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HBO Info: Comprehensive Character Guide

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This is meant as a show character guide, the aim of which is to be as comprehensive as it can be, but it is impossible to do a complete one, since not all characters are named or given enough contextualizing details to classify. Characters only mentioned in one or two episodes have those episodes cited in brackets. Any other background information is taken only from HBO.com and the HBO viewers' guide, with the maps there zoomed in for as much bannermen info as possible. Characters listed in italics are deceased, with circumstances of death listed if known. Characters without children, or whose children are listed with their sibling, may have close associates listed below them in the House family tree, with such associations explained. Characters listed in family trees with an * after their name were mentioned on the show (but without enough details to pinpoint their birth) but not included in the viewer's guide, or in the case of Rhaella Targaryen listed next to her brother-husband with no way to tell who was the elder, and in the case of Walder Frey's brood listed without any clear family tree, all others listed with siblings can be assumed to be listed in birth order.
House Targaryen
The Targaryens came from the ancient civilization of Valyria, bringing dragons from the eastern continent and settling on an island they called Dragonstone. After a mysterious disaster known as the Doom of Valyria wiped out their homeland and killed most of the world's dragons, the Targaryens invaded Westeros, successfully conquering six of the seven kingdoms. Centuries later, a rebellion led by a relative named Robert Baratheon overthrew the Targaryen dynasty and eliminated most of the royal family, except for Viserys and Daenerys Targaryen, who fled across the Narrow Sea. But after turning Slaver's Bay into the Bay of Dragons, Queen Daenerys I set sail for Westeros and reclaimed Dragonstone. After helping her newfound nephew Jon defeat the Night King's forces, Daenerys returned her sights to the Iron Throne and destroyed the Lannister regime for good.

Sigil: A red three-headed dragon on a black field
Words: Fire And Blood
Seat: Dragonstone, later also King's Landing 
Lands: all of Westeros (lost to House Baratheon and later other claimants)
-King Maekar I Targaryen m. ? [s01e09]

  • Prince Aemon Targaryen, gave up all royal claims and became simply known as Maester Aemon, sworn to the order of the maesters and serving the Night's Watch at Castle Black, where he eventually died of natural causes after passing his 100th nameday
  • King Aegon V Targaryen, called "Egg", inherited the throne only after his brother Aemon refused it m. ? [s01e09]
    • Queen Rhaella Targaryen*, consort to her brother King Aerys II, died on Dragonstone in childbirth with Daenerys
    • King Aerys II Targaryen, called "the Mad King", slain at the steps of the throne by a member of his own Kingsguard, the oathbreaker Jaime Lannister m. Princess Rhaella of House Targaryen, his sister
      • Prince Rhaegar Targaryen, posthumously called "the Last Dragon", killed by the Usurper Robert Baratheon in the Battle of the Trident 1stm. Princess Elia of House Martell, raped and killed by Gregor Clegane during the Sack of King's Landing, on the orders of Tywin Lannister; union secretly annulled 2ndLyanna of House Stark, died after giving birth to Prince Rhaegar's posthumous son
        • Princess Rhaenys Targaryen, killed by Gregor Clegane during the Sack of King's Landing, on the orders of Tywin Lannister
        • Prince Aegon Targaryen, killed by Gregor Clegane during the Sack of King's Landing, on the orders of Tywin Lannister
        • King Jon Snow, an unknown heir to the throne, the Crown Prince's son by his second (secret) wife, born with the same name as his half-brother but raised as a bastard by his mother's family; became the lover of his aunt Daenerys before learning of his true heritage
      • King Viserys III Targaryen, self-styled "the Dragon", became the last known male heir in the direct line (and therefore the rightful King) after the deaths of his father, brother and only publicly acknowledged nephew; slain in Vaes Dothrak by his own brother-in-law Khal Drogo, with a crown of molten gold
      • Queen Daenerys I "Stormborn" Targaryen, nicknamed "Dany" by her brother Viserys, also called the Unburnt, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Mother of Dragons, Breaker of Chains; briefly betrothed during her reign in Meereen to Hizdahr zo Loraq until his death, now the Queen on Dragonstone and the lover of her (secret) nephew, Jon Snow, survived the Battle of the Long Night and then achieved another victory with Second Sack of King's Landing m. Khal Drogo, slain with a witch's poison and curse, euthanized by Daenerys
        • Rhaego, a son by Khal Drogo, killed in the womb by Mirri Maz Duur
        • Drogon, Queen Daenerys I's black-and-red dragon, named for her dead husband; flew free above Slaver's Bay and the ruins of Old Valyria until saving his mother in the Fighting Pit of Daznak and leaving with Queen Daenerys riding him, helped defeat the slavers in the Battle of Meereen and once in Westeros, helped his mother to achieve her first victory against the Lannisters before their first fight against the army of the dead, helped his mother again in the Battle of the Long Night and the Second Sack of King's Landing
        • Rhaegal, Queen Daenerys I's green-and-bronze dragon, named for Prince Rhaegar; locked in the catacombs beneath Meereen, unchained by Tyrion Lannister and escaped the pyramid during the Battle of Meereen to help Drogon defeat the Masters' fleet at their mother's command, flew with his mother and brothers beyond the Wall to rescue Jon Snow, ridden by his cousin Jon (son of the dragon's namesake) in the Battle of the Long Night, killed with scorpion bolts shot by Euron Greyjoy in an ambush on return to Dragonstone
        • Viserion, Queen Daenerys I's golden dragon, named for KIng Viserys III; locked in the catacombs beneath Meereen, unchained by Tyrion Lannister and escaped the pyramid during the Battle of Meereen to help Drogon defeat the Masters' fleet at their mother's command, killed by the Night King after going with his mother and brothers beyond the Wall to rescue Jon Snow, his corpse was then raised by the Night King as a wight and used to destroy part of the Wall, destroyed after the Night King was slain by Arya Stark


Council of Aerys II Targaryen
-Lord Tywin Lannister, served as Hand of the King for 20 years before resigning in protest, after his daughter Cersei was rejected as a bride for Prince Rhaegar in favor of Elia Martell, and his heir, Jaime, was named to the Kingsguard; later betrayed King Aerys II, after the death of Prince Rhaegar, by entering the gates of King's Landing under the pretense of aid, only to sack the city and order the murder of the remaining royal family
-unnamed replacement(s) for Lord Tywin Lannister
-Lord Varys, called "the Spider", master of whisperers, advised King Aerys II not to open the city gates to the traitor Lord Tywin, betrayed Queen Daenerys I by trying to poison her and put her nephew Jon on the throne, executed for his treason by Drogon's dragonfire
-Grand Maester Pycelle, healer and adviser, a traitor who convinced King Aerys II to open the gates of the capital to Lord Tywin, thereby allowing the Sack of King's Landing, killed by child servants on the orders of Cersei Lannister the day she stole the throne
-Ser Gerold Hightower, the last Lord Commander serving a Targaryen king, presumably killed in the Usurper's War [s06e03]
-unnamed other councilors
Kingsguard of Aerys II Targaryen
-Ser Gerold Hightower, the last Lord Commander serving a Targaryen king, presumably killed in the Usurper's War [s06e03]
-Ser Barristan Selmy, called "Barristan the Bold", a hero of the War of the Ninepenny Kings, helped defeat the outlaw band called the Kingswood Brotherhood, killing their leader, Simon Toyne; the only survivor of the Kingsguard who fought in Prince Rhaegar's army during the Usurper's War, bent his knee to the Usurper Robert Baratheon and was then promoted to Lord Commander in the Usurper's Kingsguard, dismissed from the Kingsguard by Joffrey Baratheon and killed serving Queen Daenerys I Targaryen in Meereen
-Ser Arthur Dayne, called "the Sword of the Morning", wielded the white blade called Dawn, which was said to be forged from a fallen star, led the attack on the Kingswood Brotherhood, killing "the Smiling Knight" in single combat, killed in Dorne during the Usurper's War by Eddard Stark after being wounded from behind by Howland Reed [s04e01, s06e03]
-Ser Oswell Whent, died in Dorne with Ser Arthur Dayne, killed by a band of rebels led by Eddard Stark [s04e01]
-Ser Jaime Lannister, squired for Ser Barristan against the Kingswood Brotherhood in his 16th year, and was knighted for his valor in the field and soon thereafter named to the Kingsguard, becoming the youngest knight to ever join the sworn brotherhood; betrayed and slew his king only a few years later on the steps of the Iron Throne, pardoned by the Usurper Robert Baratheon, now called "the Kingslayer", dismissed from the Usurpers' Kingsguard by his nephew Tommen Baratheon, killed when the Red Keep collapsed in the Second Sack of King's Landing

Council of Daenerys I Targaryen
-Lord Tyrion Lannister, delivered as a gift by Ser Jorah Mormont, assigned by Daario Naharis to help rule Meereen in the absence of Queen Daenerys I, named Hand of the Queen after the Battle of Meereen, a traitor who told Varys of Jon Snow's true identity after his former wife, Sansa Stark, told him, then freed his brother after Jaime was captured trying to return to King's Landing
-Lord Varys, called "the Spider", arrived only after Queen Daenerys I's abrupt departure from Daznak's Pit, to help Tyrion rule Meereen in her absence, traveled to Dorne and secured alliances with the remnants of Houses Martell and Tyrell then joined Queen Daenerys I with more ships from her newest Westerosi allies, betrayed Queen Daenerys I by trying to poison her and put her nephew Jon on the throne, executed for his treason by Drogon's dragonfire
-Missandei of Naath, translator and royal herald, a native of the island of Naath who was captured by slavers, formerly owned by Kraznys, freed by Queen Danaerys I, advised by Daario Naharis to help rule Meereen in the absence of Queen Daenerys I, captured by the ironborn in an ambush as Her Grace's forces returned to Dragonstone after their victory in the Battle of the Long Night, then killed by Gregor Clegane after a failed parley with Cersei Lannister at the gates of King's Landing
-King Jon Snow, a northern ally who convinced the Queen to join the fight against the Night King, led the mission to capture a wight for a parley with the Lannisters on the advice of Lord Tyrion; also the lover of Queen Daenerys I and (secretly) her nephew
-Queen Yara Greyjoy, offered the Iron Fleet to Queen Daenerys I in exchange for Her Grace's support of her claim to the Salt Throne of the Iron Islands, captured by her uncle Euron in the Battle of the Greyjoys, eventually rescued by her brother Theon before returning home to take back the Iron Islands
-Prince Theon Greyjoy, traveled with his sister to Meereen to ally with Queen Daenerys I, escaped from his uncle in the Battle of the Greyjoys, later left to save his sister after appearing at the parley in the Dragonpit, eventually led forces to rescue Yara from captivity on Euron's ship, and was then released by her to return north to fight for the Starks, where he was killed in Winterfell defending Bran Stark in the Battle of the Long Night


Queensguard of Daenerys I Targaryen
-Ser Jorah Mormont, a fugitive from Westeros after selling poachers into slavery, pardoned by the Usurper for spying on King Viserys III and then-Princess Daenerys, exiled from Meereen once his spying was known, captured Tyrion Lannister at a brothel in Volantis, infected with greyscale by the "Stone Men" in the ruins of Old Valyria, captured and sold into slavery as a pit fighter, re-joined the cause of Queen Daenerys I when she was attacked by the Sons of the Harpy in Daznak's Pit, traveled to Vaes Dothrak with Daario Naharis and formally re-joined the Queensguard on Dragonstone after his greyscale was cured in Oldtown, killed defending his Queen in the Battle of the Long Night
-Ser Barristan Selmy, called "Barristan the Bold", traveled in search of the rightful Targaryen heir after being dismissed from the Usurper's Kingsguard by Joffrey Baratheon, killed in an ambush by the Sons of the Harpy in a Meereen alleyway, after eliminating as many enemies as he could 

Lesser Residents of the Crownlands
-Martha, a girl working in the kitchens on Dragonstone and a "little bird" of the traitor Lord Varys taking orders from him in his plot to murder the Queen [s08e05]
-Alanna, a woman whose husband was frantically searching for her during the Second Sack of King's Landing, presumed killed [s08e05]

Other sworn swords and members of the household of Daenerys I Targaryen
-Mirri Maz Duur, a "godswife" and healer of the people called the Lamb Men, one of the first slaves rescued by Queen Daenerys I, but after she had already been raped by the Dothraki who destroyed her village, used blood magic which healed a dying Khal Drogo but stole the life from his body and killed his son, Rhaego, in the womb, burned at the stake during Khal Drogo's funeral, on the orders of Queen Daenerys I
-The Dothraki, nomadic horse warriors, now all following Queen Daenerys I, though originally she only had the loyalty of the remnants of her husband's khalasar and a number of them were then killed in Qarth

  • Rakharo, a Dothraki bloodrider, killed by a rival khal
  • Irri, a handmaiden who taught Daenerys the Dothraki language, killed in the home of Xaro Xhoan Daxos in Qarth
  • Aggo, a Dothraki bloodrider, sent on a southeast route to find shelter, unseen since [s02e01]
  • Kovarro, a Dothraki bloodrider, one of the surviving Dothraki after the murder of the others in the city of Qarth, presumably killed before or during the Battle of the Long Night
  • Malakho, an aged Dothraki warrior, one of the surviving Dothraki after the murder of the others in the city of Qarth, presumably killed before or during the Battle of the Long Night
  • Qhono, a Dothraki screamer who found Queen Daenerys I in the Dothraki sea and escorted her to Vaes Dothrak, now following the Unburnt, with all the Dothraki tribes, after witnessing her conquest over the Khals in Vaes Dothrak, killed fighting in the Battle of the Long Night

-Doreah, a handmaiden from a Lysene pleasure house who taught Daenerys the arts of love, an accomplice in the theft of Daenerys's dragons, locked in the vault in Xaro Xhoan Daxos's house in punishment
-Grey Worm, originally from the Summer Isles in a childhood he can't recall, the lover of Missandei and commander of the Unsullied, an elite army of eunuchs freed from slavery in Astapor by Queen Danaerys I, gravely wounded in the Sons of the Harpy alleyway attack that felled Ser Barristan, assigned by Daario Naharis and Missandei to lead the peacekeeping forces in Meereen in the absence of Queen Daenerys I, led his men in the capture of Casterly Rock once in Westeros, traveled to Winterfell and survived the Battle of the Long Night and the Second Sack of King's Landing

  • White Rat, an Unsullied soldier killed by one of "the Sons of the Harpy" while cuddling with a whore

-Daario Naharis, recent paramour of Queen Daenerys I and captain of the Second Sons sellsword company, born as a whore's son and sold as a slave, trained to fight in Tolos and won his freedom in the fighting pits, volunteered for an expedition with Jorah Mormont to find Queen Daenerys I after she rode away on Drogon from the Fighting Pit of Daznak, remained in the Bay of Dragons after the Battle of Meereen to lead his Second Sons as peacekeeping forces
-Hizdahr zo Loraq, a Meereneese noble whose father was crucified on the orders of Queen Daenerys I, served as an envoy to Yunkai, betrothed to Queen Daenerys I after she decided to re-open the Meereenese fighting pits, killed by the Sons of the Harpy in the midst of the great celebrations to mark the re-opening of Daznak's Pit
-Mossador, a former slave in Meereen who took part in the revolt against the masters to join Queen Daenerys I, executed after killing a member of "the Sons of the Harpy" before the prisoner could stand trial
-Kinvara, High Priestess of the Red Temple in Volantis, recruited by Tyrion Lannister to help spread the word of the Mother of Dragons [s06e05]

Historical Targaryens and those associated with them
King Aegon I Targaryen, called "Aegon the Conquerer", once only Lord of Dragonstone, where he built a painted table in the shape of Westeros, then claimed all the kingdoms of Westeros for his own, and conquered six of them, while failing to subdue Dorne; founded King's Landing and built the Iron Throne from the swords of those he'd defeated in battle
-Balerion "the Dread", Aegon I's dragon, said to have fangs the length of bastard swords
Queen Visenya Targaryen, one of Aegon I's sister-wives, and wielder of a Valyrian steel sword called Dark Sister, helped in his conquest of six Westeros kingdoms [s02e07]
-Vhagar, Visenya's dragon, the smallest during the Conquest but still able to swallow a horse whole
Queen Rhaenys Targaryen, the second of Aegon I's sister-wives, helped in his conquest of six Westerosi kingdoms [s02e07]
-Meraxes, Rhaenys's dragon [s01e04, s02e07]
King Maegor ? Targaryen, called "Maegor the Cruel", oversaw the completion of the Red Keep [s01e04]
King Orys I Targaryen, a just king slain by his brother after only a year on the throne [s04e03]
King Jaehaerys I Targaryen, the reigning king when the Nightfort was abandoned by the Night's Watch [s03e09]
King Daeron ? Targaryen, called "Daeron the Young Dragon", the first king mentioned in Grand Maester Kaeth's The Lives of Four Kings [s04e02]
King Baelor ? Targaryen, called "Baelor the Blessed", the second king mentioned in Grand Maester Kaeth's The Lives of Four Kings, ordered the building of the Great Sept of Baelor in King's Landing, supported a six-year-old boy as High Septon, and starved himself to death in a religious fast
King Aegon ? Targaryen, called "Aegon the Unworthy", the third king mentioned in Grand Maester Kaeth's The Lives of Four Kings [s04e02]
King Daeron ? Targaryen, called "Daeron the Good", the fourth king mentioned in Grand Maester Kaeth's The Lives of Four Kings [s04e02]
Rhaenyra Targaryen, fed to her brother's dragon while her son watched [s03e04]
Aerion "Brightflame" Targaryen, drank wildfire in an unsuccessful and fatal attempt to turn himself into a dragon [s03e04]
Ghiscar, Valyron, Vermithrax, Essovius, & Archonel, other dead dragons belonging to the Targaryens [s01e04]
Ser Duncan the Tall, a legendary knight of the Kingsguard, with 4 pages written of his deeds, unknown which king(s) he served [s04e01]
High Septon Maynard, secretly annulled Prince Rhaegar's first marriage and then married him to Lyanna Stark [s07e05, s07e07]

House Baratheon
House Baratheon, founded during Aegon's Conquest by a general rumored to be a Targaryen bastard, has been the ruling dynasty in recent years, since Robert Baratheon overthrew House Targaryen with the help of his future in-laws, the Lannisters. After King Robert I's untimely death, his son Joffrey ascended to the throne, amid rebellion and rumors of illegitimacy. There followed a succession conflict between the children of King Robert I and his brother(s), which only ended after the mysterious assassination of Renly Baratheon, the victory of Joffrey Baratheon against his uncle Stannis in the Battle of the Blackwater, and the slaying of Stannis after his defeat by the Boltons during the reign of Tommen Baratheon. House Baratheon's time on the Iron Throne ended when King Tommen I committed suicide after his mother destroyed the Great Sept of Baelor with the Queen consort, the Queen's family, the Hand of the King and the High Septon inside. 

