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Boruto: Naruto Next Generations - General Discussion

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The next generation sequel to Naruto and Naruto Shippuden. Please spoiler tag anything that hasn't aired in the U.S.


Latest episode: The class rep. turns out to be the mysterious bad guy! She unleashes a snake/tiger/ape monster that's going to suck all the chakra, and then detonate, destroying the village. Naturally Boruto wants to stop her without killing her.

Edited by Sandman87
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The cold open, in brief:

Boruto: You know who's behind the Ghost stuff?

Mitsuki: Indeed. It is . . . the class rep.

Boruto: I KNEW IT WAS YO- . . . wait, what?

Mitsuki: She was present in most of the cases of outbursts. She may have feigned injury to throw any suspicion off of her.

Boruto: But . . . she's the class rep! She couldn't possible be the cause! She makes my mother at her age look like my mother as she is today!

Mitsuki: I'm going to ask you: how well do you know her? What is her name?

Boruto: It's . . . it's . . . .oh, shit . . .

Mitsuki: [waiting patiently]

Boruto: Class . . . Rep . . .

Mitsuki: [facepalm]

Boruto: [sweatdrop] Kun. Class Rep-Kun.

Mitsuki: Right. You're lucky you're the protagonist, and that me and Sarada will be put on the same squad as you to make sure you don't act like your father did at your age.

Boruto: Wait, why would we be teamed up?

Mitsuki: Boruto, do you even watch the opening credits? Why do you think we are grouped together.

Boruto: Huh. Now that you mention it, it would've made more sense to have us kids fooling around in general, especially since Sarada hasn't had much screentime.

Mitsuki: Mysteries do abound.

Another mystery: how can you tell how much older ex-Hokage Kakashi has gotten with the same hair and mask? It's also funny that he has the mask etched on his portrait on Hokage Rock.

Downside: Naruto getting into his Flaming Orange God Mode, only for Kakashi to wave that off. With all the filler over on Naruto, it'll be ages before we naturally progress to that.

@Sandman87 . . . is it too nitpicky if I try to have the title changed to "Boruto: Naruto Next Generations"?

Edited by Lantern7
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"For the love of Ninja Jesus, 'Class Rep' is my position! Does anyone know my name?!? And yes, I'll take 'Unleasher of Deadly Legendary Pokemon'!"

Boruto takes at least one kunai to the side preventing Mitsuki and Sumire from attacking each other. The acorn didn't fall that far from the tree.

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Hey, its Adult Rock Lee! And he’s still insane! Naturally, he’s Metal’s father. The way the kid looks, I’d expect Rock had reproduced asexually, because they look alike. Also, any woman would probably be shook apart from the rigorous lovemaking.

Edited by Lantern7
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I wonder if Rock Lee did a lot of "training" for sex. I wonder if he announced everything he was going to do before he did it. "Now I must do that 10,000 times in 10 minutes!"

Did we really need yet another after-school special moral about the importance of helping one another?

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Not much time to talk. Anyone see Sarada’s little adventure? She’s the daughter of Sakura and Sasuke . . . and you can basically hear the loud record scratch, right? And apparently, her parents had at least one date, which didn’t last long. Also, Sakura looks the same except for the purple diamond on her forehead, which probably denotes a doctoral status. Ino mostly looks the same. Chocho continues to be Best Girl. At this early point in the series (still on the first opening credits), who else could it be?

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49 minutes ago, Lantern7 said:

She’s the daughter of Sakura and Sasuke . . . and you can basically hear the loud record scratch, right?

Well, considering that they basically spoil that whole thing (which I previously called btw) in the closing credits, it's not much of a record scratch.

51 minutes ago, Lantern7 said:

And apparently, her parents had at least one date, which didn’t last long.

I suspect that "date" in this context means that Sasuke got lucky while he was unconscious from his injuries.

49 minutes ago, Lantern7 said:

Also, Sakura looks the same except for the purple diamond on her forehead, which probably denotes a doctoral status.

Tsunade has one of those diamond things too. When Pain attacked the village it turned out to be some sort of massive chakra storage thingy.

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The latest episode starts with a flashback to the time that Boruto's little sister kicked both his and Naruto's asses. Eventually, father-son bonding occurs over ramen. Basically a breather episode, which makes me suspect that some kind of heavy drama is coming soon.

