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Posts posted by ryebread

  1. On ‎6‎/‎27‎/‎2018 at 9:07 PM, WhoaWhoKnew said:

    Dorinda seems to know a person who can get her ANYTHING.

    True dat. They're on their way to Cartagena, Columbia.   Wonder who Dorinda knows there who can make it snow.   Maybe that's why she almost 'went to jail' although cocaine is practically legal in parts of Columbia.  Now I'll be distracted by watching their eyes and for any facial tics. 

    • Love 7
  2. 7 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

    Thank you!  FFS, if this bitch tried telling me that something I or anyone did was lowest of the low . . . I'd have to tell her about herself.  She's skipping around doing yoga and acting the victim.  She's charged with four felonies, and she deserved them.  Be glad for your privilege, Lu, not everyone gets a slap on the wrist.  And everyone hugging and kissing her and praising her for surviving her ordeal - well, I find it sickening.   But I'm sure the thread will be filled with how Carole was awful this episode.  

    I agree with all you said about Luann. However, Carol was awful this episode.

    And she has been since 2012.

    • Love 17
  3. 15 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

    I'm starting to believe the reason she wants Scott is because she really doesn't want kids.

    If Tinsley went through all the needle sticks, hormones, monitoring and retrieval to save her eggs and doesn't really want kids? 

    That's too twisted to contemplate.

    I think she really wants them. And what's sad is, even though she has the eggs in the freezer, she still has a lot of hurdles to overcome before she gets there. If she wants them badly enough, she should just get the ball rolling toward that end. On her own. She can afford it. And sadly, money is often times the difference between the haves and the have nots when it comes to assisted reproduction. :-((

    • Love 10
  4. 19 hours ago, sasha206 said:

    If I were Dorinda's family members, I'd be pretty concerned with some of her behavior displayed -- particularly the drunken fights and sloppy drunk toasts.

    Oh, I'm sure Dorinda's family is well aware and concerned. 

    Holidays in the Berkshires probably aren't drunken slur fests only when the housewives are there.

    Anybody who is 'lucky' enough to score an invite to Blue Stone(d) Manor probably takes a deep breath before knocking on the door. Here we go. Hide the knives. Did you remember to bring your spit shield mask?

    • Love 6
  5. 13 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

    Exactly would she be ok with Jason using her crest or anything related to her? NO she would flip out calling him a hanger on and pathetic for trying to use her name or business like it was his or he had anything to do with its success .... ***eyeroll** Bethany needs to sit down

    Logos and family crests are completely different things. Apples to spaceships.  It would just be weird if Jason sported anything with Bethenny's logo on it.

    But a gold signet ring with my daughter's family crest on it? I'll say it. Hell yes, I'd wear it. Not only because it's my daughter's family, but also because it was likely given to me during a happy, prosperous time in my life. It's just a memento at that point.

    Now, capitalizing on that name to further her own business, to me is a little sketchy... but a girl's got to eat more than just a few cheese cubes pilfered from the buffet table.

    • Love 17
  6. 40 minutes ago, noveltylibrary said:

    I am always Team Son over Dorinda but I kind of agreed, who is loyal to an ex's family?  I'd like to know exactly how she is still 'very much a part of the family'.

    If wealthy, old money families in the United States are our version of royalty, then Sonja is Sarah Ferguson.  A possible adulterer, imbiber, failed entrepreneur, near bankruptcy. Also like Sarah, I don't doubt that Sonja probably likes her toes nibbled on. That all said, Sarah still attends functions with her daughters and has spent weekends with the queen. And on those occasions she is given the courtesies of being treated as a member of the Royal Family. Sarah still wears her crest.

    I believe Sonja's marriage and divorce was going on at the same time that all this was happening with Sarah and Andrew. Sonja is just delusional enough to think that she is, although divorced from, American royalty. 

    But I still love her anyway.

    • Love 17
  7. 4 hours ago, Juneau Gal said:

    2. Carole needs to grow the hell up. Emotionally stunted know it all who thinks much too highly of herself. Munching popcorn as she spoke to her, for the purpose of this freelance job, boss was beyond the beyond. You are 50 plus years old, Carole. There is a difference between being childlike and being childish. There is a difference between free-spirit and phony pathetic.

    This.all.day.  I'd give you a wheelbarrow full of 'likes', if I could, for the italicized part.

    And a dumptruck full for the bolded part. 

    Feet on the dashboard in her first season was the initial inkling, for me, of Carole's arrested development. And it just snowballed from there.

    Tinsley is a much nicer person than Carole, but they're well suited as BFF 4 ever. 

    2 good

    2 B

    4 gotten

    • Love 10
  8. 1 hour ago, weaver said:

    I don't think Mr. Morgan was in the mood to pay her one more penny.  He went on to his next wife and he has two other kids, and they might not have liked it.  I suppose if push came to shove, he'd get custody of the daughter.   


    From that article:  "Mr. Morgan says he's destitute."   Looks like they also might be correct in saying that he will go to his grave not having paid Sonja the 3.3 mil he still owes her, if the article is to be believed. 

    Sigh.  So much for monthly stipends just because he can and because he's a nice guy.

    I know one insanely rich guy who despises his ex-wife but built her an amazing house and gives her a generous monthly check just because they have a daughter together. (Daughter is now college aged) and....he also helps support this ex wife's other children that aren't even his that were born after they divorced - just because those kids are half sibs of his daughter.  


    So, being that generous when wealthy is certainly in the realm of possibility but apparently not in JAM's case.  Bummer, Sone.