Sigil: a crowned black stag on a golden field for all of House Baratheon, the crowned stag of Baratheon combatant with the lion of Lannister for Kings Joffrey I & Tommen I, a crowned golden stag on a green field for King Renly I Baratheon, the crowned stag inside a flaming red heart on a yellow field for King Stannis I Baratheon
Words: Ours Is The Fury
Seat: originally Storm's End, later Dragonstone (lost to House Targaryen) & King's Landing (lost to House Lannister)
Lands: originally the Stormlands, later all of Westoros
-Lord Steffon Baratheon m. Cassana of House ?

  • King Robert I Baratheon, a famed warrior who won the Targaryen throne through combat and ended Balon Greyjoy's first rebellion; slain by a boar in a drunken hunting accident m. Cersei of House Lannister, arrested by the Faith Militant on charges of incest, fornication and regicide, confessed to her affair with her cousin Lancel and sought atonement on her walk back to the Red Keep, absented herself from her trial to instead destroy the Great Sept of Baelor using wildfire, killing everyone inside and in the vicinity, slain when the Red Keep collapsed in the Second Sack of King's Landing 
    • Prince ? Baratheon*, died of a fever in infancy [s01e02, s01e05]
    • Lord Gendry Baratheon, the only known surviving bastard of King Robert I, a former apprentice blacksmith, sold to the Night's Watch after King Robert I's death, joined the Brotherhood without Banners only to be sold to his uncle Stannis I, released by Davos Seaworth and found later by Ser Davos to join the cause of Jon Snow in the north, a survivor of the Battle of the Long Night and the lover of Arya Stark, legitimized by Queen Daenerys I Targaryen after their victory over the Night King
    • King Joffrey I Baratheon, once betrothed to Sansa Stark, daughter of the traitor Ned Stark, until she was set aside for a virtuous bride; slain with poison at his wedding feast, allegedly by his uncle Tyrion, actually by his wife's grandmother, Olenna Tyrell m. Margaery of House Tyrell, the virginal widow of his uncle Renly, slain in the wildfire explosion of the Great Sept of Baelor
    • Princess Myrcella Baratheon, sent to Dorne as a ward of Prince Doran Martell and betrothed to his heir, Prince Trystane, killed at the start of her return journey by a poisoned kiss from Ellaria Sand
    • King Tommen I Baratheon, the last Baratheon-named king on the Iron Throne, slain by his own will when he fell forward from his bedroom window after watching the explosion of the Great Sept m. Margaery of House Tyrell, formerly the virginal widow of his uncle and his elder brother, arrested by the Faith Militant for bearing false witness about her brother's sexual sins, released after persuading Tommen I to enter into holy alliance with the High Sparrow, slain in the wildfire explosion of the Great Sept of Baelor
      • Ser Pounce, a faithful feline friend to King Tommen I [s04e04]
    • Barra, and various unnamed others*, bastards sired by King Robert I in King's Landing, killed by the City Watch on royal orders after King Joffrey I's ascension [s01e05, s02e01]
  • King Stannis I Baratheon, the king on Dragonstone and at the Wall, held a besieged Storm's End for nearly a year in Robert's Rebellion and then captured Dragonstone, defeated the ironborn at sea in the Greyjoy Rebellion, defeated Mance Rayder's army beyond-the-Wall, slain by Brienne of Tarth after being defeated by the Boltons m. Selyse of House Florent, slain by her own hand through hanging after the sacrifice of their daughter
    • Petyr Baratheon*, a dead baby, preserved in a jar by his mother [s03e05]
    • Tommard Baratheon*, a dead baby, preserved in a jar by his mother [s03e05]
    • Edric Baratheon*, a dead baby, preserved in a jar by his mother [s03e05]
    • Princess Shireen Baratheon, a girl disfigured in infancy by greyscale, taught Davos Seaworth to read, burned at the stake on the orders of her father and Lady Melisandre, as a (failed) sacrifice to the Lord of Light to bless her father's campaign against the Boltons and the white walkers in the North
  • King Renly I Baratheon, the king crowned in Highgarden, slain by a shadow (birthed by the sorceress Melisandre) the night before he was to face his brother Stannis in battle m. Margaery of House Tyrell, an unconsummated union; slain in the wildfire explosion of the Great Sept of Baelor


Council of Robert I, Joffrey I & Tommen I Baratheon
-Lord Jon Arryn, foster father and Hand of the King to Robert I, died suddenly of mysterious causes, allegedly poisoned by the Lannisters, actually poisoned by his wife on the advice of her lover, Lord Petyr Baelish
-Lord Eddard "Ned" Stark, foster brother of Robert I, appointed Hand of the King upon Lord Arryn's death, and was chosen by King Robert I to be the regent for Joffrey I, executed for treason against King Joffrey I after plotting to give the throne to Stannis I Baratheon instead
-Lord Renly Baratheon, Master of Laws to his brother, Robert I, later declared himself king in rebellion against his nephew, Joffrey I, and his brother, Stannis I, slain by a shadow the night before he was to face his brother Stannis in battle
-Queen Cersei Lannister Baratheon, regent for her sons, Joffrey I & Tommen I, arrested by the Faith Militant on charges of incest, fornication and regicide, confessed to her affair with her cousin Lancel and sought atonement on her walk back to the Red Keep, absented herself from her trial to instead destroy the Great Sept of Baelor using wildfire, killing everyone inside and in the vicinity, slain when the Red Keep collapsed in the Second Sack of King's Landing 
-Lord Tywin Lannister, Hand of the King for his grandsons, Joffrey I & Tommen I, killed by his son Tyrion after sentencing Tyrion to die for the murder of Joffrey I
-Tyrion Lannister, acting Hand of the King and defender of King's Landing until Lord Tywin arrived to win the Battle of the Blackwater, later appointed Master of Coin in Lord Baelish's stead, arrested at the fatal wedding of Joffrey I and convicted of regicide, then escaped his cell to kill his lover and his father and traveled with Varys to serve the Mad King's daughter 
-Ser Kevan Lannister, Hand of the King to his grandnephew Tommen I after Queen Cersei's arrest, when he was summoned back to court by Grand Maester Pycelle, killed by his niece Queen Cersei when she destroyed the Great Sept of Baelor
-Ser Jaime Lannister, Lord Commander of the Kingsguard for his nephews Joffrey I & Tommen I, only chose to claim his seat on the council after Queen Cersei's arrest, dismissed from the Kingsguard by Tommen I, killed when the Red Keep collapsed in the Second Sack of King's Landing 
-Lord Petyr Baelish, called "Littlefinger", Master of Coin for Kings Robert I & Joffrey I, helped arrange the betrothal of Joffrey I to Margaery Tyrell and was raised to Lord of Harrenhal as his reward, left court to secure the loyalty of the Vale, becoming the widower of Lysa Arryn and later, a traitor to the crown, after helping the Starks re-take Winterfell with support from Vale forces, killed by Arya Stark in Winterfell
-Lord Varys, called "the Spider", Master of Whisperers for Kings Aerys II, Robert I, Joffrey I & Tommen I, a totally castrated former actor originally from the free city of Lys, aided the escape of Tyrion Lannister and traveled with him to Pentos and Volantis, later reunited with Tyrion in Meereen to serve the Mad King's daughter, who eventually executed him with dragonfire 
-Grand Maester Pycelle, healer and adviser to many kings, starting with the Targaryen dynasty, and a Lannister loyalist who helped vanquish the Mad King by convincing him to open the city gates to Tywin Lannister, stabbed to death by most of Qyburn's little birds shortly before the explosion of the Great Sept of Baelor
-Lord Janos Slynt, formerly Lord of Harrenhal and Commander of the City Watch, given his lordship and appointed to the small council by King Joffrey I, then sent North to take the black by King Joffrey I's uncle and acting Hand, Tyrion Lannister; eventually beheaded at Castle Black by Lord Commander Jon Snow
-Lord Mace Tyrell, Master of Ships and later Master of Coin for his son-in-law King Tommen I; was also father-in-law to Renly Baratheon, as well as briefly to King Joffrey I, sent to Braavos as King Tommen I's envoy to the Iron Bank, killed with both his children when the Great Sept of Baelor exploded
-Prince Oberyn Martell, called "the Red Viper", valued adviser on the council of King Tommen I, killed serving as Tyrion Lannister's champion in his trial-by-combat for regicide
-Lord Qyburn, Master of Whisperers for King Tommen I following the defection of Lord Varys, a necromancer and former maester whose chain was revoked by the Citadel, found injured in Harrenhal where he then served Roose Bolton, tended Jaime Lannister's stump and traveled to court with him where his services were soon favored by Queen Cersei, killed by his own creation, the re-animated Gregor Clegane, during the Second Sack of King's Landing

Council of Stannis I Baratheon
-Ser Davos Seaworth, called "the Onion Knight", a former smuggler originally from Flea Bottom in King's Landing who became Hand of the King and High Captain of the royal fleet
-Matthos Seaworth, son of Davos, royal scribe and first mate on his father's ship, killed by wildfire blast in the Battle of the Blackwater
-Melisandre of Asshai, called "the Red Woman", King Stannis I's spiritual adviser/mistress, a former slave turned sorceress and red priestess in the service of R'hllor, the Lord of Light, deserted King Stannis I before the Battle of Winterfell and returned to Castle Black, resurrected Jon Snow only to be banished from the North for the death of Shireen Baratheon, returned to Winterfell to aid in the Battle of the Long Night and allowed her fire to go out after the Night King was slain
-Maester Cressen, healer and adviser, poisoned himself in a murder/suicide attempt on Melisandre, which she survived 

Kingsguard of Robert I, Joffrey I, & Tommen I Baratheon
-Ser Barristan Selmy, called "Barristan the Bold", a hero of the War of the Ninepenny Kings and survivor of the Battle of the Trident, Lord Commander for King Robert I whom he fought for to help quash the Greyjoy Rebellion, dismissed by King Joffrey I, killed serving the Mad King's daughter in Meereen
-Ser Jaime Lannister, called "the Kingslayer", fought for Robert I to help quash the Greyjoy Rebellion, promoted to Lord Commander by King Joffrey I, but a prisoner of war for most of his reign, returned to service with only one hand, later volunteered for a mission to Dorne to rescue Princess Myrcella, which proved unsuccessful when she died of poisoning at the start of their return journey, stripped of his post by King Tommen I for bearing arms against the Faith, killed when the Red Keep collapsed in the Second Sack of King's Landing 
-Ser Meryn Trant, sent to guard King Tommen I's Master of Coin and father-in-law, Lord Mace Tyrell, on his assignment to treat with the Iron Bank of Braavos, then killed in a Braavosi brothel by Arya Stark
-Ser Mandon Moore, killed by Podrick Payne during the Battle of the Blackwater, before he could carry out his last royal command [s02e08, s02e09]
-Ser Boros ? [s02e09, s03e08]
-Ser Preston ? [s04e01]
-Sandor Clegane, called "the Hound", formerly the sworn shield of Joffrey I when he was the Crown Prince, appointed to the Kingsguard upon King Joffrey I's ascension, deserted during the Battle of the Blackwater, a wanted man, left for dead in the Vale, found by a lay septon and nursed back to health, re-appeared at the parley in the Dragonpit, serving the rebel House Stark, survived the Battle of the Long Night only to be killed in the Second Sack of King's Landing, plunging into fire after fighting his brother
-Ser Gregor Clegane, called "the Mountain", reborn through the healing powers of Qyburn and joined the Kingsguard after Queen Cersei's arrest only to be killed in the Second Sack of King's Landing, plunged into fire after fighting his brother

Kingsguard of Renly I Baratheon
-Ser Loras Tyrell, Lord Commander, called "the Knight of Flowers", brother-in-law and lover of King Renly I, killed with his father and sister in the explosion of the Great Sept of Baelor
-Brienne of Tarth, a noble lady by birth who became a warrior, avenged King Renly I by slaying his brother Stannis
Lords Bannermen and sworn swords of House Baratheon
House Dondarrion of Blackhaven
-Lord Beric Dondarrion, former lord from the Stormlands, sent on a mission in the name of King Robert I, then formed an outlaw group called the Brotherhood Without Banners, eventually turned north to fight the White Walkers and was killed in Winterfell during the Battle of the Long Night

  • Anguy, an archer also from the southern Stormlands, a member of Lord Beric's outlaw band

House Swann of Stonehelm (appearing on the map in the Stormlands)
-Ser Balon Swann, a knight unhorsed by Jaime Lannister the day that his distant cousin Alton Lannister squired for him [s02e07]
House Caron of Nightsong (appearing on the map in the Stormlands)
House Stokeworth of Stokeworth Castle
-Lord Stokeworth, lord of Stokeworth Castle [s04e07]

  • Falyse Stokeworth, rightful heiress to Stokeworth Castle, known to be barren [s04e07]
  • Lollys Stokeworth, a lackwit, formerly betrothed to Ser Bronn of the Blackwater, now betrothed to Ser Wylis Bracken [s04e07, s05e02]

House Tarth of Tarth
-Lord Selwyn Tarth, Lord of Evenfall Hall on the isle of Tarth, which is called "the Sapphire Isle" for the blue of its waters

  • Brienne of Tarth, his daughter, originally sworn to Renly I Baratheon, then Catelyn Stark, currently on a quest assigned by Jaime Lannister, slew King Stannis I Baratheon after the Battle of Winterfell

House Seaworth
-Ser Davos Seaworth, a former smuggler native to King's Landing who rose at the side of Stannis Baratheon, lost the joints of four fingers for his past crimes while being rewarded with lands and title for his heroism during the siege of Storm's End

  • Matthos Seaworth, his son, a convert to the Lord of Light killed by wildfire blast in the Battle of the Blackwater

House Florent of Brightwater Keep (a House in the Reach who broke from the Tyrells to serve their kinsman-through-marriage King Stannis I) 
-Lord Axell Florent, Queen Selyse's brother, burned at the stake on the orders of King Stannis I and Lady Melisandre [s04e02]

  • Rylene Florent, a Florent cousin of Princess Shireen, exact relation to Lord Axell unknown [s03e10]

House Musgood (secured by Davos Seaworth to the cause of King Stannis I) [s04e03]
House Peasebury (secured by Davos Seaworth to the cause of King Stannis I) [s04e03]
House Haigh (secured by Davos Seaworth to the cause of King Stannis I) [s04e03]
Sallador Saan, a pirate from another land and former comrade of Davos Seaworth, sailed his ships in the service of King Stannis I
Gerald, a soldier in King Renly I's army who suffered an injury by a horse [s02e03]
Bert, a guard of the dungeons on Dragonstone, said by Princess Shireen to be fat and sleepy [s03e05]
The Stormcrows, a company of sellswords who deserted the camp of King Stannis I in the course of his march to Winterfell [s05e08]
Curlew, a soldier in King Stannis I's northern campaign, presumably killed in the Battle of Winterfell [s05e10]

