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Everything posted by verdana

  1. Pity about Hanning, he was definitely one of their best writers and him jumping ship will further erode the show going forward because they desperately need to improve the writing. But since they're supposedly trying to cut costs may be TPTB are quite happy to see him leave, he's probably relieved to be leaving this mess behind, I hope he moves on to better things.
  2. What's saddest for me is the ongoing situation has ruined their "together" moments, it's drained what little enthusiasm I had left as a shipper. The writing certainly didn't help matters given how they were being increasingly portrayed by Hawley and co as woefully dysfunctional, its a terrible combination (bad writing/fading chemistry/occasional poor acting) that's resulted in me simply not caring if they stay together any more which would have been utterly unthinkable when they first got together. It sounds dumb and rather pathetic to admit this but if I discover or even suspect the actors on a TV show or movie don't get on it ruins to a degree my enjoyment of what I'm watching. I'm not asking them to be joined at the hip or anything lol but I like it when you can see (or just tell from their body language during interviews etc) when actors are clearly having a good time and are friendly and comfortable around each other. It shouldn't be an issue of course but unfortunately that's what's happened on Castle. I can't watch them together any more without constantly seeing the problems and how they're trying to work around them and it doesn't help that they leap out at me because they're not doing much to cover it up. Their exchanges often feel like line readings, lacking any genuine emotion and the constant tired and predictable interruptions plus the stilted body language (especially by NF) takes me repeatedly out of their scenes together. I wish that wasn't the case. Sigh..may be after a while I can revisit the show, watch the earlier seasons when the chemistry sparkled and they seemed much more at ease and try and get back into enjoying the show (and Caskett) again but right now sadly I can't.
  3. May Sweeps Preview and Finale Spoilers at TV LIne LokSat unmasked at last! Hooray! I can't wait to tune in and find out who this ultimate big bad might be, does this mean they're ending up on a boat? May be that dingy they found him in comes into play again lol. Oh those emotional twists and turns! No one does these better than on Castle (cough), and as for ending in a "dynamic" way do they really have to? Urgh
  4. I may not work in the entertainment business but given my experience in various offices over the last twenty odd years, watching human nature and marvelling at what goes on involving apparently intelligent, thoughtful, nice people I don't find it that unbelievable. It doesn't have to be major, sometimes it the drip, drip, drip of a whole host of minor things that eventually make people snap and start acting up. I used to be convinced they must have had a fling relatively early on and after they split never really got their relationship back on track again. Their behaviour certainly lent me to believe this was the case as they were all over each other in early interviews, she had such an obvious crush on him lol unless she's a far better actress than I ever thought and was faking it to generate a buzz. But now I'm leaning more towards the idea that their specific ways of working were so radically different (as evidenced by various interviews and comments at cons it's clear they don't approach acting in the same way which is fine and absolutely natural) and that eventually they got on each other's nerves sufficiently to cause problems. I also agree with those who say personality wise they're not alike and that can cause problems over time, throw in the actors egos (they all have them even the "nice" ones) and competing interests/outside pressures and it can be a recipe for problems.
  5. What was funny about this particular situation was Fillion was the one who would ignore her completely (like KaveDweller mentioned it was super weird how he'd often name check every other person on DVD commentaries but not her) but you're right she would sometimes tweet him things and acknowledge him in interviews (then it kind of petered out may be she gave up lol). Whenever this was brought up and some of us said how strange it was, some would come back and say "it's obvious they've made a pact not to appear friendly because of all the Stanathan fans out there making their lives hell!" And I'd be thinking if this is a joint arrangement to avoid the crazy it's the weirdest one I've ever seen. It's like Fillion got the message but Katic misunderstood about this not talking stuff and kept on going lol which made the problem even more painfully obvious to me.
  6. KaveDweller. "Super weird" is the perfect description of Stana and Nathan's relationship over the last two or three years. I'll always be intrigued what the hell went down with them.
