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Posts posted by OhGromit

  1. 14 minutes ago, ryebread said:

    The first time I saw a canary diamond in a store was in Puerto Rico about 20 years ago.  I remember thinking, why would anyone want a yellow diamond? Hasn't DeBeers always drilled into our heads that you have to spend 2 months salary and you want as 'white' of a stone as you can get? Any yellow in a diamond is a no-no.  Against the laws of the 4-c's of diamond buying, dontchaknow!  White = good.  Yellow = bad.  Punishable by death.  That said, they've come a long way and I think Lu's ring is very beautiful.  Although, it could be a yellow topaz for all I know.  Just like a pink diamond - might be rare and fancy but looks like tourmaline, to me.

    ETA:  I thought it was mean for Sonja to bag on Lu's ring.  It doesn't look murky to me at all.

    LOL I've always loved aquamarines.  Going engagement ring shopping now, and I want an aquamarine ring cause I love the color of the stone.  And as a bonus.. it's cheap!  But sometimes I chuckle thinking I can tell fancy-judgey-type ladies it's a "blue diamond."  ;-) 

    • Love 7
  2. 6 hours ago, LIMOM said:

    Yes, however she can miss me with her narrative of poor little girl. Her mother did what she could at the time and Beth needs to realize that her mother eating disorder was not  about her.

    If it is even true, her mother suffered from a mental illness and Beth will be well advised to be kind toward her mother as she is repeating her own childhood (minus the alcoholism as far as we know)

    My mother drank and was depressed most of her life and much like Beth I was resentful and angry, then one day I watched Oprah and she was talking about how her parents did the best they could and as cliche as it sounds, it made sense to me.

    How being so angry benefit Beth and her daughter?

    This is why imo she is not able to enjoy her success. She is stuck and needs to let go for her own well being and more importantly Bryn's.

    Damn her mother was a looker.

    Everyone's situation is different.  None of us have all these answers.  All I know is, this is a messed-up relationship, it takes two to tango, and children don't learn that dance all on their own.  

    • Love 7
  3. 28 minutes ago, breezy424 said:

    Apparently, Beth's mother gave a number of pictures of Beth as a child to show that life wasn't as bad as Beth portrays it. 



    Ugh, I'm sure this was an impartial selection of photos picked for the purpose of accurately portraying life inside their home.  Riiiight.  Anyone's life can look amazing if you just choose a few select pics.  Facebook envy is built on just that.

    Anyhow, the mom is relentless, IMO uber messed up, and now so is Bethenny. I do feel sorry for Bethenny even though I don't like her much anymore.  I wish she would get real help from a competent therapist.  

    • Love 5
  4. 11 minutes ago, PradaKitty said:

    Okay, two things:

    1, Aren't most little girls potty trained prior to their third birthday?  I believe Jules told the "Potty Whisperer" that Rio "will be three next week".

    2. Sonja referred to her flawless 2 carat diamond sitting in her safe. If she was as poor as she claimed the past few seasons, why didn't she sell the damn thing?!

    4 carats.  Sonja said her ring was 4 carats.  

    • Love 4
  5. 2 hours ago, StevieRocks said:

    On a positive note, I did think SkinnyCow's minion did a good job of delivering the lines SkinnyCow wrote for her about how she shouldn't go on the ski trip because everyone was soooo worried about her health in case anyone found out about the ski trip and questioned Bloody Mary about the timing. She's a shrewd one, that SkinnyCow.

    OMG you are so right!  I didn't think about that.  Of course B set that up.  Notice she gave herself a good line, too-- that she didn't want to disappoint Bryn (as if Bryn even cares whether she skis in Colorado or Mt. Snow, which is great skiing IMO and pretty close to Manhattan).  If this had been a legit scene, B would have gone harpy on her minion, but she didn't.  Oh man I love that you caught this.  

    • Love 21
  6. 6 hours ago, swankie said:

    According to Vicki, Ryan and Brianna are supposed to pay her back from the money they get selling the OK house.  I'm confused.  They haven't been in that house very long and surely they still have a mortgage, so how much money would they actually clear from selling that house?  I think Vicki is probably taking the same attitude as Tamra about loaning money to kids.  You probably shouldn't expect to get it back.  I think having Brianna back so that she can have a storyline is payment enough for Vicki.

    No no no no no.  I think Vicki absolutely expects to be paid back.  Remember, this is the woman who gave her daughter the "gift" of a leased Mercedes.  Vicki did the down payment, woo hoo, Briana, you'll make the payments!  So I believe she expects to be repaid-- she's not understanding in that way.  

    • Love 3
  7. 13 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

    Vicki and Briana have a co-dependent relationship, I don't see that going away ever.  Briana seems miserable all the time, in good health or otherwise.  Vicki will always give gifts with strings and Briana will always accept those gifts.  Michael seems able to not get caught up in the emotional part of Vicki but he sure does enjoy the perks, he works her by letting her in to his life just enough so she will bestow upon him a house or a car then he shuts her out then repeats the process.  I bet she does not have a key to his house. 