Royal household members and lesser denizens of the Crownlands
-Ser Ilyn Payne, the King's Justice, royal executioner for King Robert I and his sons, a Lannister bannerman whose tongue was removed on the orders of the Mad King
-Ser Bronn of the Blackwater, a sellsword formerly in the service of Tyrion Lannister, served as Commander of the City Watch while Tyrion was acting Hand, knighted by King Joffrey I for his service defending the city, formerly betrothed to Lollys Stokeworth, accompanied the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard on his mission to Dorne 
-Tobho Mott, a master armorer who trained King Robert I's bastard, Gendry, while King Robert I was still alive [s01e04, s02e01]
-Lord Gyles, attended court the day Sansa Stark begged mercy for her treasonous father [s01e08]
-Ser Aron, attended court the day Sansa Stark begged mercy for her treasonous father [s01e08]
-Marillion, a troubadour whose tongue was removed on orders of King Joffrey I, after writing a treasonous tavern song [s01e04, s01e10]
-Ser Dontos "the Red" Hollard, the last of the line of House Hollard, a knight appointed to the position of royal fool, after he came drunk to a tournament held for the nameday of King Joffrey I, helped Sansa Stark escape King's Landing on the orders of Lord Baelish, then shot by crossbow on the orders of Lord Baelish
-Lothor Brune, a freerider in the service of Lord Baelish, meant to face Ser Dontos in King Joffrey I's nameday tournament [s02e01]
-Wisdom Hallyne, a pyromancer of the Guild of Alchemists practiced in the art of making wildfire [s02e05, s02e09]
-Lord Varys's/Qyburn's child spies, called "little birds", helped Qyburn and Queen Cersei arrange the explosion of the Great Sept of Baelor and the assassination of Grand Maester Pycelle 

  • Arthur, a boy whose father was disposed of for him by Qyburn, helped arranged the wildfire cache under the Great Sept of Baelor and stabbed Lancel Lannister when Lancel followed him under the sept [s06e03, s06e10]

-Employees in Lord Baelish's brothels

  • Ros, a whore from the North, became Lord Baelish's aide only to betray him to Lord Varys, given over to the justice of King Joffrey I
  • Armeca, a whore from Flea Bottom, said to feign a poor grasp of the Common Tongue to appear more exotic
  • Daisy, a whore from near Haystack Hall, once helped Ros entertain King Joffrey I
  • Mhaegen, a former favorite of King Robert I, bore him a bastard daughter who was killed as a baby by the City Watch on royal orders, following the ascension of King Joffrey I [s01e05, s02e01]
  • Kayla, a contortionist famous for performing the "Meereenese Knot", once refunded Podrick Payne, later performed at the wedding reception of King Joffrey I [s03e03, s04e02]
  • Marei, a whore who once refunded Podrick Payne, cheated by Grand Maester Pycelle the day he died 
  • Genna, said to specialize in first-timers, but once refunded Podrick Payne [s03e03]
  • Olyvar, a male whore and spy for Lord Baelish, appeared to be overseeing operations in the absence of Lord Baelish, a witness for the Faith Militant against his former lover Loras Tyrell


Historical Baratheons and those associated with them
Lord Orys Baratheon, founder of House Baratheon, rumored to be the baseborn half-brother of King Aegon I and his sisters, defeated the last Storm King during Aegon's Conquest, and then married the Storm King's daughter, Argella [s01e06]
Argilac the Arrogant, the last Storm King, father of Argella [s01e06]
Mychal Baratheon, a son of Orys and Argella, appearing in The Lineages and Histories of the Great Houses of the Seven Kingdoms [s01e06]
Axell Baratheon, entry read by Eddard Stark, known to be black of hair [s01e06]
Lyonel Baratheon, entry read by Eddard Stark, known to be black of hair, appears to have married a Targaryen  [s01e06]
House Swann of Stonehelm (appearing on the map in the Stormlands)
-Ser Byron Swann, a knight fighting for one of the factions in the Dance of Dragons, killed after a failed attempt at dragonslaying using a mirrored shield [s05e09]
House Stark
The leading House of the North, the Starks reigned as Kings in the North until the Targaryen conquest, after which they served as Wardens of the North for nearly 300 years. Following the execution of his father, Robb Stark severed ties with the Iron Throne, becoming the first King in the North since the Conquest. This bid for independence came to a violent halt when Walder Frey and Roose Bolton, under the authority of Tywin Lannister, worked together to slay King Robb, along with his mother and his wife, in an event that came to be known as the Red Wedding. King Robb's sister Sansa was the first Stark to return home to Winterfell, only to flee from the Boltons with her family's former ward, Theon Greyjoy. After reuniting with "the Bastard of Winterfell", Jon Snow, they defeated House Bolton together and took back Winterfell, where Jon was acclaimed as King in the North.
Sigil: the head of a grey direwolf on a white field, above a pale green bar
Words: Winter Is Coming
Seat: Winterfell 
Lands: the North 
-Lord Rickard Stark, burned to death on the orders of the Mad King m. ?

  • Brandon Stark, died before his appointed wedding to Catelyn Tully, after riding to King's Landing seeking to avenge his sister's honor against Rhaegar Targaryen, where he was arrested for treason while his father was summoned to answer for his crime, and both were then killed without trial in full view of the court
  • Lord Eddard "Ned" Stark, foster brother of Robert I, appointed Hand of the King to King Robert I upon the death of their foster father Jon Arryn, discovered the incestuous treason of Cersei Lannister and informed Stannis I Baratheon of his rights to the Iron Throne, executed on the orders of Cersei's bastard, Joffrey m. Catelyn of House Tully, called "Cat", formerly his elder brother's betrothed, disobeyed their son King Robb by releasing Jaime Lannister in a doomed exchange for their daughters, killed by the Freys during her brother's wedding feast
    • King Robb Stark, called "the Young Wolf", an undefeated warrior acclaimed king after capturing Jaime Lannister in his first battle, once promised to marry a lady of House Frey, killed by the Freys and Roose Bolton during his uncle's wedding feast m. Talisa Maegyr of Volantis, met King Robb as a healer traveling with the Silent Sisters to tend to the wounded in the War of Five Kings, also killed by the Freys during the Red Wedding
      • Grey Wind, King Robb's direwolf, shot by crossbows by the Freys during the Red Wedding
      • Unborn child Stark, to be named Eddard if born a son, killed in the womb when Queen Talisa was stabbed
    • King Jon Snow, called "the White Wolf" and "King Crow", formerly the Bastard of Winterfell, actually Ned's nephew/adopted son, allegedly born to a commoner named Wylla after Ned's sole instance of adultery, left home to be a member of the Night's Watch, elected as their 998th Lord Commander after the Battle of Castle Black, became only the 2nd man known to kill a white walker, then assassinated by his sworn brothers in a mutiny, resurrected by Lady Melisandre, defeated Ramsay Snow and was acclaimed king by the Stark bannermen, later swore his sword to Queen Daenerys I and became her lover, followed his Queen south after their victory in the Battle of the Long Night and survived the Second Sack of King's Landing
      • Ghost, Jon Snow's direwolf, an albino
      • Ser Davos Seaworth, formerly Hand of the King to Stannis I Baratheon, sent back to Castle Black shortly before Stannis I's death, discovered Jon Snow's corpse and arranged his resurrection by Melisandre, a commander in the Battle of the Bastards who afterwards swore his sword to Jon as King in the North, traveled with Jon to meet Daenerys Targaryen and later fought in the Battle of the Long Night
      • Melisandre of Asshai, called "the Red Woman", a former slave turned sorceress and red priestess in the service of R'hllor, the Lord of Light, resurrected Jon at Castle Black only to be banished from the North for the death of Shireen Baratheon, then met Daenerys Targaryen to encourage her to summon Jon, briefly traveled back to Volantis then returned to Winterfell to aid in the Battle of the Long Night and allowed her fire to go out after the Night King was slain
      • Tormund Giantsbane, King Jon's chief wildling ally ever since the Massacre at Hardhome, led his people in support of House Stark in the Battle of the Bastards and was then sent north to help man the Wall, returned to Winterfell after the Wall fell and fought in the Battle of the Long Night
    • Sansa Stark, a prisoner of the Lannisters after an aborted betrothal to the bastard Joffrey, then escaped King's Landing after Joffrey's death through the actions of Petyr Baelish, who brought her to her aunt at the Eyrie before temporarily allying with House Bolton, escaped her 2nd husband with the help of Theon Greyjoy and reunited with Jon Snow at Castle Black, acting ruler after King Jon left to treat with Daenerys Targaryen 1stm. Tyrion of House Lannister, an unconsummated union 2ndm. Ramsay Snow, the Bastard of the Dreadfort, defeated in the Battle of the Bastards and locked in the kennel at Sansa's behest, to be eaten by his own hounds
      • Lady, Sansa's direwolf, killed by Ned on the orders of Queen Cersei
      • Septa Mordane, governess to Sansa and her sister, killed by Lannister guardsmen on the orders of Queen Cersei
      • Brienne of Tarth, sworn to Catelyn and sent to find Sansa and Arya, now sworn to Sansa and protecting both Stark ladies, helped represent the interests of House Stark in King Jon and Queen Daenerys I's parley with Cersei Lannister, knighted by Jaime Lannister before fighting in the Battle of the Long Night
        • Podrick Payne, Brienne's squire who formerly squired for Sansa's first husband, a survivor of the Battle of the Blackwater and the Battle of the Long Night
    • Arya Stark, escaped King's Landing after her father's beheading to travel North with the Night's Watch, then became a prisoner at Harrenhal, then a hostage of the Brotherhood Without Banners, then a companion of Sandor Clegane, then lived in Braavos as an acolyte of the Faceless Men at the House of Black and White, briefly blinded for disobedience on an assignment, returned to Westeros and avenged the Red Wedding at the Twins before going back to Winterfell, became the slayer of the Night King in the Battle of the Long Night, then returned to King's Landing with Sandor Clegane for revenge, only to barely survive the Second Sack of King's Landing
      • Nymeria, Arya's direwolf, sent away by Arya in the Riverlands after defending Arya against Queen Cersei's bastard, Joffrey, now leading her own pack of regular wolves
      • Micah, a butcher's boy and friend to Arya, attacked by Queen Cersei's bastard, Joffrey, and defended by Arya, then killed by The Hound on royal orders
      • Syrio Forel, waterdancing instructor to Arya and former First Sword to the Sealord of Braavos, killed by Meryn Trant on the orders of Queen Cersei
      • Lord Gendry Baratheon, a bastard of King Robert I Baratheon and an old friend/later lover of Arya, came to Winterfell with Jon after aiding him in the wight hunt, forged dragonglass weapons and survived the Battle of the Long Night, legitimized by Queen Daenerys I Targaryen after their victory over the Night King
      • Sandor Clegane, called "the Hound", Arya's former traveling companion from the time she escaped the Brotherhood Without Banners to the day she left for Braavos, came to Winterfell with Jon after aiding him in the wight hunt and survived the Battle of the Long Night, then traveled again with Arya to return south for revenge, only to warn her to save herself before he was killed in the Second Sack of King's Landing, plunging into fire after fighting his brother
    • Brandon "Bran" Stark, now called "the 3-eyed Raven", a crippled warg gifted with the Sight and rightful heir to King Robb, served as Lord of Winterfell during the War of Five Kings before the castle was taken by the turncloak Theon Greyjoy, left Winterfell after it was sacked and traveled North beyond-the-Wall with the Reed siblings to reach a cave beneath a great weirwood tree, driven from the cave by an attack from the Night King and his wight army, returned home to Winterfell and declined the lordship
      • Summer, Brandon's direwolf, a part of Bran, killed by wights as Bran escaped the cave
      • Wylis, called "Hodor", a simple stableboy and grandson of Old Nan, loyal helper and traveling companion of Bran, killed by wights helping Bran escape the cave
    • Rickon Stark, escaped with Bran after the Sack of Winterfell, then sent by Bran to seek the protection of House Umber, guarded by Osha, betrayed by Smalljon Umber and given to the traitor Ramsay Snow, killed by Ramsay at the start of the Battle of the Bastards
      • Shaggydog, Rickon's direwolf, beheaded by the traitor Smalljon Umber
      • Osha, a wildling woman captured by Robb Stark, helped Bran and Rickon Stark escape the turncloak Theon Greyjoy and hide in the crypts of Winterfell until it was sacked, sent to the Last Hearth guarding Rickon, delivered with Rickon to the traitor Ramsay Snow by the oathbreaker Smalljon Umber and killed by Ramsay
  • Lyanna Stark Targaryen, betrothed to Robert Baratheon, but eloped with Rhaegar Targaryen while her family believed she was kidnapped, died after birthing a son she gave to her brother Ned to hide from Robert m. Prince Rhaegar of House Targaryen, a secret ceremony before he was killed by King Robert I in the Battle of the Trident
    • King Jon Snow, called "the White Wolf" and "King Crow", (see above) secretly Lyanna's son by Rhaegar Targaryen, raised by Ned as his own bastard; later became the lover of his aunt Daenerys Targaryen before learning of his true heritage
  • Benjen Stark, First Ranger of the Night's Watch until disappearing beyond the Wall, stabbed by a white walker but found by the children of the forest whose magic stopped his transformation into a wight, reunited with his nephew Bran after Bran escaped the Night King's attack, rescuing Bran from the wights pursuing him and escorting him close to the Wall before they parted again, later saved his nephew King Jon at the end of Jon's quest to capture a wight, after which his watch finally ended when the other wights overwhelmed him


Lords Bannermen and others sworn to House Stark
Theon Greyjoy, Ned's ward for almost ten years, a forgiven turncloak who took Winterfell when it was held by Bran Stark, was captured by the traitor Ramsay Snow and became a crippled eunuch called "Reek", in the custody of House Bolton until escaping with Sansa Stark by jumping from the parapets of Winterfell onto a snowdrift, later returned to Winterfell to help fight the Night King's army, killed by the Night King while defending Bran Stark
House Reed of Greywater Watch
-Lord Howland Reed, a friend of Ned's who once saved his life during Robert's Rebellion by disabling Ser Arthur Dayne so Ned could kill him 

  • Meera Reed, self-appointed guard of her brother and a companion of Bran Stark, became the third person in thousands of years to kill a white walker while helping Bran escape the 3-eyed Raven's cave, later escorted him back to Winterfell before returning home herself
  • Jojen Reed, a frail boy gifted with the Sight, a companion of Bran Stark who guided him North, was then attacked by wights after reaching their destination and euthanized by Meera

House Umber of the Last Hearth
-Lord Jon "the Greatjon" Umber, the first to proclaim Robb Stark his King, died sometime later, presumably fighting in the War of Five Kings

  • Lord Jon "the Smalljon" Umber, a traitor who sheltered Rickon Stark and his companion Osha until he killed Rickon's direwolf and delivered Rickon to the traitor Ramsay Snow, killed by Tormund Giantsbane in the Battle of the Bastards 
    • Lord Eddard(?) "Ned" Umber, bent the knee to King Jon after his father's betrayal and defeat, killed by the Night Kings army after returning home to bring the rest of his people to Winterfell before the next Long Night; corpse burned by Beric Dondarrion after rising as a wight [s07e01, s08e01]

House Karstark of Karhold
-Lord Rickard Karstark, a traitor executed by King Robb Stark, after murdering two prisoners in the custody of King Robb and Lord Edmure Tully in Riverrun

  • Harrion Karstark*, killed in combat fighting the Lannisters for King Robb Stark [s03e05]
  • Lord Harald Karstark*, his last surviving son, a traitor who chose to support the usurping Boltons after his father's execution, killed in the Battle of the Bastards
    • Lady Alys Karstark, bent the knee to King Jon after her father's betrayal and defeat, killed defending Bran Stark in the Battle of the Long Night
  • Torrhen Karstark*, killed by Jaime Lannister in a failed escape attempt [s02e07, s03e05]

House Bolton of the Dreadfort (for full tree, see below)
-Lord Roose Bolton, a traitor who slew King Robb Stark, and released the mutilated Kingslayer from Harrenhal, which he briefly held in King Robb's name, killed by his bastard, Ramsay Snow

  • Ramsay Snow, Roose's bastard, a traitor who sacked and set fire to Winterfell after being sent to capture the turncloak Theon Greyjoy, became the husband of Sansa Stark after she was given to him by her uncle-by-marriage, Petyr Baelish, defeated in the Battle of the Bastards and locked in the kennel at Sansa's behest, to be eaten by his own hounds
  • Locke, Lord Bolton's "best hunter", re-captured Jaime Lannister and cut off his sword hand before delivering Jaime to Lord Roose at Harrenhal, killed by Bran Stark through the body of Hodor

House Mormont of Bear Island
-Lord Jeor Mormont, called "the Old Bear", gave up his lordship to swear his life to the Night's Watch, became their 997th Lord Commander and gave his family's ancestral Valyrian steel sword, Longclaw, to his squire and chosen successor, Jon Snow, killed in a mutiny at Craster's Keep

  • Lord Jorah Mormont, Jeor's only son, a veteran of Robert's Rebellion and the Greyjoy Rebellion, knighted by King Robert I after fighting for Ned Stark in the Greyjoy Rebellion, then fled Stark justice after selling men into slavery, infected with greyscale when he was attacked by the "Stone Men" in the ruins of Old Valyria, cured by the acolyte Sam Tarly at the Citadel and later took part in King Jon's quest to capture a wight for the parley at the Dragonpit, killed in the Battle of the Long Night

-Lady ? Mormont, Jeor's sister (or sister-in-law?), a warrior who died fighting in King Robb's army [s06e07]

