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Everything posted by verdana

  1. mad maverick. I sense if she had any doubts she can't have any more sadly, I feel sorry for Stana because she seemed to be the one who put the most thought into Beckett's characterisation but now she doesn't have to bother, anything goes, she's just go to grit her teeth in S7 and try and sell it as best she can. I think you've covered all the soapy stories we could have: parent back from the dead, memory loss, shock pregnancy, love child but who knows Marlowe could yet surprise me. I'd like to believe that it's possible for them to make something touching and genuinely comedic out of such a storyline but with their recent track record I doubt it.
  2. And another! Now if they want Castle to walk up the beach in this shirt I'd be fine with it.
  3. I think I've been speculating in the wrong thread, have to get used to not posting everything in the same place. If they're going to go with memory loss then Castle really has hit the skids. Either a dream scenario or Castle developing amnesia would be signs the writers are scrabbling around for ideas...and didn't find any. I wish I could have memory loss too of that wretched finale at least Castle will be okay if he can't remember anything. madmaverick beat me to it, we're into soap opera territory now, I'm sure Nathan will have a laugh about it though. I know I'll be smiling, thinking about the reactions from some corners of the fandom if this proves to be true. The writers just need Beckett to simultaneously develop multiple personality disorder and find she's also got a baby hidden away and they're sorted.
  4. I wonder what sartorial delights Luke will have in store for us and the cast (especially poor Nathan) in S7.
  5. 14 Romantically Castle Moments thanks to ABC they've picked 14 "of the most romantic, flirty, sexy, tender moments" between Castle and Beckett. #2 is the Proposal, probably the most least romantic one I've ever seen. It's kind of funny that out of those they've chosen, very few of them are after they got together.
  6. If any of these concepts are as mind boggling as the ending of S6 and the tiresome season long wedding planning then you know what you can do with them. If they play the amnesia card then Castle really will have dived headlong into soap opera territory and the writers plain out of ideas. Heh, love the idea of the scruff and it would be suitably dramatic enough for the show. Like you I hope this has nothing to do with some big government conspiracy which seems to be where they frequently end up going with these dramatic two parters. Unless it brings back the return of Jordan Shaw of course to help Beckett hunt Castle down then I'd be interested. If he was wearing another of those hideous bowling shirts I'd tell him to bugger off and quick change into a better wardrobe then he can come staggering back into my open arms.
  7. You and me both. I'm convinced that ABC were more than happy for those shots of the proposal scene in the park finding their way out given the response Watershed received and I could imagine a similar thing happening this season too in order to get the fans excited once again. I see they've cast a shrink in the opener I wonder if that could be a new one for Beckett struggling with the fact he's missing? As for the Coast Guard captain sounds like Castle may be all out to sea, literally this time.
  8. I figured it has to be a two parter when the Creaseys said they were doing 7.03. And no Pelant rip off please God that was so annoying on Bones. I'm glad they decided to make it a two parter rather than attempt to pack in everything into one episode and it ends up feeling so rushed. I'm hoping we just might get some decent family scenes and relationship development when they hold an actual grown up conversation (not about wedding planning) when they do finally reunite. Unlike Ausiello I wish Bowman wasn't directing, everyone seems to adore him what is it with this guy? His contribution to any episode when it comes to any Caskett scenes it to make sure I don't see them properly, an example being Veritas when they do kiss it's shot in silhouette, Bowman and Marlowe must have giggled over that one, I find it tiresome and juvenile.
  9. That's the reason I eventually got fed up with it, almost every week that was the secondary story and it was just a load of generic wedding crap that any couple could have been discussing. Boring. Nothing about it seemed unique to them as a couple and to make it worse most of the time nothing ever came of their so called "planning" it all seemed really aimless and superficial. It felt like the writers did that to hold back on exploring anything else more interesting between Caskett figuring if they spoon fed the fans this sugary sweetness all season it would suffice. The only time they dealt with anything else was during the DC arc and even that wasn't fully explored as much as I would have liked and resolved far too easily for Beckett. I also felt the whole guest list scene when they're telling each other their numbers felt off, I don't believe for a second that Beckett has over a 100 people she knows well enough to invite to her wedding and Castle's done this already twice yet he's not managed to get his guest list down any? This was one example of where I didn't feel these kind of scenes made sense to them as a couple given what we supposedly know about them and it just made yet again look clueless about what they really want.
  10. Interesting to see if any location shots leak out like they did last season that give fans a clue as to what direction they're going in with Castle's car accident.
  11. Speaking of Dara here she is with another tweet about her boss.
  12. I don't see that he had any genius to lose either but he did produce the goods over the first two or three seasons of the show. He has some writing talent but Air Force One was hardly ground breaking it was instantly forgettable. I can't decide if he's a guy who simply got lucky with one good idea, the right casting and may be he has a talent for writing certain things but flounders when he has to develop them into something deeper which is when things started to fall apart on Castle. The other option is like many people he just run out of creative steam but his just ran out faster than others and for whatever reason he wasn't prepared to have the right people around him to keep the overall quality there.
