whatever because of Anthony.  And Beth, well, she was raised by wolves so she deserves a bone for enduring that.  Beth's treatment of Kelly on Scary Island is another example of her complete tone deafness to anyone's pain.  Except her own.  Because whether it's a fibroid, a divorce, food poisoning...it's always worse than everybody else's experience with the same.  It's torture.

    • Love 10
  12. 32 minutes ago, Pondlass1 said:

    I used to want to be obscenely rich... and thin.  Not so much now.  Seems like it just makes you miserable and argumentative... and uncaring too.  I'm sure they could all hear Ramona banging and screaming in that lift.

    Nah.  Look at Mama June.  If you're an awful, miserable person, you'll be awful whether you're rich or poor. 

    But if I had to be miserable, I'd rather be rich.  Everything is easier when you've got money.  Even misery.

    4 minutes ago, Happy Camper said:

    Bethenny is the modern little girl who cried wolf.

    Well, she was raised by them, so....

    • Love 14
  13. Yeah, I think she wants Adam back.

    She was with him for 3 years. She watched as he ran, biked, cliff jumped, swam, surfed, snowboarded, skateboarded, skiied and practiced yoga. She knew, (or thought she knew), that she was going to have to start some kind of physical activity to remain a relevant part of his world. Because being active is his world.  That, and food.  Which we know she also had no interest in. So she started running.Less chance of breaking a hip.

    Imo, she's either still hoping to be with him or after she figured it wasnt working, realized she liked working out and is sticking to it.  Good for her.  But yeah, I think Adam was, and possibly still is, her main motivation for dragging her lazy butt to the gym every day.

    • Love 6
  14. 15 hours ago, Ki-in said:

    But her looks aren't why she's not sexy, it's her personality 100%,

    This.  Someone in the epi thread mentioned how they wished Carole would stop being so bitchy and go back to being the 'fun' Carole of seasons past.  And I'm over here, like, Wait...when was Carole ever fun?  I remember she wore a bear suit once, but seriously, even if the group is doing something fun she always seems like such a wet noodle. Only chiming in with something clever, afterwards, usually being sarcastic/bitchy, in her THs.

    Who is this 'fun' Carole? And which episodes was she in, I must have missed those.

    • Love 14
  15. On ‎6‎/‎30‎/‎2018 at 5:10 PM, KungFuBunny said:

    You never know which Dorinda you're going to get when she drinks, she went nuts on Luann about the cake her mother baked for her birthday, she went nuts on Heather for walking into the restaurant ahead of her. When Dorinda is mean - she is SUPER viscous.

    In the upcoming scene, I felt so bad for Luann - she really hurt her.

    To me, more bitchy than the comment about the mugshot, was the one she made about Luann getting married again.  Dorinda will cut you.

    • Love 11
  16. 4 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

    If I were born a Morgan, I would be horrified that Sonja was showing sex toys in the dishwasher, wearing only the top half of a costume, deliberately loosening her wrap dress on stage during a cabaret act, exposing her private parts at night clubs so that a friend felt the need to step in as snatch guard, and sexually harassing staff and contractors. I think it reflects poorly on the Morgan family. But I wouldn’t discuss it publicly because that would bring more attention to it. 

    These American dynasty families are no strangers to contoversy. The scandals and eccentricities of the Astors, Rockefellars, Kennedys, Hearsts and their assorted in-laws/out-laws make Sonja's dildo in the dishwasher no big thang.

    Although knowing Sonja, the dildo in the dishwasher was probably a verrry big thang, indeed.

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