  • Lady Lyanna Mormont, Jeor's niece, the current Lady of Bear Island, a girl of ten and a Stark loyalist, the first to pledge her men to the Battle of the Bastards, and the first to declare Jon Snow her king, died while destroying a wight giant in the Battle of the Long Night

House Cassel (presumably household guards sworn directly to Winterfell)
-Ser Rodrik Cassel, master-at-arms of Winterfell, castellan serving Bran Stark when he held Winterfell, sloppily beheaded by the turncloak Theon Greyjoy
-Jory Cassel, captain of the Stark guards, a veteran of the Greyjoy Rebellion where he first met Jaime Lannister, killed by Jaime outside Lord Baelish's brothel, exact relation to Ser Rodrik unspecified
House Cerwyn of Cerwyn Castle (appearing on the map in the North)
-Lord ? Cerwyn, a Stark loyalist flayed to death with his wife and brother by the traitor Ramsay Snow, after refusing to pay taxes to the usurping House Bolton [s05e03]

  • Lord ? Cerwyn, refused the call for the Battle of the Bastards but swore his sword to King Jon Snow after the victory [s06e10]

House Hornwood of the Hornwood (appearing on the map in the North)
-Lord ? Hornwood, joined his forces with House Mormont's to fight in the Battle of the Bastards [s06e07, s06e09]
House Tallhart of Torrhen's Square [s02e05]
House Glover of Deepwood Motte
-Lord Galbart Glover, Robb Stark's first choice to lead his vanguard, a choice the Greatjon Umber unwisely objected to, presumably killed in the War of Five Kings [s01e08]
-Lord Robett Glover, Galbart's brother, refused to help Jon Snow and Sansa Stark re-take Winterfell, but swore his sword to King Jon Snow after the victory, became an oathbreaker by staying home with his forces after learning King Jon bent the knee to Queen Daenerys I
House Dustin of Barrowton [s02e05]
Lord Marlyn Dormand, mistakenly sent a letter by Ser Amory Lorch [s02e06]
Lord Portan, sought audience with Bran Stark as acting Lord of Winterfell [s02e01]
House Manderly 
-Lord Wyman Manderly, refused the call for the Battle of the Bastards, but was the first man to heed Lady Mormont's call to declare Jon Snow the King in the North [s06e10]

  • ? Manderly, Lord Wyman's son, butchered with King Robb at the Red Wedding [s03e09, s06e10]

House Mazin,
-Lord Mazin, joined his forces with House Mormont's to fight in the Battle of the Bastards [s05e04, s06e07]
Maester Wolkan, formerly the maester serving House Bolton in Winterfell, now serving House Stark there instead
Maester Luwin, tutor, healer and adviser, speared by Dagmer, after the ironmen abandoned the turncloak Theon Greyjoy, euthanized by Osha
Wyl & Heward, Stark guardsmen killed by Jaime Lannister's men outside Lord Baelish's brothel [s01e05]
? Poole, steward of Eddard's household in King's Landing, killed on the orders of Queen Cersei [s01e02, s01e08]
Hal, a Stark guardsman at Winterfell, presumed dead [s01e02]
Jeyne Poole, a friend mentioned by Sansa [s01e04]
Ros, a whore who grew up in the village outside Winterfell, patronized by Theon Greyjoy and almost entertained Jon Snow, went south to King's Landing, where she met an abrupt end at the hands of her employer Petyr Baelish and the bastard called Joffrey Baratheon
Steffon, transported Ros the whore to White Harbor in his turnip cart [s01e06]
Tommy, the Winterfell barber, presumed killed during the Sack of Winterfell [s01e01]
Mikken, the Winterfell blacksmith, presumed killed during the Sack of Winterfell [s01e02]
Old Nan, an elderly nurse and storyteller, presumed dead
Farlen, a member of the Winterfell household who protested the Greyjoy invasion, presumed killed during the Sack of Winterfell [s02e06]
Jack & Billy, two orphans sent by Bran Stark to help a local farmer, killed, along with the farmer, by Theon Greyjoy's ironmen; their corpses were then burned to be presented as Bran and Rickon Stark [s02e05, s02e07]
Quent, a soldier in King Robb's army [s02e06]
Guymon, a villager living near the Northern border, killed by Ygritte [s04e03]

  • Olly, his son, became a brother of the Night's Watch after his parents were killed and a traitor who stabbed Lord Commander Jon Snow in the mutiny against him, hanged by Jon Snow after his resurrection


Historical Starks and those associated with them
King Brandon Stark, called "Bran the Builder", the first King in the North, thought to have built Winterfell and the Wall, as well as founding the Night's Watch
Lord Commander Osric Stark, youngest lord commander of the Night's Watch, elected at the age of ten [s05e02]
King Dorren Stark, a past King in the North, buried in the Winterfell crypts [s05e05]
King Rodrik Stark, (appearing in the map's description of Bear Island) said to have won Bear Island in a wrestling match and then given it to the Mormonts
King Torrhen Stark, the last Stark King until the rise of the Young Wolf, bent the knee to King Aegon I Targaryen and swore perpetual fealty to save his people from dragonfire [s07e03]
Lord Karlon Stark, (appearing in the map's description of Karhold) a younger Stark son granted his own lands and keep for defeating a Bolton uprising, becoming the progenitor of the Karstarks
House Umber of the Last Hearth
-Harkon Umber, born to Lord Hother and Lady Amarylis Umber, died in a bear hunt in his 14th year, entry read by Eddard Stark [s01e04]

House Lannister
Known as the wealthiest family in Westeros, the Lannisters of Casterly Rock ruled as kings before the Targaryen dragons conquered Westeros, and ruled as Wardens of the West afterwards. Lord Tywin Lannister served as Hand of the King to King Aerys II Targaryen, and was said to be the true ruler of the realm. After resigning this post he worked to help end Robert's Rebellion by eliminating most of the Targaryen royal family. The marriage of his daughter, Cersei Lannister, to King Robert I Baratheon brought the Lannisters together with the new ruling family; her son Joffrey's ascendance to the Iron Throne solidified their power. When Cersei's last surviving child killed himself after she destroyed the Great Sept of Baelor, the Dowager Queen seized the Iron Throne by force as Queen Cersei I. After a few great victories against the forces of the Mad King's daughter, the too brief reign of Queen Cersei I ended when Daenerys Targaryen proved mad herself and destroyed King's Landing.  
Sigil: a golden lion rampant on a crimson field
Words: Hear Me Roar
Seat: Casterly Rock (lost to House Targaryen)
Lands: the Westerlands, later claimed all of Westeros under Queen Cersei I
-Lord Tytos Lannister, a loving man but a weak lord who nearly ruined his House m. ?

  • Lord Tywin Lannister, saved and strengthened his House after his father's death, sacked King's Landing at the end of Robert's Rebellion, and years later saved the city from Stannis Baratheon in the Battle of the Blackwater, served as Hand of the King to three kings, the latter two his grandsons, killed by his son Tyrion m. Joanna of House ?, died in childbirth with Tyrion
    • Queen Cersei I Lannister, twin and lover of Jaime, betrothed to Ser Loras Tyrell prior to her father's death, arrested by the Faith Militant on charges of incest, fornication and regicide, confessed to her affair with Lancel and sought atonement on her walk back to the Red Keep, absented herself from her trial to instead destroy the Great Sept of Baelor using wildfire, killing everyone inside and in the vicinity, later became the lover of Euron Greyjoy as the price of his service, eventually slain with her twin when the Red Keep collapsed during the Second Sack of King's Landing  m. King Robert I of House Baratheon, slain by a boar in a drunken hunting accident, allegedly after his wine was drugged by Lancel at Queen Cersei's behest,
      • Prince ? Baratheon, a black-haired beauty who died in infancy, the only child truly born of Cersei and Robert's union [s01e02, s01e05]
      • King Joffrey I Baratheon, actually the product of his mother's incest with Jaime, betrothed to Sansa Stark, daughter of the traitor Ned Stark, until she was set aside for a virtuous bride; poisoned at his wedding feast, allegedly by his uncle Tyrion, actually by his wife's grandmother, Olenna Tyrell m. Margaery of House Tyrell, the virginal widow of his alleged uncle Renly, killed in the wildfire explosion of the Great Sept of Baelor
      • Princess Myrcella Baratheon, actually the product of her mother's incest with Jaime, sent to Dorne as a ward of Prince Doran Martell and betrothed to his heir, Prince Trystane, killed at the start of her return journey by a poisoned kiss from Ellaria Sand
      • King Tommen I Baratheon, actually the product of his mother's incest with Jaime, the last Baratheon-named king on the Iron Throne, slain by his own will when he fell forward from his bedroom window after watching the explosion of the Great Sept m. Margaery of House Tyrell, formerly the virginal widow of his elder brother and his alleged uncle, killed by her mother-in-law, Queen Cersei I, in the wildfire explosion of the Great Sept of Baelor
        • Ser Pounce, a faithful feline friend to King Tommen I [s04e04], presumed dead by the end of the Second Sack of King's Landing
      • Unborn Lannister bastard, the last product of Cersei's affair with Jaime, briefly claimed as Euron Greyjoy's child in Jaime's absence, killed in the womb when the Red Keep collapsed on his/her parents during the Second Sack of King's Landing
    • Lord Jaime Lannister, twin and lover of Queen Cersei I and the true father of most of her children, former Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, a one-handed knight called "the Kingslayer", besieged Riverrun on Lord Tywin's orders at the start of the War of Five Kings until being defeated and captured by Robb Stark, volunteered for a failed mission to Dorne to rescue his niece/daughter, stripped of his Kingsguard post by his nephew/son Tommen I and sent to besiege Riverrun again, later led the Sack of Highgarden in the name of Queen Cersei I, left his sister after she deceived their brother and his allies at the parley in the Dragonpit, fought to defend Winterfell during the Battle of the Long Night, then returned home where he slew Euron Greyjoy and was then killed with his twin when the Red Keep collapsed during the Second Sack of King's Landing 
      • Brienne of Tarth, accompanied Jaime on his return to King's Landing on the orders of Catelyn Stark, given a Valyrian steel sword called Oathkeeper by Jaime (which was forged from the steel of Ned Stark's greatsword), and sent on a quest to find Catelyn's daughter(s) and bring them to safety, knighted by Jaime before fighting in the Battle of the Long Night and was briefly Jaime's lover after their victory against the Night King, until he left her to return to Cersei
        • Podrick Payne, formerly Tyrion's squire, currently in the service of Brienne of Tarth on Jaime's orders, a survivor of the Battle of the Blackwater and the Battle of the Long Night
      • Ser Bronn of the Blackwater, a sellsword who successfully championed Tyrion in his first trial-by-combat and remained in Tyrion's service afterward, until Tyrion's second wrongful arrest removed his opportunity for profit, helped Jaime practice his left-handed swordfighting and accompanied Jaime on his mission to Dorne, later fought for Jaime in the Sack of Highgarden and then saved him from the Mad King's daughter after injuring her dragon
    • Lord Tyrion Lannister, a dwarf, called "the Imp" and "Halfman", served as acting Hand of the King in his father's stead at the beginning of the War of Five Kings, later replaced Lord Baelish as Master of Coin, falsely convicted of murdering his nephew, King Joffrey I, escaped his cell with the help of his brother Jaime and Varys the Spider, then killed his lover and his father, traveled in Essos and became Hand of the Queen to Daenerys Targaryen  m. Sansa of House Stark
      • Tysha, a lowborn woman Tyrion married after bribing a drunken septon, an unrecognized marriage ended when Lord Tywin gave her over to the pleasures of his garrison, while Tyrion watched [s01e09]
      • Shae, a Lorathi woman who met Tyrion in his father's army camp and then traveled with him to court (against Lord Tywin's orders), served as Sansa Stark's handmaiden while secretly being Tyrion's lover, revealed their association when she falsely implicated him in Joffrey's murder, killed by Tyrion after finding her in Tywin's bed
  • Ser Kevan Lannister, field commander of the Lannister armies, turned down the title of Master of War on King Tommen I's council after refusing to serve Queen Cersei, became Hand of the King to Tommen I after Queen Cersei's arrest, when he was summoned back to court by Grand Maester Pycelle, killed by his niece Queen Cersei I in the wildfire explosion of the Great Sept of Baelor m. Dorna of House ?
    • Ser Lancel Lannister, called "Brother Lancel", squired for King Robert I Baratheon, then knighted after the king's death, gravely injured defending the capital during the Battle of the Blackwater, reborn in the light of the Seven Above after his wound healed and dedicated himself to fighting for the Faith Militant, a witness against Queen Cersei after confessing to their affair and claiming he helped Cersei slay King Robert I, discovered the wildfire cache under the Great Sept of Baelor, was stabbed by the "little bird" who left candles to ignite the wildfire and was then killed in the blast


Council of Cersei I Lannister
-Lord Qyburn, Hand of the Queen, a necromancer and former maester who has proven himself the Queen's most loyal adviser, arranged her coronation and helped organize the massacre preceding it, killed by his own creation, the re-animated Gregor Clegane, during the Second Sack of King's Landing after Ser Gregor stopped obeying the Queen
-Ser Jaime Lannister, twin brother of Queen Cersei I and the leader of her armed forces, led the Sack of Highgarden to pay the crown's debts, later betrayed and abandoned Queen Cersei I to join with their murderous younger brother and the Mad King's daughter, eventually returned to his rightful Queen and was then killed with her when the Red Keep collapsed during the Second Sack of King's Landing 
-Lord Euron Greyjoy, commander of the crown's naval forces, delivered the traitors Ellaria and Tyene Sand and destroyed much of the enemies' fleet, later sent to bring the Golden Company across the sea to serve the Queen and was rewarded in the Queen's bed, then killed a dragon and captured Missandei of Naath when Daenerys Targaryen returned to Dragonstone, slain by Jaime Lannister after gravely wounding him in a fight during the Second Sack of King's Landing

Queensguard of Cersei I Lannister
-Ser Gregor Clegane, called "the Mountain", served as the crown's champion in Tyrion Lannister's trial-by-combat for regicide and was healed from his poisoned wounds and reborn through the powers of Qyburn, then took a vow of silence and dedicated himself to serving the royal family and destroying their enemies, disobeyed his Queen's last commands and then was killed in the Second Sack of King's Landing, plunged into fire after fighting his brother

Other sworn swords of Cersei I Lannister
-Lord Randyll Tarly, a prospective new Warden of the South, fought against the forces of the traitor Olenna Tyrell in the Sack of Highgarden, burned alive by the Mad King's daughter for staying loyal to his rightful Queen

  • Dickon Tarly, Lord Randyll's son and heir, fought against the forces of the traitor Olenna Tyrell in the Sack of Highgarden, burned alive by the Mad King's daughter for staying loyal to his rightful Queen

-Captain Harry Strickland, commander of the Golden Company, a renowned group of mercenaries, killed by the eunuch commander Grey Worm after the gates were breached by dragonfire and his army broken at the start of the Second Sack of King's Landing

Other Lannisters of unknown relation and others sworn to House Lannister
-Ser Reginald Lannister, of the Lannisport Lannisters, a sleepy man sent home by Tywin during a war council [s02e05]
-Ser Alton Lannister, son of Cynda Lannister (who is not "the fat Lannister") and a very distant cousin of the main line, a prisoner of Robb Stark sent as an envoy to Queen Cersei, shared a cell with Ser Jaime upon his return, recounted the time he squired for Jaime, and was then killed by Jaime in a failed escape attempt
-Martyn & Willem Lannister, squires captured by Edmure Tully, then killed by Rickard Karstark at Riverrun [s03e03, s03e05]
-Orson Lannister, a simpleton dropped on his head by his wetnurse, killed when kicked by a mule [s04e08]
-Ser Stafford Lannister, led a Lannister reserve army outside the village of Oxcross, where they were ambushed in the night by Robb Stark's army [s02e04]

  • Rennick, a soldier in Ser Stafford's army, killed in the ambush, likely by the Stark pretender's direwolf [s02e04]

House Reyne of Castamere, traitors eradicated by Lord Tywin after rebelling against House Lannister
House Payne
-Ser Ilyn Payne, a cousin of Tyrion's squire Podrick, served Tywin Lannister in the court of King Aerys II Targaryen, where the Mad King had his tongue ripped out for declaring that his liege Lord Tywin was the true ruler of Westeros, served as royal executioner ever since the Lannisters joined the royal family
-Podrick Payne, a distant cousin of Ser Ilyn who served as Tyrion Lannister's squire, saved Tyrion's life by killing Mandon Moore during the Battle of the Blackwater after Ser Mandon tried to kill Tyrion, now serving Brienne of Tarth on the instruction of Jaime Lannister

  • Ser Lorimer, the knight Podrick originally squired for before serving Tyrion, hanged after getting drunk and stealing a ham [s05e03]

House Clegane of Clegane's Keep
-Ser Gregor Clegane, called "The Mountain", "The Mountain That Rides" & "Tywin Lannister's mad dog", a useful monster responsible for many atrocities, now a member of the Kingsguard/Queensguard, after being healed of the poisoned wounds from his duel with Oberyn Martell by the de-chained maester Qyburn, disobeyed his Queen's last commands and then was killed in the Second Sack of King's Landing, plunged into fire after fighting his brother