Edited by Sandman87
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Finally caught the episode. We’re the flashbacks from a movie? I think the animation was better and smoother. If you were in a theater, you probably felt Naruto’s pain getting one-shotted by little Himawari. That day, he and Boruto learned not to piss her off.

Cute bonding episode with father and son, with a eating contest between Choji and Chocho thrown in. Oh, and Hinata owns the ramen-eating record at Ichiraku’s. Odd, but cute.

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Basically, this is the first season finale of South Park, only Sarada knows who her dad is. No, she's doubting if Sakura is her mom. Given her first spotlight episode with the Ino/Sakura conversation, we know Sakura and Sasuke were (*snicker*chortle*) a couple at one point. But the mother might be the nutty red-headed chippie from Team Taka.

Cute scenes of father/kid bonding to drive under Sarada's nails. As much as I like Chocho, Sarada would have within her rights to throttle her. "He's not your dad?!? You're both heavy! You both can do Partial Expansion!! I know you might be Best Girl, but that's only because the most noteworthy female genin are me, you, and the purple-haired one we keep calling 'Class Rep'!!"

Nice to see Rock Lee is every bit as kooky an instructor as Might Guy was. And Metal looks like he wants to make him happy.

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3 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

Basically, this is the first season finale of South Park, only Sarada knows who her dad is. No, she's doubting if Sakura is her mom.

I knew it! Sasuke is a hermaphrodite! Now all we need is Sadara yelling "MY FATHER IS NOT ON THE COVER OF MAKE-OUT TACTICS 4!"

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Realization: Chocho is basically Lumpy Space Princess.

Oh, and Sarada finally meets her dad. . . and he thinks she's the enemy. In his defense, he encountered a weirdo kid with the Sharrigan . . . as did Sarada. On the bright side, Naruto went into Hyper Orange God Mode for the first time in this series. Apparently, he and Kurama can chat each other up now.

Did anybody else think Boruto was lying about giving lunch to his dad, and that it was an exploding package or something as mischievous?

On 3/1/2019 at 3:10 AM, Sandman87 said:

I knew it! Sasuke is a hermaphrodite! Now all we need is Sadara yelling "MY FATHER IS NOT ON THE COVER OF MAKE-OUT TACTICS 4!"

Did you watch "200" and/or "201"? It would've been loads funnier if Comedy Central hadn't aired the latter episode just the one time, and that I missed it. I wound up having to watch years later on a DVD. Oh, and great image of Sasuke on the cover of the local version of porn.

Edited by Lantern7
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Saw last week's episode. Naruto and Sasuke are scary powerful. Sarada still has questions about her parentage. Sasuke is still catnip to teen girls, if Chocho is any indication. And while there's a chance Sakura might not be Sarada's mother, she is her mom. Seriously, the big guys are getting thwarted by a guy who take Danzo's love of Sharrigan collection to the next level, and she just bum rushes him. Beautiful.

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Based on what we've seen so far, I'm going to guess that the bad guy has been cloning himself, and I don't mean Shadow Clones. That would explain the army of identical children. It would also explain where he's been getting all of his extra Sharingan eyes despite the scarcity of Uchiha.

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"Sarada . . . Sakura Haruno is NOT your mother!!!!!!" Cue audience "wiling out" and Sarada sobbing, as pips (for lack of a better terms) pop up in her developing Sharingan. Also, Orochimaru is alive, and Naruto and Sasuke are not trying to kill him

Poor Sarada. I'm guessing that Sasuke loves Sakura . . . or at least has feelings beyond "meh." Either Sakura is/was infertile, or Karin died as she gave birth to Sarada, her final act of loyalty for her eternal crush. Maybe both.

Anyway, Shin Uchiha is one of Orochimaru's old "friends," so the gang is going to play him a visit and rescue Sakura. Chocho is going with them because why not at this point? She's not that self-centered . . . she did offer potato chips to Sasuke and Sarada to try and break the tension

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Flipped around tonight. Saw bits of tonight’s episode. Turns out Karin handled the umbilical cord, so Sakura is probably is Sarada’s mother. Sarada having monster strength seals the deal. Also, it turns out the guy who comforted a sick Chocho . . . was Choji. But she wasn’t being totally dramatic, because Choji had lost a lot of weight at that time, and he different from his plumper self. Y’know, the whole food pill/butterfly thing he did in the Sasuke Rescue arc.