    So, why haven't we seen Briana's new house yet?  I thought for sure Vicki would be showing it off for the camera's touting what a good mother she is for buying her daughter a house. 

    I will maintain that the Briana got out of OK so fast in such bad health really looked like she was running from her husband.  I wonder what he will do in her absence.  Did he fly to OC to be with her while she is so sick having to spend a month in the hospital?  No? Didn't think so.

    Great post!  Agree with everything you said. 

    • Love 6
  8. Michael uses his birthname, Michael Wolfsmith.  His instagram is below.  He seems to spend his life eating and partying.  No way in hell would I let this perpetual adolescent handle my life insurance.  I'm guessing he still collects allowance from mommy in addition to whatever commission he gets from selling auto and rental insurance to his buddies.  


    • Love 6
  9. 1 minute ago, Bronzedog said:

    I almost get second hand embarrassment when I see how repulsed Jimmy is by Megan.  He also drove himself to Kelly's barbecue because he didn't want to drink.  What?  An athlete with no self control?

    Did he ever show up to the BBQ?  I don't remember seeing him there.  

  10. Heather has a podcast and it is AWFUL.  She is so, so, so, pretentious, so much worse than on the show!  Every podcast is a combo of Heather denying everything bad said about her, recounting stories of her AMAZING life and how FUN their lives are and all their VACATIONS, all the while laughing delightedly at her own jokes.  Then there's her side-kick, a young woman whose job it is to kiss Heather's ass.  

    Oh, and Heather's over-enunciation is on full display.  

    • Love 8
  11. 4 hours ago, DeeplyShallow said:

    Vicki's post about shady editing and that she just went to the office to get her work was bs (shocker!). She was all dressed up and made up like she was going to spend the day at the office. If you are just going in to pick something up, there's no reason to make yourself up like that. Also, she left w two large bags (big Louis tote and a large work bag). Just take the damn work bag to get your stuff, that's only "5 minutes away." She was prepped to be gone for the day. There's also Brianna's talking head, with her saying that Vicki will always choose work over anything.

    Liarface. Again.

    Vicki also claimed last year, around late October/ early November, in an interview with Andy Cohen, that she was going to be having Thanksgiving with Donn Gunvalson.  Oh yeah.  Remember that?  Total lie.  Vicki says whatever the hell she wants to-- I no longer trust her words.  

    • Love 10
  12. 4 hours ago, njbchlover said:

    I know we are all tired of hearing the word, and it should be verboten on anything to do with the Housewives', but does anyone else think that Vicki has Munchuasens' by Proxy syndrome?  I mean, I'm no therapist or psychiatrist, but there are all kinds of pointers toward that.

    Last year, she claimed she didn't question Brooks and believed him, because she wanted to feel love and get casseroles attention from the other housewives.  We all saw that blow up in her face and the aftermath for Vicki has been earth-scorching.  Now, she brings Brianna back to the OC, knowing that she is definitely having some major health issues, and we see the scenes with the ambulance, Vicki filling Heather and Tamra in on Brianna's health (using her worried, sotto voce tone).  Is she looking for the other housewives to feel sorry for her, yet again, having to deal with Brianna's health issues and "caring" for Brianna's children?  And, in her mixed up mind, does she think that if the other women feel sorry for her, they will just forgive her previous transgressions, and then, they can all move on, and "just have fun"??

    I don't know - we all know that Vicki is a narcissist, but I think that there may be a bit of the Munchausens' by Proxy syndrome there, too. 

    Interesting theory!  It would explain why she keeps "going to work" and leaving Brianna alone, with no help.  That kind of stress is not good for Brianna.  But Vicki ignores Brianna's stress and leaves anyhow, and doesn't even find a nanny or caretaker for Brianna. She says she's doing it cause she bought Brianna a house... another "woe is me" ploy.  Anyhow, we've already seen Vicki leave Brianna to go to work twice ON CAMERA, for cripes' sake, and we're only, what, four episodes into the season?  That may be an indication that Vicki has an unconscious wish for Brianna to stay sick... Vicki doesn't want to do the hard work of helping her., or even go to the minimal effort of getting help for her.  But she wants ALL the sympathy for Brianna's problems....  (and sure, I'll help myself to a seat in the handbasket to hell!)

    • Love 4
  13. 24 minutes ago, NewDigs said:

    Oh, and Carole? Lose the fingerless gloves. Bethany? The 80s called and they want their shoulder pads back. And stop saying you got a UTI from all the stress (insert eyeroll) 'cuz the most common cause of UTIs is sex.

    Agree with a lot of your post- just wanted to say that I've gotten UTIs b/c of extreme stress (trial lawyer).  Agree sex causes them too, but sometimes it's stress related, and when it is, you can just tell.  I don't know how to explain how you can tell, but you really can.  And as neurotic and unhappy as Bethenny is, even though we might question whether she's under such significant stress it could give her a UTI, I can see how it could, especially with the health stuff that was freaking her out so much (even if her reaction was over the top to most of us, she's still feeling that scared b/c she's just that intense/ neurotic).