  • "the Tickler", one of Gregor's men at Harrenhal, known for torture, killed by Jaqen H'ghar at the behest of Arya Stark [s02e04, s02e05]
  • Polliver, one of Gregor's men at Harrenhal, found at an inn in the Riverlands and killed by Arya Stark [s02e04, s04e01]
  • Lowell, a man-at-arms eating chicken with Polliver at the inn, presumably also formerly one of Gregor's men, killed by Sandor Clegane [s04e01]

-Sandor Clegane, called "the Hound", maimed in childhood when his brother Gregor burned half his face, a loyal Lannister dog for years until deserting during the Battle of the Blackwater, taken by the Brotherhood without Banners who robbed him and then freed him after he defeated Beric Dondarrion in a duel, captured Arya Stark to ransom to her family, a wanted man, left for dead by Arya in the Vale after fighting Brienne of Tarth, found by a lay septon and nursed back to health, re-appeared at the parley in the Dragonpit, serving House Lannister's enemies, survived the Battle of the Long Night only to be killed in the Second Sack of King's Landing, plunging into fire after fighting his brother
House Lefford of the Golden Tooth (appearing on the map in the Westerlands)
House Westerling of the Crag (appearing on the map in the Westerlands)
House Swyft of Cornfield (appearing on the map in the Westerlands)
House Crakehall of Crakehall (appearing on the map in the Westerlands)
-Lord Desmond Crakehall, a man who, along with Ser Eldrick Sarsfield, laughed at Tyrion Lannister as Tyrion was walking with his wife Sansa [s03e10]
House Marbrand of Ashemark (appearing on the map in the Westerlands)
-Lord Damon Marbrand, a man Tywin meant to send a letter regarding infantry movements [s02e06]
Ser Addam, commander of the scouts in Lord Tywin's army [s01e08]
Ser Amory Lorch, an illiterate knight good for nothing more than brutalizing peasants, killed at Harrenhal by Jaqen H'ghar at the behest of Arya Stark

  • Jaqen H'ghar, a caged man bound for the Night's Watch who joined Ser Amory's men after being freed by Arya Stark, later mysteriously killed Ser Amory, among other men, during his time at Harrenhal, then helped Arya Stark escape Harrenhal and donned a new face
  • Rorge, a caged man bound for the Night's Watch who joined Ser Amory's men after being freed by Arya Stark, later killed by Arya Stark somewhere in the Riverlands or the Vale
  • Biter, a caged man bound for the Night's Watch who joined Ser Amory's men after being freed by Arya Stark, later killed by Sandor Clegane somewhere in the Riverlands or the Vale, after biting the Hound in an attempt to collect the bounty on him

Maester Volarik, a healer, tutor, and adviser with predatory tendencies [s04e08]
"Archie" & William, soldiers said to have been killed by dragonfire in the Targaryen ambush after the Sack of Highgarden [s08e01]
"Eddie", a ginger-haired soldier said to have had his face burnt off by dragonfire in the Targaryen ambush after the Sack of Highgarden [s08e01]

House Arryn
Located in the Vale, the Arryns once ruled as kings and now serve as Wardens of the East, from their mountain stronghold, the Eyrie--a keen defense against the violent clans that surround their home. The future king Robert Baratheon, and Jon Arryn's future brother-in-law Ned Stark, were fostered at the Eyrie in the years before they joined forces with House Tully to win the Iron Throne in Robert's Rebellion. Lord Jon's widow, Lysa, retired to her husband's seat soon after his sudden death, keeping herself out of the fray below in the War of Five Kings. She then suffered a sudden death herself shortly after entering her second marriage. Lord Jon's heir, Lord Robin Arryn ordered the knights of the Vale to war for the first time in years to aid his cousin Sansa Stark in the Battle of the Bastards, and after their victory the Vale lords and knights swore their swords to Sansa Stark's half-brother, King Jon Snow., eventually following him into battle in the Battle of the Long Night and the Second Sack of King's Landing.
Sigil: a white falcon soaring toward an encircled crescent moon, on a field of sky blue
Words: As High As Honor
Seat: the Eyrie
Lands: the Vale
-Lord Jon Arryn, foster father and Hand of the King to King Robert I, died suddenly of mysterious causes, allegedly poisoned by the Lannisters, actually poisoned by his wife on the advice of her lover, Petyr Baelish m. Lysa of House Tully, once held Tyrion Lannister prisoner at the Eyrie until he was freed through trial-by-combat with the dishonorable sellsword Bronn as his champion, allegedly a suicide, actually killed by her second husband, Petyr Baelish

  • Lord Robin Arryn, a sickly boy breastfed to at least the age of ten, briefly betrothed to his cousin Sansa Stark, now a ward of Yohn Royce


Lords bannermen and others sworn to House Arryn
House Baelish of the Fingers
-Lord Petyr Baelish, called "Littlefinger", the great-grandson of a Braavosi man and originally only Lord of a little spit of land on the Fingers (an area appearing on the map in the Vale), stepfather and regent of Lord Robin; appointed to his post on the king's council by his liege Lord Jon, later advised Lysa Arryn to poison Lord Jon so he could eventually marry her, then killed Lysa as well after she threatened her niece Sansa Stark, traveled to Winterfell with Lord Robin's army to support Sansa, eventually executed by his other niece Arya Stark, on Sansa's orders, for his crimes against Houses Arryn and Stark
House Royce of Runestone (appearing on the map in the Vale)
-Lord Yohn Royce, a friend of Ned Stark and the new guardian of his liege Lord Robin, led Lord Robin's army north to the Battle of the Bastards and later swore his sword to Ned Stark's bastard, King Jon Snow 

  • Ser Waymar Royce, Lord Yohn's younger(/youngest?) son, a ranger in the Night's Watch who stopped to visit Winterfell with his father before taking the black, led a ranging beyond the wall where he was killed by white walkers [s01e01, s04e08]

Lady Anya Waynwood, a lady who comforted Sansa Stark after her aunt's sudden demise [s04e08]
Lord Corbray [s04e08]
Ser Hugh of the Vale, formerly Jon Arryn's squire, knighted by King Robert I after Lord Jon's death, killed by Gregor Clegane in his first tournament joust [s01e04, s01e05]
Ser Vardis Egen, captain of the Eyrie's household guards, killed by the dishonorable sellsword Bronn in Tyrion Lannister's first trial-by-combat [s01e05, s01e06]
Mord, guard of the sky cells, the dungeons of the Eyrie [s01e05, s01e06]
Historical Arryns
Ser Artys Arryn, an Andal knight reputed by lore to have taken the Vale from the First Men while fighting from the back of a giant falcon
House Tully
The principal house of the Riverlands, the Tullys rose to power during Aegon's Conquest, when Edmyn Tully chose to join with the Targaryen invaders, leading the riverlanders in rebellion against Harren the Black. During the War of Five Kings, House Tully came under attack by House Lannister, and the Tullys chose their kinsman King Robb Stark as their overlord rather than swear fealty to King Joffrey I. The riverlords fought for Edmure Tully in the name of King Robb. All except for House Frey. When Lord Edmure entered a marriage alliance with House Frey to replace King Robb's broken betrothal, the Freys betrayed Houses Tully and Stark in a massacre known as the Red Wedding.
Sigil: a leaping silver trout on a field of red and blue waves, separated by bands of white
Words: Family, Duty, Honor
Seat: Riverrun (now claimed by House Frey)
Lands: the Riverlands (now claimed by House Frey)
-Lord Hoster Tully, an ally of his sons-in-law Ned Stark and Jon Arryn in Robert's Rebellion, died of natural causes during the War of Five Kings m. Minisa of House ?, died in childbirth

  • Catelyn Tully Stark, called "Cat", once captured Tyrion Lannister with the support of Tully sworn men and then brought him to her sister at the Eyrie, disobeyed King Robb by releasing Jaime Lannister in a doomed exchange for her daughters, killed by the Freys during her brother's wedding feast m. Eddard of House Stark, called "Ned", the younger brother of her first intended husband, executed on the orders of Cersei Lannister's bastard, Joffrey
    • King Robb Stark, called "the Young Wolf", an undefeated warrior acclaimed king after capturing Jaime Lannister in his first battle and thereby saving Riverrun, once promised to marry a lady of House Frey, slain by the Freys and Roose Bolton during his uncle's wedding feast m. Talisa Maegyr of Volantis, also killed by the Freys during the Red Wedding
      • Unborn child Stark, to be named Eddard if born a son, killed in the womb when Queen Talisa was stabbed
    • Sansa Stark, a prisoner of the Lannisters after an aborted betrothal to the bastard Joffrey, then escaped King's Landing after Joffrey's death through the actions of Petyr Baelish, who brought her to her aunt at the Eyrie before temporarily allying with House Bolton, escaped her 2nd husband with the help of Theon Greyjoy and reunited with her half-brother, Jon, acting northern ruler after Jon Snow left to treat with Daenerys Targaryen 1stm. Tyrion of House Lannister, an unconsummated union 2ndm. Ramsay Snow, the Bastard of the Dreadfort, defeated in the Battle of the Bastards and locked in the kennel at Sansa's behest, to be eaten by his own hounds
    • Arya Stark, escaped King's Landing after her father's beheading to travel North with the Night's Watch, then became a prisoner at Harrenhal, then a hostage of the Brotherhood without Banners, then a companion of Sandor Clegane, served in Braavos as an acolyte of the Faceless Men at the House of Black and White, briefly blinded for disobedience on an assignment, returned to Westeros and avenged the Red Wedding at the Twins before returning to Winterfell, became the slayer of the Night King in the Battle of the Long Night, then returned to King's Landing with Sandor Clegane for revenge, only to barely survive the Second Sack of King's Landing
    • Brandon "Bran" Stark, now called "the 3-eyed Raven", a crippled warg gifted with the Sight and rightful heir to King Robb, served as Lord of Winterfell during the War of Five Kings before the castle was taken by Theon Greyjoy, left Winterfell after it was sacked and traveled North beyond-the-Wall with the Reed siblings to reach a cave beneath a great weirwood tree, driven from the cave by an attack from the Night King and his wight army, returned home to Winterfell and declined the lordship
    • Rickon Stark, escaped with Bran after the Sack of Winterfell then sent by Bran to seek the protection of House Umber, guarded by the wildling woman Osha, betrayed by Smalljon Umber and given to the traitor Ramsay Snow, killed by Ramsay at the start of the Battle of the Bastards
  • Lysa Tully Arryn Baelish, once held Tyrion Lannister prisoner at the Eyrie until he was freed through trial-by-combat, allegedly a suicide, actually killed by her second husband, Petyr Baelish 1stm. Jon of House Arryn, allegedly poisoned by the Lannisters, actually poisoned by Lysa on the advice of her lover, Petyr Baelish 2ndm. Petyr of House Baelish, killed Lysa after she threatened her niece Sansa Stark, killed in Winterfell with his own knife by Arya Stark, on Sansa's orders for his crimes against their family
    • Lord Robin Arryn, a sickly boy breastfed to at least the age of ten, briefly betrothed to his cousin Sansa Stark, now a ward of Yohn Royce
  • Lord Edmure Tully, victor of the Battle of the Stone Mill, rightful Lord of Riverrun and Lord Paramount of the Riverlands, a captive of his in-laws following the Red Wedding, forced to surrender Riverrun to the Freys and order his uncle's capture after the Kingslayer threatened his son m. Roslin of House Frey
    • Unnamed baby boy Tully, a son who Lord Edmure has never met, conceived by Roslin at the Red Wedding [s06e08]

-Ser Brynden Tully, called "the Blackfish", a hero of the War of the Ninepenny Kings, escaped the Red Wedding and later took Riverrun back from his family's enemies, killed fighting Jaime Lannister's army in the Second Siege of Riverrun

Lords bannermen and others sworn to/associated with House Tully
Lord Petyr Baelish, called "Littlefinger", fostered by Lord Hoster as a child, once gravely wounded by Brandon Stark after challenging him to a duel for Catelyn Tully's hand in marriage, a false friend to Catelyn as an adult when he collaborated in Ned Stark's arrest, raised by the Lannisters to the title of Lord of Harrenhal, a fortress in the Riverlands, killed in Winterfell with his own knife by Arya Stark, on the orders of Sansa Stark, for his crimes against their family
House Frey of the Crossing (for full tree, see below)
-Lord Walder Frey, called "the Late Lord Frey", (a nickname coined by Lord Hoster after his untimely arrival at the Battle of the Trident), a traitor who used his daughter's wedding to slay King Robb and then capture Lord Edmure, killed by Arya Stark after celebrating Jaime Lannister's victory in the Second Siege of Riverrun

  • "Lame" Lothar Frey*, a man with a limp, the traitor who helped arrange Lord Edmure's marriage to his sister, Roslin, then started the Red Wedding by stabbing Queen Talisa in the abdomen, killed by Arya Stark after celebrating Jaime Lannister's victory in the Second Siege of Riverrun and fed to his father in a pie 
  • "Black" Walder Rivers*, a bastard nicknamed for his dark temper, the traitor who helped arrange Lord Edmure's marriage to his sister, Roslin, then ended the Red Wedding by slitting the throat of Catelyn Stark, killed by Arya Stark after celebrating Jaime Lannister's victory in the Second Siege of Riverrun and fed to his father in a pie

House Blackwood of Raventree Hall (appearing on the map in the Riverlands)
House Bracken of Stone Hedge (appearing on the map in the Riverlands)
-Lord Jonos Bracken, claimed by Catelyn Stark to be one of Lord Hoster's most loyal bannermen [s01e04]
-Ser Wylis Bracken, replaced Ser Bronn of the Blackwater as Lollys Stokeworth's husband-to-be [s05e02]
House Mallister of Seagard (appearing on the map in the Riverlands)
-Ser Jaremy Mallister, killed by Gregor Clegane in Harrenhal, recognized by Catelyn Stark [s03e01]
-Ser Denys Mallister, veteran commander of the Shadow Tower in the Night's Watch [s05e01, s05e02]
House Whent of Harrenhal
-Lord Whent, hosted the greatly-attended tournament where Prince Rhaegar Targaryen met Lyanna Stark, presumably either the husband or a male relative of the Lady Whent listed below [s05e04]
-Lady Whent, mentioned by Catelyn Stark, whereabouts unknown after Harrenhal was taken by Tywin Lannister [s01e04]
-Ser Oswell Whent, a member of the Mad King's Kingsguard, killed in Dorne by Ned Stark's men [s04e01]
"Hot Pie", a skilled baker and friend to Arya Stark, working at an inn in the Riverlands
Sally, a young maiden living near Fairmarket, daughter of a farmer who hosted Sandor Clegane and Arya Stark at the family farm and was then robbed by the Hound, killed sometime afterwards and was later buried by Sandor when he found her corpse with her father's [s04e03]
Brother Ray, a lay septon who nursed Sandor Clegane back to health, murdered during his effort to build a community sept [s06e07]
Historical Tullys
Lord Edmyn Tully, rose against the tyranny of Harren the Black as an early supporter of Aegon I Targaryen
House Greyjoy
House Greyjoy's power dates back to the Grey King who ruled in the Age of Heroes. After the Targaryen Conquest, when the last ironborn king, Harren the Black, was killed, House Greyjoy was chosen by their people as the new rulers. Although only lords since then, the Greyjoys have always had larger designs. King Balon Greyjoy worked for years to bring back the Old Way. His first rebellion was ended by the combined forces of Robert Baratheon and Eddard Stark, and Balon later met his end at the hands of his own brother as his second rebellion faltered. Euron Greyjoy was then proclaimed king at the kingsmoot after his murder of Balon. But what is dead may never die. King Balon's surviving children stole the best of the Iron Fleet and brokered an alliance with Queen Daenerys I Targaryen before Euron could do so, causing King Euron to seek the hand of Queen Cersei I Lannister instead.
Sigil: a golden kraken on a blue-black field
Words: We Do Not Sow
Seat: Pyke
Lands: the Iron Islands, the North (a claim by conquest, lost to House Bolton)
-King Balon Greyjoy, the fifth king in the War of Five Kings who outlived the other four until he was pushed to his death from a bridge by his brother Euron m. Alannys of House ?