  7. Thanks! That's a great video, is really shows you her physical transformation over the years, fans are so clever. I agree about Jennifer Gray and there's been a few actresses that spring to mind (Meg Ryan, Renee) that have had too much work done and the very thing that made them unique and stand out amongst the herd is lost, actors are defined so much by their looks, their face really is their fortune - they mess too much with that at their peril.
  8. I don't necessarily hold more store in the costume guy's tweet than I do in this Lynette Wich. I find both extremes kind of amusing TBH, those who believe every ounce of gossip they can lay their hands on irrespective of the "source" and decide it's fact and those who choose to put their rose coloured goggles on and firmly dismiss the signs of smoke coming up where clearly a fire is brewing. I rarely take what people say at face value and believe it's the honest truth without wondering what's your agenda? Most people have one, even when they deny it. Working within any show like this (or business it's the same thing) I'm sure there's a lot of things going on with competing interests and allegiances that would really open my eyes wide if I was a fly on the wall. I realise this attitude does not reflect well on me and it's overly cynical but I can't help it. This is what life experience coupled with years of caring about TV shows and certain actors in the past (and then being bitterly disappointed and let down when things all turn to crud) has done to me. I do believe both stars only wanted to work 2 days a week with each other (not just Fillion throwing his weight around as some stated). I'm not sure where I read that, it's all got lost in the gossip avalanche of recent days but this joint decision directly participated in the show quickly spiralling into the shitter - the lack of regular Castle and Beckett screen time and the writers pathetic attempts to disguise it was a constant problem. It takes two to tango and Katic by the looks of things was equally happy to spend time away from her co-star for whatever reason, so ultimately both actors appear to have helped contribute somewhat to the show's ultimate downfall but unfortunately for Fillionista's it's Nathan in the dog house. Since I want to share the blame around (in no particular order) as best I can here goes: I blame Hawley and Winter for their tone deaf shitty storytelling and lack of respect for the characters MilMar created. I will never forgive them for the separation fiasco and the awful ongoing Locksat borefest. I blame Luke for Castle's shitty grossly unflattering wardrobe, the guy doesn't deserve to be in a job. I could do better. I blame some elements of the fanbase for their actions at times on social media which gave the rest of us a bad name and end up with many posters unfairly being labelled as "haters" or "trolls" for daring to have critical opinions on what the show has become and worse keep voicing them. I blame MilMar for starting the rot with their "respect the process", taking Beckett "down a peg" (argh!), Rogan and the Hamptons wedding that should have been, in hindsight 6.23 was ultimately the moment the show derailed. I blame the network for their utter greed and obvious desperation, presumably if they hadn't agreed to Katic and Fillion's demands they would have walked which given how bad S8 has been and watching the fall out now of bitterness and recriminations - I fervently wish they had.
  9. Or maybe he was bullshitting, stars can flat out lie, it can happen and whilst at the time I thought "good on him" at this point I'm leaning very much towards the bullshit angle. When it comes down to it there are very few stars (or writers/showrunners for that matter) who are genuinely prepared to leave/end something before they're given the push or it gets cancelled because they want to maintain its quality and go out on top with reputation intact (or even enhanced). Same goes for Stana's "for me it’s about art over finance," musings. If the last two seasons have proven anything to me it's that both stars despite their protestations in print at various times over the years were more than happy to shrug, think fuck it and take the pay cheque. This is entirely up to them of course but don't you dare come back with these kind of statements in future and expect me to believe them. Actions speak louder than words in this case and they're taking the money forget the rest. I don't believe for one second either Katic or Fillion believe what they've been doing for the last couple of seasons is enhancing their resume with quality programming. Oh as for Katic saying the character had already gone as far as it could I don't remember such an interview (not saying there wasn't one but I can't find it easily) but in the same interview I linked to above as of November of S7 she's obviously changed her tune. It's amazing what money and having nothing better in the pipeline can do for your sense of perspective, here's the quote: I'd say they've both been milking it for a while "just because" and they know it.