    And I'm no longer a Bethenny fan, so that's not where I'm coming from.  I thought it was ridic how they showed her with the freaking IV like she's an invalid. Just saying, I buy the story that her UTI was stress related.

    • Love 8
  14. 1 hour ago, janie2002 said:

    They had someone cast who was pretty, smart, tough, competitive, rich and had earned it all herself, good marriage and lovely kids... and Beth ran her off.

    I still miss Heather!

    I miss Heather, too.  She brought a lot of warmth and solidity to the feel of the show.  She's strong.  And brave.  And kind.  I miss that.  

    • Love 18
  15. 32 minutes ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

    For me, the behavior (of Bethenny's & Carole too) shoved at us this season is just so ugly & unpleasant to watch, and makes me so tense, I'm honestly ready to give up on the show.  I wasn't especially anxious to even catch this ep, but was drawn in by the preview of Jules telling off Bethenny.  Figured it would be worth checking out to finally see someoe who isn't terrified of Bethenny, or up her ass & who would call her out on her vile behavior.

    I don't wanna be "moaning" about Bethenny's & Carole's vile behavior, but sheesh, that sure as fuck is what's being thrown out (again & again & again & again -- endlessly) particularly in this ep.  But this fowl shit has been going on all season with both of 'em.  They're horrible & I hate watching 'em.  Am I hooked on watching 'em?  No!!!! Am I hate watching now?  No!!!!  I'm ready to give up & stop watching, exactly as I did with BH.

    I agree with above complaints how they're really not using the NYC setting in the best way.  The show could be so much better.

    I think they desperately need to cast someone who can effectively stand up to Bethenny.  Someone richer, younger, better looking, who would drive Bethenny crazy & get her seething with rage & jealousy.  Someone tougher, who could give Bethenny some of that "I'm up here & you're down there" shit, which Kelly was too stupid to carry off.  They need someone who could literally punch Bethenny right square in her re-jiggered jaw & just knock her right off her feet.  Now, that I would love to watch!  But what we're getting now?  Meh & blech.

    I'd much rather leave the "moaning" to Moaner.

    It's true.  The constant fighting, paranoia, and nitpicking... it's constant tension.  And it makes people blogging about the show tense, too, I think.  A lot of commenters on Vulture (Brian Moylan RHONY recaps) have noted that the tone of the comments has gotten particularly negative.  The world is too stressful and angry a place for viewers (or at least me) to want to watch a show that's all about infighting, backstabbing, and shaming each other.  Not a respite from the stress of life.  

    • Love 16
  16. 32 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

    Yes, she apologized to Sonja but only time will tell if she really meant it or if she only did it to get Sonja on her side against Jules/Dorinda/Luann. IMO, Bethenny decided that Sonja could be of use to her and that is the only reason she apologized, but as I said, only time will tell.

    Agree.  I think line producers told B that Sonja was doing well in her scenes and was as loveable as ever.  B is constantly fighting and then realizing with horror what she did (e.g. the Berkshires fight morning-after "hangover") and then trying to clean it up to keep the audience from turning on her.  B realized Sonja was going to win the fight for viewers' affection.  So I think her so-called "apology" to Sonja was all about realizing she couldn't best/ get rid of Sonja that easily and manipulating the story line so that they could be "friends" again, all so B could to cover over the stink of B's overagression and save face with viewers.  Just like a cat shoveling sand over its poops.  It's not sorry it pooped, it just wants to cover the evidence.  

    • Love 18
  17. Just took a look at Bethenny's twitter feed (i.e. the tweets she's receiving, not just her tweets), and I can't believe how many positive tweets she gets, and how few negative ones.  Ugh.  Very frustrating.  I'm looking to the social media sphere to smack down Bethenny (and Carole), and I'm not sure it's happening.  

    • Love 6
  18. 3 hours ago, njbchlover said:

    I agree with you, Scoobie - especially what I have bolded.

    Bethenny may think that her sense of humor revolves around laughter, but what she fails to recognize is that her her humor and laughter is almost always at someone else's expense.  She is a very poor, very mean imitation of Joan Rivers (RIP).  Joan was the Queen of biting, sarcastic humor at someone else's expense, especially during her tenure on Fashion Police, but I don't recall her ever going as low as Bethenny can go.  I used to chuckle at Joan's comments- Bethenny's usually just make me cringe for the other person.  Unlike Joan, Bethenny may start out with humorous comments, but then, when she doesn't get the response she is hoping for, she devolves into an insulting, loud shrew.

    I wonder if Bethenny's head exploded off her body when she read Jules' blog?  

    Thing about Joan Rivers was, she joked about herself and was as mean about herself as she was to anyone else.  

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