  • Prince Rodrik Greyjoy, killed fighting in his father's first rebellion
  • Prince Maron Greyjoy, killed fighting in his father's first rebellion 
  • Princess Yara Greyjoy, captained Prince Rodrik's former ship in the years after his death and became her father's preferred heir, captured Deepwood Motte at the start of the Greyjoy invasion of the North, later invaded the Dreadfort but failed to rescue Prince Theon, fled with Theon and the best of the Iron Fleet after her failure at the Kingsmoot, then traveled to Meereen to ally with Queen Daenerys I Targaryen, captured by King Euron on her way to Dorne, eventually rescued by forces led by Prince Theon
  • Prince Theon Greyjoy, a hostage to the Starks from the age of eight to ensure his father's fealty to the Iron Throne, returned to Pyke as Robb Stark's envoy to King Balon, then took Winterfell from Bran Stark, and was defeated and captured by Ramsay Snow, became a crippled eunuch calling himself "Reek", and a slave to Ramsay until escaping with Sansa Stark and returning again to Pyke, supported his sister as Queen and fled with her and the best of the Iron Fleet after her failure at the Kingsmoot, then traveled to Meereen to ally with Queen Daenerys I Targaryen, escaped after King Euron defeated Yara's forces on their way to Dorne, eventually led forces to rescue Yara from captivity on Euron's ship, and was then released by her to return north to fight for the Starks, where he was killed in Winterfell defending Bran Stark in the Battle of the Long Night
    • The crew of Prince Theon's ship, "the Sea Bitch"
      • Dagmer, first mate, a traitor who assaulted Prince Theon after his last speech, flayed to death by Ramsay Snow after surrendering to him
      • Aggar, Gelmarr, Wex, Urzen, Stygg, & Black Lorren, traitors who abandoned Prince Theon and were then flayed to death by Ramsay Snow after surrendering to him [s02e10]

-King Euron Greyjoy, helped start his brother Balon's first rebellion by burning the fleet at Lannisport, exiled sometime after that rebellion was crushed and returned home after years at sea to kill King Balon and claim the throne for himself, captured his traitor niece Yara in the Battle of the Greyjoys and later won the right to bed Queen Cersei I Lannister, then killed a dragon and captured Missandei of Naath when Daenerys Targaryen returned to Dragonstone, slain by Jaime Lannister after gravely wounding him in a fight during the Second Sack of King's Landing
-Aeron "Damphair" Greyjoy, a priest of the Drowned God who presided over the Kingsmoot and then the coronation of his brother King Euron


Sword swords of House Greyjoy
Kenning, commander of the garrison left at Moat Cailin, killed by one of his own men, who were all then flayed to death by Ramsay Snow after surrendering to him [s04e08]
Harrag, captain of one of the few ships loyal to Yara and Theon Greyjoy that escaped the Battle of the Greyjoys, whose men pulled Prince Theon from the water afterwards, a traitor beaten by Prince Theon in a fight when he wanted to abandon Yara's cause

Historical Greyjoys and those associated with them
The Grey King, legendary ancestor claimed to have ruled the sea itself and taken a mermaid for his wife
Harren the Black, the last ironborn king before the Targaryen Conquest, of a dynasty that conquered the Riverlands, built the castle of Harrenhal, where he was killed with all of his line when the castle was attacked with dragonfire
Lodos, a prophet who claimed that the Drowned God would rise to defeat Aegon the Conqueror [s07e05]
House Tyrell
For centuries, the Tyrells served and occasionally intermarried with House Gardener, the ancient Kings of the Reach. But after the Targaryen conquest eliminated House Gardener, the Tyrells bent the knee to the Iron Throne--and then rose to power as Wardens of the South. Lord Mace Tyrell was a staunch Targaryen loyalist in Robert's Rebellion, besieging Storm's End until the Targaryen dynasty was fully overthrown. Afterwards he became a loyal friend to House Baratheon. During the War of Five Kings, House Tyrell first supported the claim of King Renly I Baratheon, but after his death they became the principal support of his nephew(s) on the Iron Throne. This alliance came to an explosive end when the Dowager Queen, Cersei Lannister, destroyed the Great Sept of Baelor while Lord Mace Tyrell and both of his children were inside. After a brief attempt by Lord Mace's mother to get revenge by supporting Daenerys Targaryen, the Lannisters suborned the Reach's best general and ended the golden strength of Highgarden, with Lady Olenna dying as well.
Sigil: a golden rose on a green field
Words: Growing Strong
Seat: Highgarden (lost to House Lannister)
Lands: the Reach (lost to House Lannister)
-Lord Luthor Tyrell, [s03e02, s04e04] rode off a cliff while hawking [s04e04] m. Olenna of House ?, called "the Queen of Thorns", the true slayer of King Joffrey I Baratheon and sister of Viola ?, who was betrothed to Lord Luthor until Olenna seduced him; allied with Queen Daenerys I Targaryen seeking vengeance for her son and grandchildren, poisoned by Jaime Lannister during the Sack of Highgarden

  • Lord Mace Tyrell, called "the Lord Oaf of Highgarden", besieged Storm's End for almost a year during Robert's Rebellion, chosen as Master of Ships and Master of Coin for his son-in-law King Tommen I, sent to Braavos as royal envoy in negotiations with the Iron Bank, killed with both his children in the wildfire explosion of the Great Sept of Baelor  m. Alerie of House ?
    • Queen Margaery Tyrell Baratheon, twice widowed but officially a virgin prior to becoming the consort of King Tommen I, arrested by the Faith Militant and charged with bearing false witness about her brother's alleged sexual sins, released after persuading Tommen I to enter into holy alliance with the High Sparrow, slain by her mother-in-law in the wildfire explosion of the Great Sept of Baelor 1stm. King Renly I of House Baratheon, slain by a shadow the night before he was to face his brother Stannis in battle 2ndm. King Joffrey I of House Baratheon, slain with poison at their wedding feast by Olenna Tyrell, but officially by his uncle, Tyrion Lannister 3rdm. King Tommen I of House Baratheon, her first fully consummated union, slain by his own will by dropping from his bedroom window after Queen Margaery was killed
    • Ser Loras Tyrell, called "the Knight of Flowers", the lover of his brother-in-law Renly I Baratheon and served as commander of his Kingsguard, led the vanguard of the Tyrell forces to defend King's Landing during the Battle of the Blackwater, briefly betrothed to Sansa Stark, then betrothed to Queen Cersei before Tywin Lannister's death, arrested by the Faith Militant on charges of fornication and buggery, forced to confess his sins and mutilated with a seven-pointed star shortly before being killed by his former betrothed, the Dowager Queen, in the wildfire explosion of the Great Sept of Baelor


Lords bannermen and others sworn to/associated with House Tyrell
Alanna ?, a cousin Queen Margaery claims to have been jealous of at age 12, now married with children and living by the sea [s03e04]
House Florent of Brightwater Keep (appearing on the map in the Reach, abandoned their liege Lord Mace for the heretical pretender Stannis Baratheon, whose wife was born a Florent)
-Lady Selyse Florent Baratheon*, sister of Lord Axell and wife of the pretender Stannis Baratheon, worshiped a false god until hanging herself after the sacrifice of her daughter
-Lord Axell Florent*, burned at the stake, on the orders of his rebel brother-in-law and the worshipers of a false god

  • Rylene Florent, cousin to Shireen Baratheon, exact relation to Lord Axell unknown

House Redwyne of the Arbor (appearing on the map in the Reach)
-Lord Redwyne, rumored to like very young boys [s01e05]
House Hightower of Oldtown (appearing on the map in the Reach)
-Ser Gerold Hightower, the last lord commander of a Targaryen Kingsguard, presumably killed in Robert's Rebellion [s06e03]
House Tarly of Horn Hill
-Lord Randyll Tarly, the only commander to ever defeat King Robert I Baratheon on the battlefield, presumably in Robert's Rebellion; a traitor who fought for Jaime Lannister after being promised the Tyrells' titles, executed for his treason by the Mother of Dragons after being defeated on the way back to King's Landing m. Melessa of House ?

  • Samwell "Sam" Tarly, Randyll's former heir, deemed unfit to inherit, now a sworn brother of the Night's Watch, volunteered to travel to Oldtown to become a maester, returned home and stole his father's Valyrian steel sword, Heartsbane, then abandoned his studies at the Citadel without forging a chain and traveled to Winterfell where he survived the Battle of the Long Night
    • Gilly, Sam's wildling lover, 
      • Samwell, called "Little Sam", Gilly's son who was claimed as Sam's bastard, though she was actually impregnated by her own father
  • Dickon Tarly*, Randyll's second-born son and the heir after Sam took the black; a traitor who fought for Jaime Lannister after his family was promised the Tyrells' titles, executed for his treason by the Mother of Dragons after being defeated on the way back to King's Landing 
  • Talla Tarly*, Randyll's daughter, betrothed to Symun Fossoway [s06e06]


House Martell
Led by House Martell, Dorne was the only region in Westeros to successfully resist all efforts of Targaryen conquest. A marriage alliance between a Targaryen king and a Martell princess led to Dorne entering the realm of the Iron Throne, and as the only royal house never to be subdued by the Targaryens, the Martell ruling family retained the titles of Prince and Princess. Princess Elia Martell was consort to Prince Rhaegar Targaryen, but she and her children were tragically murdered on the orders of Tywin Lannister. Prince Oberyn Martell's death in a failed attempt to avenge his sister led to intra-family conflict ending in the deaths of Tywin Lannister's granddaughter, and the remaining legitimate members of House Martell. Prince Oberyn's paramour, Ellaria Sand, then renewed the Dornish alliance with House Targaryen to continue their quest for revenge, only to have her efforts brutally ended by Euron Greyjoy and Cersei Lannister.
Sigil: A red sun pierced by a golden spear on an orange field
Words: Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken
Seat: Sunspear
Lands: Dorne
-Prince Doran Martell, the ruler of Dorne, incapacitated by gout, the "rich man's disease", killed by his brother's paramour, Ellaria Sand m. ?

  • Prince Trystane Martell, betrothed to Princess Myrcella Baratheon until her sudden death, chosen by his father to accompany his betrothed home to King's Landing and take his uncle Prince Oberyn's seat on the council of King Tommen I Baratheon, killed on-ship in the King's Landing harbor by his cousin Obara Sand

-Princess Elia Martell Targaryen, raped and killed by Gregor Clegane during the Sack of King's Landing, on the orders of Tywin Lannister m. Prince Rhaegar Targaryen, posthumously called "the Last Dragon", secretly annulled his marriage to Princess Elia without her knowledge or consent; killed by Robert Baratheon in the Battle of the Trident

  • Princess Rhaenys Targaryen, killed by Gregor Clegane during the Sack of King's Landing, on the orders of Tywin Lannister
  • Prince Aegon Targaryen, inherited his father's claim to the throne only shortly before being killed by Gregor Clegane during the Sack of King's Landing, on the orders of Tywin Lannister

-Prince Oberyn Martell, called "the Red Viper", studied poisons at the Citadel and spent years traveling abroad in Essos, killed by Gregor Clegane when serving as Tyrion Lannister's champion in his trial-by-combat for regicide (in an attempt to avenge his sister, niece, and nephew), the lover of a bastard named Ellaria Sand

  • Prince Oberyn's bastard daughters (by various women), called "the Sand Snakes"
    • Obara Sand, chose her father's spear over her mother's tears, leaving her mother's home permanently to live with Prince Oberyn, sought vengeance for Prince Oberyn's death by attempting to abduct Princess Myrcella Baratheon and was arrested by Prince Doran's guards, after being freed she traveled to King's Landing to kill her cousin Prince Trystane, killed with her own spear by Euron Greyjoy in the Battle of the Greyjoys
    • Nym Sand, born to a non-Westerosi woman, sought vengeance for Prince Oberyn's death by attempting to abduct Princess Myrcella Baratheon and was arrested by Prince Doran's guards, after being freed she traveled to King's Landing to kill her cousin Prince Trystane, but her sister killed him instead, strangled with her own whip by Euron Greyjoy in the Battle of the Greyjoys
    • Tyene Sand, the first child born to Prince Oberyn's paramour, Ellaria Sand, sought vengeance for Prince Oberyn's death by attempting to abduct Princess Myrcella Baratheon and was arrested by Prince Doran's guards, helped start her mother's overthrow of her uncle Prince Doran after being freed, captured with her mother by Euron Greyjoy's men in the Battle of the Greyjoys, chained in a cell with Ellaria and poisoned by Cersei Lannister
    • ? Sand, his 4th daughter
    • Elia Sand, his 5th daughter, named for his murdered sister [s04e08]
    • ? Sand, his 6th daughter
    • ? Sand, his 7th daughter
    • ? Sand, his 8th daughter


Lords bannermen and others sworn to/associated with House Martell
Ellaria Sand, Prince Oberyn's paramour, desperately sought vengeance for Prince Oberyn and was forced to re-swear her fealty to Prince Doran after instigating the failed abduction of Princess Myrcella Baratheon, then killed Myrcella with a poisoned kiss and later stabbed Prince Doran, allied with Lord Varys, envoy of Queen Daenerys I Targaryen and Lady Olenna Tyrell, captured with her eldest daughter, Tyene, by Euron Greyjoy's men in the Battle of the Greyjoys, chained with Tyene in a cell in the Red Keep, forced to watch her daughter die and her corpse rot away, presumed dead by the end of the Second Sack of King's Landing
Areo Hotah, captain of Prince Doran's guards, killed by Tyene Sand to start her mother's overthrow of Prince Doran
House Dalt of Lemonwood [s04e01]
House Manwoody of Kingsgrave [s04e01]
House Blackmont [s04e01]
Princess Myrcella Baratheon, ward of Prince Doran, betrothed to Prince Trystane, killed by Ellaria Sand with a poisoned kiss

Historical Martells
Princess Myriah Martell, listed in The Lineages and Histories of the Great Houses of the Seven Kingdoms as the queen consort of King Daeron II Targaryen [s01e04, s01e06]
Prince Maron(?) Martell, listed in The Lineages and Histories of the Great Houses of the Seven Kingdoms as the husband of Princess Daenerys Targaryen, who was the younger sister of King Daeron II Targaryen [s01e04]

House Frey
The Freys were sworn to House Tully for generations, shoring up their wealth by charging travelers a fee to cross the Trident River via their castle, the Twins. Ever ambitious, the family tends to marry up, a practice encouraged by the current Lord of the Crossing, Walder Frey, a man married 8 times, with a vast brood of descendants. After organizing the slaying of his king, Robb Stark, and capturing his liege lord and son-in-law, Edmure Tully, Lord Walder also assumed the title of Lord Paramount of the Riverlands. However, after Ser Brynden Tully reclaimed Riverrun and was defeated by the Freys, with the aid of Jaime Lannister, their new victory was short-lived, and their dominion over the Riverlands ended when Lord Walder was murdered by Arya Stark, who then poisoned the other Frey men who participated in the Red Wedding. 

Sigil: light grey towers and bridge surmounting blue water on a silver field
Words: We Stand Together
Seat: the Twins, also claim Riverrun
Lands: claim all of the Riverlands

-Lord Walder Frey, a proud man past his 90th nameday, married at least 8 times, planned the Red Wedding with the help of his grandson-in-law, Roose Bolton, killed by Arya Stark after celebrating Jaime Lannister's victory in the Second Siege of Riverrun 8thm. Joyeuse of House ?, killed by Catelyn Stark during the Red Wedding 

  • Sons of Lord Walder
    • Olyvar Frey*, a son once meant to squire for Robb Stark, never again mentioned by Robb after agreeing, presumably killed by Arya Stark [s01e09]
    • Waldron Frey*, a young boy once meant to marry Arya Stark when they both came of age [s01e09]
    • "Lame" Lothar Frey*, a man with a limp, helped arrange Lord Edmure's marriage to his sister, Roslin, then started the Red Wedding by stabbing Talisa Stark in the abdomen, killed by Arya Stark after celebrating Jaime Lannister's victory in the Second Siege of Riverrun and fed to his father in a pie
    • "Black" Walder Rivers*, a bastard nicknamed for his dark temper, helped arrange Lord Edmure's marriage to his sister, Roslin, then ended the Red Wedding by slitting the throat of Catelyn Stark, killed by Arya Stark after celebrating Jaime Lannister's victory in the Second Siege of Riverrun and fed to his father in a pie 
  • Daughters and Granddaughters of Lord Walder
    • Roslin Frey Tully*, a daughter m. Edmure of House Tully, a captive of House Frey since his wedding night
    • "Fat" Walda Frey Bolton*, a granddaughter, killed by hounds on the orders of her stepson, Ramsay  m. Roose of House Bolton, the co-planner of the Red Wedding and slayer of Robb Stark, killed by his son Ramsay
    • Arwyn Frey*, an unmarried daughter [s03e09]
    • Walda Frey*, an unmarried daughter [s03e09]
    • Derwa Frey*, an unmarried daughter [s03e09]
    • Waldra Frey*, an unmarried daughter [s03e09]
    • Janeya Frey*, an unmarried granddaughter [s03e09]
    • Neyela Frey*, an unmarried granddaughter [s03e09]
    • Serra Frey*, an unmarried granddaughter, twin of Sarra [s03e09]
    • Sarra Frey*, an unmarried granddaughter, twin of Serra [s03e09]
    • Marianne Frey*, an unmarried granddaughter [s03e09]
    • Freya Frey*, an unmarried granddaughter [s03e09]
    • Merry Frey*, an unmarried granddaughter [s03e09]
    • Shirei Frey*, Lord Walder's youngest daughter, not yet flowered [s03e09]
  • Other Freys
    • Waldra Frey, a grandniece of Lord Walder [s01e09]
    • Willem Frey, a man whose wedding Jaime Lannister doesn't remember attending, unspecified relation to Lord Walder [s02e07, s03e02]
    • Unnamed baby boy Bolton, son of Walda Frey and Roose Bolton, killed by hounds with his mother, at the command of his half-brother, Ramsay [s06e02]
    • Unnamed baby boy Tully, son of Roslin Frey and Edmure Tully [s06e08]


Sworn swords of House Frey
Malcolm & Talbot, mentioned as having helped to join Robb Stark's corpse and the head of his direwolf [s03e10]

House Bolton
The Boltons were a family who believed in the effectiveness of flaying enemies, though the practice is now outlawed in the North. For centuries, the Boltons served as vassals of House Stark, their ancient rivals. This relationship ended at the Red Wedding, where Roose Bolton slew King Robb Stark, an act of treachery which earned him Winterfell and the title of Warden of the North. Lord Roose was himself killed and supplanted by his firstborn son, Ramsay, following the birth of a second son by his new Frey wife. After being betrayed by his wife, Lord Ramsay was then defeated by his brother-in-law Jon Snow in the Battle of the Bastards, and murdered at the behest of the runaway Lady Bolton.