    • Love 8
  9. On 6/10/2018 at 6:47 PM, stewedsquash said:

    I came across this when I was Binging about Adam and his meatballs (discussion in the episode thread).



    OMG.  I couldn't get past the first line.  I wanted to throat punch him. 



    I heard him say that in that lazy, vocal fry voice and went, "Nope."

    Just make me some yummy sexy salads, Adam.  Don't talk....shhhhh.

    • Love 10
  10. On 6/10/2018 at 6:34 AM, weaver said:

    I was also thinking that regarding Sonja, Mr. Morgan is 87, and Quincy will inherit a boatload of $$$.  Maybe Sonja is counting on that event of his demise to rescue her financially.  


    I think it's also in the realm of possibility that JPM has been subsidizing Sonja since the divorce in addition to whatever divorce settlement monies was agreed upon.

    Throwing an extra $20,000 per month at Sonja is pocket change to JPM. And let's assume he dotes on his daughter, he'd want to keep her happy by making sure that her mother wasn't on her way to bag lady status.

    Does anyone know what Sonja's divorce settlement was?

    • Love 3
  11. I'm digging that Carole's blogs are being called out for the trite, bullying, POS that they are.

    Seasons ago when her blogs were often praised for their beautiful prose and meter, it was crazy- making to me because between the lines, I consistently saw this thread of retaliation and nastiness.  Granted, it was usually directed at Aviva so...

    • Love 13
  12. 18 hours ago, sasha206 said:

    And this is on every single franchise on Bravo.  It seems across every franchise is this:

    (1) Friendship breakup one season,

    (2) Friendship make up next season,

    (3) Someone not invited,

    (4) Someone gets engaged,

    (5) Someone gets married,

    (6) Someone gets divorced,

    (7) Someone thinks they're pregnant (even at the age of 50s),

    (8) Someone tries to get pregnant and consults a fertility specialist (even in their 50s)

    (9) Someone launches a brand/product (usually cosmetics, wine, clothing line)

    (10) Someone trots out their "gays" 

    You forgot:  Someone gets their lady bits waxxed. 

    Seemed like, for a while there, someone somewhere was opening wide for the camera and getting their wax on/wax off.  Why Bravo thought this was something the viewers of all franchises needed to see, escaped me. 

    It would've been more entertaining to see Juicy Joe get his back waxxed.

    • Love 11
  13. 13 minutes ago, Rap541 said:

    Dorinda, Ramona, Bethenny and Carole all seem to have a pretty good grip on money, keeping money, and how to use money.

    I don't know if I'd include Carole, there. She's lazy when it comes to her 'craft'.  And then finds it necessary to take on some sketchy jobs, in addition to selling her lingerie, online, to bring in money.  

    I mean, a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do to pay the rent, but I just can't include her in the same group as Bethenny, Dorinda, Ramona when it comes to making, keeping, and using money wisely.

    Remember Carole's jewelry line? Not much more successful than Sonja’s toaster ovens.  

    • Love 11
  14. 5 hours ago, weaver said:

    Sonja's townhouse is available for rent as of September, so its actually possible that she is really doing a major fix up to the interior.  Knowing Sonja, probably not.  But why else wouldn't it be available right now.  

    Imo, NYC isn't the most pleasant place to be, environmentally speaking, in the summer. That's why so many (especially those with $$$) ditch it until the heat, humidity and pollution are under control.  I wouldn't rent in NYC in the summer, especially if I had $25k/month to play with.

    • Love 3
  15. 47 minutes ago, ShawnaLanne said:

    Sonja. Oh Sonja. She's not fun to watch. I don't know if she's camping it up for the cameras or going mad, but I don't need to watch her do the sniff test on her underwear, go party hopping for food,  make her workman cringe with her sexual references, kiss Bethany's ass,  or talk about being legacy, when she's not one,  her daughter is. That's so delusional.

    Sometimes I wonder if the viewer's aren't quite in on the joke.  Like, she displays all this crass and wacky behavior but you can tell that most members of the cast genuinely LIKE her.  Bethenny, Lu, Ramona.  And she's still invited and very visible in NYC society, galas & luncheons, etc. - outside of her RHONY gigs - so she's not a complete pariah.

    I've got to wonder what these non-TV people think of her.  I, personally, think she's probably funny and light hearted to be around.  Maybe some of the true society dames find  her to be a breath of fresh air - wishing they could take the sticks out of their bums long enough to drink pitchers of margaritas and jump in the pool topless after seducing the cabana boy.

    And some, I'm sure find her just as vulgar and gross as some of you do.

    For me, Sonja is just like Alex was.  I just can't get too worked up about her one way or the other.

    • Love 4
  16. 13 minutes ago, Marley said:

    Another pathetic person is Sonja. I had to ff past her bed scene because it stressed me out just looking at all that clutter.

    Our bed when Mr Ryebread travels looks like that. Books, magazines, telephones, laptop, purse, snacks, maybe some laundry I didn't get around to putting away... all scattered on the mister's side in his absence. Just because I can. When he calls me on the day he's to return home, he always jokes with me and asks if I've cleared the "Rat's Nest" away.

    11 minutes ago, sadiebyuca said:

    Y'all.  I hate Carole's hair.  I hate her new outfits.  I hate whatever she did to her face.  I just can't even listen to what she says when she's on camera.  It's so distracting. 

    At the lunch with Bethenny, she was doing something weird with her mouth. Like, sucking her teeth or something. Made her cheeks look even more sunken in than usual. It was weird and distracting. Especially when she rolled her eyes at the same time she was doing it. Odd.

    • Love 11
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