  10. You are not alone in this, aren't fans already circulating petitions to end the show? There may be weeks before they may make any final statement, think how much dirty gossip and innuendo will have been flung around by then to wade through and you call yourself cranky now... TWP. That nose job was a beauty, she chose her surgeon very well (or got very lucky), the change it made was startling and a massive improvement and yet it looks completely natural unlike other celebs who end up looking like they're a composite of various other people lol. I got the vibe that Fillion and Marlowe didn't really get on that well at least in the latter years, just odd things here and there. Katic on the other hand seemed to adore him and Terri but then AM was responsible for giving her the fame and career she enjoys, may be she came over as more crawling and endlessly grateful than Fillion so he gravitated naturally towards her. If ABC are intent on carrying on with the show what they need to worry about now is their supporting act around Fillion. The boys should stay but of the 8 episodes I've watched in full the new guest stars plus the over promotion of Alexis into supergirl have been a massive failure. Molly has lost every ounce of charm she once used to magically generate (critically with Fillion) and I find her (Alexis) insufferable in almost every way (and this is coming from someone who adored Alexis util Pi-gate) I have no interest in watching any of them interact with Fillion despite the fact he can usually have chemistry with a tree. I'm not interested enough in them as characters - so if the writers stays at its present mediocre level with the so called laughable character "development" I've seen - then they're got a serious problem because Nathan needs someone to bounce off.
  11. No but at least her corpse will be an extraordinary one. I'm fully expecting Castle or some random doctor reminding me how amazing she is even in death lol. Can't wait for the finale, it's going to be gloriously horrible.
  12. Here you go, the link. https://twitter.com/BecklebeeCastle/status/723891994431512576
  13. Apparently he's the "key costumer", I admire Mr Moore's wish to stick up for Nathan but is he partly responsible for Castle's awful wardrobe I've had to suffer all these years? Boo!
  14. No Caskett baby either.....tumblr will go into deep mourning, bloggers will have to satisfy themselves with fanfic and manips. Falling in love with a TV show and caring about the characters should carry an official health warning, it will all end in tears and recriminations in the end watch out! Sigh
  15. I had to stop reading after a page or so it was exhausting the level of vitriol and it was all one way traffic, that Castle tag on there has had some action over the last few days lol. Nathan must have developed a tough skin after all his years in the business. I'm sure he'll survive.
  16. I wish she'd do a final interview looking back over her time playing Beckett and her feelings on the role and what's she taken away from it as an actress, what her favourite moments were (I know she's sort of done that on twitter but I'd prefer it done properly), things she wanted to happen that didn't etc. I doubt I'll get anything though, looks like fans will have to be content with her tweets and photos. I don't expect Fillion to say another word about it, he's made his statement that's it folks.
  17. Whoah you're not kidding! I note one poster said their friend worked at ABC and they'd ask them what shit went down (yeah I know it's handy these people knowing a "friend") and apparently the story was leaked and ABC didn't want it released until after the season finale. I'm prepared to believe this insider gossip 100%. It makes perfect sense, I can't imagine them wanting this crapfest on their door in the lead up to the final four episodes in a million years.
  18. Shame because Rob is one of the more solid writers on Castle, he seems to "get" them as a couple better than most. I see this particular sneak quickly made it on to twitter, may be because it had Caskett in it? Had to smile when he says to the guy "as a grown man call it a journal" - that's the Richard Castle I like. I've seen quite a few fans saying what's the point of watching any more they're so upset.