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Some really nice animation in the latest episode. Sakura's fight with Shin is worth a re-watch in slow motion. Watch carefully and you can see where she places the explosive tag on the column before she throws it.

Now that Kabuto has a new family of Shins, does that include the giant one?

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Nice to see that the only ninja in existence who has any common sense is now the Kage of the Hidden Cloud Village. Recall that back when he was one of the ninja who had to chase after Killer Bee in Shippuden, he decided to go downstairs and use the front door instead of leaping out of the window.

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Man, Gaara looks so adult now. I think it's the voice . . . both him and Naruto had the same voices as kids, but the gravely tone works better for a grown man.

I feel bad for Boruto, even though he's a brat. Everything Naruto did was on a path to become Hokage. I don't think having kids was in his original mission statement. Also, you figure an epic ninja war really distracted him from the full impact of Hinata confessing her love for him.

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Thinking about Sarada volunteering Boruto to lead the field trip, while he's gagged and suspended upside-down . . .

Imogen: Wow, Sarada! That took a lot of guts!

Sarada: (slight blush) Thanks . . . but it was just to tick him off.

Shikadai: No, what Imogen means is that we've given Boruto responsibility. BOR-U-TO.

Sarada: Wait, you think I made a mistake?

Denki: Don't sweat it! All we did was try to make him responsible. Aside from Shino-Sensai leaning on him harder, it's figurehead position.

Sarada: You're right. There's no way this could backfire on us!

[cut to black; "Temptation Sensation" plays, as the title card appears: "Boruto Gets His Entire Class Killed"]

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Just curious if everyone here watched the Village Hidden In The Mist arc. At least Boruto made a new friend, albeit one way too dedicated to his sadistic sensei. The follow-up had Boruto trying to find sweets to give to Himawari to make up for not getting her a gift. In the end, Boruto gets the prize, but he comes clean to his little sister. She should understand. One day, she'll be a tween, and her life will be endangered enough times where she forgets promises.

ETA: Cute moment . . . Boruto and Mitsuki are at the dingy shop. Mitsuki touches a mushroom, and his finger turns bright red and swells up. His reaction: "Well, I shouldn't have done that." Apparently, not even a severe and immediate allergic reaction phases him.

Edited by Lantern7
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I was kind of hoping that Boruto would fail to find the souvenir, so that his sister would actually kill him. Then the show could focus on all the characters who aren't obnoxious spoiled brats.

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@Sandman87 . . . harsh. I’m good with Boruto, even if a good number of his classmates are more interesting. Also, it gets annoying to hear would-be enemies assume he’s spoiled. Sure, compared to his father, the orphan, but it’s not like he’s been floating through life.

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Another fluff story. This time, Boruto gets the main cast of kids on a quest for a mythical fish. I think Plan A involved hiking in the woods for two days until they found a dead body. .  .but these kids are gonna be ninjas. In a few years, they're going to be ass-deep in dead bodies.

Why did Sarada go? It beats staying at home, going online and seeing hateful posts about her mother. Here's one I've seen, paraphrased: "Sakura sucks so hard, no wonder she birthed a Uchiha that needs glasses."

And Sumire is still known mainly as "Class Rep." On the bright side, she's got her inner monster miniaturized and able to reinforce objects.

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21 hours ago, Sandman87 said:

How unsportsmanlike is it that the kids break out all of their ninja skills to go fishing? That's roughly the equivalent of using dynamite.

I think of the fish more like a Magikarp. Ninjutsu would be permissible in that situation.

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Kakashi: "Boruto, you're a spoiled brat who's never had to work to succeed. Everything has either come easily to you, or been handed to you. You've never struggled or been defeated, or lost anyone close to you. And yet, for some reason I keep saying how much like your father you are, even though he had to go through all of that crap I just mentioned. Despite that, I'm not buying into your Mary Sue portrayal on this show. Now come over here and get your ass beaten."

