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  1. Sasha be like "see you later bitches!"
  2. Welcome Back! Welcome Back! its no longer gonna be the Negan show, he's in for some serious ass-kicking
  3. Ugh more tongue bath for Mel! Gross
  4. that was just mean, and gawking at them like they are in the zoo. worst bit ever, since the Dancing Snow White
  5. Man Jackie Chan should of done a stunt!
  6. Can this move along a little, I'm missing Walking Dead for this
  7. This was great! I heart Justin Timberlake
  8. Mel Gibson really? what a racist fuck!
  9. I like Blackish, but Rachel Bloom shoulda of won!
  10. JDM should have come out with Lucille! I would of died
  11. Loved this episodue this is probably one of my favorites, I loved Kimmy trying her hardest to get tickets for DJ and the wild hijicks and Steve letting Matt take the credit for tickets, thats the Steve I remember not this creepy stalker guy, I just don't buy Ramona being that excited to see them, and screaming, but great episodue.
  12. I love this show! It cannot be canceled, and I love that Rebecca is so maniac, but I wonder how they will keep everyone on the show since Josh and Rebecca broke up and Greg is in Atlanta.. I can't say enough I love this show!
  13. I just can't like this show, every episode its the same thing, Madison does something stupid at the risk of the group because of her precious baby boy, and nothing else happens I swear I think the showrunners are doing this on purpose, let's see how we can make this the worse show on television and not have any zombies, they should just cancel it at this point it pointless.
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