Sigil: A flayed man, red from neck down, hanging upside down on a white X, on a dark blue field
Words: Our Blades Are Sharp
Seat: originally the Dreadfort; later the Dreadfort & Winterfell (lost to House Stark)
Lands: the North (lost to House Stark)

-Lord Roose Bolton, the slayer of Robb Stark and an architect (with his Frey in-laws) of the Red Wedding, allegedly poisoned by his enemies, actually killed by his son Ramsay m. Walda of House Frey, a bride worth her weight in silver, killed with her newborn son by hounds, on the orders of her stepson Ramsay

  • Lord Ramsay Bolton, formerly Ramsay Snow, Roose's legitimized bastard, born to a peasant after Lord Roose raped her and hanged her husband, sacked and burned Winterfell when defeating the ironborn there, later defeated the pretender Stannis Baratheon in the Battle of Winterfell, defeated in the Second Battle of Winterfell and fed to his own treacherous hounds m. Sansa of House Stark, betrayed her lord husband when she abandoned Winterfell with Reek by jumping from the parapets onto a snowdrift and helped arrange Ramsay's murder after the Battle of the Bastards
    • Myranda, daughter of the Boltons' kennelmaster and Ramsay's mistress, earned the privilege of helping in the torture of the servant once known as Theon Greyjoy and of taking part in the hunting of her former rival, Tansy, later killed by Reek the traitor
    • Reek, a crippled eunuch formerly known as Theon Greyjoy, slave to Ramsay until betraying his lord and master, when he murdered Myranda and absconded with Sansa Bolton by jumping from the parapets of Winterfell onto a snowdrift, killed by the Night King after his final return to Winterfell
    • Kyra, daughter of the Boltons' blacksmith, one of Ramsay's former lovers, a tall girl who was overly talkative, presumed dead [s05e06]
    • Violet, one of Ramsay's former lovers, helped in the torture of the servant once known as Theon Greyjoy, bored Ramsay by becoming pregnant, presumed dead [s03e07, s05e06]
    • Tansy, one of Ramsay's former lovers, a girl whose sweetness became dull, which led to her being hunted with hounds by Ramsay and Myranda [s04e02, s05e06]
  • Unnamed baby boy Bolton, killed by hounds with his mother, at Ramsay's command [s06e02]


Lords bannermen and others sworn to/associated with House Bolton
Locke, Lord Bolton's "best hunter", re-captured Jaime Lannister and cut off his sword hand before delivering Jaime to Lord Roose at Harrenhal, later sent to infiltrate the Night's Watch, killed outside Craster's Keep by Bran Stark through the body of Hodor
Maester Wolkan, a healer, tutor and adviser who detected Walda Bolton's pregnancy and predicted the birth of a son
House Cerwyn of Cerwyn Castle
-Lord Cerwyn, a new lord newly loyal to House Bolton, after Ramsay flayed his parents and uncle to death for refusing to pay their taxes [s05e03]
House Karstark of Karhold
-Lord Harald Karstark, last surviving son of Lord Rickard Karstark, loyal to his new liege lord, killed in the Battle of the Bastards
House Umber of the Last Hearth
-Lord Jon "the Smalljon" Umber, allied with Lord Ramsay against Jon Snow and his wildlings and introduced Lord Ramsay to his brother-in-law as a sign of good faith, killed by the wildling Tormund Giantsbane in the Battle of the Bastards 
House Glover of Deepwood Motte
-Lord Robett Glover, re-took Deepwood Motte with the aid of House Bolton and then refused to help Sansa Bolton make war against her husband 
House Stark (formerly of Winterfell)
-Rickon Stark, Lord Ramsay's brother-in-law, brought home by Smalljon Umber, killed by Ramsay when attempting to run to his bastard brother's wildling army before the Battle of the Bastards, after his bastard brother refused to surrender and spare his life

  • Osha, a wildling companion of Rickon, brought back to Winterfell by Smalljon Umber, killed by Lord Ramsay in self-defense
Edited by Lady S.
  • Love 4
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(cont. because I hit the content limit)

Other Groups in Westeros

The Night's Watch
-Lord Commander Jeor Mormont, 997th Lord Commander of the Night's Watch, gave his family's ancestral Valyrian steel sword, Longclaw, to his squire and chosen successor, Jon Snow, after Jon saved his life, led a great ranging to investigate the disappearance of Benjen Stark and other rangers, during which he survived a wight attack on the Fist of the First Men only to be killed by Rast in a mutiny at Craster's Keep 
-Lord Commander Jon Snow, called "Lord Snow" from his arrival, served as personal steward to Lord Mormont, later served as a spy among the wildlings at the behest of Qhorin Halfhand, then led a mission to execute the mutineers at Craster's Keep, and led the defense of the Wall and Castle Black when Ser Alliser was unavailable, then elected the 998th Lord Commander of the Night's Watch, formed an alliance with Tormund Giantsbane after his election and led a diplomatic mission to the wildlings at Hardhome, which was interrupted by an attack of the white walkers and their wight army, during which one of the white walkers was killed by Lord Snow using Longclaw; killed on his last return to Castle Black in another mutiny, resurrected by Lady Melisandre

  • Ghost, Lord Snow's direwolf
  • Olly, became Lord Snow's steward after his election, displaced by the wildling attack south of the Wall, the archer who killed Ygritte during the Battle of Castle Black, a traitor who took part in the assassination of Lord Snow, arrested on the orders of Edd Tollett, hanged by Jon Snow after his resurrection

-Lord Commander Eddison "Edd" Tollett, a veteran steward, called "Dolorous Edd" for his melancholy humor, friend to Jon Snow, a survivor of the wight attack on the Fist of the First Men and the mutiny at Craster's Keep, took part in Jon Snow's mission to execute the mutineers at Craster's Keep, helped lead the defense of the Wall during the Battle of Castle Black, \survived the Massacre at Hardhome, arrested the traitors who killed Jon Snow, commander after Jon Snow's exit, went to the Last Hearth and then Winterfell after the Wall fell, killed there in The Battle of the Long Night
Brothers stationed at the Shadow Tower
-Ser Denys Mallister, veteran commander of the garrison in the Shadow Tower [s05e01, s05e02]

  • Qhorin "Halfhand", a renowned ranger from the Shadow Tower, lost half his right hand in a fight with a wildling, killed by Jon Snow at his own urging so Jon could infiltrate the wildlings
    • Harker, "Stonesnake", & Borba, rangers picked for an expedition with Qhorin Halfhand, then killed by wildlings [s02e05]

Brothers stationed at Eastwatch-by-the-Sea
-Cotter Pyke, commander of the garrison in Eastwatch-by-the-Sea [s01e10]

  • Borcas, a steward [s01e07]
    • Dareon, a steward in Jon Snow's training class sent to Eastwatch, told to report to Borcas, said by Sam Tarly to have a good singing voice [s01e07, s03e06]

Other brothers stationed at the main stronghold, Castle Black
-Ser Alliser Thorne, formerly master-at-arms of Castle Black and acting commander after Lord Mormont's death, injured in the Battle of Castle Black, named as the new First Ranger after Lord Snow's election, a traitor who instigated the mutiny against Lord Snow after Jon returned from the Massacre at Hardhome, arrested on the orders of Edd Tollett, hanged by Jon Snow after his resurrection
-Benjen Stark, Jon Snow's uncle and formerly the First Ranger, never returned to Castle Black from his last ranging, stabbed by a white walker but found by the children of the forest whose magic stopped his transformation into a wight, reunited with his nephew Bran Stark after Bran escaped the Night King's attack on the 3-eyed Raven's cave, later saved his nephew Jon Snow at the end of Jon's quest to capture a wight, after which his watch finally ended when the other wights overwhelmed him

  • Othor, one of Benjen's men on his last ranging, killed only to rise as a wight and attempt to kill Lord Mormont, destroyed using fire by Jon Snow
  • Jafer Flowers, one of Benjen's men on his last ranging, killed only to rise as a wight, destroyed using fire

-Maester Aemon, healer and adviser, born Prince Aemon Targaryen (Jon Snow's great-great uncle, unbeknownst to both of them), died at Castle Black of natural causes after passing his 100th nameday

  • Samwell "Sam" Tarly, mocked as "Ser Piggy" and "Sam the Slayer", steward to Maester Aemon and the first man to kill a white walker in thousands of years, a survivor of the wight attack on the Fist of the First Men and the mutiny at Craster's Keep, became the best friend of Jon Snow during their training together and nominated Jon to be the 998th Lord Commander, volunteered to travel to Oldtown to study as Maester Aemon's replacement, left the Citadel without forging a chain to bring stolen books/scrolls to Jon Snow at Winterfell

-Othell Yarwyck, First Builder, a traitor who participated in the mutiny against Lord Snow, arrested on the orders of Edd Tollett, hanged by Jon Snow after his resurrection
-Bowen Marsh, the steward officer Pyp was sent to report to upon being sorted, a traitor who participated in the mutiny against Lord Snow, arrested on the orders of Edd Tollett, hanged by Jon Snow after his resurrection
-Yoren, a traveling recruiter, rescued Arya Stark after her father's execution, killed by Amory Lorch

  • Gendry, bastard of King Robert I, an apprentice blacksmith, friend to Arya Stark, captured and taken to Harrenhal after Ser Amory's attack, escaped with Arya Stark, later brought to the cause of King Jon Snow by Ser Davos Seaworth and took part in Jon's quest to capture a wight
  • "Hot Pie", a skilled baker now working at an inn in the Riverlands, captured and taken to Harrenhal after Ser Amory's attack, escaped with Arya Stark
  • Lommy "Greenhands", a former dyer's apprentice, killed by Polliver in Ser Amory's attack, then mistaken for Gendry
  • Jaqen H'ghar, a caged man bound for the Night's Watch who joined Ser Amory's men after being freed by Arya Stark, later mysteriously killed Ser Amory, among other men, during his time at Harrenhal, then helped Arya Stark escape Harrenhal and donned a new face
  • Rorge, a caged man bound for the Night's Watch who joined Ser Amory's men after being freed by Arya Stark, later killed by Arya Stark somewhere in the Riverlands or the Vale
  • Biter, a caged man bound for the Night's Watch who joined Ser Amory's men after being freed by Arya Stark, later killed by Sandor Clegane somewhere in the Riverlands or the Vale, after biting the Hound in an attempt to collect the bounty on him

-Ser Waymar Royce, led a ranging beyond-the-Wall, where he was killed by white walkers [s01e01, s04e08]

  • Gared, one of Ser Waymar's men, killed by white walkers [s01e01]
  • Will, one of Ser Waymar's men, deserted after watching Gared die, beheaded by Eddard Stark [s01e01]

-Janos Slynt, a coward who hid during the Battle of Castle Black, former commander of the King's Landing City Watch and Lord of Harrenhal, exiled to the Wall by Tyrion Lannister, beheaded by Lord Snow for insubordination
-Grenn, a ranger in Jon Snow's training class who befriended Jon during their training, formerly a farmboy, a survivor of the wight attack on the Fist of the First Men and the mutiny at Craster's Keep, took part in Jon Snow's mission to execute the mutineers at Craster's Keep, killed fighting a giant when defending the gate during the Battle of Castle Black

  • Hill, Cooper, & 3 others, picked by Grenn to help guard the gate, did so successfully but died in the attempt [s04e09]

-Pyp, a steward in Jon Snow's training class who befriended Jon during their training, took the black after being accused of theft by a lord whose sexual advances he rebuffed, killed by Ygritte in the Battle of Castle Black
-Karl Tanner, a traitor who killed Craster and started the mutiny in Craster's Keep, after surviving the wight attack on the Fist of the First Men, claimed to have once been the highest-paid cutthroat in Flea Bottom, killed by Jon Snow, with the help of one of Craster's wives
-Rast, a ranger in Jon Snow's training class, a raper who chose the Night's Watch instead of castration, the traitor who killed Lord Mormont during the mutiny at Craster's Keep, after surviving the wight attack on the Fist of the First Men, later killed by Ghost
-Hobb, the cook at Castle Black, said by Sam Tarly to make good stew, helped defend the castle during the Battle of Castle Black 
-Matthar, Balian, Niko, Escan & Nelugo, rangers in Jon Snow's training class [s01e07]
-"Toad", Halder, Rancer, Echiel, Vorkoy & Allo, builders in Jon Snow's training class [s01e07]
-Gordo, Joby, Mink & Luke, stewards in Jon Snow's training class [s01e07]
-"One-eyed" Joe, a stablehand the steward Luke was told to report to [s01e07]
-Bannen, a ranger originally from the White Harbor area, died in Craster's Keep of wounds sustained in the wight attack on the Fist of the First Men [s03e04]
-Kegs, Black Jack, & Mully, members killed in the wildling attack on Mole's Town [s04e08]
-Locke, sent by Roose Bolton to infiltrate the Night's Watch, killed outside Craster's Keep by Bran Stark through the actions of Hodor
-Brian, assigned by Lord Snow to lead the digging of a new latrine pit [s05e03]
-Brant & Derek, two members who attempted to rape Gilly before being scared by Ghost [s05e07]
-Duncan, participated in Lord Snow's mission to aid and treat with the wildlings at Hardhome, told to hold the line during the Massacre at Hardhome [s05e08]
The Wildlings or Free Folk
-Mance Rayder, King-beyond-the-Wall, a former brother of the Night's Watch, defeated by Stannis Baratheon but refused to kneel, burned at the stake until Jon Snow shot an arrow through his heart

  • Tormund Giantsbane, a renowned chief, loyal and close to Mance Rayder, sent to climb the Wall and attack the Night's Watch from the South, defeated and captured by the Night's Watch during the Battle of Castle Black, unchained after forming an alliance with Jon Snow against the white walkers, led a diplomatic mission with Jon to the wildlings at Hardhome, which was interrupted by an attack of the white walkers and their wight army, returned to Castle Black to help Edd Tollett arrest the traitors who killed Jon Snow, later helped Jon re-take Winterfell and was then sent to help man the Wall, where he led the evacuation of Eastwatch when the Wall was attacked after helping Jon capture a wight
    • Ygritte, a female soldier in Mance Rayder's army and Jon Snow's former lover, had her life spared by Jon when they met, climbed the Wall and raided villages with Tormund, killed by Olly during the Battle of Castle Black
    • Orell, a warg serving Mance Rayder, climbed the Wall following Tormund, killed soon after by Jon Snow, causing his eagle to attack Jon's face
  • The Lord of Bones, called "Rattleshirt", a chieftain who answered to Mance Rayder, captured Qhorin Halfhand and Jon Snow after Ygritte escaped from Jon's custody, likely the killer of their companions, killed by Tormund Giantsbane at Hardhome after insulting Tormund and refusing to treat with Jon Snow
  • Styr the Magnar, leader of the Thenns, a cannibalistic clan answering to Mance Rayder, sent by Mance over the Wall to join forces with Tormund's band after the defection of Jon Snow, killed by Jon in the Battle of Castle Black
  • Mag the Mighty, a giant fighting with Mance Rayder's army beyond-the-Wall, said to be the last king from a bloodline predating the First Men, slain by Grenn and the other men defending the gate during the Battle of Castle Black [s04e09, s04e10]
  • Kullback, a follower attending Mance Rayder in his tent when Jon Snow arrived to kill/treat with Mance after the Battle of Castle Black [s04e10]

-Craster, a wildling who married his daughters and gave his sons to the white walkers, known to shelter rangers in the Night's Watch and did so twice during Jeor Mormont's last ranging, until he was killed by the rebellious brothers of the Night's Watch

  • Gilly, one of Craster's (grand?)daughter-wives, escaped Craster's Keep after his death, sent to Mole's Town where she was spared by Ygritte in wildling attack there, under the protection of Sam Tarly and now traveling wherever he goes
  • Sam, Gilly's son by Craster, named for and under the protection of Sam Tarly and now traveling wherever he goes

-Bruni, former lover of the escaped wildling Osha, returned as a wight and tried to kill her until she burned down their hut to destroy his corpse [s03e07]
-The free folk settled at Hardhome after the defeat of Mance Rayder