  13. He seems to have been on one continual round of them even more so than last season but you're right the guy could make a reasonably good living just doing cons. I'm sure I read somewhere that depending how popular the star they can make up to $100K at each one. At the rate he attends them Nathan wouldn't have to worry about getting another job in too much of a hurry, unless he spends the money as fast as he earns it of course.
  14. I saw that manip he posted and laughed, he's since followed that tweet up with this beauty which had me smiling even more. I'll be waiting John. "Creepy John Lopes" Yeah I feel the same way, may be he should get together with Mark Polish. Then there's his obsequious tweeting about Marlowe and his talents. Is this the same genius that gave us a few months ago that turd of a finale? And the season before that the most amazingly depressing proposal of all time? Yes I believe it was. Whilst there's nothing wrong in admiring the people you work with, that's embarrassing he comes over like some crazed fan. How much desperate arse licking does he need to do? I gathered from some of his much earlier tweets that his company was somehow involved in financing? If money is involved it's Marlowe who should probably be doing the sucking up.
  15. And here's some pictures of Stana at their wrap party.
  16. And Mark Polish is busy plugging his short film on Castle.
  17. This is everything I wanted to see as a natural evolution of their family dynamic once Beckett and Castle became a couple. There was so much to explore in bringing these three together as a family unit and watching as they struggle with how you co-exist when you bring someone new into the mix. Especially given the past issues that had been touched on with Alexis and her anger/fear over her dad being in danger and her concern for his ultimate happiness with Beckett. Instead I got the most irritating character on TV foisted on me since Jar Jar Binks, Beckett was marginalised and Alexis turned overnight into a mean, ignorant, disrespectful person to service the plot. You would have thought this was the perfect way to show how Kate and Alexis are forming a totally different dynamic to the one she had with Gina and this is one reason why his third marriage is to going to work but as usual they ignored it. Their familial bond or whatever they have happened off screen mostly. I guess proof of their closeness is given by what we see - a smile here, a fist bump there, a hug - but that's never been enough to convince me of much. The odd line or moment of physical interaction two or three times a season and that's your character development done and dusted, it's pretty woeful given how much scope there is or should I say was. I agree with you that Castle's disappearance should give them a chance to interact and deepen their relationship but I doubt it will happen given what's gone before. I'd love them to have a few nice little scenes together (depending on how long this story arc lasts) but they'll probably hardly even speak, the focus will be on Kate's anguish not that of the rest of his family. The writers still insist on keeping them wherever possible in separate orbits if Castle is not around.
  18. They'll be waiting a long time. I've never heard Marlowe apologise for anything he's done and I doubt he'll start now. Why should he? In his mind the finale was simply meant to be zany fun after the seriousness of Veritas and he clearly didn't give a shit about upsetting the fans over the delayed wedding. Apologising means you acknowledge you got something wrong and he's just not the type. I'm sure he's seen the critical fallout over the finale and knows his interviews were not overwhelmingly well received but he'll want to ignore all that and move on and the best way to do this is not talk about it and divert fans attention to what's coming up. I think someone should muzzle the guy as what he says usually makes things worse not better but I've no doubt we'll be hearing from him again soon as he sets out his overall "vision" for S7.
  19. This link has already been posted here on another thread, it's the Greek interview she did recently, she gets asked about life after Castle at 8.20. I know that DB and ED have both directed episodes of Bones and I've often wondered if Stana and Nathan would eventually want to do something similar. I agree that with the show to work around it makes things difficult to fit other projects in and the actors probably want a rest in any case after such a long exhausting season.
  20. I believe Stana can find success again probably on TV more so than the movies. I don't underestimate her but there's no getting away from the fact that for every actress that does go on to continued success like GA (who I love) there are any number who for various reasons fall between the cracks never to be seen again. I have to be honest, the choices she's been making so far in her career don't engender confidence but it's her life and she knows what she wants out of it. I only hope she's getting good advice that takes her in the direction she wants to go after Castle ends. Another picture of Stana whilst filming this movie in Italy, I realise it's not her personal choice but can't say the dress does anything for me or that wretched animal print bag. I see she's wearing a wedding ring for this part so at least she got married to somebody over the summer! I wonder how long it will be before we see Beckett sporting one? If she remembers to wear it of course.
  21. May be Amann likes Italian ice cream. Whatever the reason he suddenly popped up with Stana over there at least they can have a nice chat over a decent coffee. When dreams come true: Me and Stana Katic. Lovely picture of Stana here with a fan and once again I'm just loving the hair.
  22. Awwww so sweet, I love the Dever's they truly seem a happy well matched couple and Seamus I note has joined the scruff club whilst off Castle duty. Meanwhile Stana is still in Italy by the looks of things. Florence is an amazing city I hope she's enjoying herself. Every time I see her hair that length I keep wanting her to ditch those extensions for Beckett. It's at a good enough length by now that she could just have this style on the show. Stana with some fans in Florence, Italy - June 29th 2014
  23. That's why I have issues when they do what's promoted as a more Castle-centric story (which isn't often) I find his reactions don't tend to drive the story anywhere it's usually all about how she reacts to events and he's a passive presence when he should have far more influence. That doesn't mean you should ignore how she's feeling since obviously they're a couple and events affect them both but if you say you will focus on a person then do so and give them a voice, let fans see their feelings and motivations come to the forefront but they often fail do do that.
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