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Shadowjack watches Sailor Moon recap series: I am the terror that trips in the night!

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A topic about Shadowjack's awesome, insightful, and often hilarious In-Which-I-Watch Sailor Moon illustrated episode recaps on RPG.net (based on the original Japanese episodes, NOT the US dubs, thank goodness!). 


What I enjoy the most about his recaps are his own interpretations on the Senshi - Sailor Moon isn't an airhead, Sailor Venus is restored to the awesome, complex character she was in the manga rather than a watered-down Sailor Moon lookalike she was in the TV series, etc.


Links to all recaps - http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/2133352/shadowjack.html

(So far, he's done Sailor Moon Classic, Sailor Moon R, and Sailor Moon S, and he's starting SuperS; he's also done CodeName Sailor V manga and the first Sailor Moon manga arc)


First recap thread, with other user discussion: http://forum.rpg.net/showthread.php?468442-In-Which-I-Watch-Sailor-Moon


This recap series even has its own TVTropes page:  http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Script/ShadowjackWatchesSailorMoon

This is a great series. I even joined those forums just to read them and get notifications on the threads. It's great discussion. Shadowjack has a real appreciation for the series and it really made me feel like I was watching them again for the first time. The comics he does are also adorable and touching too.

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