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I regret to say that he hasn't. But maybe that just means that he can do 20,000 Years of Death when he gets around to it. (That's like 1000 years, but with all 10 fingers and all 10 toes.)

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On 6/23/2019 at 9:24 PM, Sandman87 said:

Kakashi: "Boruto, you're a spoiled brat who's never had to work to succeed. Everything has either come easily to you, or been handed to you. You've never struggled or been defeated, or lost anyone close to you. And yet, for some reason I keep saying how much like your father you are, even though he had to go through all of that crap I just mentioned. Despite that, I'm not buying into your Mary Sue portrayal on this show. Now come over here and get your ass beaten."

I caught that episode and the following, and I still don't feel that vibe. The kid is brash, but I don't see him as a Gary Sue. And his attitude towards his father is understandable. Consider: if Naruto's ultimate goal as a child was to become Hokage, and he wound up on a path where that title would be his . . . why did he have Boruto with Hinata? Or Hiumawari? Being Hokage more or less means being the father to all its people.

The test wraps up, with the cadets managing to fight Kakashi to a standstill. Okay, he probably would have broken their arms and legs within five seconds if that had been an actual battle, but it was still impressive. I can understand everyone pointing out the times Boruto helped them can grate, but I don't really consider it that bad since he wasn't within Gary Stu parameters. Please bare in mind that stuff in my brain might make sense there and only there. Your mileage may vary.

Oh, and the kids defeated Shino, Anko and Konahamaru. And we got the see some of the tactics of the background kids. I'm guessing Denki's deal is sealing jutsu? Anko fights with snakes . . . appropriate, given what Orochimaru did to her. I don't think he was responsible for the weight gain, though.

BTW, anyone else tickled that graduating from the Academy doesn't mean one would have to become a ninja? Like it would look good on a college resume or something.

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Last week: the newly-minted genin are assigned teams. We discover there are more female ninjas than Sarade, Chocho and Class Rep-kun, and two of them are grouped with the latter for an all-female team. Apparently, the "two boys/one girl" format was phased out, as also shown with Metal/Denki/Iwabee. Shikidai/Chocho/Injojin get lumped together because family tradition. And that leaves Sarada with Boruto, which she's not thrilled about. I mean, the kid is mostly improv, and he could be a liability, but he wasn't as bratty as his dad when he was that age. That's a quest to get to Lord Seven to file a complaint, a battle with Konahamaru's cousin wielding Asuma's blades (was her mom the one voiced by The Major?), and Sarada and Boruto make peace with being on the same team. And they get Mintuski, who is remarkably patient, as he has to provide a bridge for the final battle.

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I get the impression that the opening theme they're using is starting partway into the song in the English version, like maybe they chopped off the intro.

"Are you my mother, or my father?" was hilarious. It makes a little more sense if you've watched the original Japanese versions of his various appearances in the franchise, because O-chan tends to refer to himself with sexually ambivalent language. Even here he refers to himself as "parent", rather than "mother" or "father."

6 hours ago, Terrafamilia said:

Am I to conclude that Orochimaru actually has something somewhat resembling a heart?

One could argue that he's mellowed with age, similar to the way that Hinata's father has. Or maybe he's just being his usual snakey self.

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On 7/14/2019 at 5:40 PM, Terrafamilia said:

Am I to conclude that Orochimaru actually has something somewhat resembling a heart?

Sure. He’s got a heart. He’s got a dozen hearts, still beating, contained in a sub-basement. As much as you’d want a villain to reform, dude was beyond dangerous in his prime. And I’m convinced his Curse Mark is the main reason Anko has plumped up.

On 7/15/2019 at 12:54 AM, Sandman87 said:

I get the impression that the opening theme they're using is starting partway into the song in the English version, like maybe they chopped off the intro.

Here’s the full version:

BTW, is Hinata strictly a housewife/mom these days? I’m guessing she can still keep up with her contemporaries. Maybe she’s staying close to home to raise Himawari.

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The Byakuya Gang starts the Occupy Konoha movement to shame that filthy one-percenter, Denki, and Shikadai gets the cold shoulder. What a drag.

Ryōgi is shown to have both dead daddy and dead mommy drama. Isn't that how it always starts?

Edited by Terrafamilia
spelling is good
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