  19. Cheers & Jeers Takes on Kimmy Schmidt, Kelly Ripa, Nashville's Brat and That Castle Mess at TV Insider Ouch.
  20. I believe it was Halwideman who quashed the idea Katic was being massively underpaid as many fans assumed, of course it depends if you believe they were a credible source, I have to say I thought she sounded legit. From the moment Marlowe and Millar left the building any guarantees for a Castle and Beckett happy ending were over. It was their love story they put up on screen and I always believed that despite some of the shitty turns in storytelling towards the end of their reign they would ensure fans were never deprived of seeing things end happily. Because who would seriously want to crap all over their love with death and disaster for these two characters they kept saying were based on them? Once the new writers came on board fans should have prepared themselves for worst case scenario, I certainly did, these new writers have no emotional link to the characters unlike MilMar - I expected they would either separate, get divorced or one of them died and so here we are considering it. My final imagined scene of the entire series used to centre on the idea they'd have her walking off literally arm arm together after a proper kiss (a bit like the ending of Still which is one of the reasons I love that episode) and if they could spare the cash have that One Republic song used again as they come full circle, yeah I know I won't be winning any writing awards any time soon lol. What's sad is that they'll probably end up ruining MilMar's legacy and incurring the eternal wrath of the majority of the fanbase as they struggle to keep the show going somehow and as others have stated is it going to be all worth it? I'd love to know how MilMar feel right now watching this unfold. I read a fanfic on tumblr just the other day where it looks like he's imagined her all along but he's so wrapped up in this story of a life he's created for himself that he goes to the precinct and there she is "his" Captain Beckett and she recognises him or something like that. I can see in the coming months a lot of fanfic doing the rounds as fans try to come to terms with things and write their own happy endings. They'll probably do a far better job than the professional writers because the fans genuinely care about the characters.
  21. One of my distant relatives moved on within three months of his wife dying of cancer to someone new, he's the type that can't be without a woman. I thought that was a bit much but it happens. I expect any time jump would be say 6 months or a year, I can't see them making it longer. The fact is people do move on and find new love if they want to have a happy life and not wallow in depression, what's the correct period of time to be obviously grieving before moving on after losing someone? Different strokes for different folks as they say. Castle especially now is not the type to mope about so I can see him plausibly moving relatively quickly on...unfortunately Castle hasn't acted much like Beckett is the great love of his life, that's what's so sad about it.
  22. Yeah they are boring, I didn't even bother to end up watching the second one. It's funny but normally when the sneaks come out, they're all over twitter and tumblr but this time I did a double check on the blog I took them from that I had the right ones because I couldn't find them elsewhere, fans are so wrapped up in recent off set events they're obviously too distracted to bother even posting them up, then again when you look at the contents may be that's understandable.
  23. Do you mean these? Castle 8x19 Sneak Peek - Castle Season 8 Episode 19 Sneak Peek “Dead Again” Castle 8x19 Sneak Peek #2 “Dead Again" Season 8 Episode 19 ‪#‎Castle‬ 8.19
  24. 'Huntsman,' 'Sleepy Hollow,' And Why It Matters When Female Stars Are Kicked Out Of Their Franchises - Forbes Castle gets a brief mention in here due to recent events. I'm not sure how I feel about these sort of articles is it clear? There was the Sony leaks last year that showed female stars and execs getting paid substantially less than their male counterparts and now this latest spate of culling of female characters. As a woman I sense I should be banging the drum in support and up in arms about it but part of me feels there's more too it than a simple lack of interest or value being placed on women in Hollywood. May be I'm being naive and not wanting to see it. I believe women in Hollywood can have it tougher sometimes than their male counterparts, I have no doubt that some unpleasant things do go on but I don't care to see female stars being treated like victims when they're often far from it. I keep reminding myself Hollywood is a business first and foremost, stars make career choices for any number of reasons that would probably baffle the hell out of many fans if they knew the truth. I know some fans have intimated that Katic is a victim of some kind of obvious misogynist agenda this season but I've never been sold on that. The fact is Fillion has more clout and connections than she does, he's the star no matter what the Stanatics might say that she now tops him in popularity, the show prospered with Caskett as its focus true but Fillion always had top billing for a good reason, the show rested on his shoulders ultimately. It's unthinkable that Fillion could ever skip an episode - Katic was allowed to twice. That's star power and it trumps everything else, welcome to Hollywood. She may be the "co lead" but the harsh fact was she was never going to have his clout. As for Snow White and The Hunstman and the recent sequel with no Snow White that is mentioned in the article, I would have thought the lead actress having a very public fling with the director didn't exactly help matters. I wasn't that shocked Stewart didn't get to make a repeat appearance. Sorry if this transgresses your last post Wendy, I spent so long getting it typed up by the time I'd posted things had moved on.
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