  • Karsi, a tribal leader who chose to ally with Jon Snow and Tormund Giantsbane, killed by wights in the Massacre at Hardhome only to rise as a wight herself [s05e08]
    • Johnna and another girl, Karsi's daughters, who escaped before the start of the Massacre at Hardhome [s05e08, s05e09]
  • Loboda, a Thenn who refused to ally with Jon Snow and Tormund Giantsbane, killed trying to fight a white walker in the Massacre at Hardhome [s05e08]
  • Wun Wun, a giant living among the free folk, chose to ally with Jon Snow and Tormund Giantsbane and later escaped with them after the Massacre at Hardhome, returned to Castle Black to help Edd Tollett arrest the traitors who killed Jon Snow, died after sustaining many arrow wounds in the Battle of the Bastards
  • Dim Dalba, a chieftain who survived the Massacre at Hardhome and agreed to join Jon Snow's campaign to re-take Winterfell 

Other beings beyond-the-Wall
-"The Children of the Forest", the original inhabitants of Westeros, a small and magical people thought to have first carved faces in the weirwood trees to represent their gods, created the White Walkers in their wars against the First Men, but the White Walkers turned against their creators and eventually exterminated them thousands of years later in the cave of "the 3-eyed Raven"

  • Leaf, escorted Bran Stark to the 3-eyed Raven's cave after the wight attack which killed Jojen Reed, sacrificed herself helping Bran escape the cave when it was attacked by the army of the Night King

-"The 3-eyed Raven", an ancient and very powerful seer who chose Bran Stark as his apprentice, first appeared to Bran Stark and Jojen Reed in their dreams as a raven and guided Bran through visions to his cave beneath a weirwood, killed by the Night King after the Night King saw Bran and marked him to be hunted
-The White Walkers, creatures who thrive in ice and snow and bring the cold with them, originally created by the Children of the Forest, but they turned against the Children, the First Men, and all other living animals, killing them and raising corpses in an army of the dead during the Long Night, they have recently re-awakened after thousands of years

  • The Night King, leader of the White Walkers, with the power to both raise corpses as wights for their army and transform live human babies into new White Walkers, now the rider of a wight-dragon formerly known as Viserion, slain in the Battle of the Long Night by Arya Stark

The Faith Militant
-"The High Sparrow", a former cobbler turned  ascetic holy man who traveled to King's Landing to tend to the needy and attack the corruption in the Faith of the Seven and in the highest nobility, supported and given authorization to arm his followers by Queen Cersei, whom he later arrested for her many sins, and held prisoner until she repented of her affair with Brother Lancel, he then released her to await trial on all of the charges against following a walk of atonement, killed in the wildfire explosion of the Great Sept of Baelor

  • Brother Lancel, formerly known as Ser Lancel Lannister, reborn in the light of the Seven after being injured in the Battle of the Blackwater, helped depose the false and hypocritical High Septon and arrest the sinner Loras Tyrell, a witness against his cousin Queen Cersei after confessing to their affair and the slaying of King Robert I Baratheon, killed in the wildfire explosion of the Great Sept of Baelor
  • Brother Boake, a devotee who escorted Queen Cersei on her visit to Queen Margaery, before Cersei's own arrest, presumably killed in the wildfire explosion of the Great Sept of Baelor [s05e07]
  • Brother Loras, formerly known as Ser Loras Tyrell, a reformed sinner who eventually confessed his crimes and dedicated himself to the Seven after his arrest and imprisonment, shortly thereafter killed in the wildfire explosion of the Great Sept of Baelor
  • Septa Unella, Queen Cersei's holy escort, guard and confessor after her arrest, led the shaming of Cersei on her walk of atonement, held prisoner by Cersei after the death of the High Sparrow, to be tortured by Ser Gregor Clegane, presumed killed by the end of the Second Sack of King's Landing

The Brotherhood Without Banners
-Lord Beric Dondarrion, formed the brotherhood after being sent by Eddard Stark to execute Gregor Clegane, killed and resurrected at least 6 times, led the Brotherhood north after he and Thoros saw the true enemy in the flames, where they took part in Jon Snow's quest to capture a wight, after which he stayed at Eastwatch and escaped with Tormund Giantsbane when the Night King breached the Wall, went to the Last Hearth and then Winterfell after the Wall fell, killed there, for the final time, in The Battle of the Long Night
-Thoros of Myr, a red priest of the Lord of Light, sent to Westeros on a mission of conversion and instead became a drinking companion of King Robert I, fought for King Robert I in the Greyjoy Rebellion and was the first man through the walls of Pyke, part of Lord Beric's original expedition to kill Gregor Clegane, resurrected Beric at least 6 times, froze to death beyond the Wall after being mauled by a wight-bear during the hunt to capture a wight
-Anguy, the brotherhood's best archer, originally from the southern Stormlands like Lord Beric, current status unknown
-Lem "Lemoncloak", an outlaw who threatened Brother Ray's community, hanged with two accomplices by Sandor Clegane under the direction of Beric and Thoros  [s06e07, s06e08]
-Gatins, a rogue member who participated in Lem's massacre of Brother Ray's community, killed by Sandor Clegane [s06e07, s06e08]
-Sandor Clegane, called "the Hound", once captured by the Brotherhood and defeated Lord Beric in trial-by-combat, later gravely injured in a fight with Brienne of Tarth and saved by Brother Ray, invited to join the Brotherhood after bringing justice to the rogue members who murdered Brother Ray, took part in Jon Snow's quest to capture a wight and escorted it to the parley at the Dragonpit in King's Landing, came to Winterfell and survived the Battle of the Long Night, then traveled again with Arya Stark to return south for revenge, only to warn her to save herself before he was killed in the Second Sack of King's Landing, plunging into fire after fighting his brother

The Citadel of Oldtown
-Archmaester Ebrose, a maester learned in healing and the study of anatomy, also working on a book about The War of Five Kings

  • Samwell "Sam" Tarly, an acolyte who served Archmaester Ebrose and performed other menial tasks, sent by the Night's Watch to replace Maester Aemon and learn about the White Walkers, only to desert the Citadel without forging a chain

-Maester Weyland, an alcoholic maester whose corpse was examined by Archmaester Ebrose and the acolyte Sam [s07e01]
-Archmaester Pylos, wrote a book about the treatment of greyscale but died after being infected himself in the course of his work [s07e02]

The Hilltribes of the Vale
-Shagga, son of Dolf, chieftain of the tribe of the Stone Crows

  • Gunthor, another member of the Stone Crows [s01e09]

-Timett, son of Timett, ruler of the tribe of the Burned Men [s01e08]
-Chella, daughter of Cheyk, leader of the tribe of the Black Ears [s01e08]
-Ulf, chief of the tribe of the Moon Brothers [s01e09]
-the tribe of the Painted Dogs, leader unknown [s01e09]

Other Groups in Essos

The Dothraki horselords
-Khal Drogo, an undefeated warlord, son of Khal Bharbo and husband of Daenerys Targaryen, euthanized by Daenerys after suffering an infected wound

  • Rhaego, his son by Daenerys, killed in the womb by Mirri Maz Duur

-Khal Savo, late husband of the high priestess of the Dosh Khaleen
-The dosh khaleen, the widows of fallen khals residing in Vaes Dothrak, prophesied that Rhaego would be the Stallion Who Mounts The World, now following the Unburnt, with all the Dothraki tribes, after witnessing her conquest over the Khals during the Khalar Vezhven
-Mago, a rider in Khal Drogo's khalasar, killed in a duel with Drogo [s01e08]
-Qotho, bloodrider to Khal Drogo, killed in a duel with Jorah Mormont [s01e09]
-Rakharo, bloodrider to Daenerys Targaryen, son of a bloodrider who served Khal Drogo's father Bharbo, killed by a rival khal
-Aggo, bloodrider to Daenerys Targaryen, sent on a southeast route to find shelter, unseen since [s02e01]
-Kovarro, bloodrider to Daenerys Targaryen, one of her surviving Dothraki after the murder of the others in the city of Qarth, presumably killed before or during the Battle of the Long Night
-Malakho, an aged warrior following Daenerys Targaryen, one of her surviving Dothraki after the murder of the others in the city of Qarth, presumably killed before or during the Battle of the Long Night
-Irri, a handmaiden who taught Daenerys the Dothraki language, killed in the home of Xaro Xhoan Daxos in Qarth
-Khal Jhaqo, an enemy of Daenerys Targaryen, possibly the killer of Rakharo, presumably killed when Daenerys lit the dosh khaleen's temple afire during the Khalar Vezhven [s02e02, s06e04]
-Khal Pono, an enemy of Daenerys Targaryen, possibly the killer of Rakharo, presumably killed when Daenerys lit the dosh khaleen's temple afire during the Khalar Vezhven [s02e02, s06e04]
-Khal Moro, captured Daenerys Targaryen and decided to escort her to Vaes Dothrak to join the dosh khaleen, killed when Daenerys lit the dosh khaleen's temple afire during the Khalar Vezhven
-Khal Rhalko, a khal who wished to taste Daenerys Targaryen, killed when Daenerys lit the dosh khaleen's temple afire during the Khalar Vezhven [s06e04]
-Ahko, one of the riders in Khal Moro's khalasar who initially captured Daenerys Targaryen, killed by Daario Naharis in Vaes Dothrak
-Qhono, one of the riders in Khal Moro's khalasar who initially captured Daenerys Targaryen, and escorted her to Vaes Dothrak, now following the Unburnt, with all the Dothraki tribes, after witnessing her conquest over the Khals during the Khalar Vezhven, died fighting at Winterfell in the Battle of the Long Night

In the free city of Pentos
-Illyrio Mopatis, a magister, once sheltered Viserys and Daenerys Targaryen, helped arrange Khal Drogo's marriage to Daenerys, a friend and partner of Varys the Spider

In the city of Qarth
-Xaro Xhoan Daxos, former King of Qarth, a title he took by conspiring with Pyat Pree against their fellow Thirteen as well as against Queen Daenerys I, jailed in his own vault and left for dead by Daenerys Targaryen

  • Doreah, Xaro's consort, a traitor against Daenerys Targaryen, formerly her handmaiden, jailed along with Xaro

-The Thirteen, former rulers of Qarth, killed by Xaro Xhoan Daxos and Pyat Pree

  • Pyat Pree, one of the Thirteen, a warlock, killed by dragonfire inside the House of the Undying, at the command of Daenerys Targaryen
  • The Spice King, one of the Thirteen, a very rich trader, killed by Pyat Pree
  • The Silk King & The Copper King, rich merchants who declined help to Daenerys Targaryen, killed by Pyat Pree [s02e06, s02e07]

-Quaithe, a masked shadowbinder from Asshai who gave cryptic warnings to Jorah Mormont

In the city of Astapor in Slaver's Bay
-Kraznys, a slave master, seller of the Unsullied, killed by dragonfire at the command of Daenerys Targaryen
-Greizhen, a slave master, killed by the Unsullied at the command of Daenerys Targaryen [s03e03, s03e04]
-Cleon, self-styled King of Astapor, formerly a butcher, presumed killed when the slavers re-took Astapor [s04e05]
-The Good Masters, slavers and traditional rulers of Astapor, re-conquered Astapor in the absence of Daenerys Targaryen, and funded the Sons of the Harpy in alliance with Yunkai and with support from Volantis

  • Yezzan zo Qaggaz, a lowborn slave master who bought Jorah Mormont at auction to be used in the fighting pits, represented the Good Masters in negotiations with Tyrion Lannister, spared by the forces of Daenerys Targaryen at the Battle of Meereen and sent to give word of the Masters' defeat there

In the city of Yunkai in Slaver's Bay
-Mero of Braavos, called "The Titan’s Bastard", former co-captain of the Second Sons, killed by Daario Naharis [s03e08]
-Prendahl na Ghezn, former co-captain of the Second Sons, killed by Daario Naharis [s03e08]
-The Wise Masters, slavers and original rulers of Yunkai, re-conquered Yunkai in the absence of Daenerys Targaryen, and funded the Sons of the Harpy in alliance with Astapor and with support from Volantis

  • Razdal mo Eraz, a slave master who attempted to bribe Queen Daenerys I, represented the Wise Masters in negotiations with Tyrion Lannister, killed by Grey Worm during the Battle of Meereen after breaking his pact with Tyrion Lannister

In the city of Meereen in Slaver's Bay
-Hizdahr zo Loraq, a nobleman whose father was crucified on the orders of Daenerys Targaryen, forcibly betrothed to Daenerys Targaryen after she decided to re-open the Meereenese fighting pits, killed by the Sons of the Harpy in the Fighting Pit of Daznak
-Zala, a young girl said to have been killed by Daenerys Targaryen's black-and-red dragon, Drogon [s04e10]
-Mighdal, a slave master [s04e10]

  • Fennesz, a freedman who chose to return to his former master, Mighdal, as an indentured servant [s04e10]
  • Calla, a daughter or granddaughter of Mighdal, tutored by Fennesz [s04e10]

-Mossador, a former slave in Meereen who took part in the revolt against the masters to join Queen Daenerys I, executed after killing a member of "the Sons of the Harpy" before the prisoner could stand trial
-Malko, captain of a slaving ship, captured Jorah Mormont and Tyrion Lannister to sell into slavery near Meereen [s05e06, s05e07]
-Vala, a prostitute who conspired with the Sons of the Harpy until paid to inform on them by Varys, sent to Pentos by Varys

  • Dom, her sickly son [s06e03]

-Kinvara, High Priestess of the Red Temple in Volantis, recruited by Tyrion Lannister to help spread the word of the Mother of Dragons [s06e05]

In the free city of Braavos
-The Iron Bank, a powerful bank to which the Iron Throne is in considerable debt

  • Tycho Nestoris, a banker who loaned gold to King Stannis I Baratheon [s04e06, s05e09]

-The Faceless Men of Braavos, an association of face-changing assassins

  • "The Waif", an acolyte and rival of Arya Stark, sent to kill Arya and killed by her instead

-"The Thin Man", a shipping insurance provider targeted by the Faceless Men after allegedly cheating the widow of one of his customers
-Braavosi brothel workers

  • Lhara, a whore who entertained Salladhor Saan and patronized Arya Stark when she was disguised as a seller of shellfish
  • Brusco, a guard in the establishment where Lhara works [s05e09]
  • Brea, a whore rejected by Ser Meryn Trant [s05e09]
  • Anara, said to be the most expensive girl in the brothel where she, Lhara, & Brea work, but nonetheless rejected by Ser Meryn Trant during his first visit [s05e09]

-A theater troupe

  • Lady Crane, an actress playing Cersei Lannister in the play "The Bloody Hand", killed by the Waif after being spared by Arya Stark and nursing Arya back to health
  • Bianca, a resentful actress playing Sansa Stark in the play "The Bloody Hand", her face disfigured by Lady Crane [s06e05, s06e06]
  • Bonobo, an actor playing Tyrion Lannister in the play "The Bloody Hand" 
  • Camello, an actor playing Ned Stark in the play "The Bloody Hand" [s06e05, s06e06]
  • Clarenzo, an actor playing Joffrey Baratheon in the play "The Bloody Hand" 
  • Izembaro, the writer and director of "The Bloody Hand", also played Robert Baratheon and Tywin Lannister in the play 

In the free city of Volantis
-Belicho Paenymion, represented the Triarchs of Volantis in negotiations with Tyrion Lannister, after they allegedly helped Astapor and Yunkai support the Sons of the Harpy, killed by Grey Worm during the Battle of Meereen after breaking his pact with Tyrion Lannister [s06e04, s06e09]

Deities and their devotees
-The Seven: Father, Smith, Warrior, Mother, Maiden, Crone & Stranger, also called The New Gods or the Seven-Who-Are-One, imported to Westeros by Andal crusaders, now the predominant religion of Westeros, except in the North and the Iron Islands; the Faith is centered at the Great Sept of Baelor in King's Landing and presided over by the High Septon, their clergy are called septons, with women serving as septas, who often attend to the decent upbringing of ladies, or in the order of the Silent Sisters, who follow vows of silence and attend to the dead, the Faith was forcibly disarmed by the Targaryens and made subservient to the crown, but the Faith Militant have been re-formed as an independent army with the permission of Queen Cersei
-The Old Gods, the most ancient gods in Westeros said to predate the age of the First Men, these are nameless deities mostly worshiped in Northern Westeros, represented by heart trees with carved faces believed to be marked by the legendary Children of the Forest, this religion has no priestly caste
-R'hllor, the Lord of Light, also known as "the Red God", believed to be constantly at war with The God of Darkness, R'hllor's red priests and priestesses are known for their affinity with fire and seeing visions in the flames; a major religion in Essos only recently established in Westeros through the miracles of Thoros of Myr and Melisandre of Asshai
-The Drowned God, a god of the sea and rebirth dating back to the First Men, worshiped on the Iron Islands where it's believed the Drowned God created ironborn to reave, rape and conquer, their priests are called the Drowned Men, and true devotees are born again by being drowned in the sea and then quickly resuscitated by the Drowned Men
-The Great Stallion, a god of the Dothraki, who believe in omens delivered by the dosh khaleen, and that a warrior killed in an honorable death lives on with his ancestors after being cremated with the corpse of his horse, in an afterlife called the Nightlands 
-The Great Shepherd, a god of the Lhazareen, who are called "the Lamb Men" by the Dothraki [s01e08, s01e10]
-The Many-Faced God, a god of death represented and encompassed by all other religions, served by the Faceless Men of Braavos

Edited by